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  • One of the benefits of low self esteem is that it's hard for people to insult me because I just agree with them.
    Awkward moment when someone comes to visit when you're in the middle of gnawing on chicken bones.
    I know how does that feels like :(  
    Agh... Trying to make a new character, but my mind refuses to give me good design ideas...
    This was literally my whole day today
    What do call a nasty fondue?


    (By the way, what exactly is fondue?)
    E T1cyborg
    E T1cyborg
    Usually it's melted cheese, but it can also be other things like chocolate.
    Ah, gotcha.
    Heads up, I apologize in advance for not replying to our roleplays yet. I kinda had the excitement zapped out of me today.
    I am a bundle of excitement!!! Lean on me~ When you're not strong~ I'll be your friend~

    (Can I like this update or is that too morbid to enjoy?)

    Did it anyways
    @Hototo I'm, uh, more concerned that you're following my status updates so closely that you're looking at and replying to messages to other people O.o
    I definitely have a problem... I care too much
    Sometimes I just randoml lay feel really lonely. I sometimes go and play whatever game I was playing in my sister's room, but most of the time I just stay in my room to not bother her. It's really easy to bother her.
    "Take this sword as a gift and symbol of your new rank. You've earned it. *hands over a shield*"

    -General Tulius
    Skyrim... The old days are back.
    Captain Hesperus
    Captain Hesperus
    ...Immediately sells it, because your gear is already way better.
    Or because you're a Mage and you don't use shields anyway.
    My new iPod charges really slow, even when I'm not using it. Anyway to speed it up a little?
    There's a special kind of charger that exists which plugs directly into the wall and charges your stuff a lot faster than if you were to plug it into your computer. My mom has one and it works great :D
    Katie Jensen
    Katie Jensen
    Clear the RAM if possible, there are applications for that, maybe set it to power saving mode too. Just in general make sure applications you aren't using are closed and turn things like bluetooth off when they aren't needed
    Ah, alright. Thanks. I'll keep those in mind.
    My sister went out to ride her bike and became a hero. This dude had an accident on his own bike and she happened along in time to call 911 for him. First time for her.
    New month. Gotta change my pictures. But, I don't have a vast library of pictures to choose from now that I have a new iPod, so I don't know what to change my pictures to...
    *sigh* I regret to announce that I will not be online for most of tomorrow because I have to go and be uncomfortable for hours on end. Might be on briefly in the early morning, but after that I won't be able to get on until sometime in the evening. What a great way to spend a birthday...
    Rock And Roll Boy
    Don't worry, puddin', it'll work out. If not, you will make it work. Happy early birthday.
    Thanks. The one good thing about it though is I'll have plenty of time to draw.
    So...I think I just found a glitch in Skyrim where the invisible barrier did not stop me from wandering past the border. It's amazing how far out the world is rendered past where you're normally allowed to go. I mean, it's pretty barren. Just plain dirt hills that stretch on for miles with no plant life at all, But still. I'm still trying to find where it ends.
    Venture forth! We must discover the Far Lands of Skyrim!
    I found the edge of the world and jumped off. Landed in an endless expanse of water under the map and had to load the last autosave. Now I have to run all the way back to Skyrim...
    Also, a different glitch that's been there for a while is that, after using my Elemental Fury shout, the wind effect that it has did not fade with the shout, so now I always hear wind all the time. It really helps this area feels barren.
    Is there anyone out there who's good at designing outfits for characters and willing to do so for free? I have a mostly designed character, but I can't figure out an outfit for her. And I'm too broke to be able to pay. -.-'
    Oh, goodness. I may have to hold a small contest for this... Then again, this character likes to change outfits, so I guess it wouldn't hurt for her to have three to pick from.

    Alright! So, I actually just finished drawing a...unclothed reference for her. She's covered, don't worry. So, I can give a description of her to help with the design and I can also send the image, if that'll help. Also, I'm not sure if I should keep all this here or move it to a PM.
    Btw, I am kinda waiting on everyone's input on whether I should send the details and the picture or just the details. Because I don't want to just shove a drawing of a half-dressed wolf girl in people's faces.
    Oh. Okay.

    PM me the picture and the details.
    I've hit another snag in regards to my "party girl" character. Her outfit. I'd considered having her change outfits a lot but she still has to have a favorite one for me to draw her in. After all, I can't just draw her in nothing but her fur. Well...I could. But I'd rather not.
    One of the many things about me that confuses me, is that I think it would be great to have a group of friends to hang out and play games with, but the idea of actually going and talking to someone in order to make friends is...unappealing.
    I get that. I feel the same way about that
    Agh! Why am I so lazy? It's infuriating! So many of my problems would be solved if I could just be bothered to get up and do something about them. Dx
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