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Introduce Yourself!

Hi!! I'm Domino, Jericho, Badger, ot Archer. My pronouns are they/wolf and I'm a young adult attending college. I heard this site was active and good for rps and I wanted to get back into roleplaying.
I used to do it a lot as a tween but I haven't actually roleplayed with anyone in about two or three years and I've been wanting to get back into it. I'm interested in Transformers, Team Fortress 2, No Straight Roads, Villainous the cartoon Network show, and other shows. I have OCS and I'm also interested in playing canon characters if requested. I look forward to talking to you all if interested!!
Heya, I'm GhiraHex! I'm 21 and I've been role-playing/writing for 10+ years now. Some of my favorite genres and settings heavily involve Fantasy, Sci-fi, action and/or Romance. A lot of my ideas come from different video games, mainly belonging to the Fighting game and RPG genres.

I mainly rp on discord, so if you're interested in High Fantasy/Romance type rp's, then hmu! My discord username is below. Been looking all over for a long-term partner.

Discord: ghirahex
Hi everyone! I’m new to this platform (greetings from Germany, haha).
I’ve been roleplaying for over 15 years, mostly in German, but I’m really excited to start writing in English!
I still need to figure out how everything works here, but I’ll get the hang of it!
I hope to connect with people here soon.
Hi, I'm Hyde (short for Hydeo Kojima).

I'm no stranger to Roleplaying or these forums though I have the habit of letting my depression get the best of me to the point that I often delete my accounts. I'm twenty-six years old, live on the east coast, and am currently enrolled in a MLS program. I've been Roleplaying for a decade and a half now, playing all sorts of muses from original to various canons (I enjoy writing for RWBY, Fire Emblem, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bungo Stray Dogs, and Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra the most, but I've been lowkey wanting to try out The Umbrella Academy lately too). I'm not really sure what I'm looking for at the moment, but I'll play just about anything that isn't slice of life, space exploration, tabletop, or NSFW.

Outside of Roleplaying, I love to write fanfiction and often do so for Fullmetal Alchemist. I also enjoy watching television with my older sister (Great British Bake Off and Taskmasker at the moment) alongside our two cats. I also enjoying fighting games, long walks, playing The Sims 3, occasionally building my Animal Crossing island, and doing homework (nerd). I'm also always down to meet new people and make friends, so feel free to drop me a line whenever you'd like!
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