• Before posting a question, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page as well as previous threads here. Odds are you aren't the first to ask, and you may find the answer without having to post!

Introduce Yourself!

Hello there, the name is Joe. I'm 22 and have done some RP here and there since about 2016, perhaps earlier, but I can't recall. I consider myself to be a very mediocre writer, but I can mesh with anyone and any style.

When it comes to genre, setting, and all that cool jazz, I'm up for anything. My interests vary, and I am always interested in experiencing new things. Of course, I am quite ignorant of certain things, so it may take me a while to gather my bearings.

That's about that, so wherever you are, I hope you have a good one.
hey! I'm a new roleplayer, I have experience on charcetr.ai, but that's about it. My favorite characters are: Maleficent (played by angelina jolie) Alma peregrine (movie version) Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Hela Odinsdottir, and Galadriel (the old one, not rings of power). I don't do any anime, or anything from video games. I'm more of a movies gal. If you want to RP, please put in the effort, and make sure you know the character really well, the most important thing in roleplaying for me is character accuracy! I love fun plots, cool backstories, and I'm a sucker for hurt/comfort and the found family trope. I like a lot of other/daughter relationsships, as well as romantic ones. I think thats it!
Hello everyone. I'm pleased to meet you all. I love writing and roleplaying and want to get some of this passion through group fun. I love collaborating and writing stories of all sorts so don't be surprised to see me trying to join your super niche roleplays.
Ello, I'm Imp, and it's nice to meet you all- It's been a while since I roleplayed but I guess I'm okay at doing it. I hope that people are nicer here than the past sites I've used to roleplay with people with. I mainly created this to share my art, but since I realized it's also for roleplaying, I told myself ''why not'' and decided to give it a shot. I really like roleplaying Undertale OCs (or any other universe) But I also like fantasy, horror, and sometimes anime. (Also I'm not very good with intros so I tried to make this the best I could for u all :>)
Hello there. Just a bored person passing through. Haven’t roleplayed in quite some time now, figured I’d give it another shot. Avid fan of anything magitech.
Hi! I'm Eli/Mutt! I've been roleplaying for a bit over a decade I'd say? It's been rough trying to find roleplay partners but I'm excited that I can dip my toes back into roleplaying again!
Hi! I’m Lora, my friend got me into rp nation, I have loved rp for a while!
Info: I love the performing arts, musical arts (including singing, piano, and ballet) and art.
i dance en pointe
i am female
im looking forward to rping with you!
(( no innapropriate role plays but I’m ok with romance))
Hi! I’m Lora, my friend got me into rp nation, I have loved rp for a while!
Info: I love the performing arts, musical arts (including singing, piano, and ballet) and art.
i dance en pointe
i am female
im looking forward to rping with you!
(( no innapropriate role plays but I’m ok with romance))
I'm definitely not that friend no no of course not
Alright! This is Obuzeti speaking, traveler from afar. I am a long, long time roleplayer - we're talking close to two decades, and I was doing this on Angelfire and Geocities back in the day. RPnation looks reasonably organized and the community seems to be thriving, so I'm dipping a toe in to see if I can get anyone to bite around here. I highly favor fantastic worldbuilding, political thriller, magibiology, and nerding out about cultural and anthropological implications of fantastic settings - I really am the sort of guy to take pictures of whatever chickenscratch writing is in the background of my favorite shows / movies / videogames and organize a lexicon and alphabet out of them. I adore oddball characters, dry and witty wordplay, writing unreasonably brutal fight scenes, and spending an unreasonable amount of time theorycrafting tiny details.

I'm gonna nose around a bit and head on over to the Looking section, so in the meantime, here's wishing y'all as much good fun and grace as I've had in the fandoms. Cheers!

- O
hi! i'm blurry, and i'm 20+

i've been roleplaying for about 13 years, i started on a website called theN, it was a website for the TV channel that's now known as teennick. at the time, it had a game called "roleplayer" where you could basically forum rp after making and customizing an avatar, and from there i moved to tumblr.

this is my first time actually rping on a forum, proper and i'm very nervous and also excited!
hi! i'm blurry, and i'm 20+

i've been roleplaying for about 13 years, i started on a website called theN, it was a website for the TV channel that's now known as teennick. at the time, it had a game called "roleplayer" where you could basically forum rp after making and customizing an avatar, and from there i moved to tumblr.

this is my first time actually rping on a forum, proper and i'm very nervous and also excited!
I was coming in here to say that I like your icon, but also, welcome, fellow former Tumblr Roleplayer!
Greeting, RPN! Name is Saltare Mortis! Feel free to call me Sal :3

I am a huge fantasy/slice of life roleplayer
I have been on this site for a while but took a long break to play video games XD
Speaking of video games my favorite right now is Path of Titans which is like the Isle but it's on other platforms besides pc!

Anyway, that's a little bit about me. <3
Hello and welcome to RpNation!
Here is where you can make an introduction post and let us know a little about you, while reading the intros of other people like yourself, and maybe making a new friend!

Before you go any further, though, please take a moment to look over our site rules. They aren't very long, and it's best to know what's expected of you before you take the plunge into the depths of the site.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. If there's something you want to know that isn't answered there, ask in the Community Hub -- many of our members are very friendly and happy to help. Or, if you have something to ask that you want to keep just between you and the staff, make a post in Staff Contact instead.

Please remember this is to introduce yourself. If you want to just jump into looking for roleplay players or partners please create a thread in Recruitment.

If you need some ideas on what to include in your introduction to the community, you can mention:
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
  • Why you decided to join RpNation.
  • Write about your pet (if you have one).
  • Or for something silly, two truths and a lie.

You can use those prompts or just introduce yourself as you wish to the community.

While we are happy to have this thread help you meet and make new friends, please remember this isn't the spot to converse about roleplays, in-depth conversations, or taking over the thread with ongoing chit-chat. ;3

I hope you enjoy your time here!
Hi there~

As silly as it is, I haven’t made an introduction post until now (; °´ω°´) I joined in 2020 but never really did much, I didn’t really know what I wanted to write back then lol.

Anyway, you can call me Kiera! I’m a female roleplayer who usually does lit/advanced lit/novella stuff, though I’ve begun learning how to work off smaller posts too (short really is not my preference, I just ramble too much! (ヾ; ̄▽ ̄)ヾ). My favorite genre is historical romance, be it regular fiction or fantasy, and right now I’m really just looking to rp in the setting of a game I’m into, which I hope to post an ad for once I’ve met the requirements for offsite rp advertising.

Along with writing, I like to play games (obviously) such as Pokemon and various otomes, draw, and read manga. I’m also in college. Though I have some anxiety about posting, I’m eager to meet new partners!

That’s about it from me for now, I think. (* ̄▽ ̄)ノ~~ bye bye♪
Hello! I’m Marceline! I’m 16 years old, birthday yesterday actually, and I’ve been roleplaying for 4+ years. I’m not new to RPN at all just kinda got off it for a bit, but I’m back and ready to start anew.

I do mainly slice of life, romance, futuristic, fantasy stories. But I love trying new things and branching out, so don’t be afraid to reach out with any ideas your have!

The scent of metal clung to her nose. The thick iron smell refused to leave her even after she had washed her hands. What good was an amazing sense of smell, if it never benefited you much? Her long white hair flowed effortlessly in the gentle wind. She was standing on her balcony staring up at what was supposed to be the night sky. But on this particular evening it had clouded up; blanketing the entire sky with an eerie darkness. Yet the girl remained still, unmoving. Her crystal like blue eyes scanning over the darkness. Almost as if searching for something amongst the dark clouds. The ears that stood atop her head moved this way and that. As for her the world was never silent; she heard it all. The cries and screams, the big bangs, and even the smallest breaths. It was as much a curse as it was a gift.

Suddenly she turned on her heels, as quick as lightning. Her hair snapping in the air behind her. The loose white gown she wore twisted at the sudden movement. She noticed none of it; for her mind was on one thing at the moment her father. Her father was a very important man. One of high status, even in a world like this. He worked with bankers and politicians, police men and lawyers, any one of importance really. It was always unclear to the young girl what he actually did; no one ever bothered to explain it to her. And she’d rather not ask, but that was the least of her worries. A few days before, during their two times a day they actually talked, lunch time, he told her about some sort of danger. She never really listened to what her father had to say much, but this piqued her interest. He spoke of a ‘hungry wolf’ that tried to kill all in its way. The more he went on, the more the tale sounded too fantastical. Beasts and fairies; things of the sort. At the end of the story he spoke of the ending to a great war. Glory.

Not long after she found that she would be assigned personal guards. Nothing that hadn’t happened before, but she was told that these would be different. She couldn’t see how. They would be no different to the tens of others that stood by her side throughout the day. But still, it was something else to think about.

The small feline girl made her way from her balcony over to her dresser. Her light footsteps barely made any noise. She began to change into some better clothes for the day. Starting by first removing her light night gown. Slowly she exchanged her nightwear to something a little more appropriate. A light fit white skirt adorned with a yellow ribbon tied around it, and a shoulderless light blue shirt. She stepped back and looked at herself in the mirror. Then she leaned forward and grabbed a silver bracelet of twisted metal. She carefully slipped it onto her wrist and sighed. Her head spun towards the door as she heard it open and a familiar voice started speaking. The door wasn’t open and no one was there, but she knew that it would happen. She had heard it. She carefully stepped towards it; opening the door herself just as a person was about to knock. She was greeted by a familiar face.

Liane stood at the door with a wide smile painted on her face. A moment later her voice pierced the, at least to another person would’ve been, silence. “Are you ready?” She said almost a little too excitedly. The young fairy was practically jumping up and down. Liane lived in this building with the young feline. Their lives were usually rather dull, so to have another person introduced was exciting. For Liane at least. The young feline mustered a small, but significant, smile. “Yup.”
The two girls walked and breathed in sync. It was almost as if an invisible string connected them. A bond. Whatever it was no one seemed to notice or care. The two girls themselves had either grown accustomed to it, or never noticed it altogether. They moved swiftly through the winding hallways of the building. Very quickly making their descent to the main lobby; where the guest was waiting. Liane addressed the man who came up to them to talk. The small feline girl didn’t even so much as look his way. They continued on until they finally made it to the big doubled doors that opened up into the room where…. Well she didn’t even know who would be standing there. She could… just hear their voice. Feminine and very agitated. The ears atop her head twisted into a downward motion and then sprung back up. Liane rushed to her side and looked at her. “Okay… whoosh. Sorry. Let’s go.” she said a little out of breath.

The girl leaned forward and pushed the doors open. After a sturdy push, the doors gave way and slowly opened up. Standing there was a tall well dressed woman with grey hair. Liane and the small feline girl stepped forward. The girl stopped just in front of the lady; Liane standing a little behind her, a sign of respect. The little lady looked over the woman and then bowed her head. Her soft white hair dropped down like a veil, covering her face. She didn’t say anything until their eyes met again. “I am Feliz Goldenrod. It is a pleasure to meet you.” But something was off; Feliz’s mouth didn’t move. In fact nothing on her face did. It was like she was speaking to her through someone else… or perhaps in her mind.

Feliz took a step back and made half a mind to survey the room. Something odd stood out to her. There was a man on the couch; slumped over as if sleeping. But he wasn’t sleeping, because he wasn’t breathing. Even through seeing this, she made no notion of moving. Her crystal-like blue eyes swiftly moved back to the lady before her. Then Liane made her entrance. “Hello my lady. I am Liane.” She bowed her own head; the braid of hair on her head swooping down to her shoulder. “I apologise for our tardiness, but there was a complication with the schedules.” She said softly; all of her bubbly attitude was replaced with civilness. Liane stood straight once again and looked carefully at Feliz. She made sure not to meet anyone's eyes. For fear of being disrespectful. Feliz herself was staring the lady directly in her eye. Waiting for a reaction, a word, something.

Almost as soon as the doctor spoke she lost interest. Feliz turned away from the girl and looked to the man on the couch. She figured that was the ‘creation’ she spoke of. Liane lightly tapped her side, reminding her to stay polite and not walk away. Feliz sighed and turned back to the girl before her. She simply stared and nodded until she walked away. Feliz raised her hand in a kind of mocking goodbye. Liane followed the doctor and showed her out, saying her own formal goodbyes. Meanwhile Feliz quickly walked over to the guy on the couch. She stared at him and then leaned down in front of him. Her tail flicked side to side as she inspected him; he was quite a handsome machine. She raised her hand and placed it on his forehead; she closed her eyes and focused. But she came up with nothing. Feliz pulled her hand away confused; his mind was empty. It was then that Liane came back in. She walked up to her and then looked at the guy on the couch. “Feliz, I believe we have to turn him on first.” She said quietly. Feliz simply waved her hand. Liane took that as permission to touch him. She leaned forward and looked for a place to turn him on. Liane kept looking, but to no avail. She sighed and just sat there on the couch. Feliz huffed and looked between the two.
This is an old sample, but I still write like this more or less.

I look forward to writing with you guys✨
Hello and welcome to RpNation!
Here is where you can make an introduction post and let us know a little about you, while reading the intros of other people like yourself, and maybe making a new friend!

Before you go any further, though, please take a moment to look over our site rules. They aren't very long, and it's best to know what's expected of you before you take the plunge into the depths of the site.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. If there's something you want to know that isn't answered there, ask in the Community Hub -- many of our members are very friendly and happy to help. Or, if you have something to ask that you want to keep just between you and the staff, make a post in Staff Contact instead.

Please remember this is to introduce yourself. If you want to just jump into looking for roleplay players or partners please create a thread in Recruitment.

If you need some ideas on what to include in your introduction to the community, you can mention:
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
  • Why you decided to join RpNation.
  • Write about your pet (if you have one).
  • Or for something silly, two truths and a lie.

You can use those prompts or just introduce yourself as you wish to the community.

While we are happy to have this thread help you meet and make new friends, please remember this isn't the spot to converse about roleplays, in-depth conversations, or taking over the thread with ongoing chit-chat. ;3

I hope you enjoy your time here!
Hello! I just joined to look for other roleplayers since It gives me comfort! And real people are kinda better than AI bots sooo.... LOL Anyway, Name's Prince! <3

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