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  • Sorry. I was really ridiculously hyper last night and started unnecessarily abbreviating words, and using abbreviations my step sister made up. "Jellen" is her word for "jealous."
    Hello! Well, I'm Niv; welcome to my humble abode! Look around! Leave some time in the future! Come again! Don't break anything, or you'll pay for it. Stay away from the cat. Ignore the man behind the curtain. No smoking. The bathroom's in the back, over by that random piano there. No, not that random piano, that one. Yeah, that- no, no, I meant the purple one. What, are you color blind? That has "purple" written all over it. Wait- wait, no, don't go through that door, there, that's not the right door- what do you mean, it says "bathroom," I se no sign whatsoever that- oh, look, a sign that says bathroom. Well, let me move that- here- and.... Well then! There you go! Bathroom ahoy. Yes, right through here. You have to jiggle the flush lever, by the way. You know, just sorta... Jiggle it. You look smart, I'm sure you'll figure it out.
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