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Introduce Yourself!

Hello! I usually do my rping on discord but I'm giving some new places a shot! I consider myself an experienced rper as I've been doing it for years, so I can be kind of picky when it comes to partners.
Hi there! You can call me HG. I've been roleplaying on and off for about 20 years and got my start on Neopets before moving to journaling sites and ultimately Discord. I consider myself an advanced-literate writer and prefer writing within fandoms and pre-established worlds and tend to stick more to the sci-fi/fantasy/supernatural side of things to really flex my creative writing skills. I usually prefer one-on-one writing partnerships, but love to incorporate world-building and NPCs to make it feel like a really rich atmosphere with lots to do and write!

I am mostly here to lurk and check out what kinds of writers I might be able to find! Thanks for having me!
Hello, I am not new, but the rules have changed requiring me to post an introduction, so here you go:

I have been roleplaying stories with friends for about 20 years. I am trying to write that epic novel that never seems to finish. I work full-time, but don't let that stop me from writing. I love certain fandoms, but also original fantasy, and the more literate the better.
Hey there, I probably won't.. Ever find a roleplay, but I joined, just to check out some threads and to simply read. I'm more on discord to be honest.

I'm really here just to make my friend shut up, so I don't have to put up with the; "MaKe a PrOfiLe oN RP NaTiOn!i!"
Hi, I'm pretty sure I've been on this website before and now I'm back to find a place to roleplay or atleast have a chance to share my characters and their backstorys!
Hello! My name is Sacha. I'm 19, and have been roleplaying for about a decade. It's been a few years since I've done it, but I've recently got the desire to get back into it, so here I am.
Hello, I am new here. I have never been a part of a roleplaying forum but I have been playing D&D on and off for about 10 years now. I am open to all kinds of settings. I am here to have fun and practice my improv skills and make new friends.
I have a lot of hobbies and I like to talk to people about their hobbies too. I am glad to be here and excited to bd a part of some great stories.
I'm the Riding Witch! I currently own 3 horses and I am looking to expand my herd. I have been roleplaying for a few years now, but never on a big game like this. Despite my love for all things equestrian, I don't really like to roleplay horses. My interests lie more with Sci-Fi or adventure. I am hoping to strike up a good RP! Have a good day!
I haven't been roleplaying since I was 15, haha, but I've thought about it at least once a year since my RP aspirations were drowned under a sudden wave of school and social responsibilities. I've spent the time writing a shit-ton on my own, so I'm not entirely out of the game yet!
Currently I'm studying psychology, and am longing to create some stories with y'all!

(Not so) fun fact about me: I'm constantly told off for using the ; symbol; despite it being far superior to any commas or full stops, it isn't really used when writing in Swedish! I will spend my entire academic career seeing this injustice corrected.
Heipä hei!
You can call me My or Ling or any variation of my user name~

Soo I'm used to rp on different forums, but all those I have been in are pretty dead. I needed a new place to rp and heard RpNation is active so here I am! I have roleplayed since I was 13 (I'm now 21). I'm a Finn and not native in english, but I can write well enough. I usually write half to a couple word pages. I'm new on the site and little lost but I will figure everything out :'D

I prefer modern or fantasy settings but can do any type of genre if the plot is interesting. Besides roleplaying I'm interested in everything artsy: I paint a lot and use different mediums. I'm into (nordic) mythology, metal music and anime. Actually my username comes from finnish mythology. Ihtiriekko/Myling is a soul of a dead child who is forced to roam on earth until someone buries them properly. Very happy and cheerful, right?
hello everyone. a friend of mine said that my story idea might thrive here so here i am. hopefully you like magical fantasy settings with powerful baddies and long adventures...because thats what im selling.
Hello friends!

I'm Kami :)
I joined this site because trying to get back into RPing. In high school and early college I was an avid RPer and I absolutely LOVED it!! Unfortunately,life got hectic, so I had to put my passions on the back burner... Now, I'm BACK!!! Life is more stable, I'm in a better place, and I'm ready to create fantasy stories with people! I'm super excited (if you couldn't tell by all of the exclamation points ;) to dive back in!!
I've been RPing for maybe 9ish years. I love writing, I love creating and I love chatting. Come say hello and lets create together. Fantasy, SciFi, mixture of both. Neither. I'm happy to write anything and everything. I just love building worlds and characters.

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