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  • I have no idea what movie my parents are watching, but I just walked by and heard the following:

    "We're not hiring a hooker to have sex with my husband."

    "She's not a hooker, she's just a slut."
    Just now saw what my profile background looks like on a computer rather than on a mobile device...
    it's pretty  『MENACING』
    Yeah, Rowlet's creepin' hard...
    Why does the word hyper make things sound somewhat cooler?

    Hyper Beam!

    Hyper Drive!

    Hyper Sonic!

    I have a predicament, of sorts.

    There's this setting I like with certain style of buildings, but I don't know what the style is called and I can't describe it in words to save my life. How do I figure out what to call it?
    Okay, I figured it out. It was gothic architecture. Thanks Google.
    I now have two favorite music genres: drum n' bass and electro-swing.
    I remember the first time I listened to electro-swing.... It took me a while to get used to it, but I do quite like it. :smile2:
    Making a new character that's of a species I haven't used before gives me a good excuse to learn about that species.

    That's how I learned that jaguars can break necks and owls can crush skulls.
    I'd never looked it up before. And what I was referring to was the reported incidents of a jaguar using its paws to turn its prey's head and snap the neck.
    Huh wasn't aware of that. I thought they'd just go for the neck with their teeth.
    So did I, but I guess it helps to have more than one method.
    Agh, I've got too many incomplete character ideas in my head at once.

    One of them is an owl archer wearing a hooded cloak. Another one is a naga. And another one is a ghost. And I can't mix them into one character because that's just too much going on at once.
    Also, I just remembered that I can't really draw beaks, so that puts a bit of a snag in the owl character. Unless I make them a hybrid...
    I wonder... If I actually tried, how long would I be able to make think I was female?
    Yeah, true. It probably doesn't help that my persona is that of a Fairy Queen, and RpN removed the gender feature. I try to be honest in the face of genuine questions, though.

    It's really hard to tell which ones I should answer honestly and which ones I should perpetuate the joke for.

    At least I have a fallback in the form of my name, though.
    Yeah, I tend to answer honestly for fear of digging myself into a hole that I'll later want to get out of. 
    Have fun. Imma continue being a pretty Fairy  :smile2:
    I'm curious to see what would happen if someone did a hexafusion of Zelda, Link, and Gannondorf...
    Agh, I caught an Eevee but I don't know what I should have it evolve into. It know Hidden Power as the move is a bug type for it, so I'm trying to base my decision around that. I considered Vaporeon so that Hidden Power would give it a move to use against grass types, but if I'm fighting a grass type I won't be using Vaporeon. I considered Flareon or Glaceon, but they're already good against grass types. I considered Umbreon, but it's already good against phychic types. And I considered all the others, but it would simply add another type to the list of what they're good against.

    Basically, I can't decide. .-.
    It took this long because I had to get her to learn a fairy type move after previously having her forget the one she knew, and I didn't have any TMs for fairy type moves.
    *Blank look*


    Sylveon!  :smile2:
    This is about how I feel when I dig up some titanium on Terraria. 

    Just went and finished laying off my preorder of Pokémon Moon. Super exited. Replies may be slightly delayed due to distractions.
    I hate how I want to go to sleep at a decent hour, but I never actually get sleepy enough to sleep until 6 am...
    I hate it when main characters die right after you start to like them... -~- That happened in a We comic I started reading last night/this morning, and I'm still feeling depressed.
    I like it when an author has the balls to do that tbh
    I'm too emotional. I can't take that kind of a hit in the feels.
    There should be no question that we love our cats. When Marshmallow lived inside, he would always love when my dad opened a beer. He would come running so my dad could flick the bottle cap across the floor. He would chase it down and then lick the beer off it before playing with it more. So, when we went to bury him, my dad had a beer and gave him the bottle cap.
    We have tons of cats and they don't all get along and they aren't all social, but we love them all anyway. Our cat, Pooka, is very vocal as well.
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    That's a cute name ^w^
    Yes, it is. She was wild when we found her, but my sister managed to tame her. While she was doing so, she would make little noises at her, and some of those noises became her name.
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