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Introduce Yourself!

Hello I'm Lyca. I have another account here but I'm planning to migrate everything to this one (everything being characters and other important stuff in my workshop). It's an attempt to separate personal from my writing/hobbies.

I'm enjoying Genshin impact again with a hydro, dendro, pyro team. But I'm still so far behind from the current content. I like writing in fantasy and fictional genres, especially things like elements, mythological/supernatural fantasy, experiments, or soulmates with a twist. Been roleplaying for some time now, I think it's been like, almost ten years - oh no, I'm old!
DudeWheresMyTARDIS - My introduction!

doctor who tardis GIF

Basic information

Name: Heather
Nicknames: Hettie, Hattie.
Age range: 18+
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her

What is your experience with roleplay, and how long you have been roleplaying?

I have a few years of experience with roleplaying, doing it on Discord for a while. I have been doing it since 2019-2020 (since the pandemic) and I normally use that with my writing. Since 2019-2020, I have roleplayed Marvel and then the list of fandoms (or movies/shows I decided to watch) have grown since then.

What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings?

The interests I have whilst roleplaying is mostly with fandoms, like Doctor Who, Marvel, Harry Potter and other very niche fandoms. Other than that, I sometimes do other genres (outside of fandoms) like romance, fantasy and all that. But that's because I have a few original characters that are not affiliated with any fandoms, or ones that can be used in other roleplays like that.

What interests you have outside of roleplay?

Other than roleplaying, I love writing stories about things that interest me, especially reading other books like romance, fantasy and genres that are out of my comfort zone, like thrillers and horror. Besides writing, I also like playing various video games (on Playstation as I'm currently upgrading my laptop to play games and stuff like that), cosplaying as different characters that I like, and making edits for my TikTok followers!

Why you decided to join RpNation?

I did join RpNation a while back, but I have been dealing with mental health issues. Also, I've been mainly roleplaying on Discord, so I decided to join back on here!

doctor who pat GIF
Hello, My name is Zenon/Zey. I’m an 18 year old trans male. I like slice of life rps, reality rp, and fandom rp. I’m really interested in do any kind of rp you can think of. I write my own stories and poems and I draw as well. All of my ocs that you will be seeing are drawn by me unless I say otherwise (Even my pfp). I can’t wait to meet everyone and start rping
Hello! I’ve been role-playing on and off for the past ten years. I’m looking for advanced literate, long-term partners who are interested in a variety of romantic plots (for example, enemies to lovers, forbidden entanglements, etcetera), set in the “real world” (in other words, fantasy is off the table, I’m afraid). I exclusively write as female in respect of my main character, and I’m looking for those who would be happy to play the part of the male lead.

I look forward to hearing from you! 🫧

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