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  • Well, that doesn't nicely mean that it can't taste good by default.
    I never follow the instructions on the macaroni box. XD
    • w•)b
    Homework is boring.
    And I'm sure your cookies will be, liek, delicious, and now I want cookies.
    Dang it.
    Cooking will taste good usually if you follow the instructions.
    Well, good thing it still works! And that it's fixable.
    I still love those noses too much.
    Well, my computer is dumb and it works fine.
    It's not an unsafe file either, nothing's happened to my computer.
    It could work.

    Oh really now? :3 Derp.
    Well, I don't think they would, but I've had people be like that for other things.
    Anyways, I can't wait to pester my mom into taking me to get fabric so we can make my hat. XD
    Speaking of pestering, do you have pesterchum?
    I just hope she isn't a dumb butt or unlikeable for many possible reasons.
    Oh yeah! I gave my science partner\friend-ish thing a link to it, so maybe she'll read it!!!
    And tomorrow I get to meet my friend's (one of the two at a different school) friend tomorrow!!
    So excited! And apparently she likes Homestuck! Though apparently she's only 2000 pages in, and I dunno if the trolls were even introduced by then. )o:
    Out of all my friends and good acquaints, I have gotten one person to read Homestuck, and.he's current now, I think. I am too. Anyways, other than at least five in the anime club (and I don't know their names even. YET.) there is only one other kid I know who likes it, because she owns at least two God tier sweatshirts and John's shirt. I complimented her clothing like once and that was it though. My freshman seminar, a class where we learn NOTHING, had a pie-throwing fundraiser and we made posters. On mine I drew John smashing a pie in humanoid Karkat's face. XD Maybe someone saw it and told their friends about Homestuck! Lol SPREADING AWARENESS!
    Yeah, they sell them for about $20 and you can find the links on Homestuck pages.
    But then there's shipping, so it would probably be less expensive to buy a shirt and print the design on a transfer (but make sure if it's a dark colored shirt the transfer is for a dark shirt and the opposite too. And ALWAYS READ THROUGH THE DIRECTIONS so you don't ruin 10 shirts).

    I would to but unless I was cosplaying people would probably be liek, "Y U HAVE HORNS? SATANIC!"
    My social studies teacher didn't like me last year and we had problems. He would "lose" things I turned in. He'd then say that he would look for it but he never did. And then came to the conclusion that I didn't turn things in, when I totally DID, and I'd have to redo things every once and a while. They'd never be big things, but it was always packets!! I have art next semester I can't wait. The only classes I like are science and English so far this year. I can't wait for new teachers, though I'm gonna miss my pyromaniac science teacher. He's funny and way better at teaching than my other teachers.
    Also since Hot Topic is way too expensive and my mom doesn't like buying me things ever I now am in possession of T-SHIRT TRANSFERS!!! So when I think of something I can slap it on a T-shirt. I haven't thought of anything yet. I want to make a Homestuck one but I'd have to take the time to inform my mom about it and the trolls (because it would no doubt have Gamzee or someone) without letting her read it and see all the swearing/weirdness XD
    XD Yeah, ninja clothes is pretty cool.
    I haven't designed much. I just draw pictures of things and show them to my mom. Then after countless hours of bugging her we'd go the store and get a pattern that looks similar enough to what I drew, and then alter the pattern a little because she does't know how to make patters. I have an idea of how to put them together, but she's always like, "No, let's get a pattern." and then I'm extremely picky and make her make it perfect. XD I forgot how to sew (we learned it in school a couple years ago) so I always have her make me stuff. But I haven't made much. I have a light blue bunny jacket like Otenki's and I lost a orange cat hat (I'm/my mom is going to make one like Nepeta's and the ears are gonna look like the horns.) I should probably learn how to sew because cosplaying is fun, and I'll find myself looking at people in manga and saying "Oh that _____ so cool I'd wear that!"
    Hmm, maybe you have a friend that likes sewing? You could be some magical PARTNERS! Or something. XD

    Haha, I always thought boots like that were silly.
    Lol, you should make ninja shoes and get everyone to wear those instead.
    They'd be silly but AMAZIN'
    Uwaaaaaa, if you're anything like that then you sound really interesting. :D
    Lol is tobi IN FASHION???
    I'm not. XD I has no sense.

    Yogi Bear XD
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