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Why Me!?

Logan simply shrugged at her statement continuying to eat his delicious food but he eyed her as he eyed as she took his bacon. He finished the plate in minutes, leaning back on his headboard rubbing his belly, ''This was delicious darling~'' he said feeling playful. He didn't care anymore if they were going to end up getting married, he just didn't care what will happen in the future anyways. He was going to live life like he wanted to live it, in the present and that's it. He always did and he wasn't gonna change his ways because of his father. It was his bussiness the arrangement, and he will only care on the day it happens. He crawled towards Morgan, placing one lock behind her ear and leaned next to it, '' Wanna continue the kiss of yesterday?'' he asked bitting on his inferior lips in excitement.
Morgan smirked and turned her head to look at Logan. She knew that this would come up sooner or later, and had predicted it accurately when he confirmed it to be sooner. She tilted her head and pursed her lips. "Well, last time I checked, I started and finished the kiss. Not to mention you're sick," Morgan said in a low tone, her lips curled into an innocent smile. It was in that kiss the previous day that Morgan felt she seized a moment of control over him. She couldn't describe it, but she liked that she left Logan hanging like that, even if his intentions today were solely physically driven.
'' Well...'' Logan his face getting closer to her's '' You could take away my cold with those magical lips of yours~'' he said playfully using his finger to trail her lips. Some cold wouldn't stop him from kissing her, he didn't care and pinned her to bed. He was now above her and looking at her blue eyes, they made him dive into them and were so hipnotic, it felt strange, he then somehow started looking at her nose how can it be so perfect..? he thought inside, her freckles just made it even cuter. He didn't understand what he was feeling inside, he never felt this before and it seemed so unknown. He didn't find the courage to simply crash his lips to her's and removed himself from on top of her, feeling confused.
Morgan's heart beat faster as Logan got closer. She watched him with wary eyes, and nearly stopped breathing when he trailed his fingers along her lips, but he didn't stop there. He ended up pinning her beneath him, and this time, she found that she didn't tense up at his touch, but rather relaxed into it. Morgan didn't take her eyes off his face hovering above hers, his blue eyes studying her face. She thought that he was going to kiss her, and she would have done nothing to stop him, but he surprised her when he backed away. Feeling breathless just being pinned under his body and gaze, Morgan cleared her throat and scratched the back of her neck. "What was that about?" she said in a hushed tone.
Logan looked away slightly blushing, '' I felt like throwing up.'' he lied. He didn't feel like talking all emotional, he never did, it was action and nothing else for him. He stood up and stretched, the medicine he had taken before she came started kicking in. He walked over his closet and grabbed an Obey tank top with a pair of white shorts. He felt like doing something of his day, not just sit around with Morgan preferring her phones company. He grabbed his red jansport back and waited at the door. ''So...wanna do something fun at least for the day?'' he asked smirking.

Morgan released a breath and smiled at him a little. She wasn't sure what that was all about, but she was determined to find out sooner or later; she knew he didn't need to throw up, it was something else. Keeping those thoughts filed away, Morgan stood and stretched her arms. "Sure. We can do whatever. Anything you got in mind?" she replied, throwing her empty coffee cup away and putting her phone back in her shorts front pocket.
Logan looked at his phone, it was still quite early. He had heard of some Rock festival with all kinds of bands playing with attraction and all kind of stuff. It was a big deal at their school, most of the students were planning on going since it lasts a whole week. He glanced back at Morgan, '' Wanna head to that Rock Fest near the boardwalk?''
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"Sure, sounds like fun," Morgan said, brightening up a little and walking out of Logan's room to her car. She figured since it wasn't too long of a drive, they could take her car to the boardwalk. She turned around and got in the driver's seat, waiting for Logan to get in the passenger's seat.
Logan stepped in the red Jeep, It looked brand new and crispy clean. He could she took care of what she liked. He took out his sandals and simply put them on the dashboard leaning on the seat. He sighted and looked through the window as she drove. It wasn't too long before they got to the festival, he could see the line ups at the check in, the stage was right next to the beach, many wagons with entertainment was squattered around the area. It looked pretty fun and he was looking forward to it the whole week, so the cold could wait.
Once she parked near the docks, Morgan got out of the car and went around her car to Logan's side so they could over to the festival. Even thought it wasn't dinner time yet, the festival was in full swing. Morgan could smell delicious food and heard the chatter of the town's excited festival goers. Morgan put on her sunglasses and smiled over at Logan. "Looks exciting. It's been a while since I've been able to make it to one of these."
'' I went to the Jazz Festival during summer, I enjoyed it.'' he said stretching. It was a pretty cool festival, where he had met Chelsey actually. A week of pure bliss. He smirked remembering it, festivals was a time of joy and amusement he always spent with his friends.Tho this time it was with Morgan. Remembering that she was there, he threw his arms around her shoulder and looked around. So much great aromas were filling the air, but he was full from the breakfast she had made him. He saw not too far a wagon that looked like a haunting house, the other one was some address game with balloons, he didn't know where to start.
Morgan smiled as they walked, and like that he put an arm around her shoulder. Because she was a few inches shorter than him and couldn't really do the same, she put her arm around his waist. Morgan looked around and was amazed at how much there was for them to do. She was about to suggest they go through the haunted house when she heard an incredulous voice say her name from behind her. "Morgan?"

She turned around to see Collin, who looked frustrated, confused, and happy to see her, except, not with Logan. "Hey, Collin. Here for the festival?" Morgan mentally smacked herself. Of course he was, what was stupid question.

"Yeah, I'm here for the festival, I was actually hoping to see you here. Alone," he paused, glaring at Logan before looking back at Morgan. "So you're ignoring my calls and avoiding me at school to hang out with O'Leary? You're really going to sink to his level?"
Logan looked at him lifting both eyebrows, '' And here I thought we were friends Collin Hayworth?'' he said in a mocking voice. He wasn't going to take it lightly how he had just said to sink to his level, there was perfectly nothing wrong with him and it's not like she had a choice. Logan pulled Morgan closer to him, seeing that Collin grew angrier every movement he made. '' and to add up, she has the right to prefer hanging out with me then you.'' he said smirking.
Morgan nearly winced as she felt herself being pulled closer to Logan, and noticed that Collin was getting very angry. In attempt to avoid more conflict, Morgan tried to put some distance between her and Logan as she spoke to Collin. "Look, we've just been hanging out a lot. Not in the way you think, though," she said quickly. "And... I've been meaning to tell you something-"

Collin pulled her forward by her hand away from Logan. "Really? Were you going to tell me about you hooking up with this asshole in the woods at the National Park, or were you planning on leaving that out?"
Logan was ticked off by Collin's attitude and how he just insulted him so casually. '' Who the f*ck do you think you are calling me an Asshole you wimp. Just go cry in your room like some queer you are!'' Logan shouted at him grabbing Morgan's hand looking straight at her eyes, she did look distress and confused. He felt bad after shouting, maybe he should of controlled himself more and just let them be. Tho, obviously Collin wouldn't take it so slightly and just punched him in the face.

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