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  • Do you know what time it is? If you gave me an answer with a number in it, you are wrong. The correct answer is "Bacon-o-clock"
    For some reason, I have the Sailor Moon theme song running through my head. I'm not sure if I should be amused or annoyed about that.
    Protip: Don't go see the new Bourne movie. It's half the plot (literally) of a regular movie and the second half is a chase scene.
    I'm pretty sure that with Sherwood gone I now no longer have any games running. I went from five games to zero in the span of a month =[
    Oh rats, I passed my 666th post already and missed my chance to do something evil.
    Sometimes I wish those ads that posed as games really were games. Some of them are quite catchy.
    Thankfully my evil twin, TeeJay, is back from the abyss. Anti-stalker sibling a Go-go!
    Half of my games are missing GMs and the other half are missing players. I has a sad ;-;
    Wait, Ignitedstar is a staff member? When did this happen? I need to pay more attention to things around here >.>;
    It's a little small for me as well, I imagine that being a new skin it'll have a few bugs, but nothing that a few tweaks wont fix.
    @Calgori, close your eyes, breath slowly/steadily, relax and listen to your heartbeat. Works every time.
    @Hesperus: Ouch, that's by far worse than my simple map editing project gone bad, you have my sympathies.
    I mean I could probably do it again in an hour or three, but seriously, fuck it. I'm going to bed. /ragequit D:
    That feel when you just finish making the Modern Exalted map, and the whole program crashes just as you save so you have to start all over.
    Ugh, been asleep all day sick, now I'm wide awake and it's the dead of night. Stupid binary sleep cycle, messing me up like this.
    My general philosophy is that the sooner they flip out and cause drama, the sooner we can ban them and never have to worry about it again.
    Personally I favor dislike buttons. It weeds out the people who are unstable time bombs of drama and blow up at some little thing.
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