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Fandom Azurecoast Academy IC

Jack Wilson / Triana Barkley
dialogue chain between Aura-Slash Aura-Slash and Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples

Jack attempted to find something to watch on television but found himself getting bored again and again, as there were no notable battle leagues going on. Realizing this, Jack decided to leave his room, wanting to explore more of the campus.

Taking only his backpack, Jack went downstairs and looked around at the campus. He wanted to find where the recreation center was so he could start training a bit, so he pulled out a map on his PokePhone and started walking over there.

Once she made sure the majority of students who had arrived vanished into their respective dorms, Triana finally felt better about exploring her new temporary home. She held her Leafeon Clover in her arms, just in case, and dared to venture out into the campus to scope out the area. She was more used to exploring forests and jungles, though she had gone to school growing up...but that caused so many issues for her in the long run. Trauma she couldn't shake off, no matter how hard she tried.

Letting out a sigh, she looked up in determination. "No use living in fear forever, Clover. I have to find a way to at least ingratiate myself with those like myself...I just wish I knew how." Clover, of course, looked up at Triana in worry, but that was suddenly interrupted when the latter collided with a person she didn't even see due to being so lost in her thoughts.


“OH FU-“
Jack fell to the floor somewhat harshly, causing a bit of pain in his back. He grunted a bit, but nevertheless seemed fine. He stared at the person who he collided into, seeming certainly pissed off.

“Oi, watch where you’re fucking going, dumbass!” Jack yelled at the woman. He got off the ground quickly, looking at the brunette woman in an intimidating manner.

Triana herself stumbled back, with Clover tumbling out of her arms and landing on the ground, thankfully on her feet. Triana was not so lucky, landing on her rear harshly and hissing in pain. She blinked and looked at the guy she ran into who seemed to be threatening her, and her self-preservation instincts kicked in.

She lunged at him and tackled him to the ground, taking out her pocket knife and holding it to his neck, glaring at him and baring her teeth like an angry but frightened animal. "I won't allow you to HURT me, don't even fucking THINK about it, or you're a goner." Her tone was a growl, cold and low. She genuinely thought based on his tone and aggressive nature he was going to bring her harm...she had enough of that in her life. Never again.

Jack seemed frightened for a second. His eyes widened, and he actually feared for his safety for a second. But then, as he looked around, he remembered this was a public place, and she could easily be arrested for pulling this off. This, coupled with the fact that Jack could actually feel fear coming from her voice, prompted him to act, seemingly losing the frightened state he had earlier.

"Go ahead. Do it. Do it," Jack smirked, seeming to "encourage" Triana. Considering Jack's physical capabilities, he could have a good fighting chance against Triana. In fact, he could likely break out of the struggle. But, noticing the fear she had, he knew that she wouldn't actually follow through. Jack certainly might be a meathead at times, but in situations like these, his perception was certainly on point.

"There's a student over that block there, a staff member there, a camera over there. Surely they won't witness this, right?" Jack asked Triana, pointing in random directions. Since most of the students were in their dorms, the area was mostly empty, but there was certainly a chance a witness could be watching this.

Triana stared down at Jack for a long moment as he challenged her, only to point out that there were cameras, and someone could be watching. Her emerald hues narrowed as she let out a light growl, and only the feeling of Clover tugging on her shirt sleeve between her teeth took Triana out of the moment, her clarity returning. She blinked a few times, then looked down at the guy as if she had just woken up from a frantic dream.

"Oh...you're that weirdo from earlier who thinks he can battle well."

She murmured and pulled her pocketknife away, closing it and putting it in the pocket of her capris denim pants before getting up. Without even asking him, she pulled him up with both hands back to his feet, dusted him off, and then went to grab Clover and carry her in her arms as if nothing happened just now.

But Jack clearly seemed a bit pissed off from that. This woman, this, whoever was only millimeters away from slitting his throat. He looked around, noticing there weren’t any bystanders. Sighing, he stared at the woman in a less intimidating manner and more of a serious matter, walking a bit away to keep a distance.

“Don’t ever do that shit again.” Jack ignored Triana’s previous comment, holding onto a Poke Ball for self-defense. He was about ready to take his Pokemon out in case

“Listen here, primate. You’re treading on dangerous waters here, and I’d advise you never step near me again. You’re lucky I didn’t want to break out of that,” Jack stared at Triana. He seemed ready to leave, but in his mind, he wanted this ‘primate’ to pay.

For a long moment in silence, Triana simply stared at the guy as he spoke to her, telling her to steer clear of him. In her arms, Clover growled in defense of her owner, ready to battle if it came to that. But Triana gave Clover a little reassuring squeeze to settle her down, then she looked up at the guy with a furrowed brow of confusion.

"It's not Primate. It's Triana."

The way she said that was so simple, earnest, and yet serious in its own right.

"You shouldn't approach others in such a hostile manner to begin with, how was I to know of your intentions? You could have killed me. I have the right to defend myself." She pointed out calmly.

Jack was considering leaving during the moment of awkward silence and was just about to walk away, but then the “primate” spoke. He noted her name. Jack was already planning a potential revenge, as he wasn’t simply “going to let this slide.”

“You only have the right to use equal force back, dumbass. In this case, you have the right to yell back, not threaten me with a lethal weapon,” Jack growled.

“You realize this is a damn campus with plenty of students? Why would I even consider killing you? I’m here to fucking improve my skills, to become the damn champion, not to go to jail just because someone crashed into me.”

“Arceus, damn, not only do you have no eyesight, but you also are mentally fucking dumb.”

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, primate, I have more important matters to attend to.”

"Hm. You're arrogant, mean-spirited, and the fact that you keep getting my name wrong shows that you have the IQ level of a brainless amoeba. You don't even have the qualities of a decent champion, how do you expect to become great?"
Triana pointed out, her voice still calm, her gaze studying him as if he were a new species of animal behind a wall of glass.

"You're just like every other human being I've come across. Selfish, heartless, cruel and brutish. You're all the same. You'll hurt anyone to get ahead, and you don't have to be physically violent to do so. I thought I would find better here...seems not."

She looked down at Clover, who looked worryingly back up at her, then she stared at Jack for one more moment.

"Mm, it is important to practice the victory speeches you'll never get to deliver. Good evening." She turned on her heel and swiftly walked back to her dorm. Nope, trying to explore the place was a bad idea. Maybe in the middle of the night when everyone was asleep she'd try again.

Jack barely listened. He only opened and closed his right hand to motion someone ‘yapping’, a symbol of disrespect. The reason why he did this was simple; he didn’t want to waste more energy and time talking to this primate. He barely paid attention to anything she said, only chuckling a bit.

Jack didn’t even spare an additional word. He just walked away, focusing on finding the recreation center. He’d have to walk a bit further, as he walked, he pondered something.

Am I the only fucking good trainer here? Am I forced to stand alone against these degenerates?

Jack sighed. As much as he loves teasing and bullying others, he still is a bit realistic with himself. He doesn’t know anyone here, and he’s in an unfamiliar land. Considering how his first two interactions went, he wasn’t hopeful for the others. He was certainly going to be outnumbered.

Jack sighed. He’d rather be in Galar, perhaps challenging the league right about now.

Azurecoast fucking sucks.

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