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Graded [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) – Barony Reforged

The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time: 10:10 Weather: Clear skies.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Aria RavenSong RavenSong | Glacier Voider Voider | Ko Orikanyo Orikanyo | Retili conman2163 conman2163 | (Amanda Uasal Uasal ) | Gunhild Femboy Femboy

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki

She smiled at the explanation of a sleep-over, as it seemed to have passed the test! She hadn't come across as creepy or perverted or confusing. “{Don't worry, there are no requirements, you can come by my room in the keep whenever you want to~}” She replied, happy that her excuse had worked. Only after she spotted the questioning looks in Hestia's eyes (and potentially Retili's) did she realise what she'd just said. Had she really just? Yes. She breathed in deeply, realising it was time for some self-reflection. However, somehow, Ringo looked more adorable than ever by AI generators going wild so she couldn't bring herself to revoke the offer. She'd have to figure out how to deal with the aftermath and the potential spread of rumours after they happened. Yep. There was totally nothing she could do now, so why bother thinking about it? Right. A problem for another day.

Sadly enough, Aria didn't seem to think so. As she asked her what they'd been talking about. “Oh, I eh...” She didn't really want to lie to her own sister, but she had no clue how to explain it in a way that wouldn't cause misunderstandings either. “We were just talking about helping her adjust to life here.” That wasn't untrue. Just unspecific. For now, it would have to do.

Besides, far more fun topics were to be discussed right now, with Ringo. “{That's called an apple pie. They're normally eaten on special occasions, this time to celebrate your arrival here and the placement of your shrine.}” She decided that was the best way to explain it. As she felt the tails brushing her, she could only agree with Ringo. That was hot indeed. Luckily enough, she could [Focus B] her mind out of the gutter and [Mind Shield B] to keep her thoughts straight for a bit longer afterwards. “{You might want to slow down a bit, or you'll upset your stomach.}” She stated, upon witnessing Ringo scarfing down food like she hadn't eaten in ages.

A chuckle escaped her lips when Ringo apologised. “{Don't worry, we don't. We only bring out this much food on special occasions, like today. It's okay if you can't finish it, we'll leave it for later.}” Most of the food would probably still be good enough later today. Her time as a baroness hadn't made her forget her time scraping by for food, so she'd make sure nothing would go to waste.

That's when Regula heard the clang and felt the shock. With some [Tremor-sense B] on her boots, it was easy to pinpoint it to the forge. “Someone's doing some peculiar work at the forge.” She replied to Glacier's question. “I can't sense anything troubling though. Whatever it was, it seems like it was harmless.” That hadn't stopped Aria from teleporting out and going after it, although that probably couldn't hurt. With Aria checking it out, she'd know that even if she'd been wrong and something did happen, it'd get sorted out.

That said, Regula noticed that not only Retili, but also Ko, was putting money on the counter. What was the point of Regula trying to treat people to a meal if they were going to pay for stuff regardless? She sighed. Even with her current status, it seemed folk still deemed her poor enough not to be able to live up to such promises. Perhaps she should find something more profitable in the barony and pay herself a wage or something? It'd be something she might want to discuss with Retili or Amanda later. She sighed, as she stood up as well. “I guess I'd better leave toward the smithy as well.” She looked at Ringo. {“I guess we'll be checking out what happened at the smithy first. We'll get to placing the shrine afterwards.”} She promised.

It made her look at Glacier. “It seems I'll be heading for the smithy... I... don't know if you're good with the heat or not, but if you're not, I'm afraid I can't offer you more hospitality by inviting to join me.” It felt a bit bad to leave such a unique guest on their own, with little to do, but the day was starting to slowly get more and more chaotic.


“Ah, if you're looking to entertain a guest!” Inola spoke up, looking at Galcier. “I've got a great offer, sir, would it be too extreme for me to assume you're quite capable of making ice appear?” She spoke, a bit of an eager glint in her eyes. “I've heard rumours of people in the Duchy eating something called 'shaved ice', which uses bits of ice with sweet syrups and I'd love to try making it myself, but it's near impossible to get my hands on some good ice outside of winter. If you'd be willing to make some ice for me, I'd be ever so great-full~”

Regula feared Inola might just try to use Glacier, but she was distracted by spotting Ko as he was walking out. “Hold up!” She called out to him, catching up to the canine man. She'd get closer and speak a bit more silently. “Considering we're already heading for the forge, I'll get you a new blade soon. You'll just owe me one, which I'll claim the moment there's more privacy.” She said, a hint of [Tail Freak] could be sensed when she mentioned 'owe me one' in that sentence. It was clear what she was talking about. She wasn't willing to let her thoroughly petted pet loyal customer slip away that easily.

That said, Regula had barely left the Keg when she spotted the next distraction (Gunhild). A woman more than twice her own size. Although she'd been planning to head for the smithy, she could hardly continue. How could she ignore such a giant tail stranger standing in the middle of the town? “Ehm, excuse me, miss?” She'd ask, trying not to focus too much upon the tail that was probably large enough for her to climb onto it. “You seem to be new here, can I... help you with something?” She wasn't sure how to approach this stranger. Part of her distracted by the tail, part of her confused as to what such a stranger was doing here or why they were staring at a well so intently.


Hestia looked up as well, at the feeling of a tremble through-out town. “That.. gave me a fright.” She'd state, looking the part. “For a moment, I worried we were being attacked!” She'd want to strike up a conversation with the Zentox about possible bug invasions or east empire attacks, but he was already heading off. Most others were soon to follow, making her sigh. Well, at least she'd served them and they'd probably have a lot more rumours to talk and gossip about incoming! Tonight might be fun and good for business.

Forge in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Forge.
Time: 10:10 Weather: Clear skies.
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0nnVRy
Mentions: Aria RavenSong RavenSong | Ko Orikanyo Orikanyo | Retili conman2163 conman2163 | Amanda Uasal Uasal


Gobán wasn't one to sleep in. Normally he'd be up early and working at the first break of dawn. Today had been a tad bit different. He'd been working from six in the morning until eleven in the evening yesterday, trying to get new orders up and running now that a lot of the barony's buildings were being fixed up. He'd rarely felt that tired in his entire career. Somehow, Aileen had been rather distracted lately and her aid hadn't been as great as usual. Even the kid he'd offered her hand too, Ryan, seemed to have less time available. It's why he himself had worked until he could work no more and then slept for more than ten hours in a row. Until his peaceful slumber was rudely disturbed by his entire house shaking along with the sound of a loud clang. He grumbled, getting up, getting dressed and dragging himself downstairs, ready to check out the forge.

As he arrived, the spotted Amanda. “Hm.” He grumbled, which was probably somewhere between 'good morning' and 'what in the world did you just do' if the intonation was anything to go by. However, his eyes soon went to the hammer. “Hmmm.” He stated, this time more of an inquiry. It had clearly managed to grab his attention almost immediately. So much so, in fact, that he didn't even seem to notice all the others running into the forge one after the other.

Just Outside of Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Just outside of Capital Town: Stonewall.
Time: 10:00 Weather: Clear skies.
Teuihua/Zeouli TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Ryan Valkan Valkan

“Alright..?” She replied questioningly, as Teuihua told her the produce was for Zeouli. Still, she brought it over to her. To her surprise, the other construct started to make weird noises and eventually burned it in a weird yellow flame. “Wait... what did she just do... and why? It's different form that fuel-thing you do, isn't it?” She asked, somewhat curious about these weird beings. “Oh, right, the baroness told me to have her try these as well.” She pulled out some cornbread.

As for his aid, she smiled. “Thank you~ You're a true gentleman!” She wished he was hers, rather than the baroness'. She wonder if she could order one of these for herself. That'd be nice~ That said, she was surprised by Ryan suddenly pulling her away. “Whaaa...?” Had his date with Aileen gone so bad that he was desperate for a replacement? Was she going to be proposed too? Ah, Gobán would kill the both of them!!! What was this madness? “I-I don't..” She started, however, she could soon breathe easy again. He was just asking for dating advice. Pfew. That gave her a fright. “I'm sure you should just talk, you're way overthinking...” aaaand he was running off. She wouldn't blame him though. That was a rather odd noise and tremor they could feel. Hopefully everything would be alright. She looked at Sven.




Sven shrugged at the questioning look from Amika. “No smoke, no cries of pain, no calls for help. Seems like a false alarm to me.” He stated. With the guards fully operational, he was sure they'd learn if this was serious or not soon enough, without rushing towards the noise.

Aldwin's Living Room
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Aldwin's House – Living Room
From: HD wallpaper: Fantasy, Room, Fireplace | Wallpaper Flare


Aldwin was peacefully sipping tea in his living room, as he wondered what his next step should be. He wished to firmer establish his authority as a mayor, but in order to do so, he'd need to decrease the influence of those pesky advisors. That said, his pondering was roughly shaken by an actual shake, combined with an awful noise. It nearly made him still tea from his teacup! “Oho~” The old man chuckled. “That felt like something new is developing.” He wondered what it was, or how he could use it for his own goals, but for now, he figured he'd wait it out. It'd probably be the talk of the town in no-time.

Bloody Delicious
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall - Butchery.
From: Medieval meat shop, illustration Stock Illustration

Erkan Flann

He was just carving his masterpiece, one of the juiciest tenderloins he'd seen in a long while, when an abrupt shaking of the earth and ear-piecing clang made his butcher's knife move ever so slightly and cut right through the wrong tendon. “By the gods! I'll put whomever did that on my chopping block!” He called out in anger, before cooling off a bit. Perhaps his butchering work could still be saved, but he'd definitely file a complaint later. Whomever did this was distracting him from his art.

The Twice Flipped Coin
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – General Store “The Twice Flipped Coin”.
From: https://yangsh.artstation.com/projects/mq5GNd


Saffron was peacefully stacking shelves in her store, when a rumble made all the vials and bottles on them cling and clang. Some of them even rang in tune with the loud clang. “Oh.” She uttered. Her mind drifted for a bit. An attack? An explosion? A giant landing? A comet? There could be so many fun things to go check out~ But alas, these were her working hours. Her exterior remained stoic, as she confirmed that nothing was broken and returned to her job of stacking shelves. If only this type of stuff happened in her free time. It'd have been so much mor efun.

Training Grounds in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Training Grounds.
From: Medieval Training Yard

Ezekiel Hayward

Ezekiel sighed. “Ethel, please, you can't just keep expecting your armour to keep your safe. You have to put more work in your actual defence. Keep up your shield, or try to dodge and block more.”




Having been knocked into the ground just prior, she felt too ashamed to response. Lucky enough, she soon had an excuse. Being so nice and cosy with the ground, with her face flat onto the soil, she felt it very well. “I hath sensed it! Thee dragons areth attacking! The earthen giants haveth awoken! The Stonewall shalt shake! Thou conviction shalth rumble! Yet I shalt...”

“Fifty push-ups. That's what you shall do. There are enough guards going around, so if it's serious, we'll know about it soon enough.” He spoke firmly, figuring that if he were to let go of Ethel now, she'd never get back to proper training. The latter took priority, as he couldn't keep getting away with having his guards be unable to live up to any standards that'd be appreciated by the Marshall.

Rosalia's Room
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Rosalia's Room.
From: prompthunt: interior illustration, a medieval fantasy lodging room, bed, window, washbasin, mirror




She'd been in her room this morning, reading through a new book. It was a story about some a halfling investigator solving crimes in an underwater city. It was not the type of thing she'd typically read, but she was rather invested in it. It's why she only looked up for a bit when she felt a tremble. “Hmmm... I wonder if that construct is getting rowdy?” She asked herself, looking out the window. Nothing seemed to be out of order, so for now. She debated moving out to go look, but seeing how nothing was on fire and no further trembles followed, it likely wasn't too bad. Perhaps Regula had misfired her gun? Either way, she'd get back to her book.

Stables in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Stables.
From: Whittengrove Stables


He'd been hanging out in the stables a lot. Micah had tought him to appreciate it more than before, even though the Elven man was long-gone. The silent, the quiet, the peace. Stables were great. The sudden tremor threatened to ruin it all for a moment. When there wasn't a second one following, he breathed out in relief. He wasn't against working, but he was against working with many people involved. Like in the city. Luckily enough, it seemed like he could keep relaxing for a while longer.

Farmer's Cabin
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Farm.
From: Download wallpapers by subject art


She sighed. “I'm sorry Aileen, I really can't give you any advice. I'm still single for a reason~ However, I'm sure miss Rosalia, or maybe Hestia, would be willing to help you out. All I can offer you is some good tea and a listening ear~”


“That's.. that's alright. I think I just needed that. To talk to someone and to drink some tea. Thank you I...”

The two of them were caught off guard by a sudden tremor and noise coming from the city. “What.. what happened?” She'd asked, a bit spooked.

“Probably nothing too serious. Maybe they blew up some rocks as a foundation for a new building? They were planning something just outside the walls, I think.” That's when something came to mind. “Well, perhaps next time you see Ryan, you should mention the odd tremor and use it as a conversation starter. That might make it a lot easier to just start talking right?”

Aileen silently nodded. Perhaps... perhaps that might just work.
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Interactions: Inola ( Elvario Elvario )
"Common" "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

Upon hearing that it was simply some kind of work at the town's forge, Glacier calmed down from the shock. When she asked if he was good with heat, Glacier let out a sharp, "No." Far unlike his typical demeanor, that simple statement was direct and brisk.

Turning to Inola, Glacier was interested in her offer, until he heard exactly what is was. Standing there quietly, as if a sculpture, he attempted to figure out how he'd properly respond; alas, he was struggling to do so. Glacier's ears and tail instinctively lowered, his thoughts drifting towards his practice, and multiple failed attempts. "I... cannot. I am sorry..." He finally responded, tone despondent. "I have... yet to truly harness my nature." Glacier admitted, now reconsidering the time he was spending in Stonewall. "I... should not be here relaxing... I should be working towards finally achieving a breakthrough."

While he couldn't create ice magically, Glacier simply couldn't decline and walk away, as that would be utterly disrespectful. There was one option still available, however. "The ice I am comprised of... though magically infused, is ice all the same." He began, turning his head to look behind himself. "You may take small chunks from my tail... though it's not much, I implore you to accept; it will regrow in time."
~Amanda Steelhaven~

High-Human, Renowned Craftswoman of Sadek County, Business Expert, Warfare Expert, Agriculture Expert, Architecture Expert, Engineering Expert, Law Expert, Investigation Expert, Mining Expert, Expert Tinkerer, Expert Artificer, Expert Enchanter, Advisor of Caelia, Ambitious, Strategist, Girl on Fire, Flatterer, Celestine Academy Alumni

Amanda's eyes remained fixed on the newly forged and enchanted hammer, her fingers delicately tracing the glowing runes etched into its surface. She marveled at the craftsmanship and power that had been infused into this creation. Her thoughts drifted to her previous work, the rifle named 'Judgment,' a testament to her abilities in crafting. As she compared the two, it became evident that this hammer was indeed a grade above in both enchantment and quality, a realization that left her pleasantly surprised. She hadn't expected her skills to have reached such a level quite yet.

As she stood there, captivated by her own creation, a soft footstep behind her startled her. Amanda turned around swiftly, her heart leaping. To her astonishment, there stood Aria, the Caelia Barony's general, a person whom she adored and was deeply smitten with.

"Aria," Amanda gasped, her surprise mixed with joy. She took a step closer, still clutching the enchanted hammer. "You... you're here! I didn't expect you back so soon... I would have... Is my hair okay? Ah! Wait give me a moment to tidy myself up!". Amanda blushed, her heart fluttering at the general's presence. "I eh... I forged this hammer," she said, her voice tinged with pride. "It's an enchanted catalyst that will help speed up our construction efforts. Isn't it cool!"

Amanda's heart sank as the warmth of their affectionate moment was abruptly replaced by the presence of unexpected visitors. She felt a surge of embarrassment and self-consciousness wash over her. Amanda was a private person by nature, and having her intimate moment with Aria interrupted left her feeling exposed and awkward.

Inwardly, she felt disappointed, knowing that the opportunity for a more personal connection had been snatched away. The sensation of frustration welled up in her, knowing that her Chance to embrace the General had gone unseized.

Yet, Amanda was practical and understanding. She knew the town's residents had every right to be concerned about the loud clang and the subsequent tremor. As much as she desired privacy with Aria, she also appreciated the need for transparency and reassurance.

Beneath it all, there remained a sense of anticipation. Amanda looked forward to the moment when they could escape the prying eyes and continue their affectionate exchange. But for now, she had some explaining to do.

Looking to all those who had gathered Amanda's smile grew into a prideful grin. Raising the hammer out in front of her Amanda presented it for observation to those that had any interest. "Ryan you flatter me! Heh heh heh! Behold! Cruthú, my finest work yet!"

Fliping the hammer in the air, the seemingly heavy metallic catalyst appeared uncharacteristically light having almost reached the ceiling before falling back toward Amanda's hand. "After doing some research into ancient fields of magic at the Celestine Academy I found quite a useful rune. And by that I mean I saw it etched onto one of the Relics presented in the display hall and tried to copy it. Turns out it worked! Cruthú here can manipulate gravitational forces in its vicinity! Isn't that amazing?"

Turning to Retili Amanda's eyes sparkled at his question "It was! It gave me quite a shock! My guess is after etching the rune for the gravitational affinity into the mythril the initial influx of mana caused the rune to destabilize the gravity in the area causing a momentary tremor. Which naturally subsided once the runes took to the piece and stabilized. Thankfully it was just a distortion, it could have been a lot worse...". Speaking the last bit quietly to herself Amanda awkwardly chuckled to herself before turning to Gobán with a polite curtsy "Thank you for letting me use your workshop Mr. Gobán. Would you like to inspect my work? It's only fair I suppose."

Passing the hammer to Gobán with great care Amanda gave the man a quick breakdown of its effects. "Cruthú is a B grade Catalyst that can manipulate gravity within its sphere of effect. That's approximately hmmm... a half-mile radius. But do be careful the hammer's effects are indiscriminate. The Hammer also has a pocket dimension for the storage of goods that's a full mile radius. Most importantly the hammer can shape and mold stone at an expert level with just a single tap. It can also harvest ores and stone just as easily and with an even higher proficiency. All this combined, the hammer should make the creation of sturdy foundations and supports a lot easier and faster! Not to mention it can condense any materials under incredible pressure or lighten them for transportation. Pretty great right? What do you think?"


Core 1 - Magic B
Core 2 - Pocket Dimension B (A Mile Radius)
Core 3 - Mining B
Core 4 - Magic AOE C (Half Mile Radius), Gravity Affinity
Core 5 - Stone Mason C, Selective Magic F [(E) Limitation 'Activation R1']

RavenSong RavenSong conman2163 conman2163 Valkan Valkan Elvario Elvario
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Teuihua & Zeouli
Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM.pngcee80dd44fc81fff8f2d4a4825afac34-1-2.png
Languages: "Common", "+Mictlantecuhtlian+", "%Analog%"​
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Valkan Valkan

Zeouli was pleased to hear those words come from Ryan, giving him a wave of acknowledgement after, knowing full well that their language probably wasn't the easiestfor someone from this time to learn.
Teuihua understood Amika's reaction well enough, it did probably seem strange that a construct would want raw produce, but it was perfectly logical for a construct like Zeouli to receive it particularly in the context of offering to the Goddess she had been devoted too in creation in Teuihua's mind who understood what had been going on.

"It was different then what I do because the intention was different." He tried his best to explain to Amika's line of questioning.

"While I process what is given to me as fuel for myself and enjoyment as I am capable of taste, Zeouli instead, decided to partake in an offering ritual where, she offered that maize up to Qeotl the Mictlantecuhtlian Goddess of agriculture and the harvest, so the process was more focused and gradual."

Teuihua then gave a nod at the offering of the cornrbea, "Thank you, It is appreciated."
he then offered his large hand out for Amika to put the cornbread on, to which he then offered to Zeouli. Zeouli appeared to look back at him, tilting her head a bit.

"+What is this?+" She'd inquire looking at the strange bread like substance moving closer to examine it.

"+It's food the Baroness offers it to you.+"

"+I have not seen food quite like this in appearance before, I shall try this gift for myself out of respect and I have already given the appropriate offering.+" Zeouli accepted the cornbread with her more dexterous hand and promptly a burning process more like Teuihua's tookplace where a portion of it was incinerated.

"+Mhm, this is rather delicious, it almost reminds me of the Maize bread we had long ago..but this is much more refined and decadent.+"

"+Please let the Baroness know for me that I very much enjoy what was given to me.+"

Zeouli then placed a piece onto Teuihua's hand "+You should try some.+"

Teuihua very quickly disintegrated the piece which was given to him too, that was rather nice tasting. "+Thank the creators for giving me a sense of taste, you are correct Zeouli, that is quite delicious, I can tell that whoever was responsible for this put care and effort into it+" Teuihua said leveraging his [Effort Connoisseur] title.

"Zeouli says that she quite likes that corn bread, and as I have found out I too find it favorable, please inform whoever made it that they have my highest praise."

Teuihua was rather pleased to hear himself get called a gentleman of all things from a human lady, it was nice to hear. "I will do my utmost to maintain that opinion thank you." As the golem was off to do whatever was needed of him that was around when the bang went off. Teuihua heard Sven's words and became more calm.

With Ryan running off, Teuihua hoped that all went well on his end.

"While I believe it is appropriate to exercise enhanced caution and awareness due to that loud sound,I do agree with Sven's assessment that It does not sound like people are currently in trouble, or that there was an attack, for now I will assume greater vigilance until we hear what the cause of that was." Regardless, perhaps part of Teuihua's military defensive purpose kicking in, for the time being it seemed more logical if Teuihua stayed by and made sure that nothing bad happened here, until it was confirmed there was trouble that needed his attention. For now he was ready to carry out the next tasks. Teuihua translated all necessary information to Zeouli as well.
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(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Mentions: Elvario Elvario

Gunhild was busy enjoying the high class pastime of admiring an object for no reason as she stared at the well with conviction that something grand was to happen if she waited long enough.
"Gunhild, no not look at magic hole. Gunhild must look at magic hole for the magic to magic" Gunhild insisted to herself as she stared at it, before hearing a voice question behind her and immediately breaking concentration on the well to instead stare at Regula whom had been asking if she was in need of something. Gunhild was, quite frankly, in need of a lot of things, deciding that she must decide on the most important thing at the time to ask about since someone was now asking about her needs for once. Concentrating on the matter for a short while, she came to what she wanted to ask as she patted at her chest to refer to herself.

"Hello smol lady'ms. Gunhild is Gunhild. Gunhild feel big world boomboom from smol lady'ms's townplace and was hungy and tired and boreded so Gunhild go to townplace to fix hungy and tired and boreded, but Gunhild has been here for smol time and Gunhild not fix problems" Gunhild explained in the most understandable and logical explanation she could muster as she remembered what she was doing briefly earlier and pointed at the well.
"Gunhild looked and asked nicely to magic wish hole to help Gunhild find the happytimes because Gunhild cannot find the happytimes, but magic wish hole has not given Gunhild any happytimes" Gunhild asked as she glanced around as if someone was going to eavesdrop on the information she was about to utter.

"Between smol lady and Gunhild, " she whispered, leaning in and down to Regula's smaller stature, "Gunhild thinks the magic wish hole selfish" she answered, slowly glancing at the well just in case the magic wishing hole somehow heard her comment on it. Stopping leaning in and whispering, she looked around briefly before back at Regula.

"Smol smolems ladywomans knows much about town? Gunhild want food, Gunhild also boreded, Gunhild can helpses things for foods or for other things Gunhild want?" Gunhild asked as she scratched at her face, her eyes glancing away for a small moment as she muttered quietly to herself.
"Gunhild do best art of trade" she murmured, although probably having no idea what she meant herself by doing the 'Art of the Trade'.

Retili's eyes seemed glued to the hammer as Amanda rattled on about the merits of her new tool. Half of what was said was technical, he didn't precisely understand the full nature of a catalyst, but he did grasp the basic aspects of the weapon and his concern was amplified by the knowledge. She seemed enraptured by it, even as she described the gravity altering effects of a tool that could cause such tremors. The Zentox's own mind wondered what more destructive effects this tool could have. Would this be a destructive tool or constructive one? He did not care to find an answer. Instead he bowed his head once again. "I am pleased you have such a tool at your disposal. Seeing as there is no emergency I will beg my leave now." Retili turned without further words and stepped out of the forge. He passed by the others on his way out and began a walk down to the inn once again. It did not take him long to arrive and soon he was back at the bar and seated firmly again at his stool. He was going to relax today and worry about matters of the state later. Regula would get on fine without him. He waited until Hestia reappeared and then smiled genuinely once more. "My apologies Hestia, I wanted to see what caused the tremor myself. It seems Advisor Steelhaven has made herself a new tool. Perhaps I could get that pot of tea again and you could fill me in on local events? I have been gone a short while."

  • Caelia Savant D - Law E, Warfare E, Business F, Academia F, Area Knowledge [Caelia Barony] F - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - Retili uses his comprehensive knowledge built up through years of study to overcome issues that smooth talking might not otherwise be capable of.
  • Charismatic Scribe D - Insight D, Perception E, Empathy E, Persuasion D - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - Using his quick wit and fast mind, Retili talks his way around and through problems that he encounters.
  • Noble Bearing D - Etiquette E, Law E, Academia F, Persuasion D, Empathy E, Perception E, Insight D, Business F - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - After some time spent in study, on the road, and in the court of nobles Retili has learned the way and bearing required to be at least adequate in the many skills expected of nobility.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan slowly nodded as Amanda showed off her catalyst and explained its workings to whoever listened. That included Gobán, who came out to the forge to check on the ruckus as well. The seasoned smith seemed to be quite interested in Amanda's work, enough to ignore the rest of the cast who had gathered to check on the unusual event it had caused.

Ryan, knowing Gobán might not be the happiest knowing he upset his daughter, reduced his presence in the room. Going quiet and simply becoming an observer.

Elvario Elvario

She glanced at Ringo, she seemed so, obviously happy and perhaps ignorant to what was really happening, or at least what Aria was suspecting. Tilting her head a bit after putting her cup of tea down and listening to Regulas explanation, she seemed to relax a bit. Regula wouldn't lie, she couldnt even fathom it. "Well, I'm relived, I was beginning to think something.. else was happening." She sighed in relief. Then peculiarly they continued to speak and exchange some sort of strange gestures. Before it could begin to make for a whole topic and consider hiring a personal translator the tremor sent her outside before Regula could mention the likeliness of the disturbance non threatening.


After saying her part to Amanda, a deep longing welled within the marshal, then Council Retilli would have ensured there would be no threat, to which he excused himself. She bowed her head, "Council." She said with a military salute. Then shortly later, to much of her embarrassment she raised her hand in greeting to Gaban, "Blacksmith Gaban, please excuse my interruption, we must have woken you." Then with a bow if her head in respect, "I assure you this disturbance from council Amanda would be of your inquiring interest."

Aria would purse her lips some as Amanda fumbled a bit, "Please, do not worry yourself council Amanda, I find you as quite the natural beauty. Your hair seems to always be.. satisfactory." Aria was clearly holding back, and keeping things as formal as she could. But perhaps it was the marshals way of exposing her heart to the world and to those who remained in the forge. It was then she noticed Ryan briefly looking at him and then back to Amanda who had by now been going into great detail about the tool in her possession. "You've truly come a long way lov- Amanda.. " she cleared her throat, "..I aspire to one day reach a level of equivalent skill in my field of expertise." She made a fist, what was wrong with her? Why couldn't she seem to keep herself from giving it all away to the public. She had to keep things professional, after all, she was on the clock. It was impossible for now, Amanda and Aria may just have to keep things things formal for now. However, there was one thing she was curious about, "..Ryan, can you take me to see Aileen? I have an important request for her and for you, but I rather ask you both in person." She wouldn't glance at Gaban, since she was his daughter. But Aria couldn't help but have noticed Aileen was nowhere to be found and Ryan seemed rather, melancholy, confused and a little more reserved than usual.

Watching Amanda continue to explain her aspirations made Arias heart soar, although her expression couldn't hold the joy she felt it was certainly there, and all she wanted to do in that moment was celebrate her achievements. Alas, due to the circumstances it didn't seem to be so, oh the woes of a longing love so close yet oceans apart. However, she continued to remind herself of the duty and responsibilities they held in their higher positions of leadership and the visions they all shared.
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Ko matatsu

Though her words were clear... He couldn't help but feel... Off... On the whole thing now... Was... This always the type of thing happening here...? He couldn't keep up, its as if everything was just... Happening, and everyone was just...

Massive construction by strange golem people...

The constant changing of venue was getting on his nerves... And far too many people seem to circle around Regula. Perhaps... Despite her words... It would be best to leave and come back another time... Or perhaps even find a different smith.

He knew only one, and truely this place was getting to busy for his tastes...

And now coming on the scene and observing the Aria girl fawn over this blonde?

This wasn't a bad thing but certainly she could keep such brutish displays of affection behind closed doors! Or... Maybe hidden it in a poem, describing her hair through metaphor that they woild only know. No, no maybe that was just the Romance novel he was reading in his spare time... still it was very clear the harboring of feelings. Not that it was his business, the Aria girl was certainly like a pup before this woman.

...Who had a wierd hammer, and was talking about it a good deal.

Was she also a craftsman? He wasn't following the whole flow of... Whatever is happening...

It felt like he was in a room full of people who have history with one another and they were simply looking over his presence like he was a part of the background... Which he wasn't exactly helping with being more or less grumpy and quiet...

"Hrmm... I miss Paru... At least she talked sense..." the swordsman mumbled, still feeling quite lost and wondering why he was actually here....
Purple hair kitsune nine tails hazel eyes shrine samurai s-1644768126.png
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy
Languages: {Sylvan} | +Mictlantecuhtlian+

Ringo smiles and nods at Regula. "{Ah, I think I understand what's happening here. You are making special privileges for me. And I think I understand why... It's really quite obvious when I think about it.}" She looked at Regula with a knowing grin. "{It's because I'm a sacred Shrine Guardian! You are most devout, and your continual accommodations and offerings are most appreciated, Regula!}" Her expression of joy widened as her tail spread to an equally noticeable width and swayed calmly. "{Thank you, Regula, for being so nice to me... It could have been easy for you to go frustrated with our unusual circumstance. After all, you didn't ask to be stuck with me... But you've been so nice and helpful and made sure I was comfortable. So thank you for that! I shall bestow my blessing upon you whenever you may need it!}"

Ringo nodded with her finger in her mouth. "{I see. So this is apple pie and it is for celebrating the arrival of important religious figures... That's an incredible coincidence that I love apples... I am so lucky!}" Regula's next statement was very clear to Ringo however. "{Oh, right... I've had that happen before, especially on festival days, when we received lots of food offerings... I shall control myself!}"

Ringo looked at the Baroness in disbelief. "{I can eat this again later?! That sounds wonderful! Can I eat it whenever I want?}"

Ringo followed Regula toward the smithy, determined to stick by the woman, at least until the shrine was placed. That did not stop her from stopping to examine everything on the way, eager to learn what she could about the new world she inhabited. As they stoppped at the large lizard woman in front of the well, Ringo stared up at her. She was giant. Could this woman understand her? She decided to try Sylvan, since that seemed to have better luck with non-constructs. "{Hello! You're very tall! Would you like to visit the Shrine soon to be just outside the city walls? I can offer you blessings, prayers, or charms. you don't have to make an offering to recieve any of those things, but it is appreciated. We take food, crafts, and money!}"
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time: 10:30 Weather: Clear skies.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Glacier Voider Voider | Retili conman2163 conman2163


She was a bit surprised by how difficult it seemed for the ice creature to give her a proper reply. Surely, her request hadn't been that outrageous, right? That was the thought, at least, until he said he couldn't make ice. She felt a little bad for him. Even though they were very different, he was still another vulpine, after all. “Ah, but you can, can't you? Didn't you make a bunch of ice foxes form while you were howling not too long ago? I'm sure you can figure out how to make regular ice in no-time if you can already do that much~” She spoke to him, trying to encourage him as a fellow beast and as a fellow vulpine one at that.

When he offered her to take a part of his tail she hesitated. “Your... tail...” That was an odd proposal. She'd be eating part of a fellow beast, which was a strange thought, even if it would be akin to his tail-hair... Even if it would regrow, in fact. Then again, ice was ice, right? It could prove to be a good test subject? Ugh, but to take it from someone's tail of all places? She wasn't some sort of [Tail Freak] that'd go for such an odd thing. In the end, she sighed. “I'm sorry, but I'll abstain. Besides, I'm going to need large amounts of ice if I want to test out how to make this shaved ice concept work, so a bit of tail-ice-hair alone won't suffice. Thank you for the offer though, but, well, if you feel inclined to visit again upon achieving the ability to create ice, I'd gladly see you return! I'll be rooting for your success!” That was probably the politest and most encouraging way for her to say 'thank but no thanks' to his rather peculiar offer.


She was a bit surprised to see Retili return so soon after leaving. Pleasantly so. “Advisor Steelhaven caused this?” That was a surprise. Upon his request, she'd turn to get another pot of water boiling for tea. “Local events... Hmm.” She tried to think of all the things happened.

“Some odd people delivered goods to Sootspire. That was the first event that came to mind. She leaned over the counter. “Between you and me, if the rumours are true, it's best the Baroness doesn't meet that group. They say that one is fur-tailed naga.”

What else was there? “We had some new booze brought in.” It wasn't the biggest news, but she figured he might want to try it at some point. “Oh! There's a weird rumour about a deranged man trying to talk with animals in search of a lost treasure guarded by a frog princess! The knight that went looking for some children that caught up in that mess was never seen again.” She stated the most intriguing story she'd heard lately. “I think that's the most interesting thing that happened thus far...” She wasn't sure what else might be worth mentioning and what Retili was or wasn't up to date with.

Forge in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Forge.
Time: 10:30 Weather: Clear skies.
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0nnVRy
Mentions: Amanda Uasal Uasal | Ko Orikanyo Orikanyo | Ryan Valkan Valkan


He took the hammer with considerable interest, as he checked all the runes engraved onto it. Amanda's words seemed to line up with what he saw etched into this hammer. Some of the things carved into it seemed a bit peculiar. Like how the hammer's effects were selective up to a particular radius (Selective F(E)), which stood out to the old smith. That meant that opening up this hammer at full power might just make a giant hole form due to the gravity and mining effects on it. Truth be told, even Gobán, old and experienced as he was, didn't have a lot of knowledge regarding magical tools such as these. Having observed all the runes carefully, he could only conclude two things. His own knowledge was too limited to know what exactly this would be capable off in practice. That was something that didn't happen often. That also meant he could conclude a second thing. This hammer was quite the masterpiece. In fact.. ”Good work.” He spoke, as he handed the hammer back.

This feat being worth not one, but two entire words, was some of the highest praise one could possibly get from Gobán. In fact, Ryan in particular might feel a bit of jealousy, as he'd know better than anyone how rare it was to get even a simple 'good' out of Gobán. If it wasn't for the fact that both Aileen and Amanda were already accounted for, Ryan might've found himself a rival right then and there. Especially if it was up to Gobán. Luckily enough, the man's silence was also useful at times, as he didn't share such thoughts about the future of his daughter and smithy. That said, Ryan would find himself with a new and higher standard to live up too if he wanted to make his (future) father-in-law proud.

Luckily enough for Ryan, however, he'd get his chance. Gobán stared at Ryan with an intense stare, as the latter was trying to fade to the background. That wouldn't happen on his watch. He then looked at the dogman that walked in. Gobán's experienced eye spotted it instantly. The man's sword needed work. Great timing. He pointed at Ryan. Then at Ko's sword. Then he nodded. His command clear to all who knew him for longer than a day. He was challenging Ryan to prove himself by handling this customer and forging this man's sword. A chance for Ryan to surpass his desire to fade to the background, get over his shyness and prove he was worthy of Aileen's hand and Gobán's continued blessing. After all, what worth was a blacksmith that couldn't deal with their customers? In fact, Gobán was so set on doing this, that he'd approach Ko himself to point out the latter's sword so he'd hand it over, after which Gobán would hand it over to Ryan in turn to point at the forge. Their would be no doubt about his intention. No hesitation was allowed from either side! The (relatively) wordless man had made clear his will.

When Aria asked Ryan to bring her to Aileen, Gobán shook his head. He normally wouldn't go up against the Marshall, but this was his forge they were in and his daughter they were talking about. He'd have to prove his worth again first! Besides, he was pretty sure neither of them knew where Aileen was, so his request was the only valid option! “Hm.”

Just Outside of Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Just outside of Capital Town: Stonewall.
Time: 10:25 Weather: Clear skies.
Mentions: Teuihua/Zeouli TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

“Right...” She answered Teuihua's explanation, still not fully understanding it. “So, Zeouli is a very religious farmer?” She asked, looking at this new-never-seen-before construct that was apparently even more particular than Teuihua had been. She'd hand over the corn-bread, wondering if it'd get burned in the same manner or in a different one.

The fact that they were burning it like they did, but still said they could taste it, was rather odd. She'd seen it before, but it was still tough to believe something could work like that. That said, she was glad they'd both enjoyed it. “That's great! I think chef Todo made this himself, so I'll let him know! Ah, but if we're going to pick up some barrels of ale, you can also let him know yourself!” She added, recalling the task she'd managed to get Teuihua to do for her.




Sven nodded. “You can help her out right now. I think we're pretty much done here until the baroness returns with that shrine.” He spoke, perhaps a tad bit sceptical about the whole last part of that process. After all, it wasn't common for people to move entire shrines in a [Pocket Dimension].

Amika was quick to jump on top of the offer. “Ah, great! The new go now! Zeouli can come too! I doubt she's had a good view of all of the city, right? Considering she's new here and all that? We can show her around while at it!” She spoke, as they'd head for the central plaza to go pick up some ale at the tavern.

Country of Ryke, Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Capital Town: Stonewall – Central Plaza
Time: 10:30 Weather: Clear skies.


From: Cyrili, the Farming Hamlet | The Fantasy Sandbox
Mentions: Teuihua/Zeouli TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Gunhild Femboy Femboy | Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal

Were they to follow Amika, Teuihua and Zeouli would eventually spot Gunhild, in conversation with Regula and Ringo.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki

This particularly large tail woman was confusing. From the way she talked and acted to what she even was. “Right, nice to meet you Gunhild. I'm Regula Caelia.” She tried to introduce herself in a polite manner. “Well, if you're hungry, we have some food left at the inn. I can bring it out in a bit.” She wasn't one to forgo feeding hungry folk when they had food left. “Be right back.” She said, skipping over back to the inn to return with some more jam-rolls and cornbread. “There you go.” She said, handing it over to Gunhild. “My treat.”

As for the 'hole'... “That hole is a well. It can help you if you're thirsty, as the bucket there is used to pull up water.” She stated, although a bit hesitant. Was this large woman a child or someone with lower intellect...? She decided to throw privacy out the window as she got close, which was made easier by Gunhild herself closing in first, then used [Appraisal A] on Gunhild. A large mixture of Fae and Beast. She could've guessed most of that without a title scan, except maybe for the Faeblood. She realised she'd been staring. “Right, well, I've got your food. I'd suggest you could sleep in the inn if you're tired, but I don't think they have beds that big...” She wondered how rude it'd be to sent her to the stables? Very rude, probably.

However, that's when an idea came to mind. “Oh, if you're bored, how about I smith you something...” She looked at the tail again. This was brilliant! Her best idea yet. “Now, don't get me wrong, but that tail of yours seems very strong, perhaps even strong enough to serve as a weapon... I'm a blacksmith, you know, so what would you say if I were to make you armour and a custom weapon to put on it? I'd love to try making such a thing, so I won't even charge you full price, just the material costs. Maybe plated armour and some axe-blades near the end, or perhaps spikes like a mace?” Honestly, the idea of weaponising something like a tail wouldn't have ever even occurred to her if this particular tail already looked like it might as well be one. That said, her ulterior motives could be felt quite clearly, especially by Gunhild, as Regula's [Tail Freak] was going haywire.

[Tail Freak] - Character displays an unnatural attraction to tails. Creatures with tails will be intuitively concerned within character's presence. Those petted may have lingering feelings of being dirty and regret or receive the title Thoroughly Petted.

On the topic of tails, Ringo's were far more fluffy, refined and cuddly. On the topic of Ringo, Regula wondered if she should be clearing some misunderstandings. “{Ah, it's ehm...}” Wait, what exactly was it? “{Well, I guess it's tough not to believe in a deity that you spoke with...}” She mumbled... No. She breathed in deeply. Enough with the lies. “{I like you.}” She stated it. There. “{So I wanted to make sure that your new life here won't cause you any discomfort. Besides, I enjoy seeing you enjoy things.}” She said with a smile. Sometimes the simple and honest answer was best, right?

She felt about guilty regarding the confusion with the food. “{Well, apple pie can be used on any type of celebration. As well as other pies and pastries. Perhaps you can try some others later, but I figured I'd ask for apple pie cause you seemed to like them...}” She mumbled... was this weird? It wasn't, right? “{Anyway, I'm sure there will be moments to eat things like these again, but I'm afraid it'd be bad if we had such treats every-time. Sometimes normal and cheaper meals are needed, to stay humble and to enjoy luxury food more when you do get it.}” She stated her own philosophy on staying humble.

As Ringo addressed Gundhild, she debated whether or not to translate. Then again, Gundhild was part Fae, so perhaps she'd understand Sylvan? Hopefully so. It'd be neat for Ringo to get to speak to more people. She figured she'd wait and see what'd happen.
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(Quick post before other peopleses' haloween events steal me away)


(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Mentions: Elvario Elvario StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal

Gunhild blankly and silently watched as Regula left, and soon after returned with jam rolls and cornbread. The big lizard didn't even think or hesitate as she scooped it into her hands and began eating all she was given without much thought or consideration, consuming all the woman had provided as Regula had continued talking. It didn't take long for Gunhild to finish, swallowing and sniffing at her hands for a brief moment when she finished before looking back at Regula.

"Gunhild does not need bed. World is Gunhild's bed. Except uncomfytable parts. Gunhild does not want those as Gunhild's bed" Gunhild mentioned as she patted the ground gently to address what a good job the floor did for being a good Gunhild bed, before the woman had addressed about smithing something for Gunhild. Pondering for a moment, she spoke to herself in thought.
"Smolems can makes thingy for Gunhild? Many say Gunhild too big for made thingys many of the times, but smolems m'lady'ms can do it?" Gunhild considered as she thought on the idea of such armour and weaponry that she thought inaccessible, before attention was brought to her tail. Wagging it around a little and grabbing hold of it with one hand to look at it, she thought further.
"Gunhild does not usually use her tail. Gunhild hands and leggies and head usually more usefuls, but Gunhild tail good for swatting and hitting things... why Gunhild not put weapon on hands or leggies or head?" Gunhild asked allowed before stopping herself. "Ah, Gunhild have many uses for other things. Tail is open possibility because Gunhild not use it much, smol lady must be very smarts" she said as she came to said conclusion, thinking about the suggestions Regula pushed her way before something was realised by the big lady.

She briefly looked around next to her to realise there was naught of what she was looking for conveniently lying around, looking directly at Regula as she returned to talking in a confusing manner.
"Gunhild has zero moneys. No moneys. Gunhild cannot give moneys for those things, Gunhild have no job. No armours or tail weapon for Gunhild..." Gunhild blankly stated, her expression falling to one of being disheartened as she wouldn't be able to pay for what a deal was being offered.

Gunhild's disappointed expression was soon to immediately disappear once she had noticed Ringo, her stare instantly leaving Regula for the moment as she blankly stared at the kitsune. The big lizard woman silently watched as Ringo spoke in Sylvan, having remained quiet for a brief moment even after the fox had finished before uttering to the girl and meeting her within her own language.
"{Purple floof... }" Gunhild murmured quietly, her tone sounding more beastly both outside of Common and when her attention focused on Ringo.
"{Dids Gunhild find... a nice purple floof, who can do magics? A magical purple floofyton?}" Gunhild mumbled as if ignoring the fact she was speaking allowed, her glance slowly turning to the well before patting it and visibly tearing up with joy.
"Gunhild thanks you magic wish hole. Magic wish hole know the bestest things to give a Gunhild" she whispered to it before wiping her eyes and looking back to the two, realising that there could indeed be more magical floofs like Shao in the world and not every floof outside of the magic floof man was a mean fox. Fascinating information. Gunhild could've had something much more considerate or kind to say, but what came out of her mouth was:

"{Gunhild will come to grapefloof's shrine all of the times. The Magic Grapefloof has the very pretty. And the tails of the very floofy and magics}".
Despite her 'introduction', Gunhild was actually keeping to her head about her moral dilemma on whether she now needed money to buy things, or to give it to Ringo.​



Interactions: Inola ( Elvario Elvario )
"Common" "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

"I do not know... why I can create such minions, but not simple ice." Glacier said, perplexed himself at the dilemma; though it was the truth of the matter, even if it did not seem logical. "I thank you... for the encouragement. I do believe... that I am approaching success." Glacier said to Inola with a bow of his head.

"Very well, I apologize for being unable to assist... as I'd rather not weaken my legs, or ears, or torso..." Glacier trailed off in his explanation, head tilting to the side. "I would contemplate a Fox of Ice... however, their bodies tend to dissipate upon death... so they are unlikely to be of use." He added as well. For being a creature made of ice, and attuned to ice, he realized just how much of a roadblock 70pts this problem was for him.

"I don't believe I ever introduced myself... I am Glacier, and I am glad to have met you." Glacier gave another bow of his head, before looking towards the inn's doors. "I should be going now... I will remember to visit in the future... goodbye, for the time being." With that, Glacier made his way out of the inn, unsure of where to go from here. Some of the others left when the tremors occurred, but he did not have any knowledge on where they left to.

Though upon walking a short distance from the inn, Glacier saw the group forming up near the well, with a new person present. Unsure of what was happening, he would sit off towards the side, watching and listening to the conversation.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan watched with a mix of mild envy and high anxiety as Amanda got one hell of a praise from Gobán, which only fueled the fire of ill emotions he was feeling currently. However, he snapped out of his attempt at playing chameleon and blend in with the wall when the Marshall addressed him. She wanted to talk to both Aileen and himself for some reason. His disheartened expression turned to one of confusion, "Aileen? I don't know whe..." Ryan's voice trailed off when he noticed the seasoned smith cutting Aria off. Uh oh.

The young smith was tasked by Gobán to help out with the recently arrived customer, or so it seemed to the veteran smith's keen eye. Ryan picked up on this and decided to work from there. He took a deep breath, and got into work mode. No nervousness, no shyness, all business and determination. "Very well, if that's how it's going to be..." he turned to the customer and his swords. "Let's see..." using his now more refined eyes and [X-Ray Vision], he checked the status of the swords the traveler, not only the one Gobán likely presented to Ryan. "I take it you want the pair of this one to be worked on as well, right? I can reforge them both, no problem..." After a few moments of thinking, Ryan added "Actually, since I'm kind of being tested right here, I am willing to either reforge your mythril sword, or make you a new one of that material or even orichalcum. I'll take care of the expenses for that one! All I ask, is your continued patronage for your future smithing needs." Yet again, Ryan showing he was very dependable when it came to smithing business... And of course, he didn't want Gobán to think less of him and separate him from Aileen.

RavenSong RavenSong Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo
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Teuihua & Zeouli
Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM.pngcee80dd44fc81fff8f2d4a4825afac34-1-2.png
Interactions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Teuihua wasn’t sure if Amika understood to the extent of what he was explaining, but he supposed religious farmer was one way to put it and it wasn’t exactly wrong. Granted he wasn’t sure if Zeouli would feel the same way if that’s how she was described to someone.

“You could say that, however I believe Zeouli would identify more with being a construct created in dedication to Qeotl.” That was Teuihua’s impression at the very least.

“Todo I see, I believe I may have heard of this individual prior, they are quite good at what they do. Please do.”
Teuihua reaffirmed, before translating to Zeouli what Amika had revealed. Granted it sounded like perhaps there’d be an opportunity to thank the individual themselves which Teuihua would do should Todo be encountered.

Teuihua turned to Sven and gave a thumbs up gesture. “Understood, I believe that Zeouli will want to assist as well then, we shall be off to assist Amika and provide Retili’s allies their ale for their work.”

With this said Teuihua translated to Zeouli who responded ,

“+I think that would be an ideal course of action if we are done here for now, as it is true I have not yet seen much of the area only having just got here.+”

Teuihua then translated back that Zeouli was in fact open to going with the group and helping out.

“Your assessment is correct Amika. There is very little Zeouli has seen yet, she would appreciate the insight.”

The two constructs diligently followed Amika to go get the Ale ready to follow instructions as needed, and hopefully for Zeouli to gain some additional insight about the area. Zeouli being the one who looked around the most, which up until recently was unlike Teuihua but now that he could see every direction simultaneously again, moving his head about so much was unnecessary.

Zeouli then posed a question to Teuihua who posed it to Amika,

"Zeouli would like to know if there's anything you think someone whose completely unfamiliar with the concept of a 'Barony' should know."

It was probably pretty standard up until Teuihua and Zeouli saw the Baroness interacting with the large fae beast lady, it had been awhile since Teuihua had seen anyone who was comparable to him in size..not only that she appeared to be an organic of all things too, what a rare sight.

Teuihua would give a wave to the group as they got closer presumably, it didn’t seem like Regula was in any trouble at the moment and was having a conversation but even then he’d be keeping his vision on the new comer who was a less known variable in the safety equation.
Ko Matatsu
S210_Stage1 (1).png

Valkan Valkan

"So a test then..." the swordsman considered the smith before him, seemingly sizing him up. His eyes narrowed on the young man, before he looked to the heavily and magestically bearded fellow in the back... Ah... A test... An apprentice to a smith... hrmm...

"My weapons are not mere display pieces, you should know. I am a career swordsman, an a master of my craft. I expect great things from my blades as a painter expects greatness of their brushes. My art is swordplay and they must be to perfection." The canid man grasped yhe mithril blade and held it, drawing the sword out only a few inches, the shineing mithril blade crackled with the furious growl of an awakened warg. "I have not given my blades names, that is for smiths to name their art, and the smith of all three of my weapons lay in the building anon, the Baroness herself.

She has suted me well, but I desire stronger weaponry to befit my new strength. I think she can manage, but I desire more than acceptable.

I need perfection." He sheaths the sword back in place.

"The mithril sword I utilize alone, it's enchantment is that of lightning coursing through it (contact lightning) and it is a good blade, but i cannot utilize my full strength, lest it snap...

Likewise for the twin blades, mundane steel but they have a more curious role, they must not only be strong but retain their edge for long periods of combat, they see heavy use and are my workhorses.

I shall give you one set, and await your work. We shall test them then with a cutting board... I'm certain I can find one... I shall have to speak to the Baroness as well, she desired to work on my blades, she will likely be disappointed in not recieving payment."
Forge in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Forge.
Time: 10:30 Weather: Clear skies.
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0nnVRy
Mentions: Ko Orikanyo Orikanyo | Ryan Valkan Valkan


Gobán nodded approvingly at Ryan's approach. That was a good start. For the shy youngster to be able to brazenly ask a customer about their smithing needs was a clear show of (mental) growth. Now he just needed to keep this up until the customer was going to walk away satisfied.

As for that customer, Gobán nodded at Ko as well. It was indeed a test. In fact, it seemed like this customer was going to make it an even more suitable test! For Ryan to smith weapons that the baroness once worked on, for a customer seeking perfection, was ideal. He nodded yet again, happy to see things fall into place.

Country of Ryke, Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Capital Town: Stonewall – Central Plaza
Time: 10:30 Weather: Clear skies.


From: Cyrili, the Farming Hamlet | The Fantasy Sandbox
Mentions: Glacier Voider Voider | Teuihua/Zeouli TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Gunhild Femboy Femboy | Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal

Although Glacier had needed to disappoint Inola, she'd still given him a friendly 'see you later~' when he walked out the inn's doors. Sadly enough, his peace would once again be interrupted. This time by a knight jogging by in heavy armour during her training routing.




Ethel had been going along with the guard captains gruesome training routine, but she was nearing the end of the line. Her energy was drained and she was sweating a lot with all that exercise in heavy armour. She could almost see the great light shine above her. Ah, wait, she was just staring into the sun again. Ah, if only she could have something cool and refreshing, what she wouldn't give for such a...

That's when she spotted Glacier. Truly, the gods had rewarded her efforts on this day of training. “Thou! Thou areth what I hath desireth!” She proclaimed, pointing at Glacier. “I know neight what thou areth, but thou I beseecheth the to cool me and mine! A requested they aid!” She stated as she approached Glacier, intending to pick him up and press her cheek against him to enjoy the cool (assuming he'd let her). “Thou shalt becometh a noble aide of me, Ethel, Guardian of the Stonewall, protector of life!” She proclaimed for him to hear how much of an honour this was/would be.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki

A bit further away from them, near the well, Regula was reconsidering some of her life's choices. Gunhild.. This particular lady was an interesting one to interact with, that much was sure. For her to not even thank Regula for the food was a bit odd. Perhaps Regula had grown used to people being overly polite to her due to her noble status? Either way, there didn't seem to be ill intend to it, so she didn't mind it too much. “Right.” She replied, unsure of what else to say to Gunhild's admission of sleeping like a hobo.

Even so, being called 'smolems' started to feel a bit... annoying. Perhaps her [Prideful] nature acting up. Then again, perhaps interacting with this person would be a good way to ensure she hadn't become 'stuck-up' like some other nobles? Right. This could be a self-test. Besides, that tail being able to forge something unique would be worth it. That's when Gunhild admitted to her dire financial state. That was a let-down, but... Hmmm. She'd make it work. Actually... heh... heh... The tail [Freak Freak] took over again. Even if just for a bit. “Very well, I'll be willing to make it for free, but it's going to be a test-case, so I'll need your full cooperation with it, even if I might need to get a bit hands-on to assure I've got the right measurements.” This was brilliant. She'd get to work on a very interesting blacksmithing project and she'd be able to get hands-on with the greatest and most valid excuse ever.

To her surprise, Gunhild not only spoke Sylvan, but seemed to take an instant liking to Ringo. “{You also like...}” HOLD HOLD HOLD. She's already gone right up until the edge of what was decent by the offer she made to Gunhild, now she'd almost admit to her being a tail freak, in Sylvan at that? What in the world was wrong with her? Had she been getting drunk off of the sunlight or something? The moment of realisation hit her like a truck to the point that she might as well be isekai'ed by it, but she took a deep breath and readjusted her strategy. “{You can come over to look, when I place down the shrine. They should be finishing up its foundations, so we can work on getting you some armour in the mean-time. How does that sound?}” She suggested. It was better to move to a faster topic immediately. Wait, was this really a safer topic? Sadly enough, it'd be too late.

“Is Qeotl the deity she worships?” Amika asked Teuihua, just to be safe. “Yes! Chef Todo is great!” She replied, happily praising the big-chef that'd hand her cookies sometimes.

As for the town, Amika was happily showing them around, even though Teuihua would need to translate. “Those are the stables, that's where Sherwood, the scout, tends to hang out a lot. That's the inn and tavern, where me and my mother work. That's Saffron's shop. She's a lot more fun outside of working hours though. That's the butcher's place, he scares me a bit sometimes. That, over there, is the armoury and barracks. Captain Hayward and the other guards live and work there, the training field is directly behind it. That, in the distance, is the keep. That's where the baroness lives... this is the city centre, we might host a market again now that the economy is running again and maybe we'll even have a festival here!”

As for the one particular question, she was a bit surprised. “Hmmm... Well, it's like this! All the way on top is the king and queen, who are selected by Kuridan, the East Empire and The See, sort-off, but they control the country! Then there's the two dukes, then there's all the counts and then there's barons! So it's the most local level of nobility, but still nobility that governs these places and the barony is the land the baron or baroness governs! This one was in a bit of trouble, but it's going well now!” She nodded to herself, happy with that flawless explanation.
~Amanda Steelhaven~

High-Human, Renowned Craftswoman of Sadek County, Business Expert, Warfare Expert, Agriculture Expert, Architecture Expert, Engineering Expert, Law Expert, Investigation Expert, Mining Expert, Expert Tinkerer, Expert Artificer, Expert Enchanter, Advisor of Caelia, Ambitious, Strategist, Girl on Fire, Flatterer, Celestine Academy Alumni

Amanda felt a rush of pride as Gobán, the usually reserved forge master, inspected her enchanted hammer and offered his rare praise. "Good work." Those simple words meant a lot to her, and she nodded with gratitude, saying a heartfelt, "Thank you," as she accepted the hammer back from him.

Amanda, holding her enchanted hammer, approached Aria with a sly wink and a playful glint in her eyes. She offered her hand and in her other hand, she held the hammer, giving Aria a knowing look. "Marshal," she purred with a hint of mischievousness, "would you like to test out one of the hammer's functions with me?". Her wink and playful demeanor hinted at ulterior motives, making it clear that Amanda had more in mind than just a simple demonstration of the hammer's capabilities. Her affectionate intentions were evident, and she couldn't help but let a sense of desire shine through her gaze as she offered her hand to Aria.

In Amanda's grasp, the hammer began to pulse with a quiet, resonating power. The runes etched on its surface slowly came to life, glowing softly at first, then gradually growing brighter as they charged with magical energy. It was a mesmerizing sight, and Amanda watched with a mixture of excitement and pride as the enchantments she had imbued into the hammer awakened.

The gentle, pulsing light cast a warm and enchanting glow on their surroundings, creating an intimate ambiance. Amanda's ulterior motives became more apparent with each passing moment, but the question still remained. What exactly was she hoping to accomplish with the hammer and so many people around?

RavenSong RavenSong Elvario Elvario

(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Mentions: Elvario Elvario StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Gunhild's attention perked up at Regula once they had answered doing it for free, surprised someone would be willing to do such a thing although finding their implications for it being a test was strange since Gunhild was rather convinced Regula would have known what they were doing with their confidence. Perhaps it was a first-time for them making armour for someone like Gunhild. Despite their referral to the fact that measurements and getting hands-on would be a part of the deal, Gunhild simply shrugged and saw nothing wrong with it.
"Gunhild would thinks that smol helping lady would need that, many not have Gunhild measurey-ments. Gunhild does not mind, smol is free to put their hands on the Gunhild for as much as they need any of the time if it means Gunhild gets armour and food and the tail thingy" Gunhild answered as she heard further about Regula talking about Ringo's shrine.

"Gunhild does not understand how one put down shrine. Gunhild would not think shrine fit in smol person pocket. Gunhild thought shrine was floofyton's magic house, does a floofyton birth a house when they are at a very magic and floofy? Gunhild did not think Shao had birthed a house yet... maybe manfloofs do not birth houses" Gunhild considered over the logic of 'putting down' a shrine wondering if they were going to literately place it somehow.
"It is not matter, Gunhild thinks magic grapefloof's house will be very nicest" Gunhild complimented to Ringo, not thinking much if Ringo could understand common or not as she shoulder-jabbed Regula gently and leaned in to whisper.

"Between Gunhild and smolems, Gunhild think floofy friend's tails are very much the ones to get the hands on. Gunhild likes Gunhild's tail, but Gunhild likes magic floof tails. They are very prettyful and magicalful. Gunhild does not think the floofytails can wear armours though, that is why Gunhild stares and asks. Gunhild finds it has one-hundred percent yes chance with Gunhild. Gunhild did it one time, and it work for Gunhild. Gunhild is very smart" Gunhild answered as she leaned back, unsure if Ringo could understand any of it and blatantly answering to her.

"{Gunhild was saying that Gunhild thinks your magic house will be very prettyful and niceful when it is born. Also, Gunhild likes your floof and would like to touch it when Gunhild can. Gunhild will ask again when Gunhild forgets she has asked}" Gunhild answered to Ringo as she had noticed a weird big metal-man approach, confusedly staring unsure if it was something to be of concern of before looking back at the floof and smol lady who had granted such good and nice offers to Gunhild.
"Does and can Gunhild helps for anything nice peoples are giving to Gunhild? Gunhild can help wherever... except house delivery. Gunhild does not know how to deliver baby magic-house when it arrives. Gunhild has never seen a house born before" Gunhild said, wondering how someone was supposed to give birth to a magic house. It was a magical house, so perhaps it didn't hurt. Maybe they grew it like a plant and it would sprout rather quickly, going back to her original point.
"Gunhild is very big and can help with things, Gunhild does not need money but will like nice things and food, and to touch Grapefloof's floof, and also pets in the paying. Gunhild likes those four things but mainly and only the last three".


Interactions: Ethel ( Elvario Elvario )
"Common" "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

The day was fairly nice, even if the sun was... well, presently shining down onto the surface. Glacier was watching those at the well with a titled head, until a lady in heavy armor made an unexpected appearance.

"Excuse me... what?" Glacier asked politely, but confusedly, as Ethel stated his assistance as fact and approached to pick him up. Of course, weighing over two-hundred and a half pounds of solid ice, it would be quite difficult for her to pick him up. Nonetheless, Glacier would initially allow Ethel to do so, or at least as close to it as possible. Though as the transfer of temperature increased, Glacier gently pushed her away with a paw. "I would much rather... not be used as such." He stated, shaking his head and sitting on the ground.

"It is... a pleasure to meet you, Ethel. I am Glacier." He greeted after the unusual encounter, attempting a proper introduction with the armor-clad woman. "Are you alright?" Glacier asked, upon noticing her seeming exhaustion.
Teuihua & Zeouli
Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM.pngcee80dd44fc81fff8f2d4a4825afac34-1-2.png

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal

Seeing that Regula and Ringo in fact seemed fine did put Teuihua more at ease with Gunhild around, it seemed like they were genuinely having a good conversation from what he could tell. His attention went back to Amika after confirming that fact.

“While there are many Mictlantecuhtlian deities for all intensive purposes, that is the one she worships, yes. Zeouli’s creator(s) dedicated her to Qeotl. As for who those creators are I am uncertain, I did not live in the same part of Miclantecuhtlia as Zeouli, nor did I see it until recently.”

Teuihua translated all of the following information to Zeouli as was needed. She gave a nod and a ‘thumbs up’ at the Todo is great comment when Teuhiua translated.

The pair followed Amika diligently.

“I do like the sweets Saffron gave me..” Teuihua spoke freely. All of the people mentioned who he had met before the golem had pretty positive experiences with.

He translated the names and buildings to the best of his ability, which for the most part Zeouli seemed to understand, granted not all translations were as smooth as they could be.

“+I do not know what an ‘Inn’ or ‘tavern’ is.+” Zeouli decided to tell Teuihua clearly.

“Could you please elaborate to Zeouli what an inn/tavern is exactly?” Teuihua clarified.

They were from so far back they weren’t the same thing in a more modern sense. The Tavern/Inn had a proper menu and many options, anything comparable in Teuhiua/Zeouli’s time in Mictlantecuhtlia would have been some spare space to sleep and food and drink if included at all would have been a portion of whatever the family was eating at the time.

“+I am also unfamiliar with the term ‘Keep”+”

“It would also help her if you could explain the term Keep.”

The ideas which had been easier to understand were the general words for shop and anything that was military or recognizance related.

“+The names of these people are most interesting, and not something I am the most used too+. ” Zeouli further commented.

“+This architectural style is curious too, many materials utilized in different ways..I am impressed.+”

“+There’s been economic trouble here?+”

Teuihua translated Zeouli's observation and next question into common.

“Zeouli is also curious to know if there had been economic trouble around here prior and I presume for what reason.”

The next question which was unloaded was quite a bunch for Zeouli to understand, but Teuihua tried to translate to the best of his ability.

“+So, there are multiple levels of nobility who..have domain over different areas.some of those names sound familiar but I am certain many of those places have changed as well..+”

“Zeouli understands that there are multiple levels of leadership but, she is a bit perplexed about the fact that there are multiple levels of nobility leading areas, you see we only had one who is equivalent to a ‘king’ their word was law everywhere, there were people in more administrative positions, but not nobility who was tasked with ruling over sub-sectional areas to the extent you describe and as others have to me, of course I understand it better and I can try to help explain to her what she doesn’t entirely understand as well.” Teuihua reported to Amika.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan's eye met the beastkin's, not showing a hint of nervousness, as was the usual with the young smith. He nodded along as he explained the importance of a job well done on his swords. It was pretty clear that his swordsmanship skills were far above the common folk based on his scan from earlier. And even then, the way he carried himself was a telltale sign. Ryan would know, he has seen plenty of swordsmen in his life, both novices and veterans, skilled and unskilled. "I understand" Ryan gently took the swords, and placed them in his anvil to give them one last good look before starting his work. Making a mental note that now he was also under the challenge of forging something superior to a creation of Regula's.

Regardless of ifs, whats, or buts that crossed his mind, Ryan cast them aside. Donning instead his forging apron and tools, and quickly getting to work. Dismantling the handle components with great precision. Then throwing some valkanite to the fire of the forge for it to burn brighter and crackle as it did, and casting the steel of one sword in it for a quick melt while the effect of the mineral subsided. Still fast on his hands, he started hammering and shaping the blade, not missing a beat on the slams of his hammer against the incandescent steel. As the work moved on, and he was quenching the first blade, he used his [360 degree vision] to notice Aria and Amanda fooling around with her hammer. Were they dating? For a moment, he wondered since when. But then it dawned on him it was none of his business. That said, "Aria, Amanda. You're free to stay, so long as you don't interrupt my work" his statement made it clear that he wasn't about to have another blast while he was in the middle of forging swords. For Aileen's sake no less!

Saying that was almost an unconscious reaction, as Ryan was devoted to deliver the best result in the swords he was forging. The smith repeated the process of reforging the blade with the second one almost mechanically. By the end of it, the twin katanas [B Grade] with reinforced guards and hilts, slightly reddened by the valkanite melting, sat on top of the anvil . Ryan picked up one, testing its balance, which he made sure to get just right. Twirling it skillfully, albeit slowly. So many sword use demonstrations ingrained in his head showing off. Nodding to himself, Ryan picked up the other one and handed them to the canine man with a smile "Don't worry about the color, it's still high-quality carbon steel. It's just a consequence of the forging process... They are ready for testing, Mister Swordsman"

Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo Uasal Uasal RavenSong RavenSong

When Ryan ignored her she stood still, tilted her head in her usual way, but then her pulse began to race as the realization that Amanda would approach her. So much for duty. And so much for her impeccable track record of never breaking her dutiful demeanor, suddenly her beloved fair hand was Infront of her, being offered so freely and flirtatiously. She'd almost forget to breathe, but by the gods she wouldn't give away her anxiety within. "Your.. hammer.. right.. I mean- sure." She replied looking down and holding her own arm before letting her hand fall within Amanda's grasp.

She wondered just what could happen, and what could the tool in Amanda's hand could potentially do? It was a mystery, it was a vulnerable move to make, something she rarely if ever did in her life. "What are you doing?" She managed to ask through her expression with a tone of longing as the marshal spoke to her with obviously telling gestures and gait. Whatever sense of formality or duty, was only a whisper now.
_long purple hair hazel eyes fox ears woman ninetails travel garb prairie fantas s-944253968.png
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy
Languages: Languages: {Sylvan} | +Mictlantecuhtlian+

Ringo cocked her head curiously at Regula's statement. "{You like me? I see... I like you, too! You are very nice and it's fun here! There are lots of people who can come see the shrine! Thank you for bringing me here! I think I prefer it to staying alone in those ruins}" She looked back at the food as Regula explained the pie. [Religious Migrant] "{Ah, I see. So it is a special occasion food... There is still much I don't understand about this new era, and even less I understand about your country and baorny... I don't suppose much is left of what was once familiar to me... Then... Perhaps I can make new traditions! I think I have that power! After all, I am in charge of a shrine now! Apple Pie shall be our new tradition!}" She smiled happily at Regula, happy about her prospects for the future.

Ringo smiled as she listened tot he conversation between to the two. Listened but not understood, until the large one began to address her. She smiled vacantly trying to comprehend what she was saying. It was the right language, but somehow it was still not quite right. Once the apparent praise started however, she no longer seemed to care. "{G-Grapefloofs? I-Is that me? I-I can do magic, yes! What's a floofyton? Is that me too? I-I am pretty aren't I? And my tails are quite wonderful!}"


Ringo swayed happily with the praise she was getting and clapped her hands at Regula's suggestion. "{Yes! Do come see the shrine once it has been placed down! Or... well... i-it's not in the best condition right now... but, I'll get it fixed up and pretty again! And then we can have ceremonies and festivals and apple pie!}" Ringo looked unsure what to say to the following statements from Gunhild. "{M-My Magic house? Oh, the shrine! It's not really a house, though... I guess I do live there... Oh, but Regula said I could have 'sleepingovers' with her anytime I wanted, so I guess I live with her now! and it's not being born! Regula picked it up and now she's putting it back down. She moved it from where it used to be! It is very pretty, and I hope to make it even prettier!}" The last request forced Rigo to think a moment, mulling it over in her head. "{You... You want to touch my tail...? Hmmmm... Normally only the worthy or those receiving my blessing may touch my hands, I don't know if that extends to tails... Perhaps another time!}" She smiled kindly at Gunhild, happy to have made another friend.

Valkan Valkan

Ko nodded once the young man took his sword, but now he had to produce the test... Which he didn't have to go far to find such materials. Firewood, maybe...? No... Well, whatelse was he gonna cut that was excuseable, not like these people had stands for it...


Collecting up several logs he went inside the smithy once more, aligning them up for the test... Some were abit wet, but they would serve...

He would then sit before it, studying his lined up marks with a careful eye... Did forges always smell this terrible..? Maybe he should have waited outside the building. The hammering was getting on his nerves... but at least he didn't need to give out his tail for this. "I wonder what drives this smith... Is he the same as I? In pursuit of greatness...?" Really, that would be simple... But... Theres desperation in his strikes... He was after something else...

Hrmm.. As long as it didn't ruin his work...



Gods he was bored.


He had closed his eyes to rest them, not at all having a nap, when Ryan returned. When handed over, he took the time to consider the reddened metal... turned the blade over a few times and checked the edge. "...A good curve... Perfect length, the blade has good balance as well." he quickly balanced the sword on a finger nearby the guard, naturally perching the flat upon it to prevent accidentally cutting off a finger... He grasped the sword in a tight grip and, without prep cut through the five aligned wood blocks, the straight line through only causing the pieces to fall apart when a light breeze came through an opened door.

He checked the blade once more, and nodded, then took both in hands and tested their feel...

"it's clear you are skilled, and a passion for your craft. Tell me, with their new form, they need a name. As the hand that formed them anew, you know them better than I.

What do you call these two twin blades?" he spoke as he held them parallel upwards, seemingly to check their weight against one another.

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