The Masquerade Troupe - OOC

Well, since there isn't any opposition to it, I'll edit my last post to include a time skip.

I'll tag y'all when it's done.
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Well...heya guys.

So I'm considering officially putting this RP out of its misery. The lack of activity has been more then disappointing, but hey, stuff happens. I feel like we gave this RP a fair shot, it just missed the mark.

Unless if you guys really want to keep this going, I'll pull the plug.
Sure seems like it to me...but then again, I might just be looking into things too much...

I mean, this is a reboot. So I'm a little paranoid, you know?
I think considering the original standard of one post every 2 days, the RP has definitely started to stagnate

I don't want to give up on it yet though ;n; maybe just because it's my only RP here ;n;
Yeah...I guess I was just overreacting. Sorry y'all.

I totally want to keep going, I got a lot of things planned ahead!
I guess I'm just used to slow RPs where you're lucky if everyone posts once every two weeks.
He hasn't been active since Sunday...

Shall I make his character an NPC officially this time? (Till he gets back, of course.)
Heya guys, I just want to apologize for my lack of activity. Vacation decided to get really busy these past few days...
Not particularly. He's been gone since the 3rd, so I'll just be making his character a NPC for now.

If he manages to log in and post before I do though, it'll be even better.

Oh damn, sorry guys! If I'll be honest for a sec, I kinda forgot about this. Just got home from my trip yesterday, been hanging out with friends and family since.

Pretty sure I'll have time to post tonight, so thank you for reminding me!
All's good, I've finally gotten a schedule arrangement that's decently stable so I SHOULD be more reliable in my responses in the future.
Glad to see Angela appreciated Aaron's closing remark. I almost had him wink, but I couldn't decide who he'd do it at and just cut it.

I've decided to drop this RP. I'm very sorry for leaving this late, especially after pushing to continue! I've already been neglecting this RP in favor of my other business, and I'm going to be busy with school at some point soon. I also have some personal reasons. Your four characters seem to have some nice chemistry though, and I expect it'll function fine without me.

If there's an intriguing way to simultaneously write off my character and benefit the plot, I would love to do that, rather than have her disappear suddenly. Do you think there might be an opportunity like that soon, Link?

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