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Fantasy Key to an Oath: IC

Location: Ichiwara, Streets
"My, what a fiery child. I haven't heard a tongue so sharp on one so young since Byakko." Shūzen chuckled quietly, eyes crinkling as a wry grin spread across his lips. "So full of vim and vigor -- ah, youth is quite something, isn't it? Oh, but my part is said and I'll still my old, weary tongue lest I catch another barb."

The young onmyoji's talisman streaked through the air, a silent signal to the rest. Shūzen burst into motion, powerful legs pumping as his large, hairy feet smashed into the packed earthen road. He caught a glimpse of Kokuyo darting forward at a different angle, a flurry of long, twisted roots bursting from the tsubaki spirit's wide-mouthed sleeve to snatch at the kyonshi's arms and send it flying through the air -- right into his path.

Shūzen hefted his weighty staff and moved to intercept the falling undead, adjusting his motions as it tore itself free from Kokuyo's roots to meet it on the ground. Then as the koynshi caught itself with a suprising grace, the old ape caught a glimpse of the long wooden blade it wielded and -- more importantly -- the thin paper tags wrapped around its length. The pale scar across his breast ached and the hair along his back suddenly bristled. He skidded to a halt as he remembered a memory he'd long hoped to forget and flung himself to the side, his body protesting the sudden change in movement. But though a human's body would have long broken under such abuse, a Shōjō’s flexed and bent with a supernatural physicality, allowing him to narrowly avoid the blinding slash the kyonshi produced.

"Hoh!" Shūzen exclaimed, mouth opened wide in a rather exaggerated caricature of surprise. A few strands of silver hair littered the ground, sheared loose from his left shoulder."That was quite the close shave."

He moved even as he spoke, closing in on the kyonshi in only two or three more bounds. The staff in his hands flicked up as if cut from paper, brisk as the autumn breeze. Shūzen swung from a distance, its length extending the reach of his large frame and arms even further, and drove the iron-capped end toward the kyonshi's hands, aiming to separate the nasty creature from its weapon.
Code by Nano
Last edited:
» kazetani tsurugi
『 TAGGED 』 @Dawnsx (Gojo Asaka) OldTurtle OldTurtle (Shuzen) @Sunsmiter (Eiyuu-Ou) Nano Nano (Kokuyo)

"Aye save it for the kyonshi," Tsurugi snapped at Asaka as his talisman silenced the monster. Vines sprawled from Kokuyo's sleeve, wrapping around the creature, but unfortunately its sword proved far stronger than the yokai's limbs. With all pretense of an ambush gone, the onmyoji sliced thumb along the edge of the talisman paper before streaking it red. He tore the bloodied piece and threw it in the air with some flourish.

"Makami, come!" Spiritual energy swirled around the seal before igniting in blue flames. From its ashes rose a slender, black dog with red antlers and markings around its face. The shikigami howled into the night before its eyes honed in on the enemy.

"Hunt." Where Shuzen aimed for the kyonshi's hands, Makami circled around the yokai and sunk its jaw into the kyonshi's leg. Serrated teeth met bone as the shikigami anchored itself to the opponent.

code by Nano Nano

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