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Margaret D’Auverquerque
Tuesday, August 2nd | Goldenrod City – Johto |

The sirens were close; the Officers were just around the corner. Margaret could feel an on-coming headache. Was there any way to avoid a police investigation? Could she slip away unnoticed? No…this foreigner looked like the honest type, and he’d already gotten a good look at her.
She palmed over a Dusk ball and wet her lips. What were the odds she could deal with this stranger before the Officers arrived? She was confident he wouldn’t be expecting an attack from her but…this guy was a bit odd. Who knew what other devices he had on him? It was better to play the victim. Still…she didn’t want to lose her lead. Any thugs bold enough and reckless enough to rob in broad daylight either had the backing or an influential gang or were idiots.
She knew about the Johto Yakuza, they were the ideal targets for her ‘business’, but she doubted their members would be this sloppy; however, any thug would know more about the criminal landscape than she did, so it wouldn’t hurt to mark one. She waved her parasol, momentarily obscuring her person while she whispered her orders, “Mimi, darling.”
The pearl necklace around her neck turned milky white. Next, Margaret palmed a dusk ball. If she wanted this investigation to progress as smoothly and quickly as possible she needed to minimize the chaos and earn herself some good-will—“Lusty, Hypnosis!”
Ursaring thrashed against the barricade of Stone Edge that contained it, but it was held done long enough for Margaret’s Drifloon to lull it to sleep. And it wasn’t a moment too soon as an Officer Jenny wheeled in on a motorcycle.
The Officer’s expression was tight as she surveyed the damage. Her brows jumped at the fallen thug, but then settled on the two remaining trainers. The police radio crackled to life. “HQ, we’ve got a 5-0-7, three visible suspects, one down, requesting medical assistance–over.”
The radio crackled again with what must’ve been a reply, but from this distance, Margaret couldn’t piece together the words. After several moments to inspect the condition of the downed thug, Officer Jenny turned her attention to the two remaining trainers. “I’m gonna need you two to follow me down to the station.”
After a half-hour Margaret was allowed to depart the station. Thankfully, all her papers were in order and the police had been able to confirm her identity, furthermore a few witness testimonies had corroborated her innocence. After taking a statement from her on the incident, the authorities let her go without hassle.
The Galarian lady lingered outside the station; her 'savior' was still inside and she was more than a little curious about him. It was at least worth acquiring his contact information before she went on her way.