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  • That would be really cool, but then there would also be a growth in the Homestuck Haters Community. Or the people in my school always enjoy things through making fun of them, I think.
    Also I don't know how I'd feel about Homestuck being "mainstream" or whatever the heck you'd call it.
    And yeah, it probably wouldn't be as good.

    I live at least a half mile from my school, which I guess isn't terrible but I can't run that distance without stopping. :T

    I like cats. I pretend I'm married to my friend's greatly obese cat. XD Though we fight a lot, and there's been some problems that SHE is the cause of. MEOW.

    I dunno, I'm not making her hat, I'm making a cat-eared hat colored similarly.
    Sure. I'll keep that in mind.
    Great piece of info there.
    Don't want to walk into anymore serious burns or anything.
    You have become the master.
    Well I've got to eat but I'll say more.
    I just happened to be on a computer and had no clue when I'd ever get the chance again.
    Unless I've just taught you well and you said that to annoy me.
    I'd rub the flowers against my face everyday to remind me. XD

    Lol. Vriska.
    My patron is Tavbro. And it's not helping that I'm sorta like him and that I like Gamzee a lot because I totally don't believe in stars having anything to do with your personality, no offense if you do, but FORER. Out of all those freaking Naruto characters I don't share a birthday with anyone. The closest is Choji's dad, who's like the day before or something. :/

    I haven't read the new chapter XD
    I read the books when my library gets them. I haven't gone to the library in forever, and I think that I was still in the fifties in regards to volume number.
    Bluh bluh no fair. If someone else would, I'd totally dress up as a troll. We haven't had any sort of character day, or at least, I can't remember XD.
    I've found that at least three of my acquaintances are really into Homestuck, so I might if we have one... Though I honestly think that we would all want to be Gamzee. XD
    One of them has a Tavros shirt though.
    Yeah stairs would be quite of a bother. Maybe robot-legs Tavros??

    My mom left for school without me and I had to walk. >:/
    So I took my time. XD
    Oh, and also I should probably go to sleep soon.
    It's, ummm, 12:11 here?
    I'm pretty sure. I never know what time it is either. XD
    I hope I'm never a suspect for a crime, I'd never be able to come up with an alibi.
    "Miss, where were you at blah blah blah."
    " Uh,,, I,,, don't know."
    "Sorry, wha?"
    "I can't remember what time I was doing anything!"
    "It happened four hours ago."
    Well, I think that's better, because the same thing over and over again can become boring.

    I think that all those statements he said were jokes though?
    You can never tell with him. Augh, Hussie.

    Same here, sorta. Lol. I shall sit here and wait until like, wut, at least one of your birthdays comes to pass? Or however long, if ever.

    That does sound cool! And it would be easy to spot.
    I haven't ever given much thought to a car before, but that's probably because I have a tendency to space out and/or forget about things that will actually matter sometime, even though when it comes time to make decisions that are important like that, I'm always way too indecisive.
    Lol, I don't mind people excessively shipping or fangirling too much, I know this person who likes obsessing so like, I'm used to it. Which is why I told her to read Homestuck anyways. I don't think she's started, though, but she was all, "Is that the one with the little grey people?!" and so of course I said "YUSSSSSSSSSSS!".

    Huss said they were all the same height. XD But he also said that Gamzee was the shortest and that Sollux's full name was Solluxander, and lots of other things. But I think your height shouldn't matter too much. But being Gamzee and Kurloz together would be fun. :D
    Lol yeah, I'm not a creeper, but I'm so paranoid about things I assume people are too.

    We need to find a con someplace between here and Tobi land.
    Blurgh and I want soda. So thirsty and I never get that. Dr. Pepper is best.
    Yeah, I'll try to get some pictures, eventually when I'm actually gone. XD

    Lol, would that work? I think she'd spend all his money on lost bets. :P
    I myself am not very into shipping, so I'm sorry but I'm bad at discussing my practically non-existent ships, but it's okay if you talk about that stuff. I'll just be bad at talking about something like that.

    My friend told me that I looked like Gamzee today. I don't know how I feel about that. XD
    That reminds me, I really want to cosplay him someday but my only friend that's into Homestuck would never cosplay.
    I can't think of a non-creepy way of saying it but gosh I wish you lived by me.
    What I meant was that it was a real test but it was to promote the show.

    I got bored and I'm making a Gamzee and Tavros shirt. It's like the Adventure Time one when Finn's all like, I'm on a shirt! But instead it's sopor Gam being all sparkly eyed and he's saying, "I'm on a shirt miracles honk" and Tav is like, " uM, mE TOO,,,"
    Oh! I was looking around and there was a site and people were posting what they got.
    I found what the first test answer for me was.
    You are a principled independent, with a dark side.
    From the description from the first part I'd finished I'd say that it was accurate from what I remember.
    I would retake it now but apparently it was some part of a T.V. show thing? Like, hey you like this show, take a real test we'll analyze your think pan because it has something do do with the plot and you can pretend that this a a test for a real secret security bluh bluh bluh thing.
    And now it says that you can't take the test anymore because they found enough fake fake people for their fake fake program through the real test.
    So I don't see why they had to get rid of it!
    But it was a really interesting test, and I wanted to finish it!!!!
    Well, I was unable to do the whole thing but I got up to the one with the weird videos. For the first part I can't remember what I got, but the second half of it was "with a dark side." XD For the second one it didn't really say anything? But made me click on the next one so I dunno if I missed something.
    Anyways it said that I was either a part of 10% or 1% of the population of the U.S.
    I feel special now?
    I guess we'll see what some people are really like.

    And that's okay, I don't mind. Art is fun. o3o
    The bucket colors were just perfect!

    That would sorta be sad if people committed suicide. This world isn't ending soon. ._.
    *AN improvement. Gosh, phones.

    Okay, I was just saying how I saw a video and felt bad for the lady. XD
    Maybe I should've worded it like, " I kinda feel bad for that lady THOUGH, BECAUSE I saw..." or something.
    It was funny though. The purple sad bucket is Eri and he is jealous of yellow Solluxander bucket. Maybe the other one is Kanaya or Nepeta? :P

    PSH I'M LAME BEACAUSE I COMPLain and then say how I hate it when people whine about their lives.
    I know. I kinda feel bad for that lady, I saw a video where she was interviewed, and all the comments were from Homestucks. But it was still really funny though.

    And that's okay, I have no clue how often I'll be on while having the motivation to say anything.

    I just can't wait for a stinkin' break from school, but then again I guess chores aren't much of ands improvement. Why can't it be Christmas?! Although it's a fact I'm not going to get what I really want, ever. ._.

    Sorry I'm acting so lame...
    i thought we were friends
    it was just a rouse all along )o:
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