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  • We've been planning to make Haunted on Chicken Smoothie, haha! You sould see us planning at the drama - we're going to have their dad eventually get in touch with Alexandra, Ronnie gonna get into some fights, and much, much more. XD
    Thank you!

    We do every one in a while, but since Dizzy and Jabber started on another site, I kind of just followed them. :c Maybe we could start a role play sometime?
    so I have heard...heh heh...B] but naw, I goat, you are hilarious

    Winter break is were I'm more active too, so I don't blame you!
    Wanted to use something along the lines of.

    "I'm sorry, I cantaloupe with you, you are much to young to be married."

    Yet, somehow that just didn't fit in... XD
    Oh my gosh, I'm not going to even try to use emoticons, I laughed so hard.

    My condiments are to you, my dear Niv-radish, you seem to have quite a sweet tooth for these kinds of puns. I don't think there's any way I can beet that....

    Anyways, I don't carrot you join or not, but it would be grape if you could, though. I've been egging for another few pears of characters before I start. You'd give it a nice flavour. I'm sure your schedule is jammed full of stuff. Just do whatever is nece-celery for now.

    Now I thinks its time for me to can it.
    DAAAWWW Pffffftttt....

    You know what you should do...


    I'm probably just going to go through some of the pre-Hunger Games stuff like the interviews and stuff for the beginnin. So you sit on it....

    And I'll be the annoying cricket in your head (or was it a grasshopper...?)

    Then following each sentence I'll probably have => "..."
    Happy Birthday, Niv! I hope that RpN's Resident Penguin will have an awesome day today :D

    Oh and hey look, three penguins and a cupcake! ^^
    It's cause I always make a big deal about it.
    Since I kept spoiling it for Rosebay on her birthday, I wasn't allowed to mention it on mine. xP
    Plus, not everyone knows I'm fourteen. I don't like sharing much since it's hard to believe I have a career of my own already. :3
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