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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

Most do. There are a few that state in their descriptions otherwise, but unless they do, it has to be in some sort of artifact.
Most do. There are a few that state in their descriptions otherwise, but unless they do, it has to be in some sort of artifact.
O.K.! I'm asking because O Mighty Fat Cat is thinking of allowing Filial Wisdom to wear his beloved Brilliant Manifold silks with the Hearthstone, Gem of Incomparable Wellness. Though it leaves O Mighty Fat Cat vulnerable to damage, it's the only means I can think of that will help Filial Wisdom with that really bad bleeding wound of his.
O.K.! I'm asking because O Mighty Fat Cat is thinking of allowing Filial Wisdom to wear his beloved Brilliant Manifold silks with the Hearthstone, Gem of Incomparable Wellness. Though it leaves O Mighty Fat Cat vulnerable to damage, it's the only means I can think of that will help Filial Wisdom with that really bad bleeding wound of his.
That is possible to do, but keep in mind that Exalts heal health levels very quickly compared to regular mortals. Depending on what Charms he has, it could be that in a matter of a few hours he'll be fully restored. The hearthstone would accelerate that process a lot, though.
While the Lion talks, the man slips off of his horse and takes a few steps forward. He offers up a respectful bow, then says, "Greetings, Noble Exalts. I am Korran Vesta, and my companion over there is Bera. I thank you for helping to rid Creation of this abomination, even if it is only for a short time. I had long suspected that Han Tha had a Sanctum somewhere in the area around Rathess; this gives me more reason to think so." He looks around at everyone with a pleasant expression on his face. "May I enquire as to what would bring so many Chosen to this old city?"
Just curious, but how are these two humans dressed/armed?
I should have added this to the other post.

The man is not wearing any armor that you can see, but he does have a longsword sheathed on his back.

The woman is also not in armor, and she has what looks like a seven section staff in one hand with a bow and quiver of arrows tied to her saddle.
Posting this in all games I share with Sherwood.

Update on everyone's favorite pun-meister! If all goes well, Sherwood might be out of the hospital and home this Friday! Cross your fingers and keep sending good vibes his way, fellow gamers! =)
And speaking of doing well, I may be getting out of the hospital tomorrow or Saturday, assuming that everything continues to look good on my x-rays. It has only been 43 days since I was admitted, so I am more than ready to go home.
On an unrelated note, I have just gotten the word that I'm getting discharged from the hospital! It has been something like 45 days that I've been locked up here, so I'm quite ready to go home. Now all I have to do is wait for the paperwork to get done to get me out.
Apologies for my own absence - a) I've not been being notified this past week or so; and b) Glade has probably slunk into a shadow for a bit
Did you ever get the feeling that the party may forget who Korran and Bera are after the scene is over????? Just sayin’. =-)
Did you ever get the feeling that the party may forget who Korran and Bera are after the scene is over????? Just sayin’. =-)
What? Are they Sidereals or something?

Also, we're not going to finish Han Tha when he is possibly at his weakest? When with these allies, we're possibly at our strongest? When it probably won't take too long?

I don't mind if the answer is no - but... why not?
Also, we're not going to finish Han Tha when he is possibly at his weakest? When with these allies, we're possibly at our strongest? When it probably won't take too long?

I don't mind if the answer is no - but... why not?
As far as I can tell, Bera and the Celestial Lions are going to take care of that for us.
Just checking in - in case I'm not getting alerts again for this wonderful game! =)
That is a good question, Mercy dealt with a Sidereal in her backstory...does Mercy know of them?

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