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Fandom The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale(OOC)

New movie and anime announced. Anime seems to be slated for oct 2025. Funny it feels like they went all out for the 35th anniversary compared to the other ones.
I think I saw a glimpse, but not sure. Is it with Tai and Agumon?
the movie has confirmed 01 and 02 kids seems to be some sort of lets all band together type vibes. Very another lets check in on them as adults while also going hey remember how we keep going "and then they dont see their digimon again" retcon.
the movie has confirmed 01 and 02 kids seems to be some sort of lets all band together type vibes. Very another lets check in on them as adults while also going hey remember how we keep going "and then they dont see their digimon again" retcon.
They never seem to let that cast go
They never seem to let that cast go
its the money maker. I think the issue is less the nostalgia bait and more the fact...most of the movies have mixed reviews...I wouldn't mind seeing more of the cast but they always have the bad habit of giving the spotlight to two characters an then going : ( what do you mean people dont like bad plots and crumbs for the rest (apparently the 2020 anime shared this issue as well). The written works seem to be avoiding this problem through the sheer fact...they are product placements so more focus needs to be shared lol.
1. What are your thoughts or theories on the Goddess of the Veil group?
Uh, my own is that she made the place and either went mad with power, is being impersonated, or was always this god playing. First impressions at least, that'll evolve as time goes on.

2. How were the enemies, allies, and NPCs?

I can't really say much here given my own late arrival. Depending on motives they are suited to their roles.

3. Favorite moments for this Act?

Uh, I guess using Sealsdramon

4. Things you're looking forward to?

I tend to not actively look forward to anything in rp's, just like in life, so I'm not disappointed.
its the money maker. I think the issue is less the nostalgia bait and more the fact...most of the movies have mixed reviews...I wouldn't mind seeing more of the cast but they always have the bad habit of giving the spotlight to two characters an then going : ( what do you mean people dont like bad plots and crumbs for the rest (apparently the 2020 anime shared this issue as well). The written works seem to be avoiding this problem through the sheer fact...they are product placements so more focus needs to be shared lol.
Fr I noticed we saw mostly Izzy, Tai and Matt but not the others. Izzy I get because he's like the brain in all of this that can explain what is going on and then Tai well he's technically the MC but we grew up liking the entire cast who were given stories. I'd like to see Joe and Mimi. I hope the new movie does a better job but at least it was a tear jerker.
What the heck! I missed a lot 😭 I've been super busy lately.

I'm right with you. I have a bunch of posts I have to make. Idk how this happened but everything gets caught up I guess? Lol

That's interesting. I'm about to complain to rpn or ask xD mainly cause I wish we had emoji short reactions like crying or laughing, or hugging. Something to convey how one feels.

1.) I Don't have any thoughts on the veil atm as it's only the beginning but it gives me the same vibe as season 5 with the spirit evolution where Cherubimon forms a cult to help in his endevors like mirrormon, grumblemon, etc. I will say I feel like the veil digimon just wants to comprehend emotions and what empathy means. XD I could be wrong.

2.) The enemies were fine. I'm not good with combat so idk what's good or not. I find it was good in my opinion. There were confusing moments like Youkomon that was an interesting sprinkle which I liked and had to make a decision. Thankfully Ruth is trusting xD

3.) Using Terriermon and separating Ruth from Impmon and having different combat status.

4.) The angst with Ruth and Impmon until they get along or Terriermon being the therapist in it all and seeing where Ruth and Impmon will go. I also can't wait for Ruth to get closer with everyone as they all seem like they have their own troubles but are a tight knit group ♡

View attachment 1222677 For your forgetfulness

Awe, sit on his head

Chaos, in particular, caught up with me. Thankfully, all the issues piled up this month have been handled.

1. That's an interesting take x3. I like the theory.

2. Says she's not good at combat when Impmon wrecked shop in his first and second campaign??? Excuse me misses combat champ XD???

3. Hmmmmm lol.

4. Agreed, I am legit excited to see how Impmon and Ruth adapt to each other and how Ruth grows through her interactions with others.


*One second later*

(Ed, Edd, and Eddy was good show.)

1. I don't actually have that many thoughts on this mostly because I'm just sat here like LOOKIN AT YOU WITH MY BIG OL EYES. They're interesting, certainly, but I haven't quite hit investigation mode yet because I'm still in the intrigue part

2. The fact that they play like characters is good methinks though I worry for your sanity dealing with that many of them xD Combat isn't particularly my forte esp with the current form of Arii, so my focus is mostly on the allied npcs and that focus is going EHEHEHEHEHHEEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHE

3. Watching Arii get the crap beat out of them <3 also they n Gabriel's little chat

4. You know what but also the start of Arii's tone shifting from desperate survival to horror

1. I feel the eyes always on me XD.

2. Whats Sanity? lol I am very use to playing a tone of characters so no worries. In fact its fun for me believe it or not. Says there not good at combat played off the intensity amazingly... BRAH.


4. XD true true.

New movie and anime announced. Anime seems to be slated for oct 2025. Funny it feels like they went all out for the 35th anniversary compared to the other ones.

Oh yes the good ole nostalgic checklist movie lol. I think thats thnaks to how the games, and card game have brought much success to them as of late that they believe they have the ground to go hard, and I agree with them lol.

I think I saw a glimpse, but not sure. Is it with Tai and Agumon?
the movie has confirmed 01 and 02 kids seems to be some sort of lets all band together type vibes. Very another lets check in on them as adults while also going hey remember how we keep going "and then they dont see their digimon again" retcon.


They never seem to let that cast go

And they never will lol. And being a huge Izzy fan I am okay with it XD.

its the money maker. I think the issue is less the nostalgia bait and more the fact...most of the movies have mixed reviews...I wouldn't mind seeing more of the cast but they always have the bad habit of giving the spotlight to two characters an then going : ( what do you mean people dont like bad plots and crumbs for the rest (apparently the 2020 anime shared this issue as well). The written works seem to be avoiding this problem through the sheer fact...they are product placements so more focus needs to be shared lol.

Yaaaa its was especially bad in Frontier.

Uh, my own is that she made the place and either went mad with power, is being impersonated, or was always this god playing. First impressions at least, that'll evolve as time goes on.

I can't really say much here given my own late arrival. Depending on motives they are suited to their roles.

Uh, I guess using Sealsdramon

I tend to not actively look forward to anything in rp's, just like in life, so I'm not disappointed.

Also a good theory x3.

Fair enough XD.


Ill take that as a victory lap lol.

Also having read the post now, when I get around to it, likely tomorrow or Monday, Ji-Su will have something to say to the last bit.

Sounds good.

Fr I noticed we saw mostly Izzy, Tai and Matt but not the others. Izzy I get because he's like the brain in all of this that can explain what is going on and then Tai well he's technically the MC but we grew up liking the entire cast who were given stories. I'd like to see Joe and Mimi. I hope the new movie does a better job but at least it was a tear jerker.

They would have all died without Izzy XD. I honestly just want them to let Joe and Mimi get together already STOP STRINGING IT ALONG DIGIMON LET IT HAPPEN NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE BS LOVE TRIANGLE THAT WAS DONE HORRIBLE WITH TAI-MATT-SORA.

I will post something sometime this week. Hopefully before Saturday



ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Scatterbrain Scatterbrain galvanismgal galvanismgal Anorgos Anorgos

How you peeps looking to post before Staurday?
I'll be fine to post before the date I just have some things on my end to take care of and since no one is waiting on me I'm prioritizing those.
Got caught up with other things will post today.

Lol, you are good. You mentioned so in an earlier post that you would be fin,e so I wasn't worried lol.

I'll be fine to post before the date I just have some things on my end to take care of and since no one is waiting on me I'm prioritizing those.

Chaos, in particular, caught up with me. Thankfully, all the issues piled up this month have been handled.

1. That's an interesting take x3. I like the theory.

2. Says she's not good at combat when Impmon wrecked shop in his first and second campaign??? Excuse me misses combat champ XD???

3. Hmmmmm lol.

4. Agreed, I am legit excited to see how Impmon and Ruth adapt to each other and how Ruth grows through her interactions with others.


*One second later*

View attachment 1223797
(Ed, Edd, and Eddy was good show.)

1. I feel the eyes always on me XD.

2. Whats Sanity? lol I am very use to playing a tone of characters so no worries. In fact its fun for me believe it or not. Says there not good at combat played off the intensity amazingly... BRAH.


4. XD true true.

Oh yes the good ole nostalgic checklist movie lol. I think thats thnaks to how the games, and card game have brought much success to them as of late that they believe they have the ground to go hard, and I agree with them lol.


And they never will lol. And being a huge Izzy fan I am okay with it XD.

Yaaaa its was especially bad in Frontier.

Also a good theory x3.

Fair enough XD.


Ill take that as a victory lap lol.

Sounds good.

They would have all died without Izzy XD. I honestly just want them to let Joe and Mimi get together already STOP STRINGING IT ALONG DIGIMON LET IT HAPPEN NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE BS LOVE TRIANGLE THAT WAS DONE HORRIBLE WITH TAI-MATT-SORA.



ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Scatterbrain Scatterbrain galvanismgal galvanismgal Anorgos Anorgos

How you peeps looking to post before Staurday?
I'll see if I can come up with something. Not sure really what to post at the moment so if I don't have anything up by Saturday, feel free to move things along.
Waiting on Matrieana but also the roommate drama has been absurd in the past few weeks so depending on when that explodes Arii might just end up staring at people stupidly

Gotcha gotcha. Sorry to hear that. What's happened now?

Well, post is up, still technically "today".

It counts lol

I'll see if I can come up with something. Not sure really what to post at the moment so if I don't have anything up by Saturday, feel free to move things along.
Werent you and ruth staying out of this bit o3o?
So in the grand scheme of trying to figure out how these damn polls work I FINALLY FOUND THE ANSWER.

So apparently, when you first create a poll, it is indeed deletable. However, the moment someone votes, that option is immediately gone.

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Scatterbrain Scatterbrain galvanismgal galvanismgal ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Pumpkid Pumpkid Matreania Matreania Anorgos Anorgos Twist Twist

For future knowledge, you have to request to have them deleted after... so ya I put in a delete request on the old polls, it might take some time till someone gets to it though I think cause I think only a admin can do it, and I imagine they are busy.
Gotcha gotcha. Sorry to hear that. What's happened now?

It counts lol

Werent you and ruth staying out of this bit o3o?
A two hour roommate intervention that is continuing in emails. Tl;dr this guy just needs to live alone but there are  three other people here who like doing Things and Stuff like using the bathroom and speaking to each other past 8 pm
I'm confused now. I was tagged so I assumed you wanted a post from me?

... Honestly, I think I confused myself more lol XD

No, you're right, I can see it being taken that way. I was more so making sure you were still good to post, but ya if you're not in the meeting you're not in the cycle so you are fine lol.

A two hour roommate intervention that is continuing in emails. Tl;dr this guy just needs to live alone but there are  three other people here who like doing Things and Stuff like using the bathroom and speaking to each other past 8 pm

Ahhhhh he doesn't fit into the dynamics gotcha.
A two hour roommate intervention that is continuing in emails. Tl;dr this guy just needs to live alone but there are  three other people here who like doing Things and Stuff like using the bathroom and speaking to each other past 8 pm
Sounds like a fun time. Some people are are just meant for the party or extrovert life. They can't contain themselves.
So in the grand scheme of trying to figure out how these damn polls work I FINALLY FOUND THE ANSWER.

So apparently, when you first create a poll, it is indeed deletable. However, the moment someone votes, that option is immediately gone.

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Scatterbrain Scatterbrain galvanismgal galvanismgal ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Pumpkid Pumpkid Matreania Matreania Anorgos Anorgos Twist Twist

For future knowledge, you have to request to have them deleted after... so ya I put in a delete request on the old polls, it might take some time till someone gets to it though I think cause I think only a admin can do it, and I imagine they are busy.
That's weird. Why not give gms a button to delete?

Chaos, in particular, caught up with me. Thankfully, all the issues piled up this month have been handled.

1. That's an interesting take x3. I like the theory.

2. Says she's not good at combat when Impmon wrecked shop in his first and second campaign??? Excuse me misses combat champ XD???

3. Hmmmmm lol.

4. Agreed, I am legit excited to see how Impmon and Ruth adapt to each other and how Ruth grows through her interactions with others.


*One second later*

View attachment 1223797
(Ed, Edd, and Eddy was good show.)

1. I feel the eyes always on me XD.

2. Whats Sanity? lol I am very use to playing a tone of characters so no worries. In fact its fun for me believe it or not. Says there not good at combat played off the intensity amazingly... BRAH.


4. XD true true.

Oh yes the good ole nostalgic checklist movie lol. I think thats thnaks to how the games, and card game have brought much success to them as of late that they believe they have the ground to go hard, and I agree with them lol.


And they never will lol. And being a huge Izzy fan I am okay with it XD.

Yaaaa its was especially bad in Frontier.

Also a good theory x3.

Fair enough XD.


Ill take that as a victory lap lol.

Sounds good.

They would have all died without Izzy XD. I honestly just want them to let Joe and Mimi get together already STOP STRINGING IT ALONG DIGIMON LET IT HAPPEN NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE BS LOVE TRIANGLE THAT WAS DONE HORRIBLE WITH TAI-MATT-SORA.



ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Scatterbrain Scatterbrain galvanismgal galvanismgal Anorgos Anorgos

How you peeps looking to post before Staurday?
I stretched myself on RPs and had to get them out of the way. Now I may post in peace.

Ed, Edd, Eddy was a bizarre, charming show that caught my attention. I loved it. I'm glad they completed it and left it semi-wholesome. At last the Ed boys are accepted. I used to watch that and My gym partners a monkey which I found funny.

Dawe~ TY! I guess you made combat easy for me to understand. That or it just reminds me of pokemon lol
Sounds like a fun time. Some people are are just meant for the party or extrovert life. They can't contain themselves.

That's weird. Why not give gms a button to delete?

I stretched myself on RPs and had to get them out of the way. Now I may post in peace.

Ed, Edd, Eddy was a bizarre, charming show that caught my attention. I loved it. I'm glad they completed it and left it semi-wholesome. At last the Ed boys are accepted. I used to watch that and My gym partners a monkey which I found funny.

Dawe~ TY! I guess you made combat easy for me to understand. That or it just reminds me of pokemon lol

No bad Pump do not stretch yourself thin that's unhealthy, and drains you in fact, this requires...:


Ya that special was a rare proper closure to that series on Cartoon Network...



MADAME THIS IS A WHOLESOME DIGIMON SITE LOL. Though seriously you did good with Impmon.
No bad Pump do not stretch yourself thin that's unhealthy, and drains you in fact, this requires...:


Ya that special was a rare proper closure to that series on Cartoon Network...



MADAME THIS IS A WHOLESOME DIGIMON SITE LOL. Though seriously you did good with Impmon.
Lol thank you and yeah I know but I made sure I was careful. Guess that backfired.

Also, posted! I rest.

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