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Introduce Yourself!

Hey everyone, I'm Fynn. Long time roleplayer and I love plot focused roleplays. I only write literate and in third-person pov. I mainly do fandom based roleplay, but am very much open for non famdon content. I'm a sucker for slow-burn and angst, but will not force it into the rp if you dislike it, so don't shy away. Always loved rp but struggled to find partners, so my friend recommended this site. Hobby wise i love illustrating, design and gaming. I'm overall someone who loves to be creative in any way. Excited to meet everyone here!
Hello, I'm Mackenzie. I'm fairly new to literate roleplaying, and I love RP of any kind. Looking forward to having fun with you guys!
Yo yo!! My Name’s Oliver / Apollo, Pronouns are He / They / It!! Ive been roleplaying for maaybe 2-3 years now, and I’m a minor. Not too comfortable with saying my age. Im new to the site, my main platform is discord!! =DD
Yo yo!! My Name’s Oliver / Apollo, Pronouns are He / They / It!! Ive been roleplaying for maaybe 2-3 years now, and I’m a minor. Not too comfortable with saying my age. Im new to the site, my main platform is discord!! =DD
hey there! welcome to rpnation! hope you enjoy yourself and stay safe :)
peachybun peachybun Alright! I’m excited to see Satira grow. But I’m also excited to see what this website has to offer. I honestly come from another RP site that is honestly not… that nice too world builders. I already like this site better that is encouraged for roleplayers to grow.
im glad! this website is very nice once you've been on for a while :) i just came back after like. 2 years of being inactive and i forgot how relaxing this site is
I will admit I’m nervous to see if people are active on here.
Hi! Glad to be here on a new site where it looks like folks are active and a lot of things are going on. I've been doing play by post roleplays for over ten years now (this makes me sound way older than I really am) and I'm really excited to see that a lot of folks here still have the same passion. Definitely looking forward to seeing what all is out here and how I can contribute to the community. See you out there!
Hi! Glad to be here on a new site where it looks like folks are active and a lot of things are going on. I've been doing play by post roleplays for over ten years now (this makes me sound way older than I really am) and I'm really excited to see that a lot of folks here still have the same passion. Definitely looking forward to seeing what all is out here and how I can contribute to the community. See you out there!
hey there! welcome to rpnation! glad to see other people on here :)
I signed up for this site today on a bit of a whim.
I'm an avid writer, and consume literature like nothing else, but through all my time on the Internet growing up the one thing I have regretted is never engaging in roleplay. Why not start now?
I signed up for this site today on a bit of a whim.
I'm an avid writer, and consume literature like nothing else, but through all my time on the Internet growing up the one thing I have regretted is never engaging in roleplay. Why not start now?
Hey, welcome to rpnation! it's definitely better to start late than never :) enjoy your stay!
Hey all, been interested in text-based rp for a while, excited to get into it now on this site
Heyy! Took sometime to find how to introduce myself but i'm here now.
I've been roleplaying for a quite a few months and would love to explore more! Looking forward to have a lot of friends and have fun writing!
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Hi I'm iris and I'm 19 and I'm transgender female mtf and I love all kinds of roleplays but mostly fantasy stuff I have two pet lizards named smaug (3 year old male bearded dragon) and raptor (7 year old male green anole)
Hi I'm Eden I joined this site awhile ago but this is my first message on this site ^^ I started roleplay when I was 11so about 6 years ago but never did many I really like vampire and catgirl roleplays (all sfw) I joined this site to try and better my roleplay experience

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