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  1. Nivrad00

    The Masquerade Troupe (REBOOT)

    Sophia listened to the rest, reclining in her seat, with arms crossed. She found herself unintentionally comparing herself to each bit of information she got about the others. Could she learn how to fight? Did she have any useful skills? The last violent thing she'd done was set a house on...
  2. Nivrad00

    The Masquerade Troupe - OOC

    Something like that... Link and I have discussed how Sophia will die. I'm just waiting 'til the others go to bed.
  3. Nivrad00

    The Masquerade Troupe - OOC

    @TheGossipLink I've decided to drop this RP. I'm very sorry for leaving this late, especially after pushing to continue! I've already been neglecting this RP in favor of my other business, and I'm going to be busy with school at some point soon. I also have some personal reasons. Your four...
  4. Nivrad00

    The Masquerade Troupe (REBOOT)

    Sophia's pleased grin slipped off of her face as she listened to Bird speak. He put on his darker demeanor momentarily, like he had at the mansion, and Sophia reminded herself to keep her cool. When in Rome, etc. The idea that someone might want to kill her gave her a hollow feeling inside her...
  5. Nivrad00

    The Masquerade Troupe - OOC

    No worries link ^^
  6. Nivrad00

    The Masquerade Troupe - OOC

    @Nooguy believe it's your post bro
  7. Nivrad00

    The Masquerade Troupe - OOC

    I think considering the original standard of one post every 2 days, the RP has definitely started to stagnate I don't want to give up on it yet though ;n; maybe just because it's my only RP here ;n;
  8. Nivrad00

    The Masquerade Troupe (REBOOT)

    "Looks like the traffic in this universe isn't any better than back home," muttered Sophia as she gazed out the window. At their destination, she hopped lightly onto the concrete and stretched her cramped limbs. It was probably best not to ask what would happen if they got lost. Judging by the...
  9. Nivrad00

    The Masquerade Troupe - OOC

    I don't have anything pressing to say, I would be fine with a time skip
  10. Nivrad00

    The Masquerade Troupe - OOC

    Magi is right, I think it's less of a lack of interest and more of a lack of inspiration. Given the current situation It's why my posts have been short ;n; I'll try to be more on top of things
  11. Nivrad00

    The Masquerade Troupe (REBOOT)

    "Hah," said Sophia. She was still fuming about Bird, but she reluctantly redirected her thoughts to participate in the conversation. She looked down and gave herself a cursory look, which only served to remind her that her outfit was covered in coffee stains. "I dunno. I don't feel any...
  12. Nivrad00

    The Masquerade Troupe - OOC

    @OverconfidentMagi I think maybe we got into a case of everyone-waiting-for-someone-else? I was expecting you to post next but it's been a while. Should I go ahead? ;n;
  13. Nivrad00

    The Masquerade Troupe (REBOOT)

    "Oh, well when ya put it like that it sounds like a vacation," grumbled Sophia. She put on a small smile anyway as she faced the other recruit, though she wasn't particularly feeling it. "Yeah, that's me alright. Nice to meet you, Aaron." She reached out a hand for a handshake. She...
  14. Nivrad00

    The Masquerade Troupe - OOC

    I think making them an NPC is pretty reasonable. You did set clear standards for activity before we signed up
  15. Nivrad00

    The Masquerade Troupe (REBOOT)

    "What did you just say?" Sophia said in disbelief at the revelation that they couldn't go back home. Yet. That hadn't been in the letter. She tried to protest: "I'm sorry, you didn't think it was important to tell us we'd be trapped here?" But Bird had already moved on. Conflicted and a...
  16. Nivrad00

    Fandom Seaside Clans (Warrior Cats RP) (Always Open)

    Hey there, I'm Niv, I'm a big fan of the Warriors universe Chicken, Mallow, you really seem to know what you're doing!! It gives me high hopes for this RP. I might join, if you'll have me ;n; I notice the existing character sheets mention lots of kin that don't necessarily have sheets for...
  17. Nivrad00

    The Masquerade Troupe - OOC

    I'll be on board either way, Link :P I don't mind editing my response if necessary
  18. Nivrad00

    The Masquerade Troupe (REBOOT)

    Sophia put on a slight frown as the tough girl interrupted the conversation, but stayed silent as the other spoke. She continued listening unobtrusively, mind whirring with thoughts of mistrust and murder, until the miniature lightning flashed right beside her. Shocked out of her reverie, Sophia...
  19. Nivrad00

    The Masquerade Troupe - OOC

    You betcha 100% (This is my only RP on here ;n;)
  20. Nivrad00

    The Masquerade Troupe - OOC

    That's fine, Link. Thanks for keeping us updated ^^