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Name: Acheron, Elder of the Night

Gender: Masculine

Personality and Motivation: Feels a desire to subjugate all those he sees as lesser being, or in other words everyone. He is calm and collected but can become a true demon in combat. He has an innate desire to remain in constant control of all those under him.

Appearance: Default form is that of a skeletally thin man that stands over seven feet tall with elongated arms and a deceptively strong frame, easily able to lift things much larger than himself. Stays out of this form unless he absolutely must be in it in order to keep his true form hidden. Standard shifted form is that of a wolf-like humanoid with a gray pelt and a large jaw filled with sharp teeth.

  • Necromancy
  • Fiendbinder
  • Golemry
  • Monster Breeder
Secondary Two:
  • Weapons Expert
  • Shadowbinding
General Powers:
  • Shapeshifter
  • Lore Master
  • Leadership
  • Teleport
Unique Power:
  • Weapon of Rapture:
    • Takes the form of two short swords that may be combined at the hilt to form a longbow with a string of magic. (Acheron has forced several mages to enchant arrows that can cause more esoteric effects to those they hit)

  • The Damned

Great Beast:
  • Mother Spider
  • Aenzen - A general in charge of one of the major armies of the damned. Is a powerful lich whose phylactery is kept under close guard by Acheron himself in order to keep him loyal.
  • Korthrid - A demon who willingly entered the control of Acheron in order to gain access to his library. A demon who values knowledge above all and knows much obscure magics.
  • Nex - A fiend bound to Acheron by a badly worded contract, one which does not allow him to go against his master in any way for as long as either lives. Is a powerful pyrokinetic and manipulator of minds.
  • Razhul Mortice - A necromancer in charge of replenishing the armies under Acheron's control. Is able to resurrect large amounts of undead at the cost of his own health, something that keeps him in a constant state of near death.
Does not trust anyone as an advisor, something that leads him to making bad decisions or strategies and costing him resources.

  • Infamous
There are many names that he has taken up over the years as he strived for conquest, with the most notable ones being Absentine the Stringed Emporer, Malaheth the Mad Maestro, and the current rendition: Dementia, Spirit of Corruption, Madness Manifested, Insanity Incarnate, Etc And Etc.

Usually choses to identify as male when asked, but has been known to masquerade as all manner of creatures and beings in order to further his goals.

-Personality and Motivation-
Dementia is a cheerfully insane sort of fellow, playing pranks and jokes on others as he goes about his daily routine, often laughing at some private joke that only he understands. However, underneath that gibberish exterior is an ancient mind, a powerful will, and a crafty wit. He is more then willing to play the part of the fool if it furthers his own goals, letting others underestimate him due to his apparent insanity before utterly crushing them.

As for motives, Dementia claims that he would be the best ruler for the world, judging fairly and rightly over the people. At least Dementia admits he is imperfect, and thus is fully willing to improve himself, whereas other dark lords and free kings alike are too stubborn to admit to their own failings, and the so called 'gods' have proven their own unworthiness long ago.

Dementia's very appearance tends to test the mind, making some queasy by the mere sight of him. His entire body is a mishmash of different creatures, all bound together as if in defiance of reality itself.

Dementia's torso seems to be that of a large canine of some sort, although the type of dog is unidentifiable beyond being large. His left arm is mostly human but covered in fluffy blue feathers, his right arm made entirely of wood that seems to grow out of his body. His left leg is simply a zebra's, while his right is that of a tiger. A pair of wings jut from Dementia's back, one a griffon's wing while the other is a pegasus. Dementia's head is that of a white dragon, his eyes mismatched just like the rest of him: the left one a golden slit iris, the right one a plain looking greenish blue.



~Blood Magic

As well as secondary powers:

~Arcane Armor

And general powers:

~Lore Master

-Unique Power-

~Corrupted Mortals

-Greater Beasts-

Dross: An elf once blessed by the holy gods for his devotion, Dross challenged Dementia to a game, agreeing to become Dementia's prisoner if the Spirit defeated him. Dross lost, and thus Dementia keeps him around for amusements sake, although he has nearly escaped more then once. Because of his quick wit and laid back demeanor, Dementia doesn't have any desire to cause the elf harm, instead allowing Dross to live in relative comfort.

Snippet: No one is quite sure where she came from, or when she arrived in Dementia's employment. One day the crazy human was just there, organizing some of the followers into a proper army for the Spirit so that should he need it, Dementia would have a worthy force to crush his foes. Cold and distant, Snippet is ruthless in her perceived purpose to prepare the masses for their insane cause.

Harvy Sinatra: A wealthy dwarven noble with deep pockets, Harvy has been heavily corrupted by Dementia's madness, having become utterly noble to his 'new savior'. While he is only one of several, Harvy is still a major contributor to Dementia's plans, and thus is higher up in the ranks then most.

Jessica: One of the first lycanthrop to join Dementia's forces, Jessica was a cultist who was voluntarily bit by Fluffles, the Spirit's werewolf companion. Thus, she earned the right to lead Dementia's 'Fluff Division', composed entirely of lycanthrops who serve the insane Spirit with zealous loyalty. And none are more zelous then Jessica herself, who believes that her sole purpose is to obey Dementia above all else.

Trucy Delone: A stern yet kind woman, Trucy is in charge of the kitchen staff. This by itself it unnoteworthy, however the fact that Trucy is an expert at alchemy is an important fact that Dementia has taken advantage of on more then one occasion.

Darlok Farbrook: An elf of great might and wisdom, Darlok is a truly rare individual to come across. One of the few mortals to figure out Dementia's immortality, Darlok proved himself to Dmentia by winning one of the Spirit's games, thus granting the elf a single wish from Dementia. Darlok wished to learn all the Spirit knee, and thus became Dementia's first advisor in over three centuries. Being Dementia's right insert-appendage-here man, any orders given by Darlok are backed by the will of Dementia.

Sable Marigold: The head of Dementia's information ring, Sable is a quiet, contemplative man, seemingly always one step ahead of his foes and always ready for a trap to spring. He has served Dementia well as a spy for years, constantly feeding Dementia information of all types.

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Hmm, this is more of a gameplay question then anything else Selee-01 Selee-01 , but are there NPC 'dark lords'? That is, are there evil overlords in the background who rise and fall, or is it just the players who are the big bads? Or are there lesser evils, like tyrant kings?
Hmm, this is more of a gameplay question then anything else Selee-01 Selee-01 , but are there NPC 'dark lords'? That is, are there evil overlords in the background who rise and fall, or is it just the players who are the big bads? Or are there lesser evils, like tyrant kings?
Well, there are the Unholy Gods in the background. I’ve been considering a GMPC to lurk in the dark and manipulate people, but I’ll leave it to the players to decide.

Tyrant kings and the like are commonplace, and even Paladin Legions can be unpleasant to deal with.

Getting back to the Unholy Gods, they are omnipotent in their realms at the planetary core, but they cannot influence beyond that. That’s what Demons are for. Their realms can grow, but take centuries to grow a single cubic mile.

The Holy Gods are largely the same, but in the sky.
Vexark, The Black Emperor


Personality and Motivation:
Unlike many others, Vex isn't driven by an insatiable lust of power or need to rule, instead, he's driven by boredom. To him life is a game, a boring one, so to entertain himself he thought he'd have a shot at world domination, and what better time to do it than now, when many of his peers are also making bids to control the world. That being said, he is somewhat vain, and certainly won't miss the opportunity to prove himself to be the greatest of the remaining Demiurges.

Vex is an extremely flamboyant individual who enjoys teasing people to see their reactions and can be, in many ways, child-like, especially with his bouts of anger when things don't go the way he'd like them to. He enjoys living in opulence and generally anything else which avoids responsibility, and while this doesn't make him the best candidate to run an empire, his raw power and charisma make him a very good leader.

While not physically strong, Vex possesses a high intelligence and cunning, preferring to turn empire against empire for his own amusement, only to march in and claim what he wants once both sides are weakened, this conflict also allows for Vex to attract more people to his cause with promises of peace and a better life. While this may seem nice, he doesn't do it out of kindness or a sense of pity but more from the understanding that a happy population is less likely to turn against him, and though he does handsomely reward loyalty, the Black Emperor is more than willing to mercilessly crush anyone who would betray him.

Height: 6 foot 4 inches

Focus: Sorcery
-Blood magic
Secondary Powers:

General Powers:
-Lore Master

Unique Power:
-All-seeing Orb

-Corrupted Mortals

Greater Beasts:


Kymos serves Vex not out of loyalty, but out of a need to survive. The demon is afflicted with some kind of curse which is slowly killing him, seeing this as an opportunity, Vex made a deal with him where in return for his service, he would find a way to remove the curse. Though affected by this cures, Kymos is a skilled fighter, and while not the best tactician, he is capable of tearing through normal infantry withy relative ease, he is however prone to acting recklessly due to his short temper.

Countess Elise Marbellis:
Elise is an extremely charismatic Nobel from the free kingdoms, using her status and riches to help push the kingdoms in whatever direction Vex rants them to go, in return for this she will be able to retain her lands and title when Vex eventually takes over, with the understanding that. She does however greatly overestimate her worth to the Black Emperor believing herself to be invaluable to him, this has caused her to develop somewhat of a god complex.

Astrus cares little for most things in life, all he cares about is knowledge, any and all kinds. This made him easy pickings for Vex who saw great potential in the elf, so in return for access to all the knowledge The Black Emperor possesses, Astrus serves as the leader of his armies magic infantry, ensuring they possess to necessary power to get Vexark what he wants.

Yvette Zastrol:
Yvette is Vexark's personal assassin, whenever Vex wants someone killed he dispatches her. She is skilled in stealth, a skill enhanced by the fact that she's mute, and is instrumental in creating the conflicts which Vex enjoys so much. The young assassin is massively loyal to the Black Emperor as he saved both her and her brother from bandits who had just killed their parents. Though it wasn't Vex's intension to save the, then, children, he wasn't going to tell them that.

Darius Zastrol:
Darius is a skilled hunter/tracker which makes him an excellent scout. He is responsible for coordinating the other scouts in Vexark's army. Much like his sister Darius is undyingly loyal to Vex and his cause, though unlike his sister he refuses to see anything bad about the Demiurge believing his goals and morals to be undeniable good and he's willing to fight anyone who disagrees, whether friend or foe.


Alexander is perhaps the most interesting of Vexark's servants given his angelic nature. The two beings met purely by chance when Vex discovered him wounded in a ditch and decided it would be fun to heal the angel and see how things turned out. It was only once Alexader regained consciousness did they discover that the angle had amnesia, only barely remembering his first name. Left with few options, Alexander joined Vex as thanks for saving him while he regained his memories. Though his memories still haven't returned, both him and Vexark struck up an unexpected friendship.

Now Alexander acts as Vex's most valued Councilor who advises him on how to best keep his people happy as well as aiding him in matters of more delicate politics. Despite this, he is a fearsome force in battle, being an expert swordsman, though he will very rarely be seen on the field of battle.

Nathaniel Regulus:
A quiet and intelligent young man, Nathaniel handles the logistics of Vex's dominion, since the Demiurge found the task too boring. Nathan isn't very opinionated and very rarely speaks in front of Vexark, and certainly never disagrees with him. Though the task is long and complicated, he has never once failed to keep everything running smoothly through fear of what would happen to him if he did fail.

When he was a child Vexark came to his village, subjugating it and it terrified him to see a portion of the Demiurges power let loose on the people he knew, and it never truly left him. Like many Nathaniel strived to be of use to his new Lord as it was no secret that the more useful you were to the Black Emperor, the more you were rewarded. Yet it even came as a surprise to himself when Vex personally requested him to handle his Empires logistic. Now he was trapped, terrified of what failure could bring so still, all these years later he continues to work as hard as he can to be as useful as possible.

Cassius Amberstar:
Cassius is the head of Vexark's Black Guard, a small battalion of the most skilled warriors under his rule, they serve as his royal guard. Not only that, but the elf also serves as Vex's Supreme General and is in charge of most military matters. Cassius is a very honourable elf and while he doesn't inherently agree with all of Vexark's goals, he swore an oath of loyalty to him and he will see it through to the bitter end.

Once, Cassius had been a promising recruit in Zarazattar and had begun to climb in rank, however, tragedy struck, he was betrayed, framed for murder and sentenced to death. It was then he met Vexark. The Demiurge had praised him and regaled him with a vision he apparently possessed for the world, and while the elf could tell he believed it he doubted the methods this strange individual would employ, after all, everything came with a price.

Over the following week, Vex would return and talk with him, each day offering something different in return of his service, knowledge, power, revenge, everything a man in his position should have wanted, yet all he wanted was what Vexark had claimed to be aiming for already, a better world. On the day of his execution, Vex came one final time. One final offer. It was then that Cassius came to the conclusion that the best way to make a better world was to be part of the hand that carved it.

Alistair Ventrius:
Alistair is in many ways like Vexark, he's intelligent, energetic, and generally enjoys doing his own thing. Fortunately for him, that's exactly what Vexark wants from him. He is in fact somewhat of an alchemical expert and is constantly testing new formula and making new potions, from healing to hurting, he's brewed it all. He is also an inventor, specializing in Golemry, which is why he and Vex can often be found bouncing ideas off of one another.

Despite is somewhat adorable appearance, Alistair actually made his own way to Vexark, having been kicked out of the academy he attended for breaking rules. The main rule he broke was on of morality, having tested his potions of his peers, as well as trying to combine golemry with necromancy, having stolen corpses from the local graveyard. Now, however, he's in the employ of someone who shares his... 'unique' view of morality and allows him to experiment freely to his heart's content.

Wrath of the Holy.
Selee-01 Selee-01 Hmm, here's a special one. Would it be possible to help with some of the lore for the world? That is, specific events and stuff. The Dark Lords have been around for a while, and some if not all have probably done major things before.

It was a thought I had after naming my character, and I came up with an entire backstory for him. Then I realized that if all of the backstory I had made was true, then it would definitely be in history books in the world. So I figured I'd ask about it.
I had a question about the teleport ability, namely what kind of restriction come with it, especially since I have the all seeing orb, and I can think of some really BS stuff to do with it.
I had a question about the teleport ability, namely what kind of restriction come with it, especially since I have the all seeing orb, and I can think of some really BS stuff to do with it.
Selee-01 Selee-01 Hmm, here's a special one. Would it be possible to help with some of the lore for the world? That is, specific events and stuff. The Dark Lords have been around for a while, and some if not all have probably done major things before.

It was a thought I had after naming my character, and I came up with an entire backstory for him. Then I realized that if all of the backstory I had made was true, then it would definitely be in history books in the world. So I figured I'd ask about it.
PM me, and we’ll work it out. There’s some things that’ll be kept secret, but are important to the timeline.
Firstly, can Vexark teleport multiple people? And leading off from that, is there anything stopping him from just teleporting behind someone and stabbing them in the back?
Firstly, can Vexark teleport multiple people? And leading off from that, is there anything stopping him from just teleporting behind someone and stabbing them in the back?
No, he can only teleport himself.

Well, he’d need to have a good escape plan, and be prepared for any wards and guards. He can’t teleport the Orb, so he’d be trapped. Also, multiple uses are a big strain.
How fast does a shapeshift occur? Is it in an instant or does it take a while?
How fast does a shapeshift occur? Is it in an instant or does it take a while?
Assuming you’re uninjured and focused, nearly instantly. If you’re making a dramatic size change or any of the previous factors apply, it’ll be slower.
Name: Noxsin, The Eternal Souleater


Gender: Male


As one of the current Dark Lords inhabiting the world today, Noxsin is an largely unimpressed individual. Not caring so much for the army in general aside from his retainers and council, he often is greedy for gaining more power, be it a hunt for a deadly artifice or conquering a known kingdom. With a stoic yet gleaming desire for more, he treats his subjects with some composure, although he can flip the switch quickly if the news delivered isnt up to standard.


Primary Focus: Might
  • Intimidate
  • Powerhouse
  • Arcane Armor
  • Formidable
Secondary Focus: Conjuration
  • Monster Breeding
Third Focus: Sorcery
  • Blood Magic
General Powers:
  • Glamorous
  • Curse
  • Lore Master
  • Leadership
Unique Power:
  • Eternal
  • Monstrous Legions
Greater Beast: Vampire


Sault Isehard, The Iceborn Demon


Cold and unflinching, Sault Isehard was a once former hero with keen foresight and intellect, now fallen to the darkness by the temptation of greater power. His cryomantic magic alone devastates the continent, bringing forth instant winters from the whim of his master, Noxsin. He often is found constantly by his side, ready to serve his master in any way, shape, or form. The dark armor he wears is cursed, forever binding him to the Dark Lord.

Moltan Reiss, The Burning Roar


Another former hero turned demonic servant, Moltan Reiss is an upbeat, challenge seeking individual unlike Sault. Because he was a recent hero to fall, his skin hasn't darkened yet although he's heavily tainted by demonic energies. He and Sault often fight one another to ensure their master gets the best treatment. Because of his fall to grace, his normal pyromancy has been greatly upgraded, capable of turning his entire body into magma, setting fires ablaze with eye contact alone, and able to eat fire as if it was food.

Veltos Itelar, The Bolt of Fury


Once one of the higher generals that accompanied a batch of heroes (no surprise there), his ability to use electricity in a manner that outperformed most ordinary heroes quickly got him selected to be the next coming hero. Naturally, he led a campaign amongst Noxsin for a time, and even managed to best his way through into the throne room. Just when it looked like the downfall of a Dark Lord, Moltan and Sault ambushed him, blindsiding the electric user, taking immense damage as a result. But as he was dying, Noxsin made him an offer. Either be reborn amongst the darkness and serve him, or fall where he lay. Of course most would say no, but out of fear that had been placed in his own heart, he said yes. And thus was fallen from grace.

Yutal Zailn, The Touch of Death

An Elf ostracized even amongst his own kind, Yutal was born with black skin, eyes that glowed a dark rose red, and an ability that many would come to know and fear: the Deathtouch. Considered deadly even amongst the darkest of magics, at an early age Yutal was forbidden from touching anything by the word of his elders due to the effect of instant death upon them by just a finger. That all changed when Noxsin Invaded the settlement, and discovered the young Yutal about, not even caring of hiding as his life was miserable enough.

Noxsin then approached him, and asked what was wrong. In silent response, he only looked to his hands as the fires of war burned around him. That's when Noxsin told him that if he wanted something fixed, he would first need to sacrifice something in return. And that sacrifice...came from own his parents, touched to death by Yutal himself.

Bringing the boy with him after witnessing the spectacle, Yutal was given special gloves that allowed him to freely control what he wanted to die or live, and practiced the darker arts of magic. Now he serves as a loyal aide to Noxsin and regards him as his true father, although the Dark Lord himself says that just makes him 'feel old'.


Umahn, The Dark Ancient


A grisled and old Human-Dwarf offspring, Umahn is perhaps the oldest recorded mage in Aeran's history. Despite his age, he was considered the greatest scholar of the known world. However, while much of his career was spent in the light, he had yet to discover the darker truths, and that meant venturing into lands with no hope of return. Settling his affairs in the mortal world, Umahn set off for one of the Dark Lord's residences, using cloaking magic to his benefit to avoid being spotted.

Unfortunately, though, as he made way to the grand library, was he spotted by Sault. Dragged by his icy cold grip, and brought before Noxsin, he showed no signs of easily submitting. But as a Dark Lord knows, knowledge is craved by all who wish to learn.

Noxsin then made him an offer: He would be given control of the library and what it holds, but in return, he would serve under him in darkness, forever unable to spread his findings to others outside of the Dark Lord's own.

Seeing this as a better alternative to death, Umahn agreed, and now serves as an adviser in terms of historical matters.

Largis, The Malicious Paragon


Once a royal knight dispatched along with Veltos, his body was thoroughly corrupted after Noxsin's army found him alive. Now as a military officer in charge of recruitment efforts and battlefield tactics, Largis now serves the Dark Lord with ruthless loyalty, his ability for combat upgraded along with his new dark transformation.

Flaw: Infamous
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Name: Dalurez, The Eternal Souleater

Gender: Male


Primary Focus: Might
  • Intimidate
  • Powerhouse
  • Arcane Armor
  • Formidable
Secondary Focus: Conjuration
  • Monster Breeding
  • Fiendbinder
Third Focus: Sorcery
  • Ruination
  • Blood Magic
General Powers:
  • Glamorous
  • Curse
  • Lore Master
  • Leadership
Unique Power:
  • Eternal
  • Monstrous Legions
Greater Beast: Vampire



Flaw: Infamous (Holy)
You can have a maximum of two secondary powers. So two from Sorcery or Conjuration, or one from each. Infamous isn’t divided into Holy/Unholy categories.

There’s the personality and servants to fill out as well, but I think you know that.

A good sheet, just a bit incomplete.
You can have a maximum of two secondary powers. So two from Sorcery or Conjuration, or one from each. Infamous isn’t divided into Holy/Unholy categories.

There’s the personality and servants to fill out as well, but I think you know that.

A good sheet, just a bit incomplete.
I know, working on it.

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