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Why Me!?


Into The Deep Blue Sea
Two teenagers are forced into marriage because of certain circumstances~


Name: Logan O'Leary

Age: 17

Hobbies/Occupation: Flirting

Personality: At first, typical spoiled brats that thinks he's the hot shot. Self-centered, Stubborn and Arrogant. Occasionally Sweet

HATES: Sports,Books and Losing

LIKES: Shopping Mall, Flirting and Fun

Background: One of the most popular guys at school because of his looks, pretty smart but doesn't care about it. He spends his fathers money because he's bored etc Only agreed for the arranged marriage because his father threatened him.


Name: Morgan Bradshaw

Age: 17

Hobbies/Occupation: soccer team captain, playing guitar, barista at Starbucks

Personality: Morgan loves having fun and being herself. She has a ambitious spirit and loves doing new things and taking a risk or two. She's defensive, but only gets harsh if you begin to push her buttons. Morgan can be a bit of a flirt, and can be shy and have a soft side if you get to know her better.

HATES: licorice, seafood, heights, reptiles, high heels

LIKES: surfing, hiking, strawberries, chocolate, soccer, shopping with friends

Background: Morgan has grown up getting pretty much whatever she wants. She tried not to act like a spoiled brat at school, and instead gained so many friends based on her activities she did in school like athletics and dances and whatnot. She had everything she wanted until her parents brought her the news that she was being forced to marry a boy she would never imagine herself with.


Start~ September


Logan had woke up pretty grumpy, the sun was bright and managed somehow to pierce through his window. He threw his legs out of his bed looking at his clock, 9;30.. he mumbled to himself. He could feel the hangover of last night start of school party, his head pounding rather hard and he could smell the alcohol lingering. He rubbed his eyes and walked to his bathroom to do the usual grooming and showered to tone down the smell. He wore casual clothes and walked out of his room, he saw a man entering the mansion, he didn't bother greeting him since he was talking to his father. He simply walked out of his house and decided to get himself breakfast at the local starbucks to avoid angering his father anymore than he did this past days.
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Though Morgan could barely stay awake because of the late night she had the previous day, she managed to fix her hair into a loose braid and get dressed for her early shift at Starbucks. She enjoyed the job, mostly because of the free drinks and the smell of coffee that surrounded her workspace, but also because it was pretty laid back. It sucked that she had to get up early on this particular morning, but by 9:45 Morgan was wide awake courtesy of the shots of expresso she put in her drink when she arrived at work that morning. Morgan hadn't seen her father when she left this morning, which was unusual for him. On every other Saturday morning, Morgan would leave for work and see her father in the living room reading a book and telling her to have a good day, but he wasn't there.
Logan entered the Starbuck rather annoyed by his headache, he just pushed the glass door and sighted when he saw the waiting line. He stood there arms crossed over his chest and his foot rhythmically hitting the floor in impatient. Some kid didn't stop moving around him, one glare was enough for the kid to stop moving and cry to his mother. That was easy..he thought. He finally got to the cash and didn't glance at the barrista,

'' Ok, Give me one Almond Roca Frappucino..'' he ordered pretty rudely, when he didn't hear a responses he looked up at the employee and just smirked, ''Well isn't it my dear Morgan~'' he stated playfully.
Morgan raised an eyebrow at Logan and returned his smirk with her own. "Since when am I your dear, Logan?" she said lightly, but there was taunting behind it. She looked down to put in his order and shifted over from the register to the drink station. Morgan glanced up at Logan as she shook the ingredients together and blended them. "$3.94, by the way," she added. Morgan noticed that he looked as exhausted as she felt; she had seen him at the party last night but she had drunk too much to remember if she ever spoke to him directly.
He leaned on the counter, not caring if the other patient were groaning behind him. ''Well, have you already forgotten the passion we managed to create with our lips?'' he asked playfully looking at her straight in her eyes. He drank a lot but he remembered every detail of the previous night and somehow made him proud that he managed to kiss his number one hater. ''Don't you remember how you were like all over me..biting my lips, in a pretty sensual way to add up.'' he said mischievously, '' Oh and let's not forget those comments you made.'' he said laughing.
Damn, that was him? You've got to be kidding me... he was a good kisser too, Morgan thought to herself. Careful to prevent her shocked thoughts from betraying her, Morgan glared at Logan. "I don't recall," she said curtly, pouring his beverage into a cup with distaste. While he was looking away, Morgan shoved some cream cheese that they normally used for bagels into his drink, and topping it all off with whipped cream. He wouldn't be able to taste the cheese until he was away from the store, so that saved Morgan the trouble of explaining to her manager why cream cheese was in a customer's drink.
Some old geezer had poked his shoulder, ''Can you please hurry up young man.'' the white haired men said losing patience. Logan only looked at him indifferent, '' Once I finish.'' he simply replied rudely. He looked back at the barrista in front of him and took his drink in hand. He sipped in his drink and winced, it had an awkward and quite disgusting taste. He looked at Morgan, ''You freaking suck,'' he said trying to sanitize his mouth with his tongue. He gave her a 5$ bill, ''Anyway, here is my number babe.'' he said sliding a piece of paper with it.
If she weren't in public and at work, Morgan would have probably dumped the drink on Logan's head, but she refrained from doing so. Morgan plastered a smile on her face that didn't reach her eyes, and said what she was required to say after serving each customer, "Come back and see us." She took the money and shoved it in the cash register whilst crumbling the piece of paper with Logan's number on it in her fist.
Logan left the starbuck and immediately threw the frappucino on the floor That was rather gross he said and walked to a Second not too far. This time he sat there and enjoyed the sofa chairs inside of the coffee shop. Some girl were there and he started flirting with them, it was quite fun and the girls pretty easy. He was enjoying it, easy girls were always the most amusing to play with, he would compliment them pay them a date or two and that was it. He got the numbers of one of the girls in minutes and promised her a date the day after tomorrow. As he registered the new contact, he received a text from his father. Which was rather rare

12:05-Father: Come home within this hour, we have to talk.

He only grimaced at the we have to talk part, he waved at the girls and walked in the street towards his house.
Morgan was relieved to be done when her shift at Starbucks was over. She was exhausted and felt she deserved a nap when she got home. After taking off her green Starbucks apron and letting her hair out of the braid, Morgan got in her car and drove home. When she pulled in the driveway she noticed that her father's car was back, and Morgan didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. She locked her car after grabbing her things and strolled inside. She walked into the living room and saw her parents sitting in their chairs with regretful expressions on their faces. Morgan dropped her stuff on the counter and looked at them both before her father said, "Morgan, there's something we need to discuss."
Logan walked inside his house dragging his feet, he didn't feel like discussing with his father again. He went over the living room knowing that is where he was going to be. He saw his father and mother looking rather concerned, he sat in the other side of the table while some maid washed the wooden table. His father signaled her to leave, he then looked straight into Logan's eyes. He wasn't sure what was happening, he never saw his mother this serious, but she didn't look sad or mad but more happy.

''So....what's happening?'' he asked confused at all the setting. His father just sighted and rolled his eyes,

''Your mother and I decided to arrange a marriage for you.'' he said smirking

Logan just looked at them in disgusted and slammed his fist on the table

''Why the fuck! Would you do that!?'' he shouted furiously.

M.O'Leary stood up abruptly, ''Don't you curse in front of us son!'' he shouted and mumbled something incomprehensible, ''It's exactly because of that attitude of you boy! Not only are you impolite, you are rude and the most selfish person ever!'' his father shouted, ''Maybe a marriage would calm you down!'' he said sitting back on his chair angrily. Logan looked at them furiously,

''Oh! and marriage is your brilliant idea father?'' Logan looked at his mother in plea, ''Why don't you say anything?'' he said hoping she could changed his father idea. She only looked away intimidated by her own son,

''I think..it's a good idea Logan. We love you very much and we know this will just help you grow up as a fine man.'' she concluded smiling at him.

Logan reddened in anger and just walked out of the living room slamming the door behind him.
"You what?" Morgan asked incredulously, her jaw dropping when her parents said that they had arranged for her to marry someone she probably didn't even know.

"It's something we had to do for the family, Morgan. This is bigger than us, our company and the jobs of all of our employees all depend on this decision your mother and I had to make. If there were another option, then we would've taken it, but-"

"This is not okay, Dad. You can't just expect me to come home and take this calmly. I've been looking forward to marriage my entire life, and now you're forcing it on me? When I don't even know the guy?!" Morgan yelled bitterly. She ran a hand through her hair in frustration, still trying to process this.

Morgan's mother gave her a bewildered look. "Well, you do know him. He goes to your school. His name is Logan O'Leary and he seems like a charming guy-"

That was as far as she got before Morgan stormed out of the living room and into her bedroom. She slammed the door behind her, and slid down against the door, shaking with anger.

{i gtg to bed soon, so maybe one more post and we can continue tomorrow :) }
Logan ,not feeling like staying in the mansion for now, stormed out from the front door frustrated. He didn't even care where he was going, what he would do or anything.

What the f*ck is wrong with those old geezers! Do they freaking think we live in 20th century? He said stomping his foot while walking. Why did he have to marry? Who was the girl anyway? Some random girl with no money desperate to be rich? Who was she?

Logan ended up at the shopping mall for some reason, he didn't feel like shopping but somehow, the noise and mostly the girls were here so it would be fun. He walked at the food court noticing a few of his friends. He greeted them like nothing had happened barely an hour ago. he started doing his usual routine he established a while now when he came here.He would whistle, flirt and basically have fun with whatever was offered to him. He didn't want to be reminded that he was going to have a fiancee within this week
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Despite the incredible frustration Morgan was feeling after hearing her parents' news, she chose to distract herself with a trip to the mall. If she had been in a better mood, Morgan might have invited her friends to come along, but Morgan wanted time to cool off.

In the past, Morgan had no trouble making her parents happy. She wanted her parents to be happy, but their proposal of an arranged marriage with Logan O'Leary was something Morgan wasn't sure she could manage. Even if she tried, it would probably end in divorce and cause all sort of trouble between their companies. Knowing that dwelling on these thoughts only made Morgan angrier, she shoved the thoughts aside and wandered around the mall to take her mind off of the marriage.

Morgan ended up purchasing some new shoes and a comfy outfit, but even these purchases couldn't erase the anger that was pent up inside her. She figured that maybe a bite to eat wouldn't hurt, and found herself getting a smoothie from the food court. As she sipped the cool beverage, Morgan could feel the crumbled piece of paper that contained Logan's number burning a hole in her pocket. She frowned and turned her attention towards the carousel, and watched as happy families enjoyed the ride.
Surrounded by his friends, they were all laughing pretty loudly and enjoying a pizza they had just bought. Logan was picking it up with some blonde girl he had just met, but once she gave her phone number he noticed Morgan coming in the food court. The most athletic of them all elbowed him, '' Pssst Logan! Isn't that the girl soccer team captain?'' he asked wiggling his eyebrow in a suggestive way. Logan just smirked and stood up, ''Indeed, let me greet her.'' He stood up from his chair, the blonde girl who had just given him her number pouted and made some doggy eye to stay, Logan playing it smooth simply said he had some business to attend, which was a petty lie. He walked to her table and sat in front of her, she seemed distracted with some kids riding a carousel. He winced, he never really liked kids. '' Well what are you doing here alone bae~?''
Morgan was slowly beginning to forget about the arranged marriage when she heard a familiar, smooth voice behind her. She froze when she saw Logan slide into the seat in front of her, and she nearly choked on her smoothie. Unsure of whether or not Logan knew about the marriage, she decided to assume he didn't and simply frowned at him. Morgan still believed she could get herself out of the marriage, so if Logan didn't know about it, the easier it would be to prevent the marriage from taking place. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, looking pointedly at Logan. "Why do you care? It's none of your business, bae," she ended sharply, twirling the straw around in her smoothie cup.
'' Oh I care very much Morgan, It pains me seeing you left alone with no companion..'' he said, not really saying the truth that he only came here to bug her and amuse himself. Logan didn't feel anything for any girls, but Morgan was something else. She never really fell for his flirts or anything, that's why he was surprised..more shocked when she had kissed him furiously at the party. He didn't mind, he enjoyed it very much and actually craved it. Something not every girl could do. He always found her pretty strange and yet interesting, he leaned forward and poked between her eyebrows, '' Don't frown, it messes with your perfection.'' he teased.
Morgan rolled her eyes. If she hadn't been so drunk at the party, she wouldn't have made out with Logan, and this wouldn't be happening right now. She made a mental note to stay semi sober at parties in the future, at least, the parties that Logan attend. Morgan tossed her empty cup into a nearby trashcan and leaned forward with her arms crossed on the table. "Why don't you go flirt with a girl that's interested, Logan? Maybe they'll be so desperate they'll give you more than just their number," she mused with a smirk. He was probably the biggest flirt in their school, and Morgan was confident he didn't know half of his contacts because there were so many random numbers inputted into it.
Logan looked at his previous table wincing as he saw all the frivolous girls, ''Nah... that blonde chick was a little too clingy too my taste.... and weird. '' he said looking back at Morgan ''And I needed a little change of..atmosphere I guess.'' he said winking at her. It wasn't totally false, he was getting bored over there and felt like doing something else. Somehow he reminded constantly that his damn father had arranged a marriage. It pissed him off and would do anything to annul it or at least post-pone it a few more years. He knew his father would never let them marry before finishing high school, his father wasn't that insane and he always told Logan to prioritize school over women..which he never did, tho for this he was all for it. But even then, he wouldn't want to marry some girl when he'll barely start college.
"It must be so hard to be you," Morgan groaned sarcastically. She stood from the table and crossed her arms over her chest "Doesn't Logan O'Leary always get what he wants? Take your pick." She paused and gestured to the whole of the food court. "There are dozens of girls here that would kill to give you their number." Morgan was bitter as she said this, of course, because it was true. Nearly every girl at school practically worshipped at his feet. She just said it in attempt to rid herself of Logan, who was a constant reminder of the marriage. He definitely had no idea, and if he did he didn't know who he was getting hitched to. Morgan wouldn't be surprised if he found out and was enraged like she was, and maybe even disappointed. Morgan shook those thoughts away, and turned to walk out of the food court, not really caring at this point if Logan followed her or not.
'' I know right..It's hard to be Adonis.'' He said laughing, he stood at the same time as her and looked at all the girls waiting in line, laughing etc

Hum..typical bitch, ugly...pretty but nah.. too easy...urg a whore right there. he thought to himself while analyzing all the girls. He hadn't noticed that Morgan was already walking away. He jogged towards her and grabbed her waist with one of his hand and positioned himself on the other side, he was very close to her almost joined by the hip, he didn't seem like he was letting go. It amused him how she was such a hard catch, '' So Morgan~ How does a date sound?'' he said seductively.
Rather than lashing out at Logan like she normally would, Morgan found herself laughing out loud. Morgan normally dated for more than just what Logan obviously looked for, so any relationship with Logan was bound to only be physical. She wanted to twist out of his grasp, but he was pretty determined so she reluctantly remained where she stood and smirked at Logan."Why? You're just interested to finish what I started in my drunken state at the party last night."
'' Of course not! I am in no way like that!'' he said faking a hurt face. He mentally brainstormed to find a reason and blurted the first thing in his mind, '' Question of... admiration I guess. I want to know more of you.'' he said gesticulating. It wasn't totally false, he did want to know more of his number one hater and he knew she wasn't the type to just randomly do a one night, some work had to be done first, and he wasn't one to rush too fast.
Morgan laughed dryly and slid out of his grasp, and leaned against the wall. "Yeah, right. And here I thought you were one of the biggest flirts in our school that has more phone numbers on his cell than a phone number catalog. My mistake for judging you so harshly," she mused, her words dripping with sarcasm. Like Logan would want to know her, or any girl for that matter. He was a player in her eyes, and had a hard time believing he had the interest or attention span to get to know a girl before hooking up with her.
'' Well, you assumed right but for you I can..'' as he was about to finish the sentence some girl jumped on his back, ''Loggy Bear~ I didn't expect you to be here today! Why didn't you text me since yesterday!'' the girl said pouting but eventually trailing her finger on his neck. Logan looked nervous and annoyed, he looked at the girl Urg...Not that one.. he thought remembering his one night with the captain of the cheerleading squad. Somehow she ended up thinking they were dating and that he was her propriety. All he did is avoided answering her text, her or her cheerleading squad.He shrugged getting her off from his back and saw the glare she gave Morgan.

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