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Fandom The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale(OOC)

Okay, the post is up my next post is going to transition us to the night meeting. I know that delays us a rotation, but I do need it to make some small plot changes I have planned work. More to come on that in the future. But basically, everyone has one official free period round left, and then those going to the meeting will be so, and those not will continue their free period until it's done.

Everyone is expected to post by 15 Mar; if not, we will extend it to 19 Mar if needed. If everyone posts before 15, I'll post early.

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Matreania Matreania Pumpkid Pumpkid Anorgos Anorgos Scatterbrain Scatterbrain Twist Twist galvanismgal galvanismgal
Fun Fact: Tomorrow is a special day for all of us lol.
The anniversary of the rp?
Two thirds through the post its coming out a lot better lol. Gunna take a little break and finish it up soon.
Wooo! Take your time
Okay, the post is up my next post is going to transition us to the night meeting. I know that delays us a rotation, but I do need it to make some small plot changes I have planned work. More to come on that in the future. But basically, everyone has one official free period round left, and then those going to the meeting will be so, and those not will continue their free period until it's done.

Everyone is expected to post by 15 Mar; if not, we will extend it to 19 Mar if needed. If everyone posts before 15, I'll post early.

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Matreania Matreania Pumpkid Pumpkid Anorgos Anorgos Scatterbrain Scatterbrain Twist Twist galvanismgal galvanismgal
I will see if I can. I have an DMV appointment on the 17th that might change this Monday but will let you know
All character updates and plot plans have been made and have been sent to you all... *Drops dead*
I'll try posting before it, depending on other things I got going on the first half of the week, but expect nothing till the 11ths or 12th.
Yep yep one year as of today. It will be exciting to see what we accomplish in this one x3
happy one year. it really doesn't feel like that but time flies.
Recovering from being under the weather
Anorgos Anorgos Twist Twist do you want me to squeek in another round of dialog before the meeting decision deadline or focus on a more natural transition for that? I can post really any day after today so just let me know what your prefer or if you plan on posting again so we can coordinate.
Oh just a cold and allergies so I'm better now it just took me out for a week with the seasons changing
So I am currently working on a synopsis of the intro arc and the events of Act1 of the forest arc Ill put it up soon to have everyone go over it and super judge it lol.
Oh just a cold and allergies so I'm better now it just took me out for a week with the seasons changing
Nooo! I'm sorry. Hope you feel better. I was worried about allergies myself while on my walks. The air is heavy cause of the storms so idk if it's safe to breathe without getting any allergies but it doesn't feel that way.
So I am currently working on a synopsis of the intro arc and the events of Act1 of the forest arc Ill put it up soon to have everyone go over it and super judge it lol.
Bring it
So this will be on post 2 of the OOC as well, but here's the first draft. Let me know what you all think. I did add some stuff to fill in other things, and based on what I thought you guys were going for storyteller-wise, IF I AM WRONG, PLEASE CORRECT ME. LOL.

Scatterbrain Scatterbrain ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Pumpkid Pumpkid Matreania Matreania Anorgos Anorgos RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun galvanismgal galvanismgal Twist Twist

  • Posts 1-86

    On March 9, 2024, the USA Digimon card game tournament kicked off its first official round, which many fans in the Digimon community witnessed with bated breath. The two players in question, Jaime Clow and Kimi "Cool Kid" Yaga, were about to start their inaugural match on the official circuit. Suddenly, a reality-warping phenomenon occurred, freezing time into a colorless scene not just at the game but worldwide for anyone tuning in. At that moment, only ten individuals were aware of the events unfolding, and without warning, those ten were snatched by tendrils of blue and white, followed by a voice that spoke just one line.

    "I... Just... Want... To... Feel... That... Warmth... Again..."

    Before anything could be comprehended, those ten individuals were drawn through various types of electronics.

    Raven Crow, sibling to newcomer Jaime Clow and future astronomer, was chauffeuring her brother for his big game;
    Azurian Dream Azurian Dream

    Kimi Yaga, a powerhouse rookie who had fiercely fought to compete in the world tournament through the dreams and memories of her grandmother;
    Twist Twist

    Mei Moore, old money heiress to the Moore family legacy, betting it all to make a precious memory, has an internal monologue that dines to her articulation of worth as a fairytale,
    galvanismgal galvanismgal

    Ruth Valentine, another rookie in the tournament and a nursing student, was grappling with a notable fear;
    Pumpkid Pumpkid

    Ariiasq Raa, a notably strange and stressed college student, was coping with a bizarre fear of socializing;
    ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon

    Danny Jackson, a future professional cardmaker in training;

    Alex "Ace" Tanoue, a rising track & field star with aspirations for a professional career, & a distant friend of Ruth, fearing loss as he pursued his dreams;
    Scatterbrain Scatterbrain

    Hikaru Kazanata, the student body president and future family heir to a major company, was burdened with the weight of expectations;

    Leonard "Leo" Giovanni, a charismatic Italian comedian in the making;

    Róisín Queally is a professional boxer and fiercely determined woman with a hidden regret.
    Anorgos Anorgos

    These ten were all pulled through reality, quickly plummeting from the sky towards a massive island featuring unnatural and impossible geological biomes. As this unfolded, their phones or pagers transformed into unique digivice-like objects, absorbing their lives, memories, data, and even a blood sample, funneling something inside the devices.

    Upon unnaturally pausing in midair, most of them landed safely with a small plop, except for Ace, who suffered a brutal landing that caused severe damage to his leg and back. After the disoriented group collected themselves, a strange woman welcomed them to hell as a massive Metalseadramon emerged from the ocean beside the shrine. They were quick to be informed they had arrived in a world that once was to be believed that of fiction... the digital world.

    Overwhelmed and lost for thought, more chaos was thrown to the situation as their digivice, done with their synthesizing process, created what the strange woman referred to as Bio-Partners creatures that were, in fact, Digimon but filled with their human counterparts' DNA sequence and personal data, allowing them to know everything about them—except for Arii, who strangely only received an error on their device.

    The mystery woman introduced herself as Chel, a long-time survivor who gave them small but fundamental grounds that people had been falling here for years around yearly intervals and were the newest bunch. Before they could process that, four strangely acting Fangmon came out of nowhere, attacking them without warning. Chel and her partner deleted two of them with a staggering, mighty blow, yet she told them they would need to fight the other two, who were also wounded in the attack.

    Desperately, Raven/Wormmon, Kimi/Tentomon, Hikaru/Appmon, and Ace/Cutemon fought the one who quickly climbed the shrine after what seemed to be its desire to snatch Ace. At the same, the other Fangmon, without warning, snatched Arii and ran off with them, with Chel/Metalseadramon providing transportation to Ruth/Impmon, Roisin/Lopmon, Danny/Elecmon, Mei/BlackGabumon, and Leo/Dracomon.

    Fortunately, the first group defeated and eliminated their Fangmon opponent through sheer determination, although it seemed like it had attempted to do something before it perished. Upon rescuing Arii from its grasp, the second group encountered a horrifying mutation as the Fangmon they battled transformed into a parasitic zombie version of itself, its body barely clinging to its metal frame. Though they defeated it with a coordinated trio attack, it definitely left an impression on the new survivors.

    Chel mentions that these are Digimon she has never seen before and must be the rumored nightmare people have mentioned Digimon who seem like Digimon but are actually full-on fakes that only mimic real digimons forms said to have snatched up a human or to in stories around campfires... but now it seems there is some fact to them.


    That night, in the safety of a cave, Chel provided the party with some answers about the land, which is divided into different biomes: Forest, Factory Desert, Ice, Fire, and Submerged, along with a sky area in a roulette order of vastly different environments, plus an unapproachable mountain zone in the center that no one has ever reached. Chel informed them that there are human settlements and that Digimon settlements mostly coexist peacefully, but noted it varies based on the biome they are in. Additionally, there is a smaller island off the coast of the Fire and Ice Biomes that she warns them to avoid, only hinting that it is a place of death. Chel also reveals that she has been trapped here for twelve years.

    She adds that in about a week, they will undergo a life-altering change known as digitization, which will halt them from aging or any future growths... or allow them to recover past that change. This change will place Ace in a dangerous situation if he isn't taken to the doctor soon. Atop that, she mentions a long time ago, a group of people had tried to escape, but it ended in mass slaughter, with the only three survivors never talking about it.

    The new group tries to introduce themselves to each other before Arii has a notable near mental breakdown, saying how because they have no partner and Ace is in a broken state, they should be left for the betterment of survival through some intense backlash the party reels back from this even being a decision. For now, they can only attempt to adjust and prepare for what they can do: learn a bit about their digital partners.

    Wormmon is a rather timid and scared buggy girl, Tentomon full of heroic flair and charisma; Black Gabumon exudes an elderly warn-out servant personification; Impmon a ready shoot-first-ask questions-later mentality with a somewhat hot headiness mixed with a mouth; Elecmon is instead a quiet individual, Cutemon is likewise instead to themselves but has a caring nature keeping an eye on Aces condition poking him about to make sure he is fine, Appmon has, for the most part, kept to themselves, Dracomon is a mischievous sort, and Lopmon just an adorable plushie of questions.

    For the most part, everyone's pretty well-clicked to them, minus Ruth, as she shows some legit hatred and fear for the Impmon's virus nature, revealing some complications.
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Recovering from being under the weather
Anorgos Anorgos Twist Twist do you want me to squeek in another round of dialog before the meeting decision deadline or focus on a more natural transition for that? I can post really any day after today so just let me know what your prefer or if you plan on posting again so we can coordinate.
Glad to hear you're feeling better, colds and allergies together are never a good time. I'm happy for your post to be a transition into the meeting next, and if you'd like to add Róisín at all for it go ahead!

Fantastic synopsis of the posts Azurian Dream Azurian Dream , it's really nice to read through how much everyone has added to the RP over so many posts and speaking of which though it's late, Happy Anniversary to everyone!

T3T it's finally over. We traded it in for a brand new car and got really lucky with the people who worked with us on the deal. I should have my head back on starting tomorrow.
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That's good. Also it seems the card game is finally going to launch an official app for it (or some mobile thing like pkm tcg)
That's good. Also it seems the card game is finally going to launch an official app for it (or some mobile thing like pkm tcg)
👀 what now? Is there a video or details about it? I play the pokemon tcg.

T3T it's finally over. We traded it in for a brand new car and got really lucky with the people who worked with us on the deal. I should have my head back on starting tomorrow.
Ya did it pal! I'm glad everything is sorted out. Hopefully from her on out more luck.
👀 what now? Is there a video or details about it? I play the pokemon tcg.

View attachment 1221477
Ya did it pal! I'm glad everything is sorted out. Hopefully from her on out more luck.
The only details is that it exists in the production line and it will be an app they could all their card games to.

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