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Graded [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) – Barony Reforged

Just Outside of Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Just outside of Capital Town: Stonewall.
Time: 09:25 Weather: Clear skies.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Aria RavenSong RavenSong | Teuihua/Zeouli TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Glacier Voider Voider | Ko Orikanyo Orikanyo | Retili conman2163 conman2163 | Ryan Valkan Valkan
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | [Terran] |

When Glacier mentioned 'his nature' she could no longer avoid the question that had been burning in the back of her mind. “If it's not necessarily a mage, but if it is in your nature, then, well, no offence meant, but what exactly are you? You remind me of some of the See's elemental spirits, but not exactly like them.” She hoped she wasn't being rude to their 'guest' yet she also couldn't abstain from wanting to question this being further. When he mentioned wishing to join the town, she smiled. “Of course, you're more than welcome to, although I should warn you that you'll probably stand out a fair bit.” She just hoped that the others in town wouldn't be as rude as a certain someone who's tail still needed petting.

“Alright, one dosage of organic material and one form of produce. I'll leave it up to Hestia to figure out what she'll come up with.” She replied to Teuihua's request for 'breakfast' as well as Zeouli's. %“Any produce or product in particular?”% She figured she'd ask, as whilst she'd expect Teuihua to have some idea of what to expect, she knew that this would be entirely new to Zeouli. She'd at least give the latter a chance to further specify what she'd want. As for the two constructs tree-moving efforts, they went well enough. Sven soon stepped up to them, however, not before he caught what Ryan was stating.




“Hey, Ryan, was it?” He asked. “You seem to actually know what you're talking about. How about you help out as well?” His question was almost as much an order as it was a question. “We've already got a rough idea on where the buildings will be, now we just need to check the soil and figure out which parts need support and how deeply. I was going to use some hardwood as pillars. The soil has enough rocks within it to support them as a foundation, so long as get an idea on where and how deep they are in order to fit our pillar to it. The constructs can help carry an saw them whilst you help point out where they can go best.” Sven was unusually talkative. Perhaps due to the fact he actually had some passion for carpentry and had finally found his moment to shine through it? Either way, it was clear he had fairly high expectations.

Regula, a bit surprised, figured she'd try make the most of it. “I'd love to take a look at your schematics and see how much of it we can make functional, but it'd have to wait until a bit later. For now, would you mind helping out Sven, Teuihua and Zeouli?” She asked. She wasn't going to force him, but she did feel like he'd be a good addition to the shrine-foundation team that was starting to form. “Oh, and let me know if you want something from the inn, I'll ask someone to come deliver it. It'll be my treat~” She added.

Sven, meanwhile, was addressing Teuihua (and through him Zeouli). “You've heard the kid. We'll need pillars. Luckily, I still have some hardwood. They're heavy logs that are treated to withstand a lot, so all we need is to drag them over, dig some holes for them and ensure they are placed upon the most stable, rockiest layer of soil we find. Ryan might be able to help figure out where those places are without prodding into the ground manually step by step, as it seems he knows what he's talking about. How about you” he looked at Teuihua “help me bring over the pillars whilst they” he looked at Ryan and Zeouli “start figuring out where they'll need to be situated.”

That left here with the tail and the tails. Ko and Ringo. She wasn't entirely sure what to think of that peculiar meeting, but she realised she was needed there. “She's asking you if you're from around here.” Regula translated, figuring that the question on whether or not Ko could understand Ringo was already answered on its own. It was going to have to be a two-way street though, as she translated for Ringo next. {“He says it's nice to meet you and wonders if the shrine is yours. I'll tell him it is.”} She realised she might as well answer it herself. “It's indeed her shrine. She's it's guardian.” With that explained, she nodded. “I'm sure we'll find a moment.” Then, at a much lower volume. “To smith you something good in private.” Indeed, the [Tail freak] was present, but not enough for her to give into it in public.

Regula couldn't help raise an eyebrow. Retili wasn't mentioning his troops at all. Peculiar. He did, however, look highly displeased with Michael. Thankfully, she caught on (Insight B) and nodded. “You haven't forgiven him at all.” She stated, at a low volume. “I understand.” She finally added, even though she didn't share the sentiment, it was true she understood it. She nodded at his reply. “That would be a welcome event.” Getting on Count Sadek's good side was going to be a good first step towards enhancing her power and this barony's prosperity and a necessary one to stay in power. However, she also had her aim set a tad bit higher. “Perhaps, in the foreseeable future, we can see if he can get us into contact with Duke Seroria.” She stated, not further explaining the reason for it. For now, all Retili needed to know was that she was looking to make friends in higher places than just Count Sadek's.

When Retili mentioned that tea sounded like an excellent idea, she couldn't help from also noticing the glares his man were giving him. It brought up a great idea. “You know, even though we already have Teuihua, Zeouli, Sven and Ryan to work on it, I'd imagine a small army could do all the work in no-time. Taking a way rocks from the top-soil, evening out the surface, helping dig holes for pillars. That sort off thing. Perhaps if someone's troops were to offer their labour, they might even be rewarded with a barrel or two of ale from the inn, later today.” She spoke loud enough for some of the closest troops to hear her.

The sword maiden was hardly wavered by her adopted sisters words, her humility was unmatched which was a big reason she had followed and believed in her. "Yes, of course.." she replied succumbing, however her expression insisted otherwise.

Then the topic came up a bit closer to her heart when mention of Amanda was brought up, "Amanda?" She repeated, that name brought up so many emotions that the marshal could barely describe or discern. She stuttered, not knowing what had happened to her beloved, yet recollecting the last time they met, "Well, she did mention her ambitions about a week ago to join the Ryke academy, she's probably still taking her exams." She tilted her head a bit as she gently brought a hand to her own chin, "In fact, this must be her greatest undertaking yet, considering she's taking an exam on various subjects." Aria was rather proud of her lover, she was ambitious as she was intelligent, and going up the ranks quicker than she could ever hope to do so within academia.

Retilli seemed rather uncomfortable, however he was also obviously vague. The marshal would leave the topic be, surely Retilli had his reasons, someone of his stature would do well to keep details hidden in light of new faces and travelers.

She blinked for a moment at Ryan's mentions, she smiled a bit however, he sort of reminded her of her beginnings in Highgrove. She sighed inside as the marshal recalled all the struggles and troubles along the way to get to this place, yes, Caelia Barony was where the so called 'peasants' could have opportunity and a life of dignity. That's what she desired more than anything, and she'd be willing to die for it. However, shed address the young smith Ryan by taking a glance at Sven to which he initiated a conversation.

Then the topic of Michael rose, to which Aria bowed her head. She was there when Michael had done what he did and his attempt to remedy the situation. He was powerful. But it was a rather reckless thing to do in spite of his attempts to recover his reputation. It was a rather complicated topic, one which she still hadn't made her mind up about just yet, at least nothing conclusive.

When Ko and Ringo began to talk to one another and Regula began to translate she quickly attempted to have Regula distracted, last thing the marshal wanted was for some strange behavior to suddenly take place, she'd do so respectfully however, in between a pausing moment or if the conversation grew stale or disappointing. "Master, Ko. How much have you improved in your travels with that steel at your side?" She said it rather confidently, albeit somewhat challenging the tailed one. "Perhaps sometime soon?"



Interactions: Regula ( Elvario Elvario ), & anyone working on building.

Glacier tilted his head in thought, wondering how best to explain what he was. "Contrary to what I may seem... I am not a fae, or directly related to them in any way." He began, wishing to clear up any misunderstanding. "I am a [Glacial Fox]... part beast, and part construct. Though as you can see, my nature as a construct... has deeply connected me to the cold." Glacier attempted to explain concisely, as even he was unsure of the finer details; the one thing he did know, was that his conscious did not originate from this world. "I do not mind standing out... as long as none bother me for it." Glacier said, gently shaking his head.

Listening to the conversation of construction, Glacier decided he'd offer some assistance to those working, though not directed to anyone in particular. "I may have a means to assist in the transport of materials... if they can be attached to quadrupeds. I can be present at the inn... simultaneously, as well."

  • [Glacial Fox]: An artificial race of fox that is scarcely known of, let alone seen. Purposefully transformed against its will from organic to inorganic, only their sapience is of the fox's own design. Bestowed with a deep connection to the ice and cold, glacial foxes are entwined with their element, capable of learning immense feats in their domain. Coupled with the inorganic body, their full potential is yet to be realized.

"Hrmm... I see..." with Regula's words, Ko came understand... Somewhat. Actually he didn't really care that much, he was here for his swords nothing else. "Auspicious to be treating with a kami of a shrine. This lanf is blessed... Though I do not see said shrine..." he considered the area being worked and... shrugged. "Guardian of a Shrine to be, I suppous..." he spoke mostly to himself, watching others work for a moment... Those golems were very strong... But his thoughts were interrupted by this white haired girl...

She was certainly procautious, speaking of him and his blades so freely. And calling him master...?


White hair... She looked younger than Regula... Maybe Regula was older than she...


Ah she must be...

"I did not know you were a mother baroness, you daughter appears to be interested in my swordsmanship.

I am not of teaching level, I have far to go still. But if desired I can oblidge her whim." He gave a long bow to the two, Aria did have that youthful face and Regula was a more mature woman than her... The white hair was surely a clear sign she was her daughter!!

He was happy that at least some form of his father's teaching in reading family structure came to use... Maybe it was not all for naught?
Teuihua & Zeouli
Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM.pngcee80dd44fc81fff8f2d4a4825afac34-1-2.png

Elvario Elvario RavenSong RavenSong Orikanyo Orikanyo Voider Voider conman2163 conman2163 StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal

Even if he was usually given nice things, Teuihua never made a habit of having really have high expectations about what he'd be given, he always appreciated it when he was given something nice however like that candy he had been able to taste that time, but if it was a sizable enough piece of wood or something he could 'eat' that too.

Zeouli on the other had a question to answer, "%Uh, yes Baroness, if it is no trouble, I would very much appreciate some Maize if you had any, I am unaware if it is a crop your barony is familiar with but it is one which is ideal for when Qeotl is in mind, thank you for your additional consideration.%"

Teuihua had no issue with Glacier assisting Teuihua thought well enough of the other partial construct. Zeouli had no prior experience with Glacier other than their pleasant conversation so she too felt good about the addition it sounded like they would be getting for the upcoming operations. Of course Teuihua was more than pleased to have Ryan present as well and on the team if he agreed to help, someone who he saw a hard working reliable person, which thankfully Teuihua had met many of, from Regula to Ryan and Hathaway, one of the first incredibly kind people he had ever met in this new time and place. He hoped that at some point he'd get to see Hathaway again.

"Very well I look forward to working with you." Teuihua addressed those who had agreed in general to join in with a positive tone.

While there were other conversations going on elsewhere, the two constructs were very much focused on the task at hand, as were task orientated creations like them inclined to be. In addition many of the ongoing other conversations did not really involve either of them directly regardless.

When Sven addressed them Teuihua of course diligently translated what he needed to convey to Zeouli. Teuihua replied to Sven,

"Understood, I shall start helping you gather the pillars then, Zeouli understands her task now as well." Whenever Sven was ready to head out so was Teuihua, ready to follow further directives from him as needed, waiting to assist where needed as far as transporting them went.

Zeouli on the other hand gave a bit a of a bow, to show that she understood, gesturing to Ryan before making her way over to start assessing the site for where putting them in made sense.
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo
Languages: {Sylvan} | +Mictlantecuhtlian+

She stared in frustration and defeat as the dog failed to grasp her words, gritting her teeth and nodding as Regula translated once again. Why did no one but the constructs speak the great language? She was on the verge of making her frustrations apparent when Regula mentioned getting food at the inn. She perked up eagerly, her tails swaying in bliss like the leaves of a tree once again. "{An Inn is where people gather and they serve food, yes? I have been told of them, but I have never seen one! Do they have jamralls? Or apples?}" She suddenly paused to yawn and blink a few times. "{Hopefully it doesn't take much longer to prepare the area, I could use some stasis time... But, food first!}" She smiled happily and clutched her sleeves as she prepared to follow Regula.
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Ryan Kylieth

Ryan jumped at attention when he was addressed by Sven. "Yes, Sven?" he inquired. the carpenter's next words were rather unexpected. His words? Taken seriously? He was beyond himself. This wasn't the smithy, his knowledge here was rather limited, and yet it was being taken into consideration. "Y-Yes, I'd be glad to help!"

Sven then explained the plan to Ryan, who acknowledged it with a nod. "I'll get to it, then." In the meantime, he turned to Regula, who requested him to help here as well. In order to be polite he turned to her and nodded "Not at all, Lady Regula... Just... Let me know when you're heading for the smithy... If you want to, I mean!" again letting his excitement get the best of him for a moment.

He was quick to get back to business though. As Sven explained his current task, Ryan nodded yet again. "I'll see what I can do about that" With Teuihua being as polite as ever, he smiled and said "Same here."

Now there was his part of the job, which he had to work alongside Teuihua's friend. They weren't introduced, but he did overhear, like with the multi-tailed lady, that they didn't speak neither common nor terran. With that, verbal communication was out of the picture. He hoped signaling and gestures would do the trick. Using a mix of [Tremorsense B], [Appraisal D], [Telescopic Vison B] and [X-Ray Vision B], he did a thorough checking of the area's soil. If successful, he would start pointing and signaling to the construct where were the most ideal spots for pillar placing, and how deep was the digging needed.

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time: 09:45 Weather: Clear skies.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Aria RavenSong RavenSong | Glacier Voider Voider | Ko Orikanyo Orikanyo | Retili conman2163 conman2163 | (Amanda Uasal Uasal )

When the group entered the tavern, it had been fairly empty. However, considering there were six of them (at least), of which most had quite the presence, it filled up the place rather quickly.


“Ah, oh!” Hestia looked up, a bit startled by the numbers. Mornings normally weren't all that busy. “Baroness! Welcome, you too, Marshall, Retili! Oh, and other guests!” She quickly greeted them all, then turned around and yelled. “AMIKA! WAKE UP! AND WAKE UP TODO AND INOLA AS WELL!” After yelling, she quickly walked back to the group. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we weren't expecting so many people, but we'll be ready in no-time... what can I get you all?”

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki

“Don't worry, take you time. We're not in a rush.” She replied. “I'd just like some herbal tea, please.” She ordered, then looked over to Ringo. “For her, some jam-rolls, some tea as well and... oh, apple pie, a big slice, if you have it.” Regula wasn't all that hungry herself, so she was mostly wondering what to order for Ringo. “Oh, right, and if you could some maize... or maybe cornbread? Yes, I think she'd appreciate that... If you could sent Amika to bring some maize and cornbread to Teuihua and some jam-rolls to Ryan later, that'd be great. They're just outside the eastern gate.” She then looked to the others. “You can order what you want, my treat, so long as it's nothing too outrageous.” She offered. Then to Ringo. “{She'll bring you some food in a bit, we can just sit here and wait for it.}”

“Coming right up, and I'll arrange it!” Hestia replied, as she looked to the others to hear what they'd want to order.

That gave Regula the chance to get back to some previous conversations. She first turned to Aria, who'd just mentioned Amanda. “I think I heard her mention that...? Maybe? Her greatest undertaking? Hmm... it wouldn't surprise me if she were to breeze through them.” Regula figured, having little doubt it'd be easy for their resident scholar. On that topic, she'd speak up a bit more silently next. “On that note, Aria, did you ever consider trying to pass the military academy's tests? It might give you some more independence from your father to build up a good track record there.” It was a thought she'd had before, as whilst it'd pain her to have Aria away from the barony, she figured it might be needed for a while.

Glacier, on the other hand, was still rather fascinating to her. “How peculiar...” She uttered, upon his explanation. Part beast, part construct? That meant he was partially artificial? It made her wonder who or what 'build' him this way. “Oh right, if you can help, I'd not refuse the offer. I'm sure the others would appreciate it as well.” However, as they were talking, someone else walked in.


“Oh my~ You're soooo prettyy!!!” Amika called out, after entering the room from upstairs and upon spotting Glacier. She looked like she'd just woken up after a late night shift, which was probably the case. “Ah, right, morning Baroness, Marshall, advisor, others...” she greeted them, but her eyes were still stuck on Glacier. “Amazing...” She uttered, starting at him from up close. “You're really made out of ice, that's soooo coool.”

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki

As the peaceful admiration of Glacier transpired, Regula was attacked by a vicious canine out for blood. Ko made a comment that shocked her [Prideful] nature to its core. “D... daughter...” She stammered for a bit. She didn't recall ever being considered this old, other than that one bratty kid in Yemaya's dungeons, but that was a kid. This grown man was just... “I'm only two years older!” She called out, shaking her head. Then she just sighed. “Has being a baroness really made me seem so much older in such a short time...” She wondered aloud, worrying that she'd lost the last bits of her youth in just the last few months alone.

Trying to seek some comfort, her gaze automatically turned to Ringo again. “{Ah, by the way, wouldn't it be boring and lonely in stasis? You don't have to go there anymore if you don't want to. You can sleep...}” in my room. Hmmm. Technically not a lot of people spoke Sylvan, so, perhaps she could just say it? Was that the way forwards? Or was that a really bad idea into a slippery downwards slope. “{over... we can have sleep-overs.}” That would work, right? Yes. She totally wasn't tricking herself into asking the same thing with different words to justify it. Totally not.

Just Outside of Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Just outside of Capital Town: Stonewall.
Time: 09:45 Weather: Clear skies.
Teuihua/Zeouli TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Ryan Valkan Valkan




Meanwhile, the 'shrine team' was also still hard at work. Sven was actually taking Ryan seriously, which was a great feat on both sides. In fact, Ryan's skills turned out to be far more superior than either Regula or Sven could've anticipated. His sight, combined with tremor-sense, was able to not only flawless locate and figure out how much support each spot would need, he could even readjust the overall placement to be on surfaces that would be better to even out.

“You've been holding out on some real talent.” Sven eventually mumbled. “Now I know why the old grump hooked you up with his daughter.” He nodded approvingly, before heading off to go pick up pillars with Teuihua.

“It's these ones.” He'd point to some hefty logs. “I'll bring the saw to shorten them on site. You bring as many as you can carry.” Depending on whether or not Glacier would be able to assist, they'd be able to bring over the logs in a few trips, but in either case, they'd be set after some trips.

“Right, the kid's got the place marked. Now all we need to do is saw these, start digging.” If Retili's men were going to jump in, that task would likely jump from more than half a day to only an hour's work.

“Say, you two aren't up for hire on more occasions, are you?” He'd ask Teuihua and Ryan. “With the barony running again, carpentry business is booming. I got more demand for my carpentry than my job as militia head.” He was oddly talkative. Perhaps the good workforce put him in a good mood.
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The Zentox nodded at the idea that Regula presented. Then he turned to his men. "Stay here and follow the orders of Sven. See if you can't help him build the foundation for the new shrine." Then he turned and followed Regula to the inn. His men waited silently for Sven to decide what to do. Working as a team they both carried logs, and when Sven was ready they started to dig the sight. The speed at which they moved would make one wonder where they had gotten fifty five shovels.

It didn't take long for the party to walk to the inn, and Retili was quiet as they did. He seemed to be caught up in his own private thoughts up to the moment that they stepped through the door and Hestia spoke up in greeting. Retili smiled genuinely when he saw Hestia and took his usual seat at the bar. The chair was taller then when he had last had time to visit, and his eyes were now a crimson red as they swept over the room before coming back to rest on Hestia. "Just some hot water and a cup for tea for me please Hestia." His lack of any sort of prefix to Hestia's name would stand out as a mark of his more friendly relationship with her. Something very few, even Regula, could claim.

  • Caelia Savant D - Law E, Warfare E, Business F, Academia F, Area Knowledge [Caelia Barony] F - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - Retili uses his comprehensive knowledge built up through years of study to overcome issues that smooth talking might not otherwise be capable of.
  • Charismatic Scribe D - Insight D, Perception E, Empathy E, Persuasion D - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - Using his quick wit and fast mind, Retili talks his way around and through problems that he encounters.
  • Noble Bearing D - Etiquette E, Law E, Academia F, Persuasion D, Empathy E, Perception E, Insight D, Business F - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - After some time spent in study, on the road, and in the court of nobles Retili has learned the way and bearing required to be at least adequate in the many skills expected of nobility.



Interactions: Hestia & Amika ( Elvario Elvario )
Mentions: Others at the inn
"Common" "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

"I do not wish to order anything... I am incapable of consuming sustenance." Glacier said to Hestia, "It is a useful trait... especially for travelling." He added on, though his ears lowered ever so slightly.

When Regula accepted his offer of assistance, Glacier was about to use his ability, before a new waitress entered the room. As she complimented his appearance and body of pure ice with seeming fascination, Glacier was stumped on how to respond. "...greetings?" He began uncertainly, "Indeed, I am comprised of ice; I thank you for the... compliments?" Attention returning to what he was doing before, Glacier took a few steps back, "Excuse me for a moment."

Glacier then raised his head toward the sky- or rather, the ceiling of the inn. "I must apologize for the noise to you all... I have yet to do this without such components." He said to the others within the room, the mentioned "noise" becoming clear as he let out a howl[1]. Five shards of ice formed around him, quickly growing and formulating, using mana from Glacier and with the help of humidity in the air. As the final details formed, five Foxes of Ice stood around Glacier; they were nearly identical to him, though smaller and missing a core in the chest. "%Go, and assist those outside the town's walls... they are in need of transporting materials.%"

Action [1]: Used Ability [Foxes of Ice F]
  • Foxes of Ice - Magic F, Minions [Foxes of Ice] F - Glacier howls, creating up to a total 5 Foxes of Ice to act as his minions, which he can give orders to. The Foxes of Ice will crumble and dissipate by the next post, unless this ability is activated repeatedly; in which case, those still present remain and those destroyed get replaced. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Foxes of Ice

Foxes of Ice.gif

Meanwhile, the Foxes of Ice would travel to the construction site, and assist with transporting the logs; at least, as much as quadrupeds could.
Teuihua & Zeouli
Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM.pngcee80dd44fc81fff8f2d4a4825afac34-1-2.png
Interactions: Voider Voider conman2163 conman2163 Elvario Elvario Valkan Valkan

When Sven directed Teuihua about which hefty logs to take, the [Large] construct gave him a nod.
"It shall be done, Sven." Teuihua then proceeded to use his sizable arm leveraging his SuperStrength D to pick up as many logs as he possibly could. However many logs his 1000 lb would let him manage he would strategically stack into a pile of sorts for him to hold. Teuihua would make as many trips as needed repeating this process and placing them down where Sven wanted to cut them before going back for whatever else was needed.

"Thank you." Teuihua said when he saw the icy foxes come to assist however they could in the support transporting process.

At some point in the process when Sven spoke, Teuihua, felt inclined to respond since it was partially addressing him.
"I imagine I will be around here and capable of helping around the Barony further, of course my availability will depend what possible tasks Baroness Caelia may have in mind for me, but I am certainly open to helping more in the future, it is a large part of the reason I came here to begin with." He replied with a positive intonation in his voice to Sven.

By the time that Retili's soldiers were helping Teuihua gave them a friendly wave,
"Thank you all too, your assistance to this project is much appreciated." Teuihua stated, expressing his truth. From that point onward Teuihua assisted wherever he could to finish the next part of the operation to the best of his skill set, also ready for additional direction.

While this was all transpiring, Zeouli also pretty quickly realized that she didn't have direct language to communicate with Ryan, however she did understand his gesturing well enough since he did a good job of being clear nonverbally. She gave a nod of confirmation back, and used her less conventional arm to mark the spots in the ground that he indicated to her so that they'd have them for future reference. She was impressed with how quickly he seemed to pick up on things.

By the point the others showed up and were helping, Zeouli also went to help where she could ready for additional instruction if need be like Teuihua.

Ryan Kylieth

"Ah, oh... Thank-thank you." Is all Ryan managed to get out at Sven's comment. But first, he was bad at taking compliments, and second, thinking of Aileen stung him with guilt. He really needed to fix that, soon. But alas, he still lacked the words to properly communicate. He wasn't even sure if she was mad. He'd be in her place... But she's better than that.

As materials were quickly brought, and the digging as well as the placement of the pillars started, Sven asked a very interesting question. Ryan thought about it for a moment, then answered "I mean, the same could be said for the smithy. We've been getting more orders recently... But if the chance presents itself, I'd be happy to help you out from time to time. I don't know a thing about carpentry, though." While what he said was true, he wanted to preserve some time to spend with... There goes the guilt again. Dammit.

For now though, he just looked as the small army that gathered for the construction of the shrine, digging and setting up the pillars in record time. But he opted to stay vigilant in case something needed adjustments, though so far everything looked great. The marking was on point, which prompted Ryan to ask Teuihua "Say, Teuihua, how can I tell your friend they did a good job?"

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

What was a sort of friendly open challenge had seemed to backfire on the marshal, she flinched at Los words, "E-excuse me? I.." she looked at Regula then back at Ko. "..she's.. my sister." She stammered with confusion, it was quite the unexpected answer and it was fairly obvious. "Come on, perhaps you're tired from your travels, tailed one." She shook her head, a bit red with embarrassment but she managed to keep it together. However it got her wondering just how old she looked, was her silvery hair an indicator of advanced age? We're times changing that quickly?

Following after the others, the marshal nodded at her mentions yet remained fairly quiet throughout until it came time to sit. She'd cross her legs, which surprisingly felt quite natural. "Tea as well, miss. Whatever you'd like will do." Aria figured not to give the already overburdened Hestia anymore orders to remember.

The marshal sighed a bit, looked around, and when the tea arrived she placed the herbs in the infusion and let it steep for a bit before taking a sip. Then, looking at her sister with her emerald orbs, she replied, "Yes, Amanda is quite the brilliant mind." She smiled brightly, but then as Regula got closer and whispered she closed the gap a bit more. "Hm. I have thought about it, sister. It's just that I felt my presence here would be much more necessary than my own ambitions for the time being. However, I serve my father for other reasons." She paused and looked around a bit, "Perhaps another time, m'lady."

She then greeted Amika, "Pleasant morning, miss. Please, don't worry about my room today. It's quite the mess, I'd hate to burden you with organizing all of the mail and documents sent to me while I was gone." Aria shrugged a bit, she had quite a bit of catching up to do.
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S210_Stage1 (1).png



.............oh dear.

"My many appologies I had been led astray by your hair, i beg your forgiveness." His bow was deep, mostly to hide his embaressment. "Sister, yes, resemblance in clear sister..." he echoed Aria's words and shut his trap for a moment... He was usually a mouthy samurai, and one who was brash beyond compare... Simply put, he felt like he needed to impress this woman who was a Baronness...

She was a master of her craft, that was respectable and to be honored... But all these others... He doubted they were with her due to this...

He followed nonetheless, silent in temporary shame...


Though it didn't last long mind, for once they came to a Tavern it appeared Regula and the others were at ease... He was however uncertain at the moment, looking to others actions before following suit.

This other man, he knew not his name... He spoke with intent, though something about him annoyed Ko... Like he was watching him for something... And what had he done? Nothing, he was simply here for reforging of his blades. Now that he thought about it, had he himself been mentioned to come within this entourage...?

...Why did he follow the group to this tavern anyways?

Why WAS he here...?


Ko looked uncertain as he sat at the table, the wooden chair was... Unpleasant... He prefered cushions, how could anyone sit properly in these chairs...


Grrrr he hated this he just wanted to get this shame out!!! Yes he accidentally called the Baroness OLD and he had to LIVE WITH IT!!!

HIs tail drooped and his body sagged... Would he have to find a new smith now...?!

"...I need food... Whatever they serve..." he had no true hopes for the food here... Surely it was just some peasant swill... Why would a Baronness come to a tavern of all places...?
Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Languages: {Sylvan} | +Mictlantecuhtlian+

As she stepped into the building, Ringo's tails went straight up. It was so different from anything she had seen before. The stone and wood reminded her of the small room she had been in the night before, but it seemed so much more welcoming and pleasant. She stepped away from the group to view the décor on the walls and feel the chairs and tables curiously. As Hestia noticed them, Ringo ran back to stand by Regula. "{Hello! I'm Ringo! I live in the shrine they're going to set down outside the city! Please come visit if you get the chance! We- or... I guess me now... I accept food, crafts, or coin as offerings! I can bestow blessings and, i-if you give me a little time, I can have some charms made again for visitors!}" She practically shook with excitement as she rattled of her greeting.

She sat down where Regula indicated, her tails spilling out around the chair, and listened to the others as they spoke, smiling though she didn't understand what anyone was saying. Sitting still was causing her to struggle keeping her eyes open as she continued to sway in place. She turns to Regula when the Baroness addresses her and yawns, nodding her head. "{Yeah. Sleep over? What is that? That sounds fun, I want to do that...}"
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time: 10:00 Weather: Clear skies.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Aria RavenSong RavenSong | Glacier Voider Voider | Ko Orikanyo Orikanyo | Retili conman2163 conman2163 | (Amanda Uasal Uasal )


“The usual then~ Coming right up!” She smiled at Retili. She'd return with the hot water and a cup of (whatever) tea (he'd usually order). He was a welcome visitor after all, both for his patronage and due to her having warmed up to him a fair bit, after getting a lot more used to his peculiar looks.

She just nodded at Glacier, somehow not surprised that he couldn't eat. Whatever he was, it definitely looked like a cup of tea could be lethal to him. Something about boiled water and melting ice.

“We've got a lovely herbal blend from Gwenith, I'll make a whole pot of it~” She replied to Aria's demand for 'whatever you'd like' tea.

Glacier was getting a lot more attention from the daughter, as she was still fascinated by him. “You're welcome~ Oh, what is that glowy bit in your chest? Is that your heart?” She asked, before he excused himself. However, rather than accepting his apology, she clapped her hands. “That was great!” She watched as the foxes headed out the inn. “Oh, that language you spoke to them, wasn't that the one constructs normally speak? With all the beeps and bops and pauses?”

“Alright~” Amika replied to Aria almost instantly. She was, perhaps, a little too eager to latch onto any excuse to get out of working. Aria merely needed to insinuate that the daily cleaning wasn't needed and Amika would instantly agree and skip out on it, regardless of how dedicated she did the work when she was told to actually do it.

That said, Amika barely had time to await Glacier's and Aria's replies, as she was soon asked to go deliver food to the ones still working on the shrine's foundations.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki

Regula was still contemplating whether her career path had accelerated her ageing by at least seven times. A mother... She still wasn't over the shock. At the very least, Aria had been about as shocked as she was. Even though for Aria, it'd be a compliment.

As for the more serious topic brought up between her and Aria. “Alright, we'll get back to it another time.” Now was indeed not the right time to discuss such a thing.


It wasn't long after that a fox woman walked out from the kitchen. “Good morning.” She said to those present. Then handed over a basket to Amika. “That's the stuff ordered for those outside the walls.” She spoke, sending Amika off on her delivery quest. Then she made a short trip back into the kitchen to get the dishes to serve everyone inside the inn. Well... 'everyone' was a big word for it. Retili had only ordered drinks, which Hestia had already taken care off. Glacier hadn't ordered anything. Aria and Regula had also only ordered tea...

She'd put some jam-rolls down for the dog-man (Ko). “Here you go sir. Jam-rolls. Simple, but effective. It's a freshly made chef Todo special.”

After heading back to the kitchen, she returned with even more food. This time, she placed it in front of Ringo. “Here you go ma'am. Jam-rolls and an extra large slice of fresh apple pie. Please enjoy~”

That said, she wasn't done just yet. She figured with so much people of (varying degrees of) importance here, this was also a great moment to bring out something else. “Ah, if you could all do me a huge favour~” She's ask, her tail gently wagging as she started (and drawing in a certain baroness' gaze while at it). “I've been trying to perfect my scones. From the bread itself to the cream and jam it's served with. Please try them and tell me what you like or dislike~” She brought in a plate of scones and cups with cream and jam short after, along with spoons to add the cream and jam with, with the scones still being a bit warm from being freshly baked. A lovely scent of freshly baked goods arose from them, with the cream looking fresh and creamy whilst the jam smelled like strawberries.



Meanwhile, Hestia was trying to speak with Ringo. “{Sorry. My Sylvan. Not great.}” She replied, slowly. “{I am Hestia. Nice to meet Ringo.}” It was clear she wasn't getting the full extend of what Ringo was saying. “{Yes. We have food. Look, baroness ordered. For you.}” She pointed at the food that Inola had brought in for Ringo. It was clear she was struggling to figure out what else Ringo might've said. “{Blessings upon you as well.}” She eventually stated, hoping to have guessed correctly.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki

For a while, Regula wondered if she should translate again for Ringo, but in the end she figured it might be nicer for Ringo to speak to people more directly. Even if it didn't go all that smoothly. As for the sleep-overs, that she did reply too. {“It's when you share a room together.”} She figured that was, by far, the easiest and quickest way to try explaining it. That said, when she looked at Ringo, didn't she seem a bit different? Perhaps it was the lighting in the inn? She decided not to stare too much, before she'd get her mind in the gutter again. Oddly enough, it wasn't just the tails that had captured her eyes this time, as she even wondered if those ears would be equally fluffy to pet. She identified the slippery downwards spiral of a slope her mind was on in time.

Deciding to distract herself, she looked at Ko. “Finish up your food. You'll be helping me in the forge in a bit.” She told him, figuring she could use the fact he'd estimated her to be at least twice as old as she was to get some time along with him. It might also help herself from chasing tail. Wait, wasn't that exactly what she was doing? For a short moment, she realised she was fixing the issue by giving into the issue, but then she scrapped that thought. It wasn't like she hadn't dealt like this with Ko before, so surely one more time didn't hurt anyone. Yep. It wasn't like she was chasing the innocent Shrine Guardian or someone she barely knew like the new chef's aid, Inola. This was just going to be another exchange. Perfectly normal.

Just Outside of Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Just outside of Capital Town: Stonewall.
Time: 10:00 Weather: Clear skies.
Teuihua/Zeouli TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Ryan Valkan Valkan

Progress had moved quickly outside the walls. With an army's worth of helping hands, some ice foxes, some super-strength, supernatural senses and a talented carpenter, the job was suddenly made a whole lot easier.




“We're almost done.” Sven spoke up, surprised at how quickly things went with so many people working on it. He looked at Teuihua and Ryan. “Good.” He just said, when they told him they might be available again in the future.

However, as they were working, Amika arrived from town.

“Hello!” She called out to them. “I've got corn-bread and jam-rolls for you all!” She spoke, as she placed down the basket, only to notice there was maize in there as well. “Wait... why is there raw maize in this? Sorry, that must've been in there by mistake.” Still, it wasn't like Todo or Inola to make such odd mistakes. “Ah, right, I've brought some apple juice as well. It's rather refreshing after some hard work, even if I do say so myself~”

She looked at Retili's men and a shiver went down her spine. Until she recalled something usefull. Putting up her most innocent eyes, she looked at Teuihua. “Oh, before I forget, I was asked to deliver some barrels of ale to these men as well, but a poor girl like me can't possibly hope to carry them all. Surely a strong construct like yourself can help this innocent maiden out with such a harsh task~”

That said, she also recalled something else. “Oh, by the way, Ryan!” She pointed an accusatory finger at him. “You'd better make up with Aileen!” She puffed up her cheeks. “I don't know what happened, but she seems a bit out of it, so you'd best apologise!” She was, for no reason, assuming that whatever was going on was Ryan's mistake. However, her tone would soften a bit short after. “Don't worry though, she's a great girl, so I'm sure she'll forgive you in no-time~” Amika still assumed Ryan was at fault for something.
~Amanda Steelhaven~

High-Human, Renowned Craftswoman of Sadek County, Business Expert, Warfare Expert, Agriculture Expert, Architecture Expert, Engineering Expert, Law Expert, Investigation Expert, Mining Expert, Expert Tinkerer, Expert Artificer, Expert Enchanter, Advisor of Caelia, Ambitious, Strategist, Girl on Fire, Flatterer, Celestine Academy Alumni

Amanda stood in the Stonewall Forge, her brow furrowed in deep concentration. The flickering light of the forge's flames danced across her face, casting fleeting shadows as she meticulously crafted her catalyst, a hammer that would accelerate her building efforts. Her eyes darted between the anvil and the tools, her fingers deftly working the materials with skill honed over years of practice.

As she meticulously forged the hammer, she couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had led her to this point. The memories of her previous life as a university student and her love for architecture, history, and crafting had converged into this defining moment. Her quest to become a legendary crafter and advisor to Baroness Caelia was deeply rooted in her passion for creating and improving.

After hours of careful work, the hammer began to take shape. Amanda's hands moved with precision and grace, crafting the perfect tool. With a final, resounding strike, she felt the vibrations reverberate through her bones, resonating with the essence of her creation.

With the forging complete, it was time for the enchantment, a step that required every ounce of her focus. She took a deep breath and began etching intricate runes onto the hammer's surface. These runes held the key to enhancing her building abilities, and Amanda's expertise in artificing and enchanting was put to the test.

The final enchantment came to life under her guidance, and as Amanda inscribed the last rune, the hammer-like catalyst seemed to pulse with energy. With a brilliant flash of light, the hammer erupted into life, shaking the entirety of Stonewall to its very foundations. An ear-piercing clang echoed throughout the town, and Amanda's heart raced with a mixture of excitement and anxiety.

As the tremors subsided and the town settled into an eerie stillness, Amanda reached out and grasped the newly enchanted hammer. Her hand trembled with a mix of exhaustion and elation. She had done it. The catalyst was a reality, a testament to her craftsmanship and determination.

Breathing heavily, she examined the hammer closely. Its surface shimmered with a faint, otherworldly glow, a testament to the potent enchantments imbued within it. This would be a powerful tool in her quest to accelerate the construction efforts of the Caelia Barony. Her sweat-soaked brow bore witness to the intensity of her labor, and her eyes glistened with the hope of the promising future ahead.

With her new, powerful Catalyst in hand, Amanda was now better equipped than ever to achieve her dreams, of becoming a legendary crafter. "I'll call you, Cruthú"

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Teuihua & Zeouli
Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM.pngcee80dd44fc81fff8f2d4a4825afac34-1-2.png
Languages: "Common", "+Mictlantecuhtlian+", "%Analog%"​
Interactions: Elvario Elvario Valkan Valkan

Teuihua turned to Ryan upon hearing his question. "Well the two languages she speaks is tongue of constructs and Mictlantecuhtlian, For whatever reason I've been having a hard time understanding the first one since I woke up..I do hope that it comes back to me soon enough, it wasn't until recently my full vision came back. It's been a gradual process. but if you want to thank her, I can try to tell you the words and you can repeat them to her if you'd like."

Teuihua then started to try to slowly sound the words out in Mictlantecuhtlian for Ryan, "+G o o d j o b Z e o u l i+".

"I can repeat them as many times as you'd like."

Teuihua was pleased to see all the help fall into place, particularly when he heard Sven say they were nearly done. It looked like team work really did make the dream work in this case given how efficiently they had come together to unite on one goal which was to build what was needed for the shrine to get use and flourish. He nodded at the good from Sven. While he had been assisting with whatever was left or when whatever was going on at that point, he heard Amika call out. He looked to Zeouli and swiftly translated what was being said there.

Presuming they were ready for the break since they had made so much progress, Teuihua then gave Ameika a friendly wave before lumbering over.
"I believe that produce is for Zeouli." He'd point at the Maize, before giving a nod to Amika.

"Of course I'll help there's no need for you to be burdened while I am available, all I need to know is where these barrels are, and I can bring them back." Teuihua said sounding pretty positive about the whole ordeal. Thankfully for Amika Teuihua was generally friendly and helpful by his nature, so while her innocent look gave a certain vibe, the construct was inclined to assist her regardless especially because his current task seemed essentially done. By that point Teuihua was ready to head to where he needed to, to make it happen and bring them back as diligent as ever.

Zeouli on the other hand approached as well, she gave a slight bow toward Ameika given the language barrier, it was meant of one of thanks no doubt, before reaching out with her sizable but not nearly as large hand as Teuihua's and taking the raw maize. She then took some steps back away from the basket and faced the group, before speaking with Religion F in Mictlantecuhtlian,
"+Qeotl, please accept this sacrifice as a sign of my undying devotion.+" then a glow that was a warm orangey yellow color engulfed the raw maize and it began to turn into ash, this time the process was slower and more methodical, unlike Teuihua's blue glow in comparison which had been incredibly fast last time it had been seen used for comparison.

Despite that when the loud sound and vibrations hit both Teuihua and Zeouli were left in a state on alert, looking around the area unaware of the origin being the forging process looking ready to jump into combat at a moment's notice.
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_long purple hair hazel eyes fox ears woman ninetails travel garb prairie fantas s-1292375919.png
Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Languages: {Sylvan} | +Mictlantecuhtlian+

Ringo smiled happily as Hestia spoke to her in Sylvan. Finally someone who could understand her, even it wasn't her main language. Though it seemed her Sylvan was rough. But that was fine, Ringo was happy none the less. The woman even blessed her! Was this woman a maiden, guardian, or priestess as well? Was this building her shrine? Is that what an Inn was?

At Regula's explanation of a 'sleep over' Ringo's expression beamed. "{That's perfect! So I don't have to stay in the small room anymore! Or be alone in the stasis realm! I still don't understand this new world very well... Who do I need to talk to set up this 'sleep over'? What sort of requirements are there? I-I can do them!}"

Ringo immediately woke back up as the food was brought and set in front of her. The jam rolls she recognized and pleasantly anticipated partaking in, but the pie was something new and demanded her attention. The smell was heavenly and she reached down to poke it gently, only to squeak and pull back as she got hot filling on her finger. She immediately put it in her mouth and her tails shot up behind her. It was the best thing she had ever tasted. "{What is this thing? Where did it come from? I never received anything like this as an offering, it was all breads and produce and sometimes salted meats! This is delicious!}" She tested it a few more times with her finger before breaking a piece off and trying it, huffing with her mouth open to cool it down. "{Es hawt!}" Her tails flowed blissfully around her as if suspended under water, occasionally brushing Regula accidentally, Ringo still not accustomed to being this near others for so long in so many places.

The Komainu scarfed scones, jammed jam rolls, polished off pie, and took in tea until she couldn't eat any more. She was so preoccupied with the food, she hardly noticed when the ground seemed to shake, vibrating the plates and cups lightly. She stared a moment, then turned to look at everyone else's reactions.

Eventually, she leaned back and sighed, contentedly. "{That was delicious, but... I don't think I can eat the rest. It was wonderful, thank you so much for your offering. I'm sorry. Do people really eat this much here? I could barely finish what I did.}" She looked apologetically at Regula, as though she had spurned a gift.
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Ryan Kylieth

Ryan whistled. Impressed at how fast the group managed to work on the shrine, with Sven saying it was almost done and all. And sure enough, it looked nice and stable. By now, he assume he was done with his part, so he relaxed a little. Teuihua took some time to answer his request just then. Ryan attentively listened to the construct's explanation "Understood." He briefly concluded. Then paid attention to Teuihua's strange words, and got to mimicking them "+Gooo... Goodj... ob...+" Ryan took Teuihua's offer to repeat himself, at least a few times to nail the pronunciation as best as he could.

Amika then came from town with goods for the folk to eat. Ryan didn't want to interrupt whatever the other construct was doing, so he allowed her to finish before approaching the construct. Once he got her attention, he'd give a thumbs up and a smile "+Good... Job... Zeouli. Good job, Zeouli!+" Teuihua's language was a strange one, so he hoped he at least managed to be understood, since what he wanted was to make Zeouli to feel included.

Ryan then thought he'd catch a break, but Amika went for him as soon as he was done with Zeouli. Ryan's face went red when faced with his mistake. Little Amika know, Ryan also thought he was at fault. "Please come with me", he asked Amika, a bit panicked. He gently took her by the arm and led her away from the construction crew. He was surprisingly quick and open to talk, but desperate situations call for desperate measures "I know, I know..." he sighed. "I just... don't know how to do it. Should I give her a present? Should I write her a letter? Would just talking do?" he paused again. "... I haven't addressed her much since... Well, that doesn't matter! Amika, what should I do?" he then said under his breath "I just want her to be happy..."

Ryan didn't get a chance to hear much of what Amika would have to say, since a loud bang and some reverberations shook his body. The source seemed to be coming from within Stonewall. Fearing the worst Ryan dashed off with a "I've got to go!" towards the smithy.

Ryan would come down calling out loudly at the people within the smithy "...án! Aileen! Amanda! Are you... alright?" but upon slamming the door open he noticed that the only oddity was Amanda holding quite a beautiful piece of art. "... Thank goodness. I thought my valkanite stash had gone off or something." he looked around to confirm it, and yes, there was no trace of a valkanite explosion "So that's what you were working on, huh? It's quite beautiful, even at a simple glance... I don't think I could've done better." As usual, Ryan was quite comfortable talking when it came to things like these. "That bang, was it your craft?" Ryan asked, wanting to be as safe as possible.

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Uasal Uasal
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario RavenSong RavenSong StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal conman2163 conman2163
"Common" "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

Glacier was about to respond, before Amika was called away to deliver food to the others outside the town. With Regula, Ringo, and Ko in conversation, and Retili seemingly in thought, Glacier decided he'd take the moment to rest. Finding a more open spot between the tables, he'd lay down and close his "vision"; though he could not physically tire, it was still a relief on the mind to take a moment of quiet...

Which was promptly interrupted by a loud clang and shaking tremor, causing Glacier to jump from the floor, his ears swiveling on alert and core pulsing brightly. "What... was that!?" He'd ask with mild shock, hoping there was a simple, non-life-threatening explanation for the disturbance.

Retili took the tea leaves offered by Hestia. The tea was not anything particularly special, it was a local blend of herbs that many including Retili enjoyed. Mostly for the relative inexpensive nature of the brew the Zentox figured, but he had not looked into it in any great depth. Retili examined the plate of jamrolls brought out as well. While he couldn't eat the food that the inn cooked he did find the food to be as delectable to his senses as anyone else in the room. He just couldn't eat the food without becoming extremely ill. The scribe contented himself with watching the others enjoy the meal as he quietly sipped his tea. He also listened to the Baroness explain the idea of a sleepover. He suspected that she might have some ulterior and perverted motive with inviting the spirit to sleep in her chambers, but whatever she did there was her business, so long as it did not jeopardize her good reputation.

Retili frowned as his thoughts were interrupted by a massive tremor shaking of the very foundations of the city. A small amount of his tea spilled on his tunic as he was forced to lightly hop out of his chair and to the ground safely, cup still in hand, and looking mildly peeved. He placed down the cup and withdrew a kerchief from within his tunic, dabbing at the affected area before clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth. His eyes were drawn in the direction the tremor had come from. Placing a coin on the table Retili stepped out of the front of the inn and started his way towards the smithy. Along the way he looked around for signs of damage to the buildings of the town. He was no real expert in architecture however. Before long he had arrived in the wake of Ryan, whom had already asked the most pressing question that Retili had. Instead he bowed his head slightly. "Advisor Steelhaven, a pleasure see you again. I too am most curious if that admirable piece of craftsmanship was the source of those tremors." As always with Amanda his tone was professional, but a hint of curiosity peaked through.

  • Caelia Savant D - Law E, Warfare E, Business F, Academia F, Area Knowledge [Caelia Barony] F - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - Retili uses his comprehensive knowledge built up through years of study to overcome issues that smooth talking might not otherwise be capable of.
  • Charismatic Scribe D - Insight D, Perception E, Empathy E, Persuasion D - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - Using his quick wit and fast mind, Retili talks his way around and through problems that he encounters.
  • Noble Bearing D - Etiquette E, Law E, Academia F, Persuasion D, Empathy E, Perception E, Insight D, Business F - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - After some time spent in study, on the road, and in the court of nobles Retili has learned the way and bearing required to be at least adequate in the many skills expected of nobility.

"That sounds quite lovely." She replied to the suggestion of the mixed herb blend. It was rather awkward for Aria to be served when she had usually been the one doing the serving. She quickly replied when the teas were served, "Thank you." With a nod.

Then various conversations took place, some of which she could barely understand and others very much a mystery, when Regula inquired about a so called sleepover, she couldn't help but ask, "What did you two just say to one another just now?" Arias tone was inquisitive as she slipped the hot liquid in her cup.

The tailed chef would come out of the kitchen then, much to Arias surprise, the chef was also a tailed one. Was Regula surrounding herself with tailed beastkin? Would all of her employees at some point get fired for beastkin equivalents? No. That was much too far. But Aria was beginning to suspect something amiss. However, she quickly put it all in the back of her mind.

"Right. I do believe I must be off, I have so much to catch up with and ensure any reports get filled and cases sent to the courthouses as soon as possible."

But then, a crazy tremor could be felt throughout the town, Arias legs would quickly regain composure, "What was-?" She gasped before using [Teleport E] to get right outside of the smithy and shoved open the door, sword in hand she went in, "What's the meaning of-!" She exclaimed but soon was cut short at the sight before her, "A-amanda? Y-youre here.. I mean..' she stuttered, she couldn't help but be surprised, she'd expected her to search for her or the baroness but instead she was fashioning some sort of weapon or tool. Which was indeed a work of art unlike anything she'd ever seen. However, before she could walk up to her and embrace her, the others arrived in short order. When Retilli arrived the marshal bowed shortly after he did as well, out if respect for both of their positions.

"Welcome back." She said formally. "I assume your travels went as planned?"

"...Hrmm...?" Jam rolls...? Were they like scones...? He liked those, though he still needed to figure out how to find that sword... Well... Uhh... Actually he had no clue if it was a metaphor or an actual sword... Hrmm... Sword of purity, sword of corruption... What was a sword...

A sword can protect and instill order, but can also send an area into chaos...

A sword can be used for good and insill hope.

It can be used for evil and instill dread...

The sword has no leaning, but if its enchanted to have a life, is it a sword?

Would it choose good or evil? Order or chaos?

Or maybe it'd be stuck because it cannot wield itself?

He thought about this as he ate his rolls, they were good, he'd say they were as good as scones. When the world shook, he didn't care, but when Aria teleported he jumped, unsure if he himself should check... He decided to just go ahead and go... What elsr was a swordsmaster to do than to head towards the problem?

He considered the meal and placed some money on the counter, leaving to see whats happening outside... Largely because he was quickly growing bored of this tea time foolishness and truely hr was killing time till he gave services rendered for his own blades...

Once done, he would quit these strange people...
(life is jsksks- bit lost on whats going on so heres an eeehpost}
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large)
Character Sheet
Character Theme

"Tired... " Gunhild grumbled in complaint to herself as she wandered around the countryside aimlessly with no plans whatsoever after she had left the boundaries of her last little adventure. She wasn't finding a whole lot interesting out in the middle of nowhere, much less anything which she was much motivated to try to eat.
"Hungy... " the big lizard further complained as she swayed a little in contemplation of falling asleep at her exact position, until of which she had noticed the sight of Stonewall within her own presence. At first, she began merely considering the idea of entering the place just to see if anything of interest was going on despite the fact that she usually found herself and society never ever got along well. Her considerations were interrupted once she felt an unnatural tremor which her own considerable intellect of 'Gunhild felt it in this foot before the other' she dictated must have come from the place in question. Unsure what any of it was all about, she chose to investigate out of boredom and to see if anything interesting was going on or if it would be a pointless stop on a pointless journey to somewhere Gunhild didn't know she was going to.

Her own decisions having led her to entering the funny little Tremortown, Gunhild silently and confusedly stared at buildings and people as she wandered around having not wanted to appear out of place despite size and appearance probably not being a usual thing. It wasn't blatantly obvious what had caused the tremor, having supposed it must have been something really big to do so that Gunhild should have seen it immediately. Sighing at the fact there was nothing visibly interesting or to help with, Gunhild just thought about all the different foods she could be eating right now as she had noticed a well within the town. Blankly staring at it, she walked up to it in silence before sitting herself on the floor in front of it.

"Hole" Gunhild made an intelligent observation as she stared at the well, her rough tail gently sweeping at the floor behind her over the intellectual acknowledgement that she could indeed recognise a hole. The hole in front of her did not help much to distract her from the hole in her stomach from having not eaten much in a while, nor the hole in her heart for Shao the magical floof to be gone elsewhere on his own adventures that were clearly much more important than Gunhild's. Most would probably point out the hole in Gunhild's mind, but she deemed that any missing part of her brain was clearly unimportant since Gunhild was the most intellectually stable of anyone.

Quietly contemplating as she stared at the hole she had identified, which was in fact a well, she grumbled and whined softly to herself as she hung her head low.
"Gunhild need living hole and food for living in the living hole, with food. Living. Gunhild no smarts plan, Gunhild need coordination counseling... Gunhild need to know what coordination counseling means" Gunhild grovelled to herself as she blankly stared into the well.

"Gunhild think... " the big reptilian pondered for a moment, trying to come to a point of genius.
"Gunhild think Gunhild found magic hole. Gunhild think tremortown peopleses make town around magic hole" Gunhild concluded as she thus promptly decided the well must have been magic. Somehow, she came to this conclusion.
"Magic wish hole, Gunhild wish that Gunhild find the happy times in the sad times, because Gunhild know you need the sad times to be the happy times some times because that is what makes them the happy and the sad times. Where is the happy times, magic wish hole?" Gunhild blankly asked the inanimate object that was a well, her blank stare expecting as if it were to magically conjure an answer for her if she stared at it patiently enough.

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