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Introduce Yourself!

Hello everyone!

  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
    • I've been roleplaying in one form or another for more than 15 years. I'm probably on the semi-literate side.
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
    • Fantasy, any kind of fantasy
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
    • Gaming, anything creative
  • Why you decided to join RpNation
    • I decided to go back to RP and went to log into Gaia after like 10 years and my account is gone. Shame. I had a lot of expensive stuff.
  • Write about your pet (if you have one)
    • I have one cat, she's gray.
Hi everyone! I'm Christina. I've been roleplaying since 2008 off and on. I do various genres. Right now I've focusing on Jujutsu Kaisen and vampire rp's. I'm always looking for new people and ideas.
hi all!

my name is bee. i'm twenty-three. i used to rp all the time throughout middle & high school and even hosted a (very small scale) forum of my own for a while. i've been looking to get back into it now that i have the time because it was one of my favorite hobbies!

i definitely lean into more literate styles of rp. i love plotting and setting up larger narratives with others, both one-on-one and in groups. i'm open to just about anything, from fandom settings to original worlds.
Hey everyone!! My name is Mimi, im 20 years old and i've been rping since 2015!!

I love plots where me and my partner play multiple characters, i really enjoy doing ocs and playing them!!

I also do fandom double ups, i prefer this over one-on-one!!

Is my first time using a fórum for rp, hope i can find good partners here :D
Hello, I'm Fossil, I'm 37 and I've been rping for about 25 years at this point (gosh I'm old). Looking forward to getting to know you!
Well, hi everyone! I’m Haven, nice to meet you all! I’ve been RPing for about 10ish years (started on Amino… dark, dark days lol). This is my first time attempting a forum RP, so please be patient with me. I hope we all get along! ^.^
Hello everyone, ladies and gentleboxes! I am Captain Cardboard. People can call me captain or cardboard or box or whatever ya want just don't call me late for dinner ya know wink wink nudge nudge

Anyhoooo I've been rping for quite a while now. Close to ten years. I'm joining RP Nation bc the site I usually use has become rather dead, and many of the people who use it have came here. I enjoy fantasy, science fiction, and Pokemon! As for things outside of RPs, I enjoy board games, video games, and mystery novels. Also love outdoor adventures and camping.
Hello everyone. My name is DreamCrash. I've been roleplaying for about 20 years. I was suggested this site by another role player after I expressed frustration with the site I used to use.
I love science fiction and fantasy the most, and I'm also interested in also creating new adventures/ideas inspired by/within established canons. My main focus is one on one roleplays.

Outside of roleplay, I enjoy reading a lot. Sometimes I can get through a book in just a couple of days if it's that good. I chose the name DreamCrash for this RP because I've recently been inspired by the likes of Troika! and trance music.
I'm here from RolePlayerGuild. The place just doesn't seem to be as alive as it once was so I set out to try and find a new place to play and work on stories. Not that I'm making this post to trash talk another site, just saying it's definitely not nearly as active these days.

I started RP basck when I was like... 12, back on a site called Gaia Online. Used to do Warriors RP... based on the books about cats.

I tend to be interested in a mix of original settings and fandom settings. I'm a lifelong gamer, grew up playing WoW for probably tens of thousands of hours. Now I have moved on to FFXIV and have nearly 7k hours played in that, but I play a variety of games.

I have this issue with writing where I plan way ahead. I know how I want a story to end, I know a few key moments I want to happen, but I struggle getting the story from point A to point B without having to sit down and put a ton of thought into it. And then sometimes, eventually, I finally put the next step into words, and it just sounds random and forced. That is to say, I am never happy with my own work...

Eventually I thought maybe my ideas will work better in groups with other people to drive the narrative forward alongside me... or to have their own decisions and actions that can drive my story forward.

I also like to use music to accentuate my stories.

First thing on my to-do list... I'm cooking up a Genshin Impact AU (AU as in it may not necessarily stick entirely to canon) based group play that I'd be the sort of DM for.

So yaknow, if there are any Genshin enjoyers around interested in playing Canons in an Inazuma based story, I'll probably put that up soon? Even if it may just be an excuse for me to drag people along through a story of my design and use characters of... also my design.

Oh, I use ... a lot.
Hello there<3
I'm Emiri, she/her, 16 almost 17!
not completely new to the site & have been rping off & on for 5 years now!

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