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  • @Sherwood: Same here, this'll probably be the last time I switch it around. I just felt the cuter icon would be more fun.
    Granted, I've never put much stock in the concept of "likes", but it's still funny how that works.
    I find it amusingly ironic that posts I make that I think shouldn't get likes get them, but things I think should get them, don't.
    Watching all the seasons of Doctor Who again. I forgot how much I loved Eccleston's version. "Fantastic!"
    Oh shush, Androids are pretty cool. I have an iPhone myself, but that was because it was a graduation present. Enjoy your new phone, Miz!
    Congrats Miz, useful little gadgets they are. What brand? iPhone? Android?
    No, It's always been like that. But I digress. That video is hilarious, the end seems to be telling you not to do things you really should.
    The other times it's just some sicko who'll use brute-force tactics that children have absolutely no hope or chance of defending against.
    I remember those. They're completely worthless as nine times out of ten the kidnapper is someone the child knows personally.
    Oh I know, when it's my fingers, toes, back, neck or elbows, I don't worry. But when it's the most complex joint in the body, then I do.
    At 24 years of age, I am reliably sure that my knee should not be making a popping noise this frequently and this loudly.
    Higher levels it's more like Metroid, where you engage titanic aliens in single combat and fight them to a standstill if you play it smart.
    Tabby At lower levels it would be similar to Firefly, a small crew of bounty hunters struggling to make ends meet and upgrading their armor.
    The wait will be worth it, trust me. It has a few plot hiccups, but really, what Super Hero movie doesn't?
    The Dark Knight Rises does not deserve all it's acclaim. It deserves more.
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