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Fandom Super Robot Wars RN (Main Roleplay)



Reptile Enjoyer
Roleplay Type(s)
((The RP from this post.))

It has been 3 years since the “Collapsing Merge”, a event that combined all universes known to possess giant mechas, into a singular one. From Mobile Suits to Super Robots, the amount of technology acculumated was immaculate, and with most universes done with, or about to be done with, their enemies, one could believe that there was peace for now. But, of course, something can break it once again..

Apparently, it seems that raids on hangars and any site containing a mecha are being conducted worldwide, and the possible reason for this, is R-NEST. Once a third party faction, this group of independent mercenaries, led by a anyonymous pilot known by their callsign, “Raven”, are conducting all of this for a sole reason, which is to impose their created “Law”, which could allow them to do whatever they wish regardless of what a government want. To combat the rising threat of R-NEST, who are trying to get their hands on mechas which could damn well be beyond their power, Japan and America formed a small faction: POACHERS. This organization also contains a secret, incredibly powerful mecha, the WG-C4 Albino. With that said, our story begins..

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Inside the POACHER HQ, A boy no younger or older than 16 could be seen approaching the hangar containing Albino. This kid, is known as Bird. It’s actually a nickname, but he prefers it a lot. From his spiky brown hair with red tips, to his maroon eyes, He was quite unique in regards of physical appearance. Currently, he’s being escorted, hinted by the two guards following him. Once they entered the hangar, one of the guards explained why he was here..

”Bird.. you’ve done it. The Albino was only compatible with you, and as a result, it will be your primary mech, and weapon in this soon-to-happen war. While medium weight and fast on the outside, it’s weapons, from it’s handheld WG-ASHMEAD Rifle, to it’s built-in missile launchers, are made of a combination of Minovsky Particles, Plasma and Energy, which has resulted into the most powerful energy attacks currently known to man. We hope you’re ready.”

Bird could only look in amazement, for he has now a destiny to fulfill.
(Will my mech also be in the same hangar?)

Inside of POACHER HQ, a teenage girl at the age one could mistake for 18, But is 16 as she is taller and older looking by far, as her short auburn hair was in a ponytail with her suppressor band on he arm idly glowing indicating it's working as he had two small metal appendages that resemble horns in her hair. This was Rosetta or as others call her Devil, Currently she was busy with maintenance on Raziel as she wore her Ultarian jumpsuit with her tool belt as she using a welding torch to repair some of the damage on Rasiel's shoulder. This was the oh-so-famous-yet oldest mech around the ZOBM-01 Raziel Original. It was he that this thing was usable due to her family Heritage and unstable powers as well, as this mech was (Possibly) the last of it's order.

She noticed Bird as she pulled her goggles onto her neck, she turned off her Torch and waved. "Hello Down There!" She said excitedly, She seen the guards as well and was curious on why as her Purple and blue heterochromatic eyes stares curiously.
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”..Hm? Oh, hey!” Bird‘s gaze changes towards Devil, also curious about her. The guards simply stared at her, but aren’t doing anything yet, just standing there while Bird speaks to her. “What’s your name? Also, cool mecha you got there!” He says with joy in his voice. While he knew the importance of piloting the powerful mech given to him, he also wants to meet his other allies.
"Name's Rosetta but Usually others just call me Devil!" She said. Rosetta idly was twirling the wielding torch as she said that as she looked quite glad to talk to someone. Being a Pilot and meeting other fellow pilots like her and learning the ropes of piloting was fun but the finest thing of all is just talking to others. Rosetta seemed to take that compliment.

"Aw shucks, Thanks I mean my Z.E.R.O Unit isn't all that good compared to others, I mean Seriously thee are better mechas!" Rosetta said sounding a little jealous of that.
The Guren also in the hangar, inactive and gleaming, as it's armor was just replaced.The cockpit was open, and the pilot was tinkering on her when the Guren's Fact sphere alerted him of a new contact."Hello! Are you here for the Albino?"


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Marion Charlette​


Observing the exchange between the two pilots was a girl with short purple hair and purple eyes. She had a grumpy look on her face, but she otherwise didn't say anything.
Her name was Marion Charlette, and she came from Gundam Battle Nexus. She didn't know how she wound up here, or why, but she felt she wasn't in a Virtual game anymore, especially with how real everything felt and the various scents and sounds she could take in without sight.
Felix Williams

He got off his mech and took if his helmet, shaking his hair and looking at Bird, putting out his hand."Hi, my name is Felix."
The auburn-haired glanced at the new girl as she looked a little concerned seeing the grumpy look. "Are you mad about something?" She asked.
Marion looked down towards the girl below, before turning away and walking off. Marion really had no clue what to do right now, except to lay low. She doesn't even know if she could summon her Gundam here.​
“O-Oh, hey!” Bird shakes Felix’s hand. ”Yeah, I’m here for the Albino. Y’know, POACHER’s key to this… issue.”

He looks at the Guren and then his Mech. Well, he could understand Rosetta’s jealousy. Piloting the one with the most powerful energy source for now is quite the flex.
She sighed as she looked at Marion and decided to follow her as she was a little curious about the person and ended up... with some difficulty as she keyword: Attempts to follow the purple-haired.
Felix got out of the way and smiled."You're a lucky one, you bugger, I have to take out my power source and put in a new one every 9-ish hours of use."Felix looked back at the spiky bits on the Albino and frowned."Why the spikes? Are you Energy-Wing equipped?"
“Probably design choices.” Bird replied. He soon looked at Marion following someone, or something, and tilted his head in curiosity, before facing back at Felix. “…Anyways.. your mecha only works for like.. nine hours total?”
"Yes, though it does quite a lot in said time frame. And it's not a mecha, it's a Knightmare Frame, a 9th-Gen Frame."Felix frowned.Why did people insist on calling his Knightmare a mecha?(My bad, I got the wrong image of my robot, so sorry.)Guren_SEITEN_-_Line_Art.jpg
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There was a large man sitting on the shoulder of his huge red and yellow mech, the Thunderbird, disassembling and oiling a strange revolver pistol. He occasionally stole glances at the other pilots but generally had a condescending air about him in relation to the others in the hangar.

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This was the Thunderbird, a flying tank with the back half of a plan stuck to its hips and a massive crackling axe that causes tingly feelings to unprotected skin within 100 meters of it.

The large muscular pilot with the guns whistled as he assembled the enormous revolver back together and spun it in his hand. He smirked and looked back at the others. Bait to keep the bad guys busy while Thunderbird swoops in for the kill.
There was a large man sitting on the shoulder of his huge red and yellow mech, the Thunderbird, disassembling and oiling a strange revolver pistol. He occasionally stole glances at the other pilots but generally had a condescending air about him in relation to the others in the hangar.

This was the Thunderbird, a flying tank with the back half of a plan stuck to its hips and a massive crackling axe that causes tingly feelings to unprotected skin within 100 meters of it.

The large muscular pilot with the guns whistled as he assembled the enormous revolver back together and spun it in his hand. He smirked and looked back at the others. Bait to keep the bad guys busy while Thunderbird swoops in for the kill.
Hablas espanol? I saw your user name and made me think of a Mexican word.
As everyone was in the hangar, the giant screen in front of the mech as soon turned on, as a message was played through the intercoms: “..All pilots, your first missions are about to begin. Please get ready.”

Hearing this, Bird prepared himself first. The Albino’s cockpit automatically, like if it also knew about the missions. Entering, Bird grabbed onto the two “levers” which controlled the mech’s movement, while the mecha’s system activated at the movement detected. “Systems online! Welcome, pilot.” The A.I voice said, greeting Bird as well.

It was time to truly begin..
Felix got back to his mech and put on his helmet, sitting on the motorcycle-like seat of the Guren, putting in his his key and typing in the code, watching as words flitted down the screen, alerting him of a green status.”Welcome back Knight!System’s working, energy fillers full!”He activated his Factsphere Sensors, his vision a bit limited in the cockpit, so he relied on the Factsphere to see most the things outside.He activated his Landspinners, the only way to move in this thing, given that it really couldn’t walk normally.
Rosetta beamed excited as she began climbing into mecha, Due to it sensing her intentions the Cockpit automatically opened as she leaped into it and dead into a seat, It was temporarily dark until holographic monitors and screens filled her vision with a Monitor in front of the seat showing several lines of code as it was booting up as the lined lights across its body and wings were pulsing softly until it was stable. Everything was good, no damages, Power Cells stable, everything was good to go.

The screen began to change as it read: "Activating... BIOLink Systems" Her Metal appendages begins to glow softly as she felt her connection to the Raziel Original like it was greeting her back, She then placed he hands into the Control units as she sighed.

"Initated Optic-to-retina sequence" She voiced out.

She could now see out of the Raziel, its eyes, now her eyes. She could see out of it now, and feel whatever the mecha felt, albeit a little falsely at times.

"Let's do, This!"

“..All pilots, your first missions are about to begin. Please get ready.”
Zuhong was woken from his cat-nap by the message coming tfrom the inetrcom. He had been sent to Earth by his father, Emperor Huang of the Baihu Aliens and ruler of the galaxies western quadrant, to help POACHERS AND STOP WAR FROM SPREADING OUT TO THE REST OF THE GAAXY. He raced towards the Hangat as fast as a jungle cat and clim bed into his mech: Metal Robot Yin Tiger Summer. Made by the tiger people of Baihu, it was one of the strongest weapons in the galaxy.

(Metal Robt Yin Tiger Summer)

Zuhong sat in his mech, his leggs crossed, and shut his eyes, as he entered a meditative stance. He began flaoting off the ground as he channeled its elemental energies. When he opened his eyes again, they were glowing red and so were the eyes of MR-YT Summer. They were ready.
The screen soon explained the first mission, as well as providing images.

”All of you were chosen for these critical missions. They may be difficult, but your numbers could aid in overpowering these challenges.” The voice then explained the very first mission, the one that’ll test the might of the pilots. “R-NEST is trying to acquire the technology of the Huckebein; a mecha built with the Black Hole Engine.”
“The said engine has been proven to be unstable at times, and is known to be prone to malfunctions. If R-NEST gets their hands on the engine, it could prove very lethal for all. Your mission is to defeat the mercenaries sent, and prevent the theft of the Black Hole Engine.”

Bird listened closely. Once the briefing was finished, the hangar’s giant door began to open, revealing the sunlight and the forest they were located on. Fortunately, the voice also said that they’ll provide the location once outside.

”..Here we go..“ Starting up the Albino’s boosters, Bird prepared to start the mission.
"Far from my first. Time for you little snot nosed brats to go through your baptism of flames." Hanar climbed back down to the cockpit of the Thunderbird and began to set the levers and contol to set the mech to sortie soon.

The red and yellow giant clenched its fists fast and loud multiple times, spinning in its wrists before Hanar announced he was green and ready to go.

"Don't bother telling me your names. Just callsigns for now. If any of you survive two more missions maybe then we can exchange names. Call me and my machine Thunderbird, because we drop death from above."

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