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hello everyone. my name is blitz i am a 18 yr old trans male fox, looking to roleplay and to chat. i write my own stories
Ignore me replying to this just got no idea how to post a message without it being a reply-
Hey y'all! I'm semi-new to roleplaying and started with some friends last year. Looking forward to branching out more in this space and possibly carrying over some OCs. I'm pretty chill with most rp types/genres/settings so looking forward to what this has to offer : )
Hmm, depends honestly, what're ya looking for?
For context, I'm supposed to be this mass of void with a skull in it, basically imagine the dealer from buckshot roulette. I'm quite interested in seeing if a Touhou character would even try to talk to it. (Let's say a youkai or a powerful magician like Alice or Marisa)
For context, I'm supposed to be this mass of void with a skull in it, basically imagine the dealer from buckshot roulette. I'm quite interested in seeing if a Touhou character would even try to talk to it. (Let's say a youkai or a powerful magician like Alice or Marisa)
So basically a character, magical, is in a void and sees a skull and you're trying to see if I have a character with the right personality(or something like that) to see it?
For context, I'm supposed to be this mass of void with a skull in it, basically imagine the dealer from buckshot roulette. I'm quite interested in seeing if a Touhou character would even try to talk to it. (Let's say a youkai or a powerful magician like Alice or Marisa)
It's basically supposed to be an expansion of lore for the dealer, same honorable
So basically a character, magical, is in a void and sees a skull and you're trying to see if I have a character with the right personality(or something like that) to see it?
It's a moving mass of void, the characters can't get absorbed. The void is like a body. The skull is the head of the void, and the void is kinda worm-like
It's basically supposed to be an expansion of lore for the dealer, same honorable

It's a moving mass of void, the characters can't get absorbed. The void is like a body. The skull is the head of the void, and the void is kinda worm-like
Alright, alright. I'm in.

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