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Multiple Settings PaRaopen: Cybernet MMO (Postcyberpunk/Fantasy) Recruiting


Cuddly enby auntcle
In a future world that banned advanced AI and cracked down on careless corporate goons there is still desire to escape the boring reality and play video games. Recently, a virtual fantasy MMO with lifelike NPCs named PaRaopen had been release. The NPCs are engineered well enough to seem almost like real people, almost pushing what is legally allowed, yet not self-aware. Additionally, there are multiple servers including some where assisting cybernetic hardware is allowed in turn for higher difficulty.

Plot of the roleplay:

In a not too distant future, people still seek escape into virtual worlds. This future takes place in a city named Fujioka. Most people have some form of cybernetic enhancement, especially after advanced AI had been banned after a few close calls. So some occupation related cybernetics may be available in people.

You are one of the residents of Fujioka seeking escape in the newly released virtual fantasy MMO Pa'Raopen. You find party members quickly and eventually create a guild with them. The game is impressive, but it might be a little too realistic in terms of features with the ability to sense exhaustion and pain in-game and NPCs with real personalities and sharp tongues.

Eventually, you find out the party members live in the same city as you and you meet some in real life.

Fujioka: Fujioka is a large city with a bustling, multilevel city core. The city has plenty of opportunities for free time outside of the apartment and an excellent public transportation system. It is however not perfect as it is ruled by military semi-dictatorship, where while the citystate has an elected parliament, it is strictly overseen by the military leadership and bribeable politicians are severely punished. In worst cases, hits are put out on politicians found to be corrupt.

Population is around five million. Included in the citystate is about 25 km of farmland and forest around the city until you get to the border. In total, the citystate is around 3000 sqkm in size.

Plot of the game world:

You are thrown into a dangerous world full of magical creatures like slimes and dragons. You are however penniless, clothed in rags and no one seems interested in helping you. But you come across a hermit who tells you that you should craft your own weapon and learn how to make clothing from plant fibers. You immediately get to experience the death-resurrection system of the game as you are blindsided by a goblin who bonks you on the head. You reawaken inside the hermit's home. Since you don't know where you are, the hermit assumes you have amnesia and explains you are in the land of Pa'Raopen and that the land had been in turmoil for years, even before the hermit left civilization. Ultimately, he gives you a little tutorial on how to defend yourself and gives you some food for your travels to the next town. You are just sent in a general direction along a faint path through the forest. The town's name is supposedly Haruoka.

Game system:

-The game requires you to craft a lot, everything from food to weapons to personal homes.

-At the beginning the locations on the map are unknown to players but they can charter their own maps or buy map pieces in towns. Map pieces usually only show the main settlements and landmarks of the local area. Additional landmarks, player-made settlements, guild houses and dungeons can be marked on maps.

-Skills: There are various skills that can be levelled up. But there is an exception: Communication. Due to the nature of NPCs, players need to be polite to most NPCs. NPCs will demand higher prices for items from rude and aggressive players. And if players are belligerent enough, NPCs can outright refuse service to them.

Skill types:

-Food related: Cooking, Butchering, Brewing, Drink-Making, Food conservation, Vintnering (Wine making), Farming, Fishing, Confectionary making

-General: Collecting, Athletics (walking/running), Swimming, Climbing, Riding

-Crafting: Masonry, Carpentry, Roofing, Armorsmithing, Weaponsmithing, Blacksmithing (non-weapon/armor smithing), Stonecarving, Coal burning, Skinning, Leatherworking, Tailoring, Jewelmaking, Paving

-Magic: Enchaning, Fire magic, Water magic, Earth magic, Wind magic, (Earth+Water=Plant, Earth+Fire=Metal, Water+Wind=Ice), Light/Healing magic, Dark magic/necromancy, Summoning, Illusion magic, Enhancement magic (self-buffing)

Combat: Swordfighting, Martial arts, Axes, Thrown weapons, Marksmanship (bows, crossbows, gunblades, arcane rifles), Longarms (spears, pikes), Scythes (warscythes, chain scythes), shortblades (knives, short swords), large weapons (greatswords, greathammers), exotic weaponry, unarmored defense, armored defense, heavy armored defense

Bodily enhancements:
Due to cybernetics being so commonplace in the real world, players expect enhancements in game. These aren't cybernetic, but are presented as arcane enhancements in-game. The arcane enhancements are buyable magical contraptions and jewels that enhance the abilities of players.

Players have multiple attributes in-game. Strength, Hardness, Endurance, Speed, Intelligence, Stealth and Luck,

Strength determines damage of long blades, heavy weapons and can influence defense values and base inventory size.

Hardness determines damage that can be taken and how much damage being taken can be decreased. Also influences defense values.

Endurance influences actual in-game endurance and exhaustion and mild pain can be experienced by players in game.

Speed influences running and swimming speeds, but also influences damage values of short blades, thrown weapons and shot weapons.

Intelligence influence magical ability as well as some crafting skills. Higher intelligence can mean better quality crafts and better enchanting.

Stealth influences masking presences during sneaking and also influences silent weapons such as thrown weapons.

Luck influences loot drops. Better luck means a higher chance of finding better items and equipment.

Guilds can be founded if there are at least three founding members and if a fee of 50 silver is paid. Each guild is entitled to a guild house, but only one at a time. For small guilds without owned land, guild quarters can be rented. But with owned land, a guild house is the start of a guild town in which guild members can build personal homes around the guild house. Guild upgrades can be made to include merchants at the guild house, give members daily buffs, increase guild house features (such as a pub and an event hall) and increase the guild member limit. Maximum guild size is 500.

The money is divided into copper, silver, gold and platinum. 100 copper is one silver, 100 silver is one gold, 1000 gold is one platinum. So that means it takes ten million copper to gain one platinum coin.

If you are interested, here is the character thread: Fantasy - PaRaopen: Cybernet MMO [Postcyberpunk/Fantasy] (Characters)

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