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  • It's the chat at the top of the main forum page; right now it's filled with notifications like "So and so has just responded to the thread "Hello"!" because no one's chatting.
    its demonic :( i got banned 4 spamming.. ill be back on my normal profile 7/7/12 :) in like 1 1/2 weeks :) till then i will use this profile
    I have to work on my Grammar :( im not the best at Grammar but my spelling O.K :) i just dont really contemplate the use of Grammar (not to sound like an idiot) but i just dont understand ....
    Lol, sorry if i am annoying but i just read both of your posts on the first page, they are excellent, you did a very nice gob with the grammar and spelling. :)
    i do make quite a few rp's about teenagers (most of them are rebelling) the newest one i made was Riot and i put some info in there that i am not responsible for any injury or events that take place due to that thread :) but i also make wolf rp's as well :)
    this maybe awkward since you don't even know who i am. or role played with me before. but i read 1 of your story thingy's on parental madness :) it was really good. i liked it. i dpnt know what that means to oyu, but im just letting you know, that it was pretty good :pedobear:
    No problem. Just as long as you don't reply once every two weeks... I'm getting tired of people agreeing to a role-play when they can't find the time to do so. v.v
    Where ever you wish, really. I'm fine with anything, but I'm sticking to my character's personality, so if he doesn't mold well with the ideas, it might not turn out too well.

    I probably should have mentioned this before, but he would do best with someone stubborn and outgoingly persistent. Clever, even. Perhaps a detective or some random person in the neighborhood who's obsessed with mysteries?
    Hiya! Just wanted to let you know that the starter is posted. It's titled 'The Secrets of The Recluse on The Third Floor.' c:
    Hi, I'm sorry for not being on in a long time, but I had a slight...accident on my trip to New York City that...well, left me without use of my hands for a while. According to the doctor, I broke several bones in my hand. I should recover soon (I'm not quite better yet, my friend is actually typing this out for me...), but until then, I wanted to offer you this apology and the ability to let me rejoin the roleplay after my hand heals. I would appreciate if you clarified this to the other roleplayers as well, because I do not want any of you to think I abandoned you, because I wouldn't do such a thing. c: ...Anyways, as for Rei, can you make up a situation for her? As in, she got captured or something along those lines? I'm not blaming you if you want to kick me out of your roleplay, but this accident was not something I could control, so I'd appreciate it. Thank you!
    Haha, funny everyone always asks me that question x) It's pronounced MIN - YOU. And that's fine. I was just wondering if you had a picture of him, but that is a really good description about him
    Hello :) I just came by to say, if you have a picture of your OC that you'd like for me to post, please edit your post and I'll go ahead and update it :)
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