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Realistic or Modern Magical Ladies and gentlemen (adult magical girl/boy(s)) Out of character (invite only))



Axolotl be back
Roleplay Availability
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Remember when you were younger and there were these shows with characters blessed with magical powers (sometimes through suspicious means) usually to fight some sort of monster?

Those were the good days.

You always hoped you would become a magical girl/boy yourself. Getting magical powers was your dream, but… as time went on, you realized that magic just couldn’t be real and it was all a fantasy,
or so you thought.

You stumble across a creature that tells you they can grant you any one irreversible wish that you desire. the only catch is you must hunt minor demons and monsters, as a bonus, you get your own unique magical power and enchanted magical weapon to battle them!

And that's good and all, but.. you’ve grown up... That dream of yours has died for the most part when you were in your teens, and you have your own life now. Your own responsibilities... You couldn’t just adjust to this shift in life that easily, could you?

Well, apparently the answer is yes. In some way or another, you were convinced to do just that. Something happened and that wish was needed after all.

In this rp you are an ordinary adult who in some way or another becomes a magical girl/boy.

Try to juggle a busy life with a family whilst hunting mysterious creatures.

  1. EVERYONE in this Roleplay player wise must be 20+. I want people to be comfortable with who they are roleplaying with, and have a general understanding of adulthood. There may be possible dark themes. (Even though it will have cute stuff as well)
  2. 1-3 short paragraphs per post, there must be at least 4 sentences per paragraph.
  3. Be creative, but follow along the general story outlined by players in the ooc.
  4. this is a group project, don’t try to go about it solo, and Discuss what you generally want to do in the ooc.
  5. Be realistic. This is mainly a slice of life with supernatural and fantasy elements.
  6. This is not a battle RP, dont attack other players. It does have battle in it, but its not pvp. Only hurt NPCs.
  7. Be tolerable of different sexualities and identities. They are concepts that most adults should be able to handle considering most kids can even understand them nowadays. No excuses.
  8. No self inserts, only Original Characters. (its ok to have some parts of you, so long as its not all of you. you can be relatable to your character.)
  9. if your character happens to have a different sexual identity than another persons, don't force anything on the other character. They are fictional after all and have personalities that may gradually change as time goes by, but that is up to their creator.
  10. let the others know if you aren't having fun. Don't just ditch us, we need to prepare for your characters disappearance. If you wish to give your character to another it must be explicitly stated in the ooc.
Links at the top left of the thread

(ALSO NOTE for EVERYONE interested:​

  • be careful what the character wishes for, the wish granter works like an innocent genie who doesn't think about context. they may agree with the wish and make it happen in a roundabout way simply because it was easier, and it may not be what the character fully desired.​

  • (but also the character will not know that unless they are warned in rp))
What is the time and setting the plot takes place in?

modern day America somewhere around the year 2006, in a fictional city similar to Tokyo.

What are the limitations to the wishes?

the limitation is if you can wish it, it will come through in time. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. It depends on what the granter does to grant it, though it also depends on if its something that the granter wants to grant. they are happy go lucky and might not think of the repercussions of the wish but if its out on a paper they might not want to spend time on it, asking the person wishing to keep it simple

After becoming magical girls, do the character get any magical powers/elements or they only get a weapon?

They get a magical power (determined in DMs or in the OOC chat), a costume, and a weapon

Is there any type of uniform that comes with becoming a magical person? (Like, has to have some kind of bow, etc..)

kind of, it depending on the personality of the person wishing, because they are told its a magical girl outfit, their mind might go to frilly clothing with glitter, ribbons, and pastel colors. or for the men, being told its fancy and pretty they might think its a colored suit with a bowtie and cotton gloves. it really depends on the fashion sense of the person. Essentially, its the first thing that pops up in your characters head when they are told they are going to have a magical costume

When it comes to weapons, are there limitations to them? Do they have to be more realistic or can they be made up- like a Sniper-Scythe?

it can be personalized, something that suits them rather than being something that they think of initially.

Is there some kind of HQ or communication system between the magical people?

they communicate through a magical telempathy, it turns off once they lose consciousness or fall asleep.

can humans perceive magical boys or girls?

when transformed, you cant persive humans (other than magical people) and humans (other than the magical people) cant perceive you, and any humans watching you at the time you transform dont remember you were there. Its like a magic induced brain fart.

what happens when a magical boy/girl loses their powers?

There are a few ways that the magical people can lose their powers, the main one is: vanilla feeling betrayed and revoking the magical transformations and weapons. This can happen if you decide to quit being a magical person, or if you tell someone you have magic/ try to show someone.
When the abilities are revoked, the mark remains, meaning they are still targeted by demons that they can no longer sense. So essentially they are doomed to die.


How will they appear to the magical people? Religious-based, or more customized?

weird amalgamations they can look like almost anything, some are monstrous, others are kind of cutesy. they are called demons but its more monster-like than religious stereotypes. one could even take the shape of a room that looks normal on the outside, but inside is a trippy place similar to the anime: madoka magica.

How will they appear to non magic humans?

they wont.


Why are the demons attacking? Is it just in their nature or is it a deeper story that we'll find out later?

Deeper story :3

Will there be some kind of 'big boss' our characters will eventually encounter? One that might be controlling them, or giving them orders?

Yes, but its a little more complicated than having a "big bad"

differences to the faceclaim (if applicable):

Post three of your characters positive memories (to get an example of what brings them joy):

Now what are three negative memories (to get an example that may bring them pain)

The two above may be pulled from.

related characters:
short biography:
general personality:
what would they say to the question: "would you like to be a magical girl/boy?"
if the answer is no, what changes their mind?:
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A question that could use a bit more clarification: do the magical heroes get to make their wish and at least start to have it granted the moment they accept their powers? Or do they have to fight for some time before they get the chance? As a sort of incentive.
They make their wish and it gets granted, but the results don’t always come fast, though sometimes it’s almost immediate, and it may cause something dark to happen, to quote “Once Upon a Time”, “magic comes at a price”
AniMANIA7983 AniMANIA7983 wacky question,but if a character made a sweeping (but reversible) wish like "I wish there were no more alcoholic drinks in this city" how do you think it would turn out?

Would all such beverages simply disappear from places that had them? Would imported drinks in the future lose their effectiveness and not make people drunk?
Honestly, with that exact phrasing, it’d probably start with alcohol that is much more potent accidentally getting released to the city, and then it becoming banned. That’s all the wish would do, but then there would be repercussions of the wish.

Such as it eventually causing state wide Prohibition 2.0 and making a lot more gang crime. Speakeasy’s would appear and the safety of the general population would lower

Nellancholy Nellancholy
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What possibilities do you have in mind
Exaggerated Mochi based Self Transmutation, Manipulation and Generation

Some sort of Glue Based Ability?

Demon Hybrid Biology

Lich Hybrid Biology

Some form of psychokinetic control of inanimate objects


Shape Memory Ball Manipulation


or Psychomagnetism
Exaggerated Mochi based Self Transmutation, Manipulation and Generation

Some sort of Glue Based Ability?

Demon Hybrid Biology

Lich Hybrid Biology

Some form of psychokinetic control of inanimate objects


Shape Memory Ball Manipulation


or Psychomagnetism
I uh, don’t know what most of those are, but I like the glue one and the inanimate object one
Exaggerated Mochi based Self Transmutation, Manipulation and Generation: Zoe possesses, in her magical girl form, the ability to create, control, and turn any part of their body into mochi—specifically a thick, extremely viscous, naturally white-colored mochi paste—to manipulate as they please, including its viscosity, density, pressure and stickiness. They are able to do this to create structures like walls and other large objects that are then hardened. It can be used as an effective blunt-force weapon and is capable of trapping people, even extremely strong ones, due to its sticky, stretchy nature. Due to its malleability the mochi can be formed into a massive variety of shapes, such as fists, tendrils, and even spiked clubs. There are some caveats to the ability however, notably, The Mochi is weakened by a proportionate amount of water to her mass, incapable of hardening past a certain point and thus unable to replicate durable metals such as steel or titanium. Additionally the Mochi can be damaged by extreme heat or extreme lack thereof, and Zoe can only produce up to her own level of Body-mass in Mochi as of yet without consuming extra food material.

Some sort of Glue Based Ability: Zoe can produce large amounts of sticky, fast-hardening paste/Glue from her body, which when fully hardened is comparable to durable metals such as steel or titanium, but fairly light. The adhesion of the Glue is superior to that of any industrial adhesive on the market and is comparable to welding objects together. Additionally, it lacks the fault of normal glue by being capable of binding to metal. The glue melts when exposed to high amounts of heat, and cannot settle in overly moist or waterlogged environments. Aditionally, Zoe can only produce a set amount before she begins to feel lightheaded and experience symptoms similar to bloodloss, however it is well in excess of her own body-mass.

Lich Hybrid Biology: Zoe possesses the ability to assume the powers of a Lich, specifically, she is capable of creating ghostly blue flames of a volatile nature (although their coloration is mainly just for show.) More importantly, she can create and manipulate semi-ethereal bones for offensive or defensive purposes.

Some form of psychokinetic control of inanimate objects: Zoe is capable of resonating her thoughts with surrounding nonliving objects and enforcing her will on them remotely causing them to move and experience physical force without her even touching them. Since this power is just starting, it's weight limit and range will likely be limited to only around as heavy as Zoe herself is, and the range of a mid-sized apartment. The user cannot move objects that are living directly due to the nature of their resonance.

Chlorokinesis: Zoe possesses the ability to manipulate and generate plant-life, imbuing it with life energy. This can work even in environments devoid of life or in which plants cannot grow as the user can actively create plant-life to facilitate their means to an end. While their plant-life can grow to larger than average sizes, at the start any plants they create will be somewhat unremarkable.

Shape Memory Ball Manipulation: Zoe can create and manipulate Shape Memory "Golden Balls" a series of (at the start of the series a maximum of 7) floating, Golden, golf-ball sized orbs that are capable of shapeshifting into various simple shapes and constructs, such as spinning disks with sharp edges, thin, spear like extensions or drill-bits. The Golden balls are practically indestructible, as they can reform from plastic deformation, although intense heat would be able to reduce them to a liquid if applied consistently.
My character is named Zoe and I'm not sure what power out of these she should have. Any input?
Exaggerated Mochi based Self Transmutation, Manipulation and Generation: Zoe possesses, in her magical girl form, the ability to create, control, and turn any part of their body into mochi—specifically a thick, extremely viscous, naturally white-colored mochi paste—to manipulate as they please, including its viscosity, density, pressure and stickiness. They are able to do this to create structures like walls and other large objects that are then hardened. It can be used as an effective blunt-force weapon and is capable of trapping people, even extremely strong ones, due to its sticky, stretchy nature. Due to its malleability the mochi can be formed into a massive variety of shapes, such as fists, tendrils, and even spiked clubs. There are some caveats to the ability however, notably, The Mochi is weakened by a proportionate amount of water to her mass, incapable of hardening past a certain point and thus unable to replicate durable metals such as steel or titanium. Additionally the Mochi can be damaged by extreme heat or extreme lack thereof, and Zoe can only produce up to her own level of Body-mass in Mochi as of yet without consuming extra food material.

Some sort of Glue Based Ability: Zoe can produce large amounts of sticky, fast-hardening paste/Glue from her body, which when fully hardened is comparable to durable metals such as steel or titanium, but fairly light. The adhesion of the Glue is superior to that of any industrial adhesive on the market and is comparable to welding objects together. Additionally, it lacks the fault of normal glue by being capable of binding to metal. The glue melts when exposed to high amounts of heat, and cannot settle in overly moist or waterlogged environments. Aditionally, Zoe can only produce a set amount before she begins to feel lightheaded and experience symptoms similar to bloodloss, however it is well in excess of her own body-mass.

Lich Hybrid Biology: Zoe possesses the ability to assume the powers of a Lich, specifically, she is capable of creating ghostly blue flames of a volatile nature (although their coloration is mainly just for show.) More importantly, she can create and manipulate semi-ethereal bones for offensive or defensive purposes.

Some form of psychokinetic control of inanimate objects: Zoe is capable of resonating her thoughts with surrounding nonliving objects and enforcing her will on them remotely causing them to move and experience physical force without her even touching them. Since this power is just starting, it's weight limit and range will likely be limited to only around as heavy as Zoe herself is, and the range of a mid-sized apartment. The user cannot move objects that are living directly due to the nature of their resonance.

Chlorokinesis: Zoe possesses the ability to manipulate and generate plant-life, imbuing it with life energy. This can work even in environments devoid of life or in which plants cannot grow as the user can actively create plant-life to facilitate their means to an end. While their plant-life can grow to larger than average sizes, at the start any plants they create will be somewhat unremarkable.

Shape Memory Ball Manipulation: Zoe can create and manipulate Shape Memory "Golden Balls" a series of (at the start of the series a maximum of 7) floating, Golden, golf-ball sized orbs that are capable of shapeshifting into various simple shapes and constructs, such as spinning disks with sharp edges, thin, spear like extensions or drill-bits. The Golden balls are practically indestructible, as they can reform from plastic deformation, although intense heat would be able to reduce them to a liquid if applied consistently.

Ok, so after reading that, the mochi one seems a bit overpowered for this, as does the glue based one. Also sticking to things and not being able to be unstuck may not be a good idea.

The litch one seems cool, but they may be mistaken for something to hunt by the other magical people.

psychokinetic control of inanimate objects Seems balanced enough; and can grow as it goes, so it’s good.

The Chlorokinesis Seems like it could be good as well, though it seems it would need to be developed further

As for the 7 balls, they could actually be the magic weapon if you’d like
Editing the character sheets base, to include three happy memories and three sad ones
Just so you know the wish granter is a character that I’ve already made, they have a name and a drawing I drew a while ago when I tried to make an rp before (yes this is the 2nd attempt, but nobody was interested enough to stick around when it began. Probably because it wasn’t as fleshed out)
Ok, so after reading that, the mochi one seems a bit overpowered for this, as does the glue based one. Also sticking to things and not being able to be unstuck may not be a good idea.

The litch one seems cool, but they may be mistaken for something to hunt by the other magical people.

psychokinetic control of inanimate objects Seems balanced enough; and can grow as it goes, so it’s good.

The Chlorokinesis Seems like it could be good as well, though it seems it would need to be developed further

As for the 7 balls, they could actually be the magic weapon if you’d like
Can weapons evolve as time progresses?
I dont see why not, as they better their skills, it only makes sense that they are better with the magic. And since the weapon is magical, it only makes sense that they would get enhanced as well
I dont see why not, as they better their skills, it only makes sense that they are better with the magic. And since the weapon is magical, it only makes sense that they would get enhanced as well
I’m caught between doing the lich hybrid powers or the telekinesis.

Telekinesis is generally more applicable. And it has a lot of fronts it can improve on. But it would be interesting to do a sort of skullgirls thing with the lich powers since I think my characters wish is just “to finally be happy as a girl” and so they end up having a power that majorly contrasts their now overly happy demeanor.
I’m caught between doing the lich hybrid powers or the telekinesis.

Telekinesis is generally more applicable. And it has a lot of fronts it can improve on. But it would be interesting to do a sort of skullgirls thing with the lich powers since I think my characters wish is just “to finally be happy as a girl” and so they end up having a power that majorly contrasts their now overly happy demeanor.
alright, either will work, just remember what i said about being mistalen for a monster by other magical ladies or gentlemen.

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