T o b i

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  • I do too.
    I hope we have some sudden blizzard, or the school starts on fire or that someone makes some sort of threat.
    I don't want to go. -_-|||
    Yeah, no problem! ^_^
    I just don't have any self-confidence in my explaining abilities because people usually don't understand what I'm trying to get at. :T

    Well if it's old your digital shading must be very good. ._.
    I still like the Tobi.
    The sign on her shirt turned out really wweird.
    Also the highlights on her hair.
    Not happy wwith those.

    But I don't think I can fix them.

    What I can fix is that pat of the picture was cut off when I scanned it.
    The hair thingy on the right side is missing a chunk.
    So I might re-scan it or somethign.
    Okay. I have photoshop elements , and that came wwith my tablet.
    They're probably similar, but I really don't know how to use it.

    Oh, snooooooww. I wwould like it more if it wweren't so cold.
    Aww glub!
    Wwhadaya mean, only tried!
    Those are beautiful. And that Tobi, howw do you even do that.
    Seriously I can't do digital art.
    What program did you use?

    I'm done wwith wwhat I made for you, but my brother wwas using the computer and I had no time to upload it!
    I'll have it tomorroww for sure.
    I dunno, it takes me forevver but it's something fun to do when you literally havve nothing else to be doing. And I havve no clue howw to do origami XD

    That'd be okay.
    Oh yeeaaahhh, I'm on a computer I could do somethin' wwith a tablet too.

    So wwhat wwould you like me to draww for you? And on/wwith wwhat?
    I havve wwatercolor, paints (which I nevver use), a tablet, and wwill probably have a sketchbook vvery soon.

    You could make me a Gam, Eri, Kankri, Tav, or something XD
    Yeah, it's really fun. Last day before break I dreww her a picture that wwas "from Eri" and "to Sol" and it wwas a really badly chibi and him and Sol standing around wwith a spade in betwween them. Sol had scribbles by his face and I drew an arroww pointing to them saying "Wweird psionic powwers" and Eri wwas sparking and there wwas a caption sayin' "I sparkle 'cuz I'm BEAUTIFUL".
    And it was just as beautiful as Eridan.
    I also drew a realistic Eridan, and I didn't have enough time for Solluxander :(

    You might havve to turn it sidewways and increase the size in an image editing program, and then you print it out, cut it out (don't cut the tabs!!) fold the tabs and on the dotted lines, then glue/tape it together. I use glue. Uh, I think I can find a link to a tutorial??
    And I have a bunch of other cutouts XD
    I posted. Sorry such a dumb post took forevver.
    I might, like, doodle you something. Evventually. Wwhen I have a sketchbook. Or, I could make you something wwith wwatercolor pencils right noww.
    Wwhat wwould you like.

    Lol typing like an idiot is fun, because I'm bored. Nyeh.
    Yes, I did, and why thank you!

    My acquaintance/friend decided that I really reminded her of Eridan, and he's cool, so I decided to make mah thingy Eridan :P
    Lol and she's Sollux and we LARP whenever we see each other now.
    Though she told me I'd be forever alone. Whatever XD

    Oh and when I was looking for icon pictures I found this:
    That's good.
    Yeah everything on my gmail account is in foreign.

    Uh, well, really it's because I can't think of what to make Ao do. And I'm using a really crappy phone and typing takes way too long. Sorry if it sounds lazy. I'll try to think something up fast while I'm forced into chores. ._.
    Oh yeah, there should be a "compose" button somewhere.
    I dunno exactly where I accidentally made my account Japanese which I dunno all that well, so when I use it I usually just guess buttons :P
    Yus that does happen. Somehow.XD Lol what you do.when you're on fire.I don't know how, I'm only in AP physical science!!! Lol.You should be a doctor. Then you could call yourself Dr.Pepper :PPsh no you should see the weird fluffiness my hair gets after I wash it. XD And it's okay, my friends pap each others hair all the time, lol.THE MAGIC OFGOOGLE TRANSLATE.That's not me. Oooohhhhhhh SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIny poop. I guess you know my full name now XD. But that's my mom's email, DON'T RESPOND TO IT SERIOUSLY.Haha creepers I has extremely common last name GOOD LUCK FINDING ME XD
    I like hotdogs but using them as pillows/soft cushy crap would be gross XD.
    Mustard and ketchup is gross no matter what they're in. :P

    AND. The wrong one was hit. I just go to school and suddenly HEY APRIL COME TO THE OFFICE.
    But my older bro only broke a finger and it's been healed for forever.

    Yeah alcohol is disgusting. I can explain. XD
    For school some biology class turned beer into non-alcoholic root-beer flavored excuse for soda and a friend's friend had some and I tried it because my friend liked it BUT IT WAS SO... AUGH.
    Apparently according to students (this is the Land of Cheese and Drunkards, remember?) it tasted similar to beer, so. Yeah never will I even try that.
    Is it the carbonation or something?
    Oh look it's cold and I put on a warm Kingdom Hearts Organization XIII Zexion cosplay.
    Except my hair isn't blue. :P
    If you have an email I could show you because I FEEL LIKE BEING BEAUTIFUL AND SHOWING OFF.
    Yeah 'es younger, and no IT'S TO LATE FOR THAT UGLY BUTT. o3o
    Don't feel bad, younger siblings are just bothersome, ridiculous, overly dramatic, annoying and you're stuck with them until you leave or one of them is hit by a car. Unless, of course, the wrong one gets hit. >:/

    And wow, that certainly sucks. I'd be very upset if that happened. A bike?! Compared to a cookie?! That's kinda cruel. But when that child grows and fails at life because everything was handed to him then A WINNER WILL BE YOU. Unless he wasn't the spoiled poo-diaper you mentioned before. Um, hmm. I dunno how to make a old mattress nicer. Cover it in squishy hotdogs? XD Pillows would probably be better. Unless there is a lack of pillows. Haha uh... XD

    Six words: Be the stalker. Stalk the cat. = w = b

    Psh, Ethuil sounds dumb and I can't think of anythin' either.
    You would probably have a better chance of thinkin' up somethin' working with April.
    But I dunno that still might be hard Tobro.
    Yeah, it is. My friend must not give her enough attention because whenever I go over there she immediately jumps into my lap. X3

    Alright, just BE CAREFUL TOBRO!
    Yeah. But I still liked act one, I think...

    Aw, that sucks. The little disowned-by-me fat pig that's supposedly related to me tries to insult me by calling me fat and "dumby dumb dumb" and he says how wimpy I am but he's seriously stupid, and the fattest one in my immediate "family". Also I'm waaaay stronger than him despite the fact that he's heavier than me, and if you so much as smack him he'll cry.
    My mom had gotten one of lame "make ur kihds behayve dogg" and I stole it and read it, and I thought it was silly because it only said one thing the whole book, but just gave ways on how to apply it differently or hardly varied the technique, and they told me that I just ; couldn't understand it because I'm not old and my brain is dumb and underdeveloped because I'm not 25"
    Like careless comments like that are going to ; encourage good behavior".
    And don't lump me in with the teen-aged majority GLUB IT.
    Me and my cat Skitty love each other very much when it comes down to it, actually, OR SHE'LL GET IT.

    Lol, practice is good but couldn't that be dangerous if you're just sorta guessing?!
    Also isn't driving without a permit illegal or something?
    D: Tobro dun get yerself caught or died dead or nothin'
    Yeah, I look at comments on Homestuck stuff sometimes and every once and awhile a hater pops up. There are probably haters for every fandom. And it's sad when someone stops before they even get to act 2, because it gets good then, and it can take less than an hour to finish act 1. And then they miss out on all the great story, even though they probably would've liked it.

    Well, my mom has to go to work every morning, and even if she didn't she wouldn't give me a ride. :T She be a nagging butthead, and she refuses to listen to anyone but herself. Yeah, I know I can't always be right, but if she didn't just write me off right away and actually try to consider stuff and not call me stupid, which she implies that I am all the time and then denies, it would be really nice! And she uses the most irksome voice when she lectures. She'll speak very slowly with the same tone like something you'd use to speak to a kid that can't grasp normal things! There's more, but I don't wanna bother you.
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