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Why Me!?

He was enjoying the kisses until she pulled out, he knew she would. He leaned on a three with his arm crossed and looked at her straight in the eyes with a bored expression. She rambled on her explanation, which didn't interest him at all, and he just rolled his eyes all along. He didn't see what was wrong with entertaining himself with this little affection, he loved it, so probably so does she. But he somehow felt happy that she pulled away, it only proved to him that she wasn't another Chelsey or Goldigger. He felt that she just earned all of his respect with just this simple act. Once done with her explanation, he just walked to the river and touched the water with hand ''Whatever you say Princess.'' he said with a satisfied smile on the side.
When Logan responded the way he did, Morgan raised her eyebrows. That went better than she thought. Her skin still tingled from Logan's touch, and she found herself blushing at the thought. Flustered, she looked around in attempt to find the trail. "We should probably get back."
Logan stood back and yawned, he throught his arms over Morgan's shoulder. '' I'll be honest, I have noooo idea where to go..'' he said pinching her cheek. He then walked along the river in the opposite direction singing some Alabama song and kicking leafs from the floor. He didn't want to go back to the group and hear the story of some tree.
"Well, you're taking us in the opposite direction of where we need to go, so unless we turn back we'll be lost in the forest for a while," Morgan replied, following after him. She knew that she should turn back and follow their group, but if Morgan had to be honest to herself, she didn't want to go.Being out here without having to listen to someone lecture was soothing, even though Logan's presence threw her off. She didn't know what to think of him right now.
Logan chuckled, she was always stating the obvious and it made him think how much she was the opposite of him. He started walking backwards to face her and he laughted childishly '' Let's have our own adventure then!'' he said grabbing her hand and running deeper in the forest.
Morgan rolled her eyes but smiled at him. Logan was always trying to find something crazy to do in nearly every situation. IT amused her that he was able to remain so outgoing. At first she was surprised when he yanked her hand and pulled her off her feet, but she caught herself and found that she was running after him. "Um, Logan? Where exactly are we going?" she inquired, looking down at the ground in order to avoid tripping over tree roots and rocks.
Logan slowed down his tempo, he didn't let go of the hand, he honestly forgot he was still holding it. '' I'm not sure...but I can hear a cascade not far from here!'' he said looking back at her determined to find it. The trees were pretty high and he couldn't see around them, but every few minutes he walked, the sound would intensify.
Morgan could hear the crashing of water as well, and jumped to the conclusion that it was coming from a waterfall. Whether it was a big one or one rather small, Morgan couldn't tell. She nearly tripped over a root as she walked along, but regained her balance even with Logan pulling her along. It suddenly occurred to her that she was roaming through the forest with Logan, and laughed internally at how odd that was.
Logan finally saw the waterfall as they walked, it wasn't a big one but the water was pretty deep and it looked so beautiful. '' HELL YA!!!'' he shouted, he let go of Morgan hand and took out his black tank top in hurry. He took out his pair of shorts and kept his loose red boxers on. He didn't care if he was with Morgan, all he wanted to do is jump in the blue water. He turned around and looked at Morgan, '' What you waiting for!?''
Morgan stood hesitantly at the edge of the water, contemplating whether or not she should get in. It was hot and humid, and the water probably felt amazing. With a sigh, Morgan tried to conceal her smile as she took off her shirt and jeans, leaving her white tank top and underwear on as she dove in after Logan. The water, Morgan noticed, was impossibly blue, and felt too good in the blistering heat. She wiped her wet hair out of her eyes and took a deep breath after resurfacing.
The whole time Logan was watching from the water as she undressed. Dang....never thought she would have such a nice body He thought blushing slightly. She then dove in the water resurfacing in a graceful way, he was in trance at the moment but immediately shifted his eyes to the water. He then paddled on the water facing the blue sky. It looked amazing, '' So what did I tell you? Better then following those dumb idiots!'' he said grinning.
Morgan turned to look at Logan, who had a big grin on his face. A moment ago he was attempting to be seductive, and now he was just a rebellious teenage boy taking pride in finding this lost treasure of a water area. She smiled, finding that she liked this part of him better, because she didn't see it often. "You were right, I must admit. This is nice," Morgan mused, grinning at Logan and then splashing him with a face full of water. Laughing, Morgan swam in the opposite direction, near the little waterfall.
He only chuckled at her playful splash, he was enjoying this up to now. He followed her to the small waterfall, he even made it as a race. He reached it first laughing like a kid and almost choked because of the water that fell in his mouth. He found a small rock that was surfacing te water and he sat on it looking at Morgan. His thought drifted to the marriage everytime he looked at her, he still wasn't for it and was sure there was a lot more options. But his father was blinded by his Idea and was convinced it was the only way, '' Say Morgan...How do you think we are gonna manage it in two years?'' he knew it would be hard, fresh new college students, both have dreams...well mostly her. He didn't have any. He felt somehow a little sad because she had a possible future in soccer, could be in a good college, have a bright future...yet all of this could be ruined by this stupid arrangement,
Once Morgan reached the waterfall, she sat along the shoreline next to the rock where Logan sat and let her feet wade in the water. When he brought up the marriage, her expression fell and her smile was replaced with a look of sadness. She had nearly forgotten about the pointless arrangement, but Logan bought it up and many emotions up with it. If Morgan had to be honest with herself, she didn't know how to answer Logan's question. She had a plan to attend college and take on a soccer scholarship, but the marriage could change all that. She could be forced to stay home and tend to the house and go to business parties while Logan did his job at his father's business. It was a life Morgan didn't want to live, and her heart clenched when she was painfully reminded that there was nothing Morgan could do to prevent it from happening. Morgan looked at her hands and sighed, finally answering his question with a hopeless, "I don't know." She didn't expect Logan to relate to her in that way, especially because he often didn't seem to care about what she ranted about anyways. Because of this, Morgan chose not to elaborate.
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He looked away feeling like he might have asked an awkward question. He leaned his back on the rock feeling it's coldness on his skin, he gazed at the cloud that passed, most of them looking fluffy. He then saw some gray ones coming there way, he stood back up and dove in the water swimming towards Morgan, '' I think we better go before a storm hits.'' he said pointing at the clouds approaching rather rapidly.
Morgan looked up at the sky and Logan was right; the sky had gotten noticeably darker with storm clouds since they'd gotten in the water. She nodded and swam with Logan back over to their clothes. The heat made the drying off process speed up, and Morgan only put her shorts back on before it started raining. "What now?" Morgan turned and looked at Logan, as if he knew the answer and would come up with something.
Logan felt annoyed by the sudden rain pouring on them, obviously a storm had to appear after having a sunny week. He zipped his shorts back up not caring if he stayed shirtless, '' I dunno...let's get back to the group I guess?'' he suggested while shrugging. It's not like they had another chose. He picked his shirt from the now wet earth, and felt the rain pouring faster.
Her tank top clung to her body as they trekked through the forest, rain bearing down on them in sheets. Minutes ago it was warm and humid, but with the cold rain Morgan grew colder. She got goosebumps along her arms as rain continued to soak them. It would have been much easier to find their way back to the group in a dryer landscape, but the rain made everything look the same, and Morgan felt like they were only going in circles. After another fifteen minutes of walking, they came across a cluster a huge rocks that created a makeshift shelter from the storm. Frustrated, Morgan veered off the path they were walking on and moved to sit under the rocks. "We can't get anywhere until the storm passes; all we're doing is roaming in circles with no sense of direction," Morgan called to Logan behind her shoulder. She settled under the rocks, and brought her knees up to her chest to warm up a little as the storm continued.
Logan simply nodded following her under the natural shelter. He shivered because of the cold and would sneeze often since it started raining, the cold had gotten the best of him Guess I'm going to have an awesome weekend.. He thought knowing he would get a cold as result of this little adventure. He took out the shirt he had previously worn and laid it on the floor to dry up, staying all wet was probably as good simply staying under the rain. He looked at Morgan, her tank top practically translucide and he could see everything. He sat next to her bringing his knees to his chest like she was but rubbed his hand together in attempt to heat up. '' You shouldn't keep a wet clothes on you..'' he said doving his head in between his knees, his teeth chattering less when he did that.
Morgan sighed, her teeth chattering as she did so. He had a good point- staying in her wet tank top made it much worse. She didn't really like the idea of peeling it off her body, especially with Logan being so close to her. It wasn't like he hadn't seen her like that- she's been in a bikini while he's been present before, but this was different. Morgan reluctantly took her tank top off, and set it on the dry ground so that it could dry off somewhat while the storm continued. Why was she always finding herself in such situations with Logan? It was like karma. Morgan squeezed some of the water out of her hair and leaned her head back against the rock, her eyes closed.
It had been already more than thirty minutes since the rain started, Logan had lost track of time and just wished it would stop already. The cold was making his muscles twitch violently. He wasn't much of outdoor guy but knew enough that he had to heat up somehow, unfortunately none of them had any lighter or something to make a fire and he honestly had no skills when it came to that. He looked at Morgan, she also had goosebumps and shivered in the cold. He shifted closer to her, their hips touching. It felt a bit warmer but it didn't do much, '' Morgan, don't take it as an advance or anything..but I'm honestly freaking freezing here.'' he said trying to calm his chattering mouth.
Morgan nodded in agreement; taking off her tank top helped but she still shivered with cold. She glanced over at Logan, who was just as cold as she was, maybe even worse off. Morgan tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Well, we could share body heat. That's normally helpful in a situation like this," she murmured, blushing. Sharing head would require closer contact, but at this point if they wanted to avoid getting sick over the weekend it was probably the best idea they had at that moment.
He looked outside the window and wondered when it would stop. It's like the rain could continue on and on for hours since it poured so much in just half an hour. His best guess would be another hour, what he knew for sure is that the group probably already found out that they were missing. He ran a hand through his wet hair, they didn't have much choice after all, and it's not like he minded it very much.

Logan unwrapped his arms from around his knees and parted them for her to go in between. He could feel the cold creeping in his once warm tights. '' No time to buy shy! I'm freezing come close.'' he said slightly irritated.
Morgan released a breath and nodded, moving over and leaning into Logan. It was awkward at first for Morgan when she felt the skin of her back touch his chest, but the warmth was inviting. She was right- the body heat did help. Once she felt more comfortable, she moved closer so that her back was against his.
Logan didn't think to much into it, all he knew is that he was freezing to death. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, his chest against her back. He could feel his heartbeat going faster and the warmth of it, it made him feel better and somehow it felt comforting. It was a weird sensation for him at first, but he found himself enjoying this simple act. He rested his head on her shoulder looking outside where the rain crashing on the wet earth of the parc. He eventually closed his eyes and dozed off with her in his arms.

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