Tonstad39 Oct 3, 2016 So, when cyebernetics technology is perfected, do you see yourself getting implants?
Tonstad39 Sep 10, 2016 As an amateur content creator on YouTube, I fucken hate youtube's copyright system!
Tonstad39 Sep 9, 2016 So, what piece(s) of current technology that you own do you thing will still work in 30+ years?
Tonstad39 Sep 6, 2016 So difficult to do homework when you need a computer to do it &I said computer has access to the Internet!
So difficult to do homework when you need a computer to do it &I said computer has access to the Internet!
Tonstad39 Sep 2, 2016 What's a good foreign language for youtube videos? (I plan on becomming fluent in a foreign language so)
What's a good foreign language for youtube videos? (I plan on becomming fluent in a foreign language so)
Tonstad39 Aug 29, 2016 As someone who want to become fluent in a foreign language, what's a decent non-English language YouTube channel to reccomend to me?
As someone who want to become fluent in a foreign language, what's a decent non-English language YouTube channel to reccomend to me?