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Vera sipped from her tankard slowly, her gaze attentive as she digested both drink and Fraskia's explanation, the latter taking a few mental reiterations before she got the gist of it all. "Sounds mystical, though I think I get it. Usin' finger wagglin' to commune makes sense at the very least." She remarked, glancing in Aelestra's direction. "Communin' with the elements less so, but I s'pose that's magic for you."

She leaned back in her chair as she continued. "I'm assumin' there's more to it than just knowin' the motions, otherwise..." She paused to mimic Fraskia's demonstration, albeit clumsily, her fingers tracing awkward arcs in the air, "could I do it?"
"Books aren't clear about it." Fraskia shrugged "They say that the old dwarfs spoke to the elements in one page and the following they taught their entire village how to speak to water." The rune knight picked up her stein again. "I took me months of twisting my fingers like a pretzel to get a response for a spray of water or a spark to fly out. I can show you the basic, but I'm not proper tutor." She drank deeply from her ale. "Not yet at least." She gave Vera a smile "Tell you what. You come with me to castle Vrana after all this is finished and you can meet the old masters."

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