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Fandom Viribus Unitis (IC)



*Not an actual caveman
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  • erich-weisz-harry-houdini-jpg.1162792

    Harry Houdini was nervous, very nervous. He had to get this just right or the months he spent preparing would be for nothing. He double-checked the circle he had drawn on the ground in a field in rural Bohemia and took a deep breath. He then spoke "Heroum de regnis ultra te voco," as the words left his mouth the circle on the ground lit up, and then nothing for several painful moments. Just as the white wizard was about to give up the whole area lit up. And standing or sitting or lying before him were a veritable motley crew of individuals. Several colorful youths in equally colorful Japanese-style cloaks, a man dressed in full Roman legionary gear, an Asian woman in a tight red dress, and a redheaded woman with a spear that gave off a foul aura. Was this the best he could summon?

    "Ladies and gentlemen, I am sure you are rather confused. Unfortunately, time is of the essence so a brief introduction will have to do. My name is Erik Weisz, but most know me as Harry Houdini, and you are currently in a different world than the ones you call home. I have summoned you here because this world is in grave danger and I need your help in order to save it. Do I have your attention? If so, please follow me and once we link up with an associate of mine, the two of us can answer any questions you might have."

    SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 darkred darkred Goonfire Goonfire YsFanatic YsFanatic


  • Erich Weisz (Harry Houdini).jpg
    Erich Weisz (Harry Houdini).jpg
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  • Rip Hunter.jpg
    Rip Hunter.jpg
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Ada rubbed her eyes as her vision shifted from the bird's-eye view of Spanish waters at sunrise to some dull field in the middle of nowhere. The hum of her chopper had faded away, her feet now planted on the soft earth. She gave a skeptical look as she scanned each person around her.

The spy heard muffled speech, the rich volume of a stage performer barely registering through the headset she was wearing. Sliding it down around her neck, she turned her attention to a figure right out of the history books—Houdini, requesting help to save another world. That wasn't right; Houdini died in 1926. 'Are vivid nightmares a side effect of Plaga removal?' she thought to herself for a moment. This felt too real, even for a lucid dream. Glancing back at the ground, she realized her case with the sample was gone, too. "Great," she sighed under her breath.

"Alright... Suppose I humor you, Mr. Weisz," Ada piped up, disregarding his offer to answer questions later. "I'm a woman with a tight schedule. How will this little detour affect it?" Her long legs carried her after the magician; if there really was trouble nearby, then there was no use shouting back and forth and drawing attention. Shouting unnecessarily also wasn't her style... Then again, neither was charity.

Flintstone Flintstone
Demon Slayer Corps
Flintstone Flintstone
The five demon slayers looked around confused. Tanjiro Kamado first looked at the box on his back. He sighed in relief. "She's still here." he said to himself. His best friend Zenitsu Agatsuma looked nervous. "Why did Harry Houdini summoned us here?!!! Why are we here?!!!! Is there demons here? I don't wanna die!!!!" The blond yellow and orange clad demon slayer cried.
"Another world?" That's new." said a airheaded youth with long black and cyan hair. It was heard to tell that this 14 year old,Muichiro Tokito was a hashira.
The only female in the small group who has long pink snd green hair tied in braided pigtails looked excited. "Harry Houdini? No way! You've been performing in Tokyo last week Iguro-san invited me to see your show!" The Love hashira, Mitsuri Kanroji chirped,forgeting that she and her fellow demon slayers were in another vetsion of Earth.
"Kanroji,it's a variant of him,from this new world." Giyu Tomioka,water hashira of the demon slayer corps firmly said to his fellow Hashira. He then faced Houdini. "We'll follow you,but you better talk,Weiz-san."
"Come to think of it,what year is this? Is this world in the Taisho era too?" Zenitsu asked,having calmed down. "And please Houdini-sama,tell us that the threat isn't demons!!!!"
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Marius blinked, he was in the middle of an important battle and suddenly some sort of pulling happened and there stood several figures, every one of them is unfamiliar to him.
("Quid hoc sibi vult? Ego Romam salvabam. ("What's the meaning of this? I was saving Rome.)

"Very well, Eric. I shall help save this world, at least for now, from what? Barbarians, corrupt politicians, gods and goddesses?. I am Marius, a Roman Centurion from ancient Rome." The Centurion quickly introduced himself.

Flintstone Flintstone YsFanatic YsFanatic Goonfire Goonfire SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
(Italian ft. Google Translate)

“oh diavolo, dovevamo solo trasferirci!” The shortest of the three men let out an oath softly, instantly jumping to his feet, a hand slipping into the pocket of his own coat, preparing to draw a file or a pistol if he had to. Found out already? Shit. The police had been tracking them. And who was this, a spy, an agent of [——], of that bitch? He knew they were undead. And he was attempting to make a deal? Luigi Lucheni clasped the file in his right palm, sparing a glance to the oldest of the trio, trying to discern his read on things.

Gaetano Bresci was on his feet next after disentangling himself from the third man, craining his neck to try to get the best glance at the man at the mouth of the alleyway, angling his own body to stay in the building shade. There was no twist in his gut, no ringing in his head. This man was sure that they were undead, and he had learned this from a credible source, his confident evident in his swagger and volume. Dirty their hands with Royal blood? Was he looking for hired killers? That would not be the phrasing used by a comrade. Not that anarchists tracked down and hired hitmen. “Not so loud, you’ll wake the neighbors. They’ll send in the gendarmerie.” Bresci half-mumbled, directed towards both his comrade and this new man, his voice hoarse as though it had been left long unused. He extended one finger on his left hand, angled behind his back so only Lucheni could see, cautioning the most impulsive to wait.
“Who are you. Who hired you?”

Leon Czolgosz pulled himself up from sitting back against the wall to a crouching squat, silently watching his two brothers questioned this new interloper on their rest. Was that an American accent? Leon had grown used to the Tuscan lilt of Gaetano, the Romantic mix (although the Viennese had grown strongest) in Luigi’s inflections, the Czech-With-German or German-With-Czech of the bohemians, but this new man’s voice brought memories back. Bresci was focused, but Czolgosz could ask later, if the man sounded more Detroit or Patterson. But that was only if he was not a threat first. Instinctively, he flexed his hands slightly in their bandages, resisting the urge to rub at the moustache he had grown for anonymity’s sake.
She had been resting, sitting on the ground with her back against the stone wall, the tip of the spear stuck into the wall of the cursed ruin. Atalanta had killed the monsters that had been lurking here, and now she was taking advantage of the curses contained in the place to heal her wounds and restore her energy while the Blaze of Hope was absorbing the dark energy out of the stonework itself. However in the next moment there was a surge of strange energy and the stone beneath and behind her were suddenly gone and it was only through the grace of reflexes hones through roughly a century of fighting that she kept herself from falling backwards.

Springing to her feet, the curse-infused woman quickly glanced at those that were around her in the field with both hands on the spear. Her eyes narrowed at the man's words, not entirely sure if she should believe him or not. For now Atalalanta elected to not speak and instead just follow along until she knew more, then she would make a decision. There was one thing that did immediately trouble her though... if this was a different world then how could she understand him? Wouldn't the language be different just like how it differed from nation to nation? Unless whatever power brought her here was also providing translation.... Ultimately this was a minor detail so the spearwoman decided to just leave it be.
Demon Slayer Corps
( Tanjiro Kamado,Zenitsu Agatsuma,Giyu Tomioka,Muichiro Tokito, Mitsuri Kanroji)
Flintstone Flintstone darkred darkred Goonfire Goonfire YsFanatic YsFanatic
Tanjiro looked toward Houdini's direction. "This must be a dangerous threat affecting this world. I can tell by the scent of fear coming from Weiz-san...I mean Houdini-sama." I can hear sounds of fear too..." Zenitsu replied.
Muichiro want closer to Marius and stares at him. "You're a roman centurion,right?" He said his head on the side,still staring.

"You've been summoned here as well?" Mitsuri asked Ada and Atalanta. She was surprised that she and the other demon slayers could understand the stranger despite the language barrier and the problebility that the strangers coudn't speak or understand japanese. "My name's Mitsuri Kanroji! I'm the Love Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps!" Mitsuri replied cheerfully, "And about my hair color,well...I ate too much sakura mochi. It's my favorite food! I'm also stronger for a woman of my age."
"Iguro-san is right,you are quite talkative." Giyu replied.

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