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Fandom Pokémon: Johto (Roleplay Thread)


Margaret D’Auverquerque

Tuesday, August 2nd | Goldenrod City – Johto | Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac

The sirens were close; the Officers were just around the corner. Margaret could feel an on-coming headache. Was there any way to avoid a police investigation? Could she slip away unnoticed? No…this foreigner looked like the honest type, and he’d already gotten a good look at her.

She palmed over a Dusk ball and wet her lips. What were the odds she could deal with this stranger before the Officers arrived? She was confident he wouldn’t be expecting an attack from her but…this guy was a bit odd. Who knew what other devices he had on him? It was better to play the victim. Still…she didn’t want to lose her lead. Any thugs bold enough and reckless enough to rob in broad daylight either had the backing or an influential gang or were idiots.

She knew about the Johto Yakuza, they were the ideal targets for her ‘business’, but she doubted their members would be this sloppy; however, any thug would know more about the criminal landscape than she did, so it wouldn’t hurt to mark one. She waved her parasol, momentarily obscuring her person while she whispered her orders, “Mimi, darling.”

The pearl necklace around her neck turned milky white. Next, Margaret palmed a dusk ball. If she wanted this investigation to progress as smoothly and quickly as possible she needed to minimize the chaos and earn herself some good-will—“Lusty, Hypnosis!”

Ursaring thrashed against the barricade of Stone Edge that contained it, but it was held done long enough for Margaret’s Drifloon to lull it to sleep. And it wasn’t a moment too soon as an Officer Jenny wheeled in on a motorcycle.

The Officer’s expression was tight as she surveyed the damage. Her brows jumped at the fallen thug, but then settled on the two remaining trainers. The police radio crackled to life. “HQ, we’ve got a 5-0-7, three visible suspects, one down, requesting medical assistance–over.”

The radio crackled again with what must’ve been a reply, but from this distance, Margaret couldn’t piece together the words. After several moments to inspect the condition of the downed thug, Officer Jenny turned her attention to the two remaining trainers. “I’m gonna need you two to follow me down to the station.”

After a half-hour Margaret was allowed to depart the station. Thankfully, all her papers were in order and the police had been able to confirm her identity, furthermore a few witness testimonies had corroborated her innocence. After taking a statement from her on the incident, the authorities let her go without hassle.

The Galarian lady lingered outside the station; her 'savior' was still inside and she was more than a little curious about him. It was at least worth acquiring his contact information before she went on her way.

Nakano & Johnathan1720405252890.png1720405248928.png

Date: July 25, 2022
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: N/A
Mentions: N/A
Collabed with @Red Guy

Naka's Pokémon Team:
Brontis the Chikorita
Silenus the Sceptile
Mudster the Swampert
Minnie the Mienshao
Hattie the Hatterene
Apollo the Paldean Blaze Breed Tauros

Johnathan's Pokemon Team:

Naka’s head perked up upon hearing Johnathan speak up. She smiled, her Sceptile clicking as he shifted his weight from leg to leg, lifting them up and padding the ground softly. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

Letting Minnie and Brontis rest on the bench and watch her fight, Naka went onto her side of the field, her Sceptile making guttural croaks, anxious to have a fight and show that Wigglytuff what-for.

Naka stood there, hands on her hips as she stared down the other side, letting the adrenaline course through her body. She just hoped there weren’t any funny Water-types nearby to fuck with her emotions and thus her cognitive functioning.

Johnathan nodded as he immediately turned around and made his way over to the other side of the field, he reached into his pocket to get Wigglytuff’s Poke ball and let her out once again, who announced her arrival with a lovely little tune before her cute gaze shifted into an unsettlingly wide grin.

Finally, this was her chance to put Sceptile in his place and remind him what happens if he ever decides to mess with Johnathan. Johnathan–while hopelessly unaware of the grim intentions of his partner Pokemon–looked at Naka and her Sceptile with an eager smile, ready for the battle to begin.

“Hope you’re ready, ‘cause we’re not waiting! Wigglytuff, Hyper Voice!” Johnathan called out, Wigglytuff’s body swelled up as she took a breath before she let out a deafening shriek that carried a strong and seemingly unrelenting force towards her Grass type opponent.

Hyper Voice, a wide sound-based move. Silenus gave a grin as his body glowed white and he moved quickly off to the side of the battlefield, bypassing some of the sound even though the edge of it grazed against his arm. His Quick Attack deactivated mid-lunge towards Wigglytuff’s side, his leaf blades glowing with a dark aura as he utilized Throat Chop, aiming for where her vocal cords would be to stop her from speaking for a few turns. Naka crossed her arms, watching her opponent for anything that she needed to speak out for.

Johnathan blinked as Sceptile used Quick attack to close the distance, a fun choice of tactics that helps close attackers get within reach of their targets, but Throat Chop meant that he had fewer chances of dealing wide ranged attacks, luckily, he knew that there was only one place that attack goes for, all he had to do was throw off the aim.

With just a snap from Johnathan’s fingers, Wigglytuff’s eyes began to glow sky blue, shortly the same color surrounding Sceptile. With a little tilt of her head, Wigglytuff used Psychic to force Sceptile to throw it off balance and force the Throat Chop to land just where her belly was, while the attack landed, Wigglytuff didn’t appear all that fazed, simply giving a little laugh before Johnathan called out a new command.

Reflect, upon hearing that word, Wigglytuff put up a barrier in front of herself that soon disappeared just as quickly as it materialized. A favored choice of Johnathan to ensure they can stay in the fight for longer.

Silenus tripped up from the Psychic, the attack hitting her belly instead.

It was time to switch tactics. Sceptile weren’t known for being physical fighters, and this Sceptile was no different. Sure, he had better tactics when it came to fighting close and personal, but Sceptile had better ranged attacks than anything else.

“Time to show them what you’re made of, Silenus.”

Silenus jumped back until he was in the middle of the battlefield. Reflect was up, there was no point in going in with Brick Break. Silenus slammed his green glowing fist into the ground, Grass Pledge erupting up in a series of viney columns, spreading out towards Wigglytuff’s area to encapsulate her. This wasn’t just an attack, but a variant of Grass Pledge to ensnare, making it difficult for her to move if it hit.

Johnathan smirked, fascinated by her choice of tactics as the green columns surrounded Wigglytuff, it wasn’t long until he pointed upwards.

“Hyper Voice, skyward!” Johnathan yelled, Wigglytuff immediately looked up and let out another booming soundwave from her mouth, making the surrounding Grass Pledge columns become unstable. As Johnathan pointed forwards, Wigglytuff’s arms opened and two ghostly orbs began to form from her hands, one Shadow Ball was thrown to disrupt the Grass Pledge in front of her even more before she charged on through to throw the other Shadow Ball directly at Sceptile.

While the Grass Pledge landed some damage on Wigglytuff, the disruption she caused kept said damage from being lethal. Regardless, Johnathan wasn’t about to take any chances with low health just yet, so he had Wigglytuff charge forward with a quick step from left to right to make Sceptile’s targeting difficult as Wigglytuff closed in the distance to give Sceptile a Draining Kiss.

Naka wasn’t about to just let Wigglytuff get out of that. While she did find a way out of the vines, Naka was about to make a command when she saw the Wigglytuff side step as she ran. So, she waited, Silenus using his vines to destroy the Shadow Ball as it came for him.

“You know what to do with Fairy-Types.” Silenus nodded, getting on all fours as he waited for Wigglytuff to get close. Once she was close enough, he swiped around, his tail suddenly glowing with a bright steely light. Iron Tail.

As Iron Tail directly landed on Wigglytuff, she refused to give up on giving that Draining Kiss, thanks to it landing and the Reflect that was cast earlier, the super effective Iron Tail didn’t do as much as one would have expected, though the damage was still visible.

“You know what to give ‘em.” Johnathan said while Wigglytuff grinned and her hand began to create another Shadow Ball to throw directly at Sceptile’s face, confident in the knowledge that being so close meant it was harder to miss.

That was normally true if he weren’t expecting such a close fight. Silenus’s arms came up and were cloaked in dark energy, the Throat Chop and Shadow Ball clashing and creating a dusty explosion that was hard to see through. He used Quick Attack again, blitzing towards the side and aiming for the “neck” again, figuring as the Wigglytuff might’ve expected him to come through the smoke.

Johnathan’s eyes narrowed as the collision of attacks created a dust cloud that he knew the opponent would likely take advantage of. He watched for any movement within the slowly clearing cloud and heard the familiar sound of Quick Attack being used, he figured it was a good idea to change his strategy slightly to keep him from getting too predictable.

Johnathan crossed his arms before he spread them out, Wigglytuff copied his arm crossing with two more Shadow Balls forming, her eyes looked for where Sceptile was about to appear and unleashed one of the Shadow Balls to make Sceptile dodge, the second one quickly following to hit where she believed Sceptile would move to when dodging.

It was something Naka and Silenus knew was very common, being attacked when they find out you’re going for the side again. Naka clicked her tongue. “Frenzy Plant.” Silenus’s dark arm turned green. The first Shadow Ball hit his shoulder, but he still slammed his fist into the ground. Larger vines, covered in spines, flew out from around Wigglytuff, either trying to restrain her or slamming onto her position. It didn’t stop there, as vines shot out from around Silenus, filling up the entire center portion of the battlefield in thick thorny vines and strangling roots.

Both Johnathan and Wigglytuff’s eyes widened upon the unleashed Frenzy Plant, Wigglytuff immediately darted back and quickly jumped to avoid the incoming onslaught of slamming vines as if nature itself was out to destroy her. The vines that tried to slam her were easier to avoid, the ones that attempted to constrict her were the real problem, one that required the use of a move to redirect or thwart, but it wasn’t enough to keep every vine off of her.

A few of the large vines managed to hit their mark as all the slamming created another dust cloud that obscured the entirety of the field. After what felt like ages, the battlefield went quiet, the vines returned to the earth as the dust cloud began to settle to reveal the outcome.

Wigglytuff’s feet quivered from the amount of damage she took, but remained standing nonetheless, the dust cloud revealed not only her, but the devious grin plastered on her face, she knew that Sceptile couldn’t move after that attack, she knew that victory was hers and she knew that she was going to enjoy this next attack very much. Without even needing the order, she took another breath, ready to unleash another Hyper Voice, and something told both trainers that this was about to be a big one…

Naka returned Silenus immediately, the poor lizard looking exhausted as he was fed into the light. “You win.” Naka smirked. Her Mienshao and Chikorita looked at each other before walking back up to her feet, as Naka gave Johnathan a smirk. “I forfeit because I’m quite sure that Hyper Voice would’ve knocked out Silenus.” She chuckled, scratching the part of her neck where her sling kept her fractured arm up. “Good job though. Evenly matched. It’s not every day that I find a strong trainer.”

The second that Sceptile was returned to its Poke ball followed by the call of ‘You win’ from Naka, Wigglytuff froze as if she was a video that just paused. Johnathan clapped his hands before punching the air. “Woo! Hell yeah!” Johnathan yelled triumphantly before he walked over to Wigglytuff who was in the midst of deflating back to her usual size with an excessively long and even more excessively disappointed groan.

Yes–she did indeed win, yes–it was clear that the next attack would have been a devastating one, but she really really REALLY wanted to put that Grass type in its place with every ounce of power she had. But no, Naka thought it would be a good idea to rob her of such satisfaction… “You were amazing as always, Wigglytuff, great work.” Johnathan said proudly to Wigglytuff and gave her a loving pat on the head, this helped calm her down even if just a little bit, but it wasn’t enough to keep her from giving Naka a disappointed scowl. “You’ve definitely raised your Sceptile well, I honestly didn’t think we’d pull it off.” Johnathan said while his other hand scratched his head before he reached into his pocket to get out Wigglytuff’s Poke ball, before Wigglytuff was taken by the crimson light, one of her hands slowly traveled horizontally across her neck, a sign that this wasn’t over, even after that unsatisfying win.

Naka smirked, seemingly unphased by Wigglytuff’s gesture. She giggled at Johnathan’s mini-celebration, and bowed her head as thanks for the compliment. “And thank you for an amazing battle, even if it was short. But now, I must go and hopefully calm my Tauros so I can get him to listen to me.” She chuckled, waving her hand as she retreated back to the Pokémon Center to heal her Sceptile, and left shortly after to find a nice secluded spot.


Reginald Valerias1720408348368.png
Date: August 12, 2022
Location: Olivine City > Mariko Village, Route 32-33, Johto
Interactions: Reina Cortez
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro
WCS Rank: 39,940

Pokemon Team:
Gordon the Annihilape
Emeric the Shiny Gengar
Bob the Shedinja
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Musharna
Runes the Galarian Runerigus
Crolm the Drakloak
Legion the Basculegion (red)

As they went into the Pokemon Center, Reggie pulled out Large Marge - his giant Drifblim - just in case they needed to fly anywhere. Glad he did, because Reina pulled a fast one on him in wanting to go to Mariko Village, which he teased her for, but gladly went along with her anyway. He released his Drifblim - who had a basket attached under her - and helped Reina in while his Drakloak helped pull Drifblim along and fight the wind better.

By the time they made it to Mariko Village, it was already noon. They landed on the outskirts of Mariko Village, Reggie helping Reina out of the basket and then returning his Drifblim, who made a happy 'woo' sound.

The village itself was bustling with festivities. Mareep merchandise, farm Pokemon petting and feeding, Mareep pageants, cute festival game stands like apple bobbing were sprinkled through, and amusement rides, but the main event was on a battlefield with stadium bleachers all around: a tournament.

Normally, people who lived within the area were only allowed to enter, but they've opened up to more people throughout the years, their village more like a town considering how much people live here now and the size helped to accommodate tourists who come for the festival.

Reggie's eyes lit up at all the cool sights and sounds and they weren't even in the festival grounds yet, and then he saw - a little ways into the village - a ticket booth stationed to separate the festival grounds with the residential and commercial areas. Wrist bands for all day access to the rides which cost quite a bit, and then there were the tickets which were cheaper but the tickets limited the amount of rides and gaming stands you could participate in. There was also a special wrist bands given to those who wanted to participate in the battle tournament or the Mareep pageant.

While he was here to train, he wasn't so sure if he should really do the battle tournament. He simply walked with Reina, already fishing out his wallet. "Want to get an all day pass?" He asked, not even letting her know how much the wrist bands were. She didn't need to worry about that because he got it covered.

Thursday August 12th Marko village

Team: Azurill (Aquamarine), Flaaffy(Tesla), Cleffa (Ruby), Igglybuff (Parfait), Ledyba (Iris)

The night passes by without issue. After cleaning himself up and exiting the hotel, its off to Marko village for the festival of mareeps. It's 11 am when he starts heading to Marko Village with his pokemon beside him arriving at noon. The trek itself doesn't take too long however it seems lots of people got there before him. Several mareeps, Flaaffys and Ampharos' litter the area as someone arrives on a giant Driftblim.

Aside from the ghost balloon, there are tons of Mareep merchandise around as well as a few games like bobbing for apples , a mareep pageant, little light up orbs meant to symbolize the tails of the mareep line. People are even cosplaying as the sheep line wearing various yellow or pink outfits with varying levels of wool.

Kids would wear yellow and black wristbands that mimic Ampharos' tail, something that Andy would also grab upon entering the grounds, others would take the more general approach looking like farmlands. There is even a cotton candy machine that servers yellow and pink colored cotton candy.

Andy takes the next few minutes to look at all the various things one could do before buying an all day pass for the festival, "You will pick what we do today Tesla, what shall we do first?"

Thursday, August 12th, Marko Village, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: King Tauros, Maya Dragonair, Flor Ivysaur, Viridis Scyther, Diva Clefairy, Peque Swampert.

Mareep Festival

Reina was simply delighted. The air ballong ride had brought some pleasent memories but the town covered in a cowboy sort of enviroment only made her feel a bit nostalgic. Cowboys, Mareep, Miltank, the music and the food. It was like stepping back into her little rancho for a moment. Her Ivysaur and Clefairy were also completely overjoyed by the scene.

As she took a hold of Regie's hand without noticing, she started walking towards the ticket booth. She noticed a certain someone up ahead and decided to wait until she got her ticket to say anything. That's when she saw it. The perfect outfit for the occasion.

"Just make sure I get into the tournament." She smiled before letting go of him and taking a few steps back. "I have to go do something really quick!"

Reina disappeared into the crowd while Regie bought their tickets. After a few moments, Reina came back, looking a bit different...

"Now I'm in the Mareep mood!"

Reina showed off her new Mareep costume. Diva didn't really aprove, sighing loudly. Meanwhile, Flor was super excited, running in circles around Reina. The Metztlian smiled, a bit shy as some red took over her freckles. "Oh, there's Andy!" She called out, pointing to the trainer with the Mareep.

"Andy!" She waved. "He helped me out with the Zubat swarms." She told Regie.

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic mdebourg mdebourg

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd



Reginald Valerias1720553409548.png
Date: August 12, 2022
Location: Mariko Village, Route 32-33, Johto
Interactions: Reina Cortez, Andy Richter
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro mdebourg mdebourg
WCS Rank: 39,940

Pokemon Team:
Gordon the Annihilape
Emeric the Shiny Gengar
Bob the Shedinja
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Musharna
Runes the Galarian Runerigus
Crolm the Drakloak
Legion the Basculegion (red)

Reggie couldn't help but chuckle at Reina's enthusiasm. He nodded as she left, paying for an all-day pass for them both, and then a battle tournament pass for her. Reina now had two bracelets to wear. The clerk helped to get the paper bracelet around his wrist, and he took the two bracelets for Reina.

When Reina came back, he gave a sweet 'aww' at how she looked. "You're so fluffyyyy!" He pretty much lunged at her, wrapping her up in a tight squeeze of a hug as he nuzzled into the fluffy costume, careful not to trample on Flor. He saw Diva looked a bit pissy, but he knew that whatever he said probably wasn't going to help, so he wasn't going to get her on her bad side for right now. Maybe he should get her something tasty...? That was when his attention was shifted over to Andy, as Reina yelled for him. Question was... Was that his Flaaffy or the festival's?

Looked like his though.

He nodded in acknowledgement to who Andy was, before grabbing Reina's wrist to put the two bands on. "One all-day pass and one battle pass. There we go." He smiled, then made his way over to Andy. "You're Andy, right? Nice to meet you. I'm Reggie, Reina's boyfriend. Heard you helped her with a bit of the Sanguine Swarm up north. Thank you for helping her." He extended his hand, waiting for a handshake (which he gave pretty firm handshakes).

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Emmeline "Emma" Argentston, Olivine City, Johto, July 25th, Lighthouse planned.
Desmond Andrews (Unranked)
SS Maine, Johto (July 25th)
ThAtGuY101 ThAtGuY101 (Aldon), Cmeriwether6 Cmeriwether6 (Emma)​

Politoed again found itself captivated, to most Skol probably seemed to speak nonsense but either call it a hunch of its own ignorance it found this gospel to be quite fascinating though seemed more happy that it acknowledged him as Politoed clapped happily.

"Politoed~! Politoed poli~." (Such a fascinating insight~! I am doing well, this whole trip is so exciting.) Politoed answered back with a joyful bounce as in spite of their contrasts in energy the pair seemed to get along pretty well.

Desmond himself seemed to have a hand grasped around his locket as they looked out the view, hearing Aldon's words as the young man supposed there was a degree of truth to that...well, he least hoped that was the case.

"Suppose we'll see if there is much more about myself..." Desmond mused, but then another familiar voice sounded as Emma joined up with them Togekiss in the air as she asked about their plans and even mentioned the lighthouse which seemed to be fitting enough.

"Funny we were just talking plans, think it's agreed we'll check out the lighthouse in Olivine and then decide what we each want to do from there." Desmond said as he summarized his and Aldon's discussion for Emma as the ship had truly set sail and the venture to the city had begun.

Desmond Andrews (Unranked)
Olivine City, Johto (July 25th)
Cmeriwether6 Cmeriwether6 (Emma)

Snap. Snap. Snap!

Desmond had been up a bit early as he wanted to take some shots as they arrived at the docks of Olivine City, thankfully the trip managed to be a peaceful one as given his luck he expected a rogue Gyarados to attack the ship but lately his luck seemed to be turning for a change which had been nice. He had to admit, the city approaching was quite a lovely sight on the horizon and it seemed captured well enough behind the lens.

Course, others had their own ways to express a joyful mood.

"Seems uh someone is spirited...seems you have been looking forward to this." Desmond said to Emma with a sweat drop as the girl seemed to radiate a bubbly enthusiasm as he set his tripod and camera equipment away as he walked over to her and her Gastrodon though it seemed this caused a partner of his own to release itself.


Mimikyu had released itself and instantly worked to hug Desmond's leg affectionately which caused the young man to shiver as his face paled, but he had prepared for this as he quickly and in a slight panic reached for a chocolate bar as he took a big bite out of it as a sort of panic-release strategy as he chewed a bit before glancing down. "I-I should stress again that I am not a fan of s-surprise welcomes like that..." Desmond muttered to his relative newfound party member.

Emma's trip on the boat was rather peaceful, to her surprise. Her personal expectations were either Poachers or other threats to Pokemon. She had returned Togekiss as she walked with Desmond, however, Gastrodon stayed with her. Emma had been smiling, happy that all was well.

"Well, it's been mostly that this city has been a passing by place when my family came down for vacation." Emma explained, "I haven't had the opportunity to see the city and it's sights, this is an experience for me."

Gastrodon looked up at her trainer, then back at Desmond, however, Desmond's Mimikyu decided to pop out of its Pokeball. Emma was surprised at Mimikyu, but even more surprised when Desmond started panicking a bit as Mimikyu hugged Desmond's leg. She noticed he chewed down on a chocolate bar and then gave it an explanation on what it was doing, and how it was affecting him. Emma giggled a bit at the sight, but other than that, she was in a good mood.

"It's going to take a while, it always does, especially when you have a very excitable Boltund." Emma commented on how Mimikyu reacted, "However, wasn't the lighthouse our plan? Otherwise, is all good?"
Thursday August 12th Marko village

Team: Azurill (Aquamarine), Flaaffy(Tesla), Cleffa (Ruby), Igglybuff (Parfait), Ledyba (Iris)

While the pink bipedal sheep thinks on things to do, Andy hears Reinas voice ring out from somewhere behind him. He turns around upon hearing his name and gives a wave, all his pokemon soon following this, "Hello Reina, nice to see you again. How was your challenge back in Cianwood? Also seems you really got into character, " he chuckles noting the costume. The man with her would then introduce himself

"You're Andy, right? Nice to meet you. I'm Reggie, Reina's boyfriend. Heard you helped her with a bit of the Sanguine Swarm up north. Thank you for helping her."

"Nice meeting you as well, I've heard a bit about you while we were dealing with those darn Zubats. It's no problem at all, just glad I was of help," he finishes before meeting Reggies hand for the handshake leaving it there as he figures Reggie already knows how much Reina likes him, not to mention it would be all kinds of embarrassing.

"You doing the Gym Challenge too Reggie?" he asks him, Tesla then bleats to get Andy's attention and looks towards the stage, "Looking to put on a bit of a show huh?" the sheep nods happily, "Alright then, let's do that " he nods getting a band for the pageant pass though inwardly now he is sweating bullets. He doesn't have a routine to even put on for the patrons here nor hadn't  ever been in any contest before.

This was not going to end well

Hecotoro Hecotoro Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

[Iris] Rapidash ♀
[Pearl] Dragonair ♀
[Zephir] Leafeon ♂
Click for Character Sheet RICK
Date: July 25th
Location: Mart - Olivine City
Interations: Esther CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon

There was a faint grin in Rick's face once the girl showed some interest about being a coordinator. A mental "nailed it!" crossed his mind... until it faded away once she stated that battles were fun and now it seemed like he was back to square one. "Hm... they might be fun now that they're mostly friendly sparring. For now, 'battles' as you call them are relatively safe. Heck, I used to spare with my Rapidash when she was a Ponyta for fun, and I still do sometimes. But you'll see that fun gets thrown out the window when stakes get higher and pokémon start hurting themselves for real." He told her.

"To be clear, I don't have any problem with people who go the Gyms with the intent to learn, train and improve. That should be the purpose of Gyms, and I think Gym Leaders in general do a pretty good job at tutoring those trainers. I used to go there in my early days. But then there's the other side of the coin." He paused for a bit and dropped his head with eyes shut. "For the majority of trainers, their only goal is to get eight badges, just so they can be admitted into the League's Tournament. And for what? Money, a trophy, prestige... all while their pokémon fight their asses for a crowd's entertainment. And don't get me started on Galarian Gyms." He started tapping his foot in annoyance. "So what about you? What's your goal with the gym challenge? Is it for the learning experience and growth? Or; are you really just interested in the badges?" He raised his head to stare at Esther.
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S.S. Marine | Olivine Port
Olivine City, Johto

July, 25
| 10:37 a.m.









L' Basseau




Wasn’t it enough that she enjoyed battles…? Esther frowned, a spark of anger igniting in her chest. Then, it was gone. Her budding indignance somehow seeming so trivial in the face of the task she had ahead of herself. Perhaps at another time, before she’d resolved herself, her anger would’ve been heard, felt, by someone who’d so boldly and wrongly cast judgment on her. Now…? It was water off a ducklett’s back.

A lock of red-black hair had fallen into her face and Esther huffed it away with clear exasperation. With two swift kicks, her shoes were off. Then Esther knelt and peeled away the stockings that covered her legs. She glanced up at Rick, almost contemptuously, as she displayed her legs.
“Are these stakes satisfactory?”

Her legs were marred with burn-scars, from the base of her feet to just above her knees, tongues of fire had left their mark. She allowed several seconds to pass, so Mr. assumptions could get his fill of her ‘safe’ and ‘fun’ reasons for being a trainer. Once she was sure her point was made, she pulled up her stockings.
“My home doesn’t have trainers, so I decided to become one.”

Esther met Rick’s stare with a challenging gaze, her arms folded. Now she had an inkling about why Theo had lost his temper.

$240 | Pokéball x0 | PokéToy | PokéFlute | Unidentified Fossil



Quilt Set
Hammock Set
First-Aid Kit
Water Bottle (1/2 Gallon)
Water Purifier & Filter
Gothic Lolita Set (Clothing)
Lace Set (Clothing)
Chic Asymmetry Set (Clothing)
Winter Gear (Clothing)
Ballet Flats
Climbing Gear
Detachable Rollerblades
Desmond Andrews (Unranked)
Olivine City, Johto (July 25th)
Cmeriwether6 Cmeriwether6 (Emma), ThAtGuY101 ThAtGuY101 (Aldon)​

Desmond listened as Emma gave advice about how settling with a new party member took time, made even more complicated given his own well...conflicted feelings with Pokemon. Thankfully the chocolate bite helped and Mimikyu eventually released his leg which he seemed to appreciate as he sighed a bit. "I'll keep that in mind, thanks for the advice." Desmond mused to Emma.

As they docked down, Aldon made a joking comment of ladies first as Desmond rolled his eyes. "Haha." Desmond muttered to Aldon but as he returned Mimikyu his Politoed released itself which spoked Desmond and his partner hopped off as it took the first enthusiastic steps towards Olivine City as Desmond worked to produce a path to the lighthouse on his Pokesketch. "Am curious to see the view this place has to offer." Desmond admitted to Emma and Aldon.

"Politoed~!" Politoed hopped up with a bit of a spirit as it walked by its partner, Desmond glancing to the side and in spite of it all the positivity the frog had was...enviable to a degree.
~Aldon Charlton...~
~Skol the king of gods, Bran the bronzor, Zippy the magnemite, Huck the golett, Wunder the Sigilyph and Bolly the Baltoy...~
~July 25th...~
~Johto, Olivine City...~
~interactions: Desmond, Emma...~

"Passerby sounds like such a nasty word. I like to think of it as a scenery city. Come by and see the nice sights and smells. cities like this usually hide the best gems tucked away in some isolated cave or whirlpool." Aldon mused thinking about adventures and grandiose tales of his favorite fictional treasure hunters. Skol wandered around with two wild wooper following behind him. where did the wooper come from and why were they following skol? Aldon didn't know, and Skol presumably didn't even notice them.

"Helloooo hellooo hellooo hellooo" Aldon repeated his words since they would not echo in the old lighthouse. With the lack of response from upstairs, Aldon proceeded to walk towards the elevator. Aldon stepped inside it. Zippy followed alongside Aldon, occasionally glancing at the windows and tainers in a almost erratic manner, never focusing on one particular thing for more than two seconds.

"Watch the elevator just like not work or plummet down from near the top or just stop in between floors. What do you think, Skol?" Aldon chuckled.


"I was just joking Skol, chill! Not like it would happen. no way."
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[Iris] Rapidash ♀
[Pearl] Dragonair ♀
[Zephir] Leafeon ♂
Click for Character Sheet RICK
Date: July 25th
Location: Mart - Olivine City
Interations: Esther CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon

Rick raised an eyebrow as Esther started taking off her shoes. After her previous suggestion of wearing a swimsuit just for cash, he didn't know how far this girl was willing to get when it came to stripping. Fortunately, she stopped at her stockings. He frowned upon seeing the girl's scarred legs, meeting her eyes again once she pulled her stockings up and stating she was the only trainer from her homeplace. "Where did you get those? More importantly, how did it feel?" He asked rhetorically. "Because that's the kind of thing pokémon are subjected to in battle, whether it's for defense or entertainment. And only one of those is justified. And yet, even after feeling it in your skin, you think it's fun?" He said, before pushing himself off the wall. "People trivialize pokémon getting hurt because Pokécenters can heal them in record time. Well... most injuries at least. I wonder, when the technology wasn't there, if people viewed it the same way as they do now." He said, tapping his mouth with a pondering look.

He started walking towards the door as he continued to speak. "I can't grasp your idea of fun. But I also can't stop anyone from battling at their leisure. I can only make them think about the reasons they do so. What can you say? I have an unpopular opinion!" He turned around, waving his arms. "At least you seem to have better motives to be a trainer than most. You'd be surprised by how many would say they're in it just for sport." He glanced over Esther's pokémon for a bit. "And your pokémon don't seem to be forced to fight against their will, which is my biggest concern. So there's that." Having said that, Rick walked outside and hopped onto Iris. "Anyways! We might see eachother in another time. Hopefully in better terms without a calamity to solve, if you get the gist..." He said with a grin, waving goodbye while Iris bowed to her, before the two headed off, with Pearl flying behind.
SRA Log. Tuesday, August 2nd. Goldenrod City. Johto Region.
User: Valko Medveyev.
Mentions: CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon as Margaret.

Through the fight, Valko paid no mind to how the suspicious behavior certainly painted an odd picture, as in his eyes, all he saw was a woman who needed help, and the only thing running through his mind was to inflict Stahlblatt justice upon the thugs. After all, as a member of the SRA, his job was to assist those in need, and to put himself in the face of danger.

He continued to fight despite the clear damage to his spine, managing to avoid the shrapnel of flying rock shards as the Ursaring fought against the stone Edge. As the sirens rang closer and closer, his tactics changed from trying to incapacitate the enemy to holding out until the police came. Sure, he'd likely get in trouble, but he hoped that at the very least, the fact he was only trying to assist someone would leave him as less guilty.

He was about to order his Froslass to use Curse in order to inflict the Ursaring with damage that'd slowly weaken it over time, but fortunately, the Drifblim managed to put the creature to sleep, just in time for the police to arrive. As they got on the scene, he recalled his Froslass and brushed off his coat, then adjusting his beret with the clear symbol of the Stahlblatt Beastmaster Corps. He wasn't surprised when the officer requested they return to the station, saluting them with a level of respect.

"Oczywiście, o-oficerze. We ex-explain all wh-when there. I su-sure public distu-urbances not ne-n-new thing. Prze-zestępcy fools were foolish." He spoke, his voice certainly glitching, as did his body. He could only hope that the criminal who struck his spine was merely incapacitated, as the last thing he needed was a charge of self defense leading to manslaughter. Though, given the voltage, it was unlikely to kill, not without enough damage to his spine to render himself incapacitated.

Fortunately, they were both rendered innocent, though due to being from a region most people weren't even aware of, the questioning for Valko went on a bit longer. He presumed that his background was certainly unique to anyone who wasn't aware of the events in Stahlblatt, and they wanted to make sure he wasn't going to be a threat to public safety.

He was surprised to see Margeret remain outside the station. Was he really interesting enough for her to stick around for him? Saluting her, he sat down on a nearby bench, activating a device on his arm which transformed into some sort of strange Pokemon, appearing as an odd mechanical spider-like creature. Patting it on the head, he quietly spoke a few commands. After recieving orders, the creature crawled into the back of his shirt, followed by whirring noises and other various noises of small tools.

"I... Apologize for causing commotion. I saw them, and felt like you could use help. I introduce self. I Valko Medveyev, former Beastmaster of Eisenkeifer. I now member of Stahlblatt Ranger Association. Who you?" He saluted, his voice now normal after his Pokemyte finished repairing his spine. The creature popped back out of his clothing and returned itself to his arm, where it formed back into a sort of metal sleeve with a faintly glowing screen. The device on his head was certainly unique in itself as well, looking like a cross between a tactical HUD visor and a light headset with only one speaker.
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Olivine City, Johto

July, 25
| 10:45 a.m.









L' Basseau




Were Pokémon battles…immoral? Wasn’t that the question at the heart of Rick’s disgruntlement, the essence thereof? The answer was nuanced… complicated. It depends. Esther couldn’t speak for others—who knew their reasons, their motives—but for herself? The answer was clear. She had never ‘captured’—see forced—a Pokémon into a battle or even a Pokéball. Houndour saw to that. Every single member of her team had joined of their own initiative—they saw what she had to offer and decided to tag along. So, what was there to feel bad about? If they wanted to battle, they battled; if they didn’t want to battle, she could send them over to Oblivia. In Esther’s view, that was the only thing that mattered.

The risk of pain and injury did not preclude one’s enjoyment of an activity. In fact, many things that were fun came at a risk. Windsailing was fun but it wasn’t easy; falling off the board hurt, getting caught in the sail also hurt, and accidentally sailing over tentacool REALLY hurt. Did that stop her from finding it fun? Likewise, battles hurt but the enjoyment was worth. However… Rick had a point. A trainer could enjoy all the benefits of a battle without experiencing any of the pain; how was that fair? Most trainers couldn’t do anything about that but…maybe it was high time she put her natural talents to use.

$240 | Pokéball x0 | PokéToy | PokéFlute | Unidentified Fossil



Quilt Set
Hammock Set
First-Aid Kit
Water Bottle (1/2 Gallon)
Water Purifier & Filter
Gothic Lolita Set (Clothing)
Lace Set (Clothing)
Chic Asymmetry Set (Clothing)
Winter Gear (Clothing)
Ballet Flats
Climbing Gear
Detachable Rollerblades
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Margaret D’Auverquerque

Tuesday, August 2nd | Goldenrod City – Johto | Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac


A peculiar title for a peculiar fellow.

“My name is Margaret,” She dipped into a practiced curtsey, her head lowered politely. Just out of view, her eyes flicked with thoughts unknown. When “Thanks You, whatever would I have done without you? Is there any way I can repay you? Money, perhaps? My father is a noble, he’ll reward you handsomely for rescuing me!”

Curious eyes watched the PokeMyte at work; she looked askance toward it’s owner.

“You don’t seem familiar, and I’ve never heard of Stahlblatt. Is everyone there…like you? All that metal stuck to them?”

SRA Log. Tuesday, August 2nd. Goldenrod City. Johto Region.
User: Valko Medveyev.
Mentions: CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon as Margaret.

The Ranger smiled and attempted to return the politeness, bowing under the assumption that such an act was a reasonable response. When asked how she could repay him, he chuckled a bit and adjusted his beret, briefly looking away. "Oh, I only do right thing. Information may be more valuable than money. See, I not connected to regional network, as is quite different to what used in homeland. If you could help with connecting me to a means of information on this region, would appreciate!"

He chuckled again as she expressed his strangeness and he crossed his arms. "Oh, that makes sense. Stahlblatt, for many years, was in great war. We isolated from rest of world. Only recently, we opened back up. Most people not know we exist!" He explained. At least the apparent isolation of his homeland explained why not only he was so strange, but his technology was so different. "Cybernetics aren't uncommon, no, but they act as replacement to lost limbs. My spine is cybernetic after an incident during service. An terrible injury crippled my spine, a replacement had to be made. Fortunately, a full recovery was made." He spoke, gesturing to his getup.

"Technology like mine however, very common. Is designed to be very functional, but not attractive. Function over form, so to speak. Pokemytes are like companions, little robot that work to keep technology working. Stahlblatt is often harsh condition, so means of fixing technology when damage, very valuable. But they not normal robot, they fully sentient, like Pokemon! Only made by man."

Margaret D’Auverquerque

Tuesday, August 2nd | Goldenrod City – Johto | Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac

Margaret blinked. She would’ve traced the cash she gave him so she could keep an eye on him, but information? That would be much easier to bug.

“Leave it to me, I’ll have a PokéGear sent your way. I’ll take your number and leave my business card so we can keep in touch; however, I must be going now. There are obligations I still need to meet.”

The Galarian lady only stuck around for as long as it took too exchange contact details, then she bowed once more and set off. “Toodaloo!”

SRA Log. Tuesday, August 2nd. Goldenrod City. Johto Region.
User: Valko Medveyev.
Mentions: CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon as Margaret.

While he certainly had no idea of the fact she planned on tracing his movements, as he merely thought of wanting to repay him as an act of kindness. He saluted her and began to tap away on the screen attached to his arm, the PokeMyte fortunately doubling as a physical means of interacting with his NanoHud.

"Ahh? I not sure what Pokegear is, but I figure it out. I appreciate, thank you!" He smiled, once again attempting to bow in response. He hoped she'd stick around a bit longer, just long enough to help him figure out where to go next, but she left so suddenly he was just stuck holding her business card. He didn't plan on utilizing this 'pokegear' he was given normally, but if it had the ability to work with local transmissions, he'd certainly be able to work together with his Pokemyte to reverse engineer the thing, disassemble it fully, and integrate as much of it as possible into his own tech.

It might have put a wrench into her plans, or maybe it wouldn't. Valko was certainly a wild card, and in this new world, he was going to play by his own rules! After all, his goals weren't lofty, nor ambitious. He simply wanted to explore the various regions, and at least had some basic travel plans. He head out, heading towards the local gym. He wasn't aware of what a gym was, but if it was a notable place in town, perhaps he'd find someone willing to act as a guide to the region!

Thursday, August 12th, Marko Village, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: King Tauros, Maya Dragonair, Flor Ivysaur, Viridis Scyther, Diva Clefairy, Peque Swampert.

Mareep Festival

"Ow Tesla looks strong and happy!" Reina wrapped her arm around Regie while petting the pink fluffy Pokemon. "So you are joining the contest? I'm going to join the tournament." She flashed a cocky grin. "We want to get some training done before we tackle the Ma-ha-money gym!"

Reina let go of Regie and walked over to a poster containing the tournament rules. Her green eyes read with excitement until she finished reading it. She sighed and looked down at the floor, her eyes reading the ground as if the answer was there. "I need to make a call. Let's meet a the food court, I'm so hungry I could kick a Rapidash!"

Reina smiled and waved as she rushed away.

About twenty minutes later Reina came back, a bit out of breath, her hoodie down, but she was looking happy and well. "Okay, ready!"

The excited trainer sat down with her two teammates and began eating away at was nachos with beef. She ate surprisingly a lot of salsa with them, savoring it like if it was the sweetest meal she ever had. She didn't talk much, more focused on her meal, but she looked happy. Once she was done, she sighed with satisfaction. "So, what are we doing first?"

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic mdebourg mdebourg

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd



Reginald Valerias1721517390866.png
Date: August 12, 2022
Location: Mariko Village, Route 32-33, Johto
Interactions: Reina Cortez, Andy Richter
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro mdebourg mdebourg
WCS Rank: 39,940

Pokemon Team:
Gordon the Annihilape
Emeric the Shiny Gengar
Bob the Shedinja
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Musharna
Runes the Galarian Runerigus
Crolm the Drakloak
Legion the Basculegion (red)

Upon hearing he was talked about, he smiled with glee. Once they had a nice handshake - of which Reggie approved the type of handshake he received - Reggie hummed at the idea of the gym challenge. He had already done quite a bit, that he wasn't so sure. He just shrugged. "I dunno. I already got pretty far in the Orange Island's league. I think I'll wait getting the badges. I want to be as strong as a Gym Leader at their full potential, and I already got the WCS stuff to do. Though, I am more partial to those Contests, like the season happening in Alola right now." Upon hearing Reina's attempt at saying Mahogany, he chuckled, but thought that maybe it was a good idea. "Maybe fighting Lorelei at Mahogany might help me find where I'm at." He chuckled, only to see Andy getting a pageant pass. He seemed quite nervous, even if he seemed to try and hide it.

At least Reina was pumped for the fight. He raised an eyebrow when she let go and looked at the rules, only to look marginally depressed before disappearing soon after, saying they'll meet at the food court and saying the weirdest analogy for being really hungry. He raised an eyebrow, humming. "Well, uh, that's weird." It was then that he saw the rule for the tournament. Only Electric-Types.

Well, he didn't have one either. He wondered if she had one back home or somewhere.

Either way, he went to the food court, sitting at a bench and chuckling as Reina came back. He had gotten some food, mostly sweets like a Copperajah ear and some corndogs. He was also quite focused on his meal until he was done, looking around for anything they could do. "Well, we do have all these rides to go on. I would like to know how Andy's gonna do the pageant stuff. You got something planned? Need some help from a coordinator like me?" He smiled, figuring that this concerned expression he swore Andy had earlier was likely because he had no idea what to do and it was a spur of the moment thing.

SRA Log. Saturday, August 4th. Route 36. Johto Region.
User: Valko Medveyev.
Interactions: Nobody.

"... are dangerous, please excise caution when travelling in the effected areas. The Zubat are hostile and would not think twice to attack a vulnerable trainer." His device droned, Valko quickly shutting off the odd device attached to his right arm. It seemed like some sort of odd combination of Johtoian tech and some sort of foreign technology, certainly appearing to have more care gone into the functional aspects rather than appearance. He'd heard rumors of aggressive Zubat since he'd arrived, but the advisory certainly proved there was an issue. However, despite being on a route near the affected areas, he fortunately hadn't come across any hostile Zubat so far. Standing up from the log he was sat on, he let out his partner Cryslass and pat her on the head.

The duo headed off for Route 37, prepared to patrol around the affected areas. He was certainly well skilled with Pokemon, and his training with the SRA(not to mention his time in service) meant he was well suited to at least assist with the bizarre Zubat. He was well aware of Zubat from his home region, as the abundance of caves made them rather common, but he'd never heard of something like this! Certainly if he found anyone being harmed by these bloodsucking creatures, he'd be able to help! And it wasn't long before he arrived on Route 37 did he see a rather inexperienced looking trainer being swarmed by a group of... Well, that was certainly a lot of Zubat.

It was certainly perplexing to see them so active during the day, and certainly left questions as to the cause for their behavior. Regardless of his feelings, however, the ranger rushed in and attempted to get the attention of the Zubat, using some sort of minor explosive, similar to a weak firecracker, that would certainly grab the attention of the echolocation-using bats, without putting any Pokemon at risk. It certainly worked, as they stopped harassing the poor newbie and instead flocked on him. Fortunately, his Cryslass proved especially capable of dealing with the bats. Upon receiving a nonverbal signal from her trainer, she caused a great gust of frozen air at the attacking Zubat, knocking a few of them out in the first hit. However, those who were less affected swooped into attack the crystalline spirit.

"Kryslass! Again!" Valko cried out, his partner nodding and causing another blizzard to hit the swarm. After that, a few more were knocked out of the fight, and causing great damage to the rest. Despite the rate at which he fought, they continued to come, as if there was an infinite amount. He kept fighting however, even sending out his Excadrill to help protect the otherwise fragile Cryslass. She may have been resistant to them, but their attacks slowly chipped down at her health, and given her poor defenses, it wouldn't be long before she fell. "May you face fury of Stahlblatt wolf!" Valko shouted.
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July 25th, 2 p.m.
Route 39
Mentions: Naka Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

Well. Today had certainly been....a day so far. The day started with his early morning excursion that lead him to being attacked by the tiny bird pokemon Sparrow, and the much larger bird pokemon Farrow. An attack that lead to him to be protected by some sort of barrier. After that was the boat ride,which while taking the full hour to traverse seemed to feel as if it had only been a few moments. Once he factored in his worst game of Capture the Flag ever, his utterly failed attempt at flirting with Esther, and their subsequent victory in the game he found himself in with both Esther and Rick, today had so far shaped up to be one of the more eventful days in recent memory. It was right up there with riding on the back of a Pterodactyl and competing in the Whirl Cup.There were still a lot he needed to see and learn. But if every day was as eventful as today had been thus far...

Theo cracked a small grin as he scrolled up the screen of his Rotom phone, gently scratching the back of his head. He currently sat on Route 39, leaned up against a tree not too far off the beaten path. He'd sent everyone whose contact info he had a message saying he was going to be just north of town for a bit, needing a break from the hustle and bustle of the city. He had had his fill of people time for one morning.Shinx was out of his ball and at Theo's side, pouncing and trying to catch a butterfly. As Theo scrolled the internet, a potential link caught his eye. 10 Simple Ways to Tame a Tauros. Maybe this was what he needed. Clicking the link, Theo was taken to a blank screen with a single word written on it. Con't. “Con't? Continued from what?”he muttered, bringing his backpack into his lap and fishing out one of his notebooks. He flipped to the first page and looked at the alphabet Naka had written up for him. “oooh. Don't. Ah. That's not funny.” he mused, clicking the next arrow button for Way #9.“Really. Don't. Mhm. I think I need a new link.”

He tabbed back a few times and continued to scroll, finally finding a link to a video titled “Taming Tauros: One Step at a Time” That one should be helpful, yeah? Surely. He clicked the link, only to be greeted by a toe tapping, hip swaying Rick Astley singing Never Gonna Give You Up. With an aggravated growl Theo threw the Rotom Phone with all his might, only for it to float just a few inches out of his reach.“Can't believe I...urgh.” he sighed, motioning for the phone to come back to him. Slowly the Rotom Phone floated back in to his grasp, Theo shaking his head. “Rick Rolled in two freakin worlds. I can't be the only....hello?” There, in the recommended videos section, was a name he didn't think he'd see. A Crap Guide To Tauros by JoLitten. “...well, I guess one more video couldn't hurt.”

A few videos later Theo felt, at least on some level, a bit more prepared to take on whatever Tauros could throw at him. All of the Tauros in the videos he had seen looked different than the one in his Safari Ball, but he assumed their temperaments were more or less the same. Rowdy. Violent. Able to piss itself off to make itself stronger. Yeah. Ok. He could do this. How hard could it be?? Tossing the ball farther down the unbeaten half of the path he currently found himself on, Theo watched as the all black Tauros took form and shook its body to get used to being out of his ball again. At the same time he dropped Krem's poke-ball on the ground, which gave the water gater time to take form as well, and give Theo a pokemon he knew he could count on to at least distract the Tauros.

“Now, Tauros, I know we've had our differences..” he started, but was cutoff by the Tauros mooing angrily before it charged at him. His first instinct was to turn tail and run. But he knew he couldn't outrun a bull, pokemon or no.“Krem, hit Tauros with your <<Hydro Pump>>” What!?! Did he forget what happened last time? He was barely able to hit the little bird that had been his opponent! Then again, this new threat was land based and charging right for them.Inhaling deeply Krem unleashed the full force of his <<Hydro Pump>> attack, hunkering down on all fours to help keep himself steadied. Seeing the incoming geyser of water the Tauros unleashed an attack of his own, at first unseen to Theo.

He thought something was amiss when he saw the Hydro Pump splitting in to two streams as it connected with the advancing bull. Was the Tauros just that unfazed by Krem's <<Hydro Pump>>, or was there more to it? It wasn't until the Tauros got closer did Theo see that the bull pokemon's horns were glowing a purple energy, which was causing the Hydro Pump to split. Fuck. “Krem, dodge and...” too late he realized as the Tauros' lowered head made contact with the water gater, sending the latter flying backwards. Krem struck the trees behind him with enough force that the red spines along his back caused him to stick to the tree. Krem raised a claw in a vain attempt to flail before his form went limp, Theo freezing in place when he saw this. Was...was he dead?

The angry moo of the Tauros snapped Theo back to reality, the bull again charging at the Totodile despite it clearly not moving. Theo hesitated for just a second before pulling Krem's poke-ball off his belt and recalling the Totodile before Tauros could do any more damage. “I'm sorry.....Krem.” He muttered to the poke-ball before placing it back on his belt, Theo looking again to the Tauros. He would have to make a proper apology later. With a snort Tauros sized Theo up as he produced another Safari Ball,releasing the small Riolu it contained. “Think you can take him Ro?” The Riolu eyed her opponent, offering a light shrug in response before taking a fighting stance and punching forward. A ring of blue swords formed around Ro and spun for a brief second before disappearing.

The sight of the Riolu seemed to serve only to piss off the Tauros again, the bull pokemon whipping himself with his tails before rushing forward, this time his horns glowing a bright white. Unlike the still young Totodile, Ro was very familiar with the way Tauros moved, having trained against them in the Safari Zone.Rather than wait for the bull to come to her she instead ran towards the bull, meeting the Tauros head on. Waiting until the last second Ro would jump and slide under the advancing Tauros before lashing out, a light green beam of energy shooting from the Tauros' abdomen as it is lifted off the ground just enough for Ro to finish passing under him and standing, turning to face the bull as he landed back on the ground. She smirked at the bull, an act that seemed to only anger him more to the point of almost foaming at the mouth. With an angry moo the Tauros again began to charge at the waiting Riolu, stopping mid stride as his form was encased in red energy.

With a surprised look Ro looked forward to Theo, who was shaking his head.So this was the fury of a wild pokemon. “I'm...not ready for Tauros. Not yet.” Tauros wasn't going to listen to him, that much was clear. And he couldn't rely on Ro and possibly Eos to keep him in check at all times either. Krem and Shinx weren't up to that task yet. If he wanted to keep Tauros on his team, he was going to have to become stronger. “Thanks, Ro. You were great.” he smiled a weak smile to the Riolu who nodded before being recalled. “Cmon Shinx!We gotta get back to town. We'll come back and play later, ok?” The Shinx emerged from his hiding spot with a happy cry, unaware to what had just happened. The duo headed back in to town, Theo shooting Naka text message. Hey. Need some quick help. Meet me in the pokermon center?
Friday August 12th Marko village (mareep festival)

Team: Azurill (Aquamarine), Flaaffy(Tesla), Cleffa (Ruby), Igglybuff (Parfait), Ledyba (Iris)

Andy is inwardly sweating like a waterfall, the Sheep Beauty Pageant functions like a general beauty contest only with the Mareep line rule added in. Regardless , he had no experience in contests at all and so has no idea what to even do; his own sheep did want to head to that event and so that was what was going to happen, this is Tesla's and any other mareep lines day after all.

Reina appeared to have a different idea, instead wanting to participate in the Static Shock Tournament but without an electric type of her own, she could not partake. At least there was a brief moment of levity when Reina hilariously (and probably deliberately) fails at pronouncing Mahogany when she refers to the gym, "That is surely going to go better than this pageant is for me" Andy laments.

It's here that Reggie chips in his two cents "You got something planned? Need some help from a coordinator like me?"

"That would be very welcome, thank you Reggie, I don't have the slightest idea how to handle any contest of any type, "

Tesla moves

Tackle, thundershock, thunder wave, cotton spore

Hecotoro Hecotoro Merciless Medic Merciless Medic
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Thursday, August 12th, Marko Village, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: King Tauros, Maya Dragonair, Flor Ivysaur, Viridis Scyther, Diva Clefairy, Peque Swampert.

Mareep Festival

"Well if we look at the sch-csch-sc- events on the flyer... we need to hurry up and get to the contest." Reina showed the schedule to her teammates. "It's the first event."

Reina's eyes shifted to Regie. "Could you work as Andy's manager? I'll go get us a good seat while you two get ready. Tesla is a hard worker, so I am sure they will win." She gave Andy a smile. "Then we can try out the games and other stuff before the tournament!"

Reina stood up, "I will make sure to get us all drinks meanwhile. Do your best! Regie, I'll be waiting for you." Reina looked around for the nearest shop selling drinks, specially ones she never tasted before and started to walk away. "See you all there! Break an arm!"

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic mdebourg mdebourg

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd



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