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Realistic or Modern harbour heights - character sheets


v tired
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

harbour heights

where the cliffs meet the sea

the sheet



Full Name
Age (19+)
New or old Resident
Face claim (realistic only please!)

Overview (traits or paragraphs)


Anything else you want us to know

♡coded by uxie♡

  • julia perez
    the marine biologist
    • i
      full name
      Julia Louise Perez
      J, Jules, Julie
      date of birth
      August 10, 1994
      Cis Female (she/her)
      Marine Biologist, Assistant Professor, owner of Sapphire Seas
      new or old resident
      Harbour Heights born & raised
    coded by natasha.

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  • Walter


    full name

    Walter Lincoln






    cis male




    May 3rd, 1964


    Brewery owner

    new or old resident?

    Born and raised



    • hair

      Tex's hair is very thin on top and greying on the sides. He often wears hats. Sports a goatee




      Five feet four and a half inches

      body mods.



      Woody Harrelson

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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  • Cole Brady.
    The Himbo.
    Augusta, ME.

    165 lbs.
    Natural brunette, dyed ginger.
    body type
    body modifications
    Too many tattoos to count.
    KJ Apa.
    Am I breaking you down over nothing?

    What is there to say about Cole Brady that hasn't already been said? Most people know him as that big ol' loveable goof, wrapping everyone he loves in the biggest bear hugs and lopsided grins. Some people know him as the college freshman who studies hard and strives to be the best student he possibly can be. And others? Well, they just think he's an airheaded, childish fool. But what we do know is that Cole's got a big heart and a chosen family.

    So it goes without saying that Cole is well-liked within the Harbor Heights community. He has few enemies, if any, but if anyone even remotely looks at someone he loves in a negative light, then all bets are off. You simply do not mess with his friends, because he loves hard.

    He doesn't really get some stuff, if that makes any sense? Common sense for Cole went right out of the window when his dad began dragging him from town to town. Book-smarts are something that he's just now learning as a late bloomer, at least in the collegiate sense of the phrase.

    Cole plays guitar sometimes. He's got a good voice, too, but he doesn't want to be a musician like that. He doesn't want to turn into an alien (yes, he believes that pop stars and the like are all aliens). He can sometimes cross unspoken boundaries accidentally, but he's getting better at it. Surely with some good friends by his side, he'll learn to get rid of that behavior. Only time will tell.

    So yeah, that's Cole for you. Take him, leave him, or ignore him completely, but he's not leaving. Harbor Heights is his forever home now.
    Lack of direction.
    Apple cider, bald guys.
    Bluy (Bluey), chewing ice.
    Edibles, emojis.
    Feetball (football), getting new tattoos.
    Abraham Lincoln (hat intimidates him), acne.
    Aliens, arguing.
    Being sad, birds.
    Black and white TV shows/movies, British accents.
    It has been said time and time again that once a cheater, always a cheater. That may not be the case for some, but it's the cold, hard truth when it comes down to Garrett Spencer. When his then-girlfriend, Helena Brady, revealed that she was pregnant with his child, the first thing that he did was jump into bed with another woman...then another...and yet another. Garrett was not thrilled about becoming a father at only seventeen. He had his whole life ahead of him, and there Helena went, getting herself knocked up as a high school junior. Nine months later, when his and Helena's child, a boy, came into the world, Garrett was nowhere to be found. He hadn't bothered showing up for his son's birth. Helena was arguably upset. Garrett had all the fun making their child, and now that the hard part was here, he wanted nothing to do with the boy.

    Helena decided to keep her surname for her son, christening him Cole Weston Brady. After she recuperated from the strenuous birth, she took an infant Cole and went on the search for Garrett. It didn't take her very long to find him, either - Garrett hadn't fled the country, or the state, or even the town. Helena found him at his mother's house, hiding out from the parental duties he didn't want to take on. A years-long child support battle ensued, eventually ending in Garrett claiming full responsibility for the now-five year old Cole. It was now Helena who wanted nothing to do with Garrett or Cole. As soon as Garrett was awarded full custody of Cole, Helena left, leaving a young Cole heartbroken. He had thought the world of his mother, especially at his young age. Now, he'd probably never see her again (and he was right).

    Garrett decided to move to Seattle with his young son, looking for a fresh start. Jumping to the west coast after living his entire life on the east coast wasn't something that Cole was excited about, by any means. He had to go to a new school, make new friends, and adjust to his new surroundings. It wasn't long before Garrett and Cole packed up again, this time moving to Denver, then to Kansas City, then to Dallas. City after city, Cole started to get bummed out. Why did his father force him to move around so often? He was afraid to make friends every time he ended up in another city. Why should he hold on to the notion that he'd be there all school year long when he knew that Garrett would pull him out and ship themselves off to some other city somewhere? He started to lose his innocent view of the world, beginning to keep to himself rather than branch out and meet new people. After all, it wouldn't be long before he'd be whisked away to some other place anyway. Cole finally decided to stand up to Garrett after they moved to Boston when he was thirteen - he had had enough of this. It seemed like every time he started a new school year, he wasn't in the same town or city he was in the year before.

    But Garrett didn't seem to listen. After Boston, he took Cole to Buffalo, then Baltimore, then Pittsburgh. By this time, Cole was now sixteen and fed up. He turned to meaningless one night stands and weed - something to numb his inner feelings. Garrett was completely unaware of his son's increasing dependency on his vices - he was more concerned about making every new city or town work for them. Garrett and Cole were off to Charleston before finally making it to New York City, where Cole graduated from high school. Cole was now eighteen and finally able to make his own decisions, and he chose to stay in the Big Apple for a while.

    After staying in NYC for four years, Cole decided that the city life wasn't for him. So he pulled out a map and a dart, and decided that wherever the dart would land on would be the place for him. The dart landed on a small town in the Pacific Northwest. This shouldn't come as no surprise to anyone, but if you haven't already guessed, the name of the town was Harbor Heights.

    He wasn't sure if he would like Harbor Heights at all, considering that it was unfamiliar territory to him. But in no time flat, he had a surrogate family and a close-knit group of friends. And it was through said friends that Cole finally got the courage to apply to college. And to his surprise, he was able to get in, though he'll have to take quite a few remedial classes first. Cole is starting college this fall semester. And that's what you missed on Gl-Harbor Heights.

    love language
    Physical touch
    fun facts
    Occupation: Part-time bartender, part-time college freshman
    Ambitions: To graduate from college, to find a life partner
    I Don't Wanna Wait - The War On Drugs

    coded by Stardust Galaxy

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  • jack wylde
    thirty three
    cis male
    feb 16

    176 lbs
    dark brown
    dark brown
    body type
    body modifications
    secret tattoo somewhere on his body
    skeet ulrich
    Do you feel the same right now?
    you'll learn that in the rp (im terrible with personality blurbs)
    his car
    thriller novels
    romance novels
    stupid gossip

    Jack's childhood was genuinely the most boring thing on the face of planet earth. He was born and grew up in Harbour Heights, with a mother and father who cared very much about him. A few years into working, he met his now ex wife, who he fell in love with and married. Not wanting to raise any kids in Harbour Heights, fearing it would limit their opportunities, as well as stifling his own, he moved out to the city, where he went on to get a job in the police force.

    The years in the city were mostly boring, and eventually, the love for his ex wife puttered out. The year before, the two finalized their divorce, remaining close friends even then. Eventually, though, Jack figured the city was boring enough. As luck would have it, he would have reason to return to his hometown, as his father passed and left his wife and son the house. His mother, still spry, offered her son a spot to stay, and he accepted, moving back and taking his dream job as the sheriff of Harbour Heights.
    love language
    acts of affection
    fun facts
    owns a white ford ranger
    was a sheriff's deputy in the city he wound up, was going for sheriff when he returned to harbour heights
    Hozier - Almost (Sweet Music)

    coded by Stardust Galaxy

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  • apathetic.

    avery kanai.




    • 01.



      avery kanai






      cis-female, she/her








      residency status.







      reina hardesty

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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  • e5e1cc0434db7aa93a7d6a29b3c39abd157756b5.gif
    Stella Reed ✦ age ;; 24 ✦ gender ;; female ✦ sexuality ;; bisexual

    nicknames ;; Starshine, only used by her mother
    profession ;; freelance coder, employee at Biking the Heights
    old resident ;; since birth
    height ;; 5' 4
    face claim ;; Ellie Bamber

    ;; Stella is a timid, caring, and anxious person. She always tries to be as friendly as possible but sometimes finds herself being more judgemental than she should be. She grew up somewhat sheltered, never leaving Harbour Heights except for the occasional trip to visit her aunt in California (with most of those trips being when she was much younger). Sometimes she lets her fear get the best of her, but recently she has been trying to branch out and be more sociable.
    likes ;; true crime, coding, biking, reading romance novels, dogs (golden retrievers especially)
    dislikes ;; the ocean, change, mayonnaise, dressing up
    ambitions ;; Wants to take over the family business eventually, especially if it means her parents can retire and be happier. After spending years self-isolated, Stella wants to be able to get out and meet new people, possibly meet someone to love and share her life with. Easier said than done, especially in a place where everybody knows each other a bit too well.​

    ;; Stella was born in Harbour Heights and hasn't had any desire to leave since. Growing up here, everyone wanted to become a marine biologist and get their higher education, working at the academy. When she was 8 years old, Stella got into an accident near the shore, almost drowning. After that, Stella did everything to get away from the shore while still staying in Harbour Heights, which was difficult. Spending a lot of time in her home and her family's bike shop, she spent her teenage years perusing the internet and allowing herself to get sucked into romance novels. After she turned 18, she began learning how to code and started working as a freelance coder on the side. Still working at Biking the Heights, she strived to become the greatest version of herself for her parents.
    family ;; father, Patrick Reed, 48. mother, Lauren Reed, 47. aunt, Lancey Grover, 40
    relationships ;; wip

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  • * Isabella Starling

    • req.

      #old soul

      * n.name(s)
      Isabella, Bella, Bells
      * d.o.b.
      May 11th, 1992 (32)
      * p.o.b.
      Harbour Heights, WA
      * occupation
      Antique Shop Owner
      * extra





      * height
      * weight
      120 lbs
      * build
      * hair colour
      * eye colour





    ♡coded by uxie♡


  • scroll


    It's not breaking and entering if the window is already unlocked and opened before you go inside.



    full name

    Eleanor Kensies


    none, as of yet




    December 30, 2000


    cisgender female (she/her)



    Resident Status

    new (very)

    song name







    On the smaller side, but can still pack a punch. Literally. Years of sibling brawls and running away from parents and teachers alike have helped Eleanor be able to hold her own in whatever situation she finds herself in - although she's been lucky enough to not get into too many scrapes. She looks to anyone that would encounter her like what one would expect a journalist to look like - armed with a tote bag filled with her notebook, laptop, digital camera, and no-nonsense personality bristling under her skin.

    hair c.

    dark brown, almost black

    eye c.

    brown, with a ring of green around her irises


    Daisy Ridley



    Eleanor is quiet, almost unassuming at first glance. Honestly? She prefers it that way - people are more talkative when they don't feel threatened, and there's less eyes on you when people assume you can't do much. Even before she became a journalist, being easy to overlook was useful in a family where being noticed (in Eleanor's case) meant being taken advantage of. The persona of a newbie journalist who can't possibly be a threat has served her well up until now, and she'll ride it as long as she possibly can.

    Underneath that persona is pretty much the same - Eleanor is quiet, a for-lack-of-better-words-loner who keeps to herself, as she has for most of her life. Connecting with other people has always been hard for Eleanor, resulting in her only having a handful of friends that she keeps in touch with, mostly over the internet. She finds that online communication is easier, anyway. And so Eleanor spends most of her time alone, and as a result has become comfortable in her loneliness.

    Eleanor has a deep love of nature - potentially due to how much time she spends alone. From city parks and hiking trails to deep forests and rainy beaches, if Eleanor is not to be found holed up in her room or in a coffeeshop, she will be found outside (although the amount of people who would be looking for her in the first place are next to none). Nature is one of the few places where she is comfortable enough putting down the brooding journalist persona and just be Eleanor. Her camera film is full of pictures of nature interspersed between the various photos needed for whatever story she's currently working on.

    Anyone who would manage to sneak past the walls Eleanor has put up would find that her brooding attitude isn't completely a farce, but there is an unbridled curiosity that burns brightly beneath it. Further deep still, there is a joy that shines when she is out in nature, or when she has new information for a case (obtained legally or not). Coupled with this joy is a deep sense of care for those who she considers friends, however small that amount of people may be.


    writing, the ocean, photography, solitude, sunrise, sunset, lattes, earl grey tea with milk, girls, reading, adventure, colour coordinated outfits, old typewriters


    black coffee, rude people, corruption, fog, dreary weather, the dark


    her family finding her, being completely alone,



    Eleanor grew up as the only girl in the middle of 5 children in the small town of Pennsylvania, Michigan (a town so small its residents shortened the name to just Penn). With her father working long hours at an insurance company, and her mother more occupied with the boys, being relatively average meant that Eleanor was brushed aside. Eleanor spent much of her childhood alone, hiding away from her brothers who would spend most of their time annoying her, or bothering her to do their chores. This lead her to the local library, where she poured over whatever books she could get her hands on. Both fiction and nonfiction books captivated her attention, and fueled her imagination as to what life would be like when she was grown up, and free.

    Her love of reading propelled her through school. While she did fairly well in all of her courses, she gravitated towards English and Law classes, fueled by an interest in other people’s lives - the good, the normal, and the bad. Through her teen years, Eleanor’s love of reading changed to a love of writing, which she did as much as she possibly could. She started with her own creative stories and fan fictions, but soon cast those aside to start an online blog that was the equivalent of a journal of her life (it was safer than physical journals, which her brothers had destroyed many times over).

    The first opportunity for freedom quickly arrived in the form of college applications. Eleanor’s older brothers had both left their small town for Ivy League Colleges, to differing outcomes - Will, the eldest, had done extremely well in his Computer Science undergrad and had opted for a tech job in the same city while Josh had dropped out of an engineering degree and returned home, where he currently wasn’t doing much of anything. Eleanor planned to follow in their footsteps, though she still had to decide whether to major in Literature, Law, or both.

    The decision, unfortunately, was made for her. Her parents, who had payed for their sons college tuition, refused to pay for an English degree that “would be useless in the job market” and refused to pay for Eleanor to attend an Ivy League College as that would be unfair for Josh to “watch her succeed somewhere he had struggled”. If Eleanor wanted to leave home, she would have to pay for it herself, something that felt impossible. The community college in town didn’t have any law-related programs, so Eleanor chose to major in Journalism - which counted as an English degree to her parents, so Eleanor had to pay her own way regardless through loans and tutoring at the high school.

    Eleanor started to make friends who were more than just high-school classmates, meeting people both in her own program as well as online. She started to have a social life outside of her home, although she always felt at odds, like these friendships would disappear at the slightest disagreement (and indeed, some of them did). She kept up with her own writing throughout her degree, revamping her online blog to be the equivalent of her own online newsletter. It didn’t contain anything more interesting than the various coffee shops she visited and once-in-a-while weekend trips she took, but Eleanor thought it was fun. Unexpectedly, her blog turned out to be useful as a portfolio of her work that she could add to her resume - in her second year of college, Eleanor scored an entry-level position with the town’s newspaper, the Penn Times, working on stories of the community college and it’s student body.

    Graduation, once again, brought another opportunity for escape that Eleanor, once again, watched pass her by. Eleanor’s parents were emotionally in retirement, and pushed Eleanor to shoulder the responsibility of twins, who were still in high school (Josh, who had just gotten out of jail for fraud, was too busy “putting his life back together” to help, her parents said). Adding to that her student loans and the fact that the Penn Times offered Eleanor a job post graduation (with her own column), she decided to stay. None of the friends she had made in university stayed in Penn, moving onto bigger and better things. Eleanor stayed in touch, but most relationships slowly fizzled out to monthly check-ins, at most.

    And so over the next year, Eleanor wrote for the Penn Times, tutored at the high school, avoided her family as much as possible, and worked her way towards paying off her student loans and saving up for the day when she would finally leave Penn. Her first big purchase, a few months after graduation, was a camper van that she figured would be useful for when she needed to travel for stories (pushing out of her mind the thoughts she’d once had of visiting the friends she’d fallen out of touch with). Her column at the Penn Times, “Penn’s People”, contained stories focused on the inhabitants of Penn itself, from coverage of local events to the in-depth interviews of various shop owners - Eleanor enjoyed highlighting “regular” people, and it was quickly becoming a hit within the town.

    Eleanor’s next chance at freedom arrived unexpectedly, at the intersection of various bad situations.

    First, Eleanor started an in-depth piece for “Penn’s People” about an promising mayoral candidate, Jay M. Lindsey. He was a Penn native (the nephew of the current mayor, in fact) who was popular for the jobs and wealth her brought to the city with his new chemical plant. During the interview for the piece, Eleanor asked about a few employees who had been injured while working at the plant, and had since lost their jobs and developed long-term illnesses - Jay’s response, brushing over the people themselves while focusing on how their claims were proven to not fall under what insurance covered, struck her as odd. Partially because she didn’t like how he didn’t seem to care, partially because she had not heard of any denied insurance claims when she had written her own story about the workers. Eleanor walked out of the interview certain that there was something deeper going on, and was determined to prove it. A late night visit to her father’s office got her the files themselves, which had been denied, though not because they didn’t fall within the worker’s insurance. Rather, there was no worker’s insurance, or any kind of proper insurance set up for the chemical plant. Eleanor made a stop at city hall, where she found that nothing about the chemical plant had been set up correctly, poisoning both the people who worked there as well as the environment. That week’s edition of “Penn’s People” told the story of the up-and-coming mayoral candidate whose success came through family members turning a blind eye to his cutting corners business, and whose benefits to Penn came at the cost of their own people’s health by his greed and lack of care for the town that had raised him. Jay Lindsey, his uncle Mark, and his brother Stephan (who was the CEO of the insurance agency) were all sued, removing Jay and his uncle both from the election ballot. The chemical plant was forcibly shut down, leaving almost a hundred people without a job or unemployment to fall back on (as the necessary paperwork for that never existed either). “Penn’s People” column was closed. Eleanor was fired.

    Second, Eleanor’s parents sat her down the same night she was fired and informed her that they no longer had any money put aside for the twins college fund, who were planning on going into biochemistry and engineering (which of course were honorable enough fields that her parents planned to send them to Ivy League Schools out of state). Josh, in another “attempt” to make money, had used the education fund without anyone’s knowledge as an investment in crypto-currency business idea that went nowhere. While her parents were not going to discuss the matter with Josh, her mother explained as Eleanor’s father stepped out of the room to take a call, they expected Eleanor to “finally step up and pay back the family for the support she had received” by subsidizing the twins tuition for the next four years (as they certainly couldn’t be expected to work during their degrees, and certainly couldn’t go to the sub-par community college in Penn).

    Finally, as Eleanor’s father had just discovered, he had lost his job at the insurance agency. The insurance company had also come under investigation for fraudulent activity. A power outage in the building meant that there was no way for Stephan Lindsey to prove that Eleanor had gotten the information she had published illegally, and thus no legal basis to prosecute her, but Eleanor would admit that it wasn’t too hard to guess how she could have gotten in. Eleanor’s parents weren’t aware that this firing was a repercussion against their daughter’s actions; they had never read “Penn’s People”, and her father was simply told that “impromptu budget cuts” were responsible for his layoff after almost 30 years at the company. Regardless, Eleanor was certain that when he went into the office the next day to “try and figure this mess out”, he would be told the role his daughter had to play in this. Eleanor was also certain that this was not the end of the “repercussions” she would receive from the Lindsey’s.

    So Eleanor used the cover of darkness to pack up what little she had, load it into her van, and leave Penn.

    Freedom tasted stressful at first. Within the next day, Eleanor had changed her bank, phone, and laptop - her parents didn’t have access to anything anyways, but she didn’t want to leave any chances. Freedom then tasted strange - this wasn’t like what Eleanor had planned, mostly because she hadn’t planned anything at all. She had nowhere to go, and no job to support her. But Eleanor realized that since she had nowhere to go, it meant she could go anywhere she wanted.

    Freedom suddenly tasted very, very sweet.

    So Eleanor drove West, wherever the road took her, sleeping in her van to save money. She continued writing on her blog, and wrote a few pieces for various online publications - while “Penn’s People” had been trashed, her reputation wasn’t completely ruined, and the odd jobs gave her money as well as a place to go. Everywhere she went, she kept to the story that she was travelling and writing on the side to “figure herself out” (which wasn’t actually a lie). Eleanor had been through many places, big and small, but never stayed long. She met people, but rarely stayed in touch.

    One person who stayed in touch was Ollie Hudson, another journalist from the Pacific Northwest. They had first reached out to Eleanor after her last “Penn’s People” piece, interested in knowing more about how Eleanor had gotten her hands on the information she had published. Eleanor had no idea how they had come across her work from the other side of the country, but shrugged it off to the power of the internet. She enjoyed talking to Ollie, and continued to do so as she made her way across the country. One such talk, where Eleanor had opened up about how she didn’t know where she was going or what she was doing, resulted in Ollie inviting her to their hometown, Harbour Heights. Ollie wanted her help with some stories they were working on, and Eleanor pushed any thoughts out of her mind that this was different than any other job she had worked. She was only a few states over at this point anyway.

    Eleanor arrived in Harbour Heights one night in early July. She splurged on a motel room, having had enough of sleeping in her camper van the last two weeks. She didn’t have enough money to stay there more than a week - if the story Ollie was working on (which they had told her nothing about) took longer than that, she’d be back in the van. Although once she was done, Eleanor would be back on the road, so back in her van regardless. But right now, as she woke up to a peaceful, fog covered view, Eleanor didn’t feel rushed to leave town for what was probably the first time ever.





    character name

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

    character name

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

    character name

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

    character name

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.







    ♡coded by uxie♡

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chloe kingsley.




  • 01.



    chloe kingsley.



    veterinary technician at the local vet’s office.



    twenty five.



    cisgender female.








    135 lbs.


    135 lbs.

    body modifications.

    stud nose piercing on her right nostril, one tattoo on her back.

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dr. charlotte lovelace.
oct 28th, 1995
trauma surgeon / emergency medicine

name. charlotte elizabeth lovelace

nicknames. charlie, char (by some), lottie/lot (only her husband called her this and she gets upset if someone else calls her this)

gender. female

sexuality. straight

new/old resident. both, recently moved back after 11 years

faceclaim. lucy boynton


height. 5’7
hair color. platinum blonde when dyed / dirty blonde naturally
eye color. blue
distinguishing features. freckles
scars. arm scar from surgery and a scar on her forehead from the accident

likes. thriller books, surfing, caffeine, thunderstorms, the beach
dislikes. bridges, being late, feeling helpless, the desert, waking up early without any coffee
hobbies. reading, painting, gardening
fears. bridges, heights
ambitions. to heal her broken heart and give her son the best life.


difficulty trusting others: due to her past trauma and the loss of her husband, charlie struggles with trusting others and letting people in emotionally. she's wary of forming deep connections and often keeps people at arm's length to avoid the risk of being hurt again.

impulsiveness: despite her typically composed demeanor, charlie occasionally struggles with impulsive decision-making, her decisions are usually the correct ones but sometimes end up getting her in trouble.

self-blame: charlie struggles with feelings of guilt and responsibility for the loss of her husband and the trauma she's experienced. she often blames herself for things beyond her control, leading to self-doubt and internal conflict.


compassion: charlie possesses a deep sense of compassion for others, stemming from her experiences. she empathizes with those in need and goes above and beyond to provide comfort and support to her patients and loved ones.

resilience: despite facing adversity and personal tragedy, charlie demonstrates remarkable resilience in the face of challenges. she refuses to be defined by her past and instead uses her experiences as sources of strength, pushing through obstacles with determination and grace.

generosity: charlie demonstrates a generous spirit, both in her professional and personal life. she willingly offers her time, expertise, and resources to help those in need, whether it's volunteering at a local clinic, supporting a colleague in need, or lending a listening ear to a friend. her generosity knows no bounds, as she finds fulfillment in giving back to her community and making a positive impact on the lives of others.
and so she returns,
to the place that was once her home.

charlotte grew up in the small town of harbour heights. she was the youngest child of 4 siblings to her parents elizabeth 'eliza' and thomas holloway. she grew up on the beach which ignited her love for surfing. even though she was the youngest to her 4 older brothers, she was the caretaker of them all. whenever they were hurt, charlie would step in and provide whatever first aid she could. charlie especially fell in love with medicine when her brothers went to the hospital and she got to attend with them. none of her family was in the medical field as her mother was a librarian and her father was a banker.

charlie, went to undergrad at columbia and then duke for med school. while at columbia, she met her future husband, james lovelace, and quickly fell in love with him. james, who was a new english professor, proposed to charlie and then moved with her to north carolina while she attended med school. they got married and only 2 months later, charlie found out she was pregnant. even though it was not optimal timing to have a newborn in med school, she was determined. but, when charlie was 7 months pregnant, the couple went on a weekend trip where there was a bridge collapse. their car was on the edge of the collapse and nearly ended up in the river. james sustained crush injuries. charlotte had a nasty concussion, a broken arm, and multiple cuts and contusions. charlotte provided aide where she could, even trying to get james out. james made it to the hospital alive, but the trauma team was unable to save him. the experience of losing her husband in such a sudden and traumatic event, coupled with her own survival and the desire to help others in similar situations, solidified charlie's resolve to specialize in trauma surgery. soon after, her son, atlas was born. she left north carolina and did her internship and residency in boston at boston medical center.

now, back in harbour heights, temporarily living with her parents, she has become the main doctor at the hospital. she spends the majority of the time in the er and does the rare trauma surgery when required.

why did you become a doctor?
"I became a doctor because I've always been drawn to the idea of helping others, especially since my older brothers were in and out of the ER with a variety of sports related injuries. But my journey into medicine took on a deeper meaning after the tragedy of the bridge collapse. Losing James was devastating, but it also opened my eyes to the importance of skilled medical care. I knew then that I wanted to dedicate my life to saving others, to honoring James's memory by making a difference in the world."
Why are you working in the ER?
"The ER is where lives hang in the balance, where split-second decisions can mean the difference between life and death. With James, one of those calls meant death. After surviving the bridge collapse myself, I felt a calling to the fast-paced environment that is the ER, knowing that in here, I could make a real impact. Working in the ER allows me to use my skills to help those who need it most, to be there in their darkest moments and provide a glimmer of hope. Something that wasn't given to me."
what is your relationship statue?
"I'm a widow"."
how do you feel coming back to harbour heights?
"mixed emotions. I always wanted to show james my hometown but never got to, but now our son will get to grow up here around his grandparents and uncles."
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© weldherwings.
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  • no one is coming to save you, get up.

    full name

    isabella aleja edison










    mechanic, drug dealer, and underground fighter.


    jan 19th, 2005



    five feet and eight inches


    her hair is naturally brown, but she has recently dyed it black. it's about to her mid-back but she likes to trim it at times as it does grow fast and she doesn't like it long. Isa depending on her mood, will have it up in a ponytail or down straight.


    greenish, changes colors with mood.


    Isa is thick, with abs as she runs and works out from time to time to keep in shape. She also takes martial arts, and different fighting classes so in case she does get attack by a customer, she is prepared.

    dist. features


    body modifications

    a few tattoos, gauges, and nose piercing


    Marshmello ft. Demi Lovato



    and suddenly life isn't about living, it's about surviving

    Isabella likes to say she's a badass but in reality, she's a giant teddy bear whose closet just has the colors of black and various dark colors. She is protective over her friends and considers them her family. Because of her family life, she doesn't trust easily and only tells the few people she knows and trusts about her home life which has gotten better. She is a kind and sweet girl once you break down her walls, it's not her fault that they are built so high, her life has taught her that life is hard, and people aren't always good. She is independent and doesn't like to accept the help of others, she thinks that makes her a charity case. She hates feeling like that

    : quiet - distrustful - troublemaker - sarcastic

    : brave + intelligent + dependable + protective


    her chosen family + chocolate milk + milk in general + pineapples + music


    bullies - people - strawberries - school



    the start

    Isabella was born as Isabella Edison, an orphan, abandoned at the hospital when she was born. She was put into the system and bounced back and forth from foster homes. Either she was kicked out because they didn't have room for her or she was kicked out because of her behavior. Even when she behaved in her foster homes, never wanted her around, and sometimes even abused her. She hated to go to school so she just ran and explored the town. If she didn't want you to know where she went, you wouldn't.

    Some foster homes were good and some weren't. Some didn't care if she ate or not, so at the age of 12, she decided to work as a drug dealer/runner. It was a way she knew to feed herself.

    the end

    At the age of 13, before she found something to believe in. She was taken into correctional jail for teens skipping schools and selling. She stayed there for a good year and a half. The good was overshadowed by the bad so much that Isabella gave up. Until she met Veronica Rose. Her last foster home was not good, not good at all and she was broken physically and mentally. She was 14 and still had no place or nobody to turn to. Nobody wanted her either since she was known around town as a huge troublemaker. They were scared to take in someone like her. Then Veronica appeared and took her in. She was a strong single woman, she never asked about Isa's past or where she went when she wasn't at school. She gave her space to heal and trust her. Which was all that she wanted. She learned to trust the woman and felt like calling her mom. She was her hero but she had long given up on adoption.

    A year and a half went past and she was still a foster kid, and not a Rose. Veronica had been sneaking talks around her and social workers showing up. Isabella figured that Veronica had enough and was ready to let her go. She had been in and out of the correctional jail for teens since Veronica had gotten her and she might have been too much trouble. She had enough of foster homes for a while and wasn't about to go to a group home. So she ran. She ran far away, not caring where she was going as long as it was far away from there, she was only 16 years old. It was 2 months of living on the streets until someone found her. It was Veronica. She dragged her back to her home. While in the car, they didn't talk, just a few mutters from Veronica.

    She was muttering about how she has been looking for her everywhere, and that she had been freaking worried. She had never known someone who chased after her and was stunned. Isabella made the mistake of saying your home and not hers and ended up getting shouted at by Veronica. Screaming how she was planning to ask her if she wanted to be a part of the family and that everything was ready. She cried right then and there. They got home, and Isa was hugged by Veronica once they both got out of the car so tightly that she felt like the woman thought that she would disappear if she let go but she did let go.

    For the next two years, Isabella lived as a Rose. She was a total troublemaker, most of the time driving her adoptive mother crazy. She would get told off by her mother but still have a loving home at the end of the day. Still, there was this little voice inside of her, telling her that she didn't want her, or she just took pity on her. She always had this deep fear that Veronica or Ma, who started to call her would send her back to the foster system the second, she became too much for her. Her worst situation came to life when her mother told her that she had been offered a job as the chief of a hospital in a different state. She couldn't tell her mother that they couldn't go because she knew that this was the woman's dream. So she told her to go. Only, even after telling her to go, her mother didn't even try to fight her to leave. Even when she told her that she would stay in this town, her mother let her go without even a second thought.

    This brought the truth to light. Her mother had gotten tired of her. Of her troublemaking ways, of her not trusting her, of her just being Isa. Even after leaving town, her mother barely spoke with her, and when she did, she sounded uncaring. Not like the woman, that raised her for the past couple of years. That chased after her. It was like the woman had given up on her daughter. Given up on Isa. Isa deciding that enough was enough, went back to her troublemaking ways full stop. She stopped trying to be the person that she was trying to be and started being herself. She went back to being called Isabella Edison. She dropped out of high school and succumbed to her addictions. She did everything to get her next high. She was tossed around and hurt. She was used. She went back into the system and that just made everything worse. She kept running away, and that was how Callum, one of the underground street fighters found her. High and out of her mind, for some reason he took her in and helped her get better.

    He introduced her to the world of street fighting. Giving her outlet for her anger but it wasn't before long that something else or someone else gave her the strength to fight as well. It turns out that she was pregnant. Unknown who the baby daddy was, or when she got pregnant. She decided to keep it. So when she was 17, Jasmine Rose was born. And she became Isa's whole world. To Isa, Jasmine was her entire reason for fighting. She kept rising in the ranks of the underground fighting world while going home to see that baby girl hers.


    jasmine tanya edison

    This little girl is her whole entire world. She would do anything for her, and loves her to death.

    adoptive son

    Cole Brady

    Her other child. She met Cole when they were kids and they had stuck together ever since. Cole is older then her, but has a mind of a child which she loves to death. She protected him growing up and will keep protecting him from now on. She loves her son with all her heart and will do anything for him.

    best friend

    name here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

    crushing on anyone?


    dream job

    own her own mechanic shop




    ♡coded by uxie♡

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Jack Grainger


  • requisite.

    full name

    jack elliot grainger.


    forty six.


    cisgender male.




    mechanic at sinclair auto.

    residency status

    new resident.





    hair colour

    dirty blonde with naturally lighter blonde and red highlights.


    charlie hunnan .

♡coded by uxie♡
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  • scroll
    full name
    astrid cho
    date of birth
    September 24th
    criminal lawyer
    Left but moved back
    Adeline Rudolph
    Is it romantic how all my elegies eulogize me?
    A red rose grew up out of ice frozen ground
    Astrid was born as the only daughter of Eric Cho and Lauren Lee making her part of the second generation of Korean Americans in her family. Born and raised in Harbour Heights, her father was a cardiologist while her mother was a corporate lawyer, so you could say that while growing up Astrid had a good living situation, since she was a kid her parents prioritized her education, they wanted their daughter to be the best at her class and excel in every field, so private lessons and extracurriculars such as piano and fencing became part of her daily routine to achieve success.

    Since she was young she always knew what she wanted to do as she was interested in her mother's job and her dislike of blood that surpassed more than just a simple cut or bruises made it obvious that she wasn't made for medicine. With a goal in mind she did her best to achieve it at school she was always at the top of her class, and she still managed to have a proliferous life as a pianist and a fencer although it wasn't something that she saw herself living of it, she was passionate about the two and the joy of the competitions and winning them was a pleasant satisfaction for her.

    After high school, she managed to be accepted in her 3 top choices Harvard, Brown, and Princeton, deciding to attend Harvard as if it was her top choice and the university she always dreamed of attending leaving behind her life in Harbour Heights in pursue of her dream. She majored in political science and was part of the fencing team at Harvard, after she graduated she took and passed the exam for Harvard Law School on her first try after graduating she moved back to Harbour Heights after getting a job in an important law firm.
    the lakes
    taylor swift
    Take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die
    coded by stardust galaxy
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the wild one.




  • 01.



    dallas beck



    dal, dally, beck, beckie (only her mom calls her this), becks



    twenty three - january 9th.



    female - bi-curious



    sub art teacher new in town.



    five foot seven inches


    dallas has a slender but athletic build, she has light blue eyes, tan skin, and platinum blonde hair. she has a few tattoos.


    kennedy walsh.

♡coded by uxie♡

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Nova Price

Basic Information: 1715443122312.png

  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 22
  • Height: 5'2
  • Weight: 120lbs
  • Face Claim: Lily Chee

1715443174926.pngFamily Life:
  • Mother: Olivia Price
  • Father: James Price
  • Background:
    • Her parents are still together, and she sees them a bit as a inspiration for what she wants her relationship to be like. Since Nova is a single child she got her parents attention and they always listened to her. In return it seemed she also learned to listen to people. Now she works as a physiatrist helping as many people as she can.

  • Virtues:

    • Optimistic
    • Energetic
    • Listener
    • Humble
    • Caring/generous
  • Vices:

    • Impulsive
    • Aggressive
    • Naïve
    • Childish
    • Arrogance
  • Overall description:
    • She is on the volleyball team as the libro, and has a stong belief in teamwork. She tends to be naive and wants the best for everyone even if in times that isnt possible. On the other hand she also doesnt have a filter and says the first thing that comes out her mouth. Nova is very loud and out going, she loves to vist new places meet new people. Her life consists of always doing something she seems to be unable to just relax.


  • Reading
  • Volleyball (Libro)
  • Music
  • Working out
  • Shell collector
  • Likes:

    • She Enjoys going to parties and anywhere where there is many people around
    • Loves going to the gym since she likes pushing herself.
    • Likes watching the sunset with friends
  • Dislikes:

    • People who are dishonest
    • People who abuse her kindness, or just try to use her
    • hates sitting around doing nothing, she always feels like she needs to do something.

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  • Logan Josiah Reed




coded by mountainpost

  • Micah Lanier




coded by mountainpost
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  • Daniel Lockridge




coded by mountainpost
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  • Chloe Jean Reed




coded by mountainpost
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  • vinny.

    I want to believe

    in the meantime

    character name

    Vicente Diego Martinez


    Vin, Vinny


    Stockboy at Sprouts Grocery/Martial Arts Instructor at the local strip mall dojo





♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡







  • 01.



    marley marie pierce.



    she only ever really goes by mar.



    twenty three.



    cisgender female.



    pansexual, panromantic.





    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis hendrerit fringilla justo volutpat consectetur. Maecenas quis dui quis neque fringilla tincidunt nec in arcu. Pellentesque aliquam nulla interdum velit tristique auctor. Maecenas urna nibh, vehicula vel tempus quis, semper vitae velit.



♡coded by uxie♡

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Eric Walsh.
The Rock Star.
San Jose, CA.

185 lbs.
Long, dark, curly, and largely unkempt.
body type
Average-ish, kinda stocky.
body modifications
Countless tiny tattoos dot his skin, with many more ideas floating around in his head.
Aaron Taylor-Johnson.
Here I am, on a road again
tw: brief mention of drug use, mention of harmful thoughts

The former frontman of Corporate Whore, with his raspy voice, wild guitar solos, and raw stage presence, was known to electrify a crowd. Years of touring and living a hippie lifestyle, have, in turn, taken a toll on him. Eric's all but burnt out at this point in his career at only thirty-one. The bags under his eyes and the untamed beard on his face age him. All of the late nights fueled by cocaine and whiskey have added up to a perpetual storm cloud hanging over his head. Eric's usually a recluse when he's not on tour, and is pretty quiet when not behind a microphone, but get him talking about classic rock and you'll have to beg him to shut up.

He's cut ties with his former bandmates, so don't expect a reunion any time soon, if ever. And relationships? Please, he's destined to be alone forever. He doesn't even care to hookup with anyone these days, though in his younger days, particularly around the time of Probation Vacation and Living In Analog, he was known to get around. But he's changed now. Eric's clean from drugs and alcohol, with no interest in pursuing those pesky habits anymore. He has no need to go back on the road any time soon - he's saved most of the money he's earned over the years and has a nice little security cushion to fall back on.

Eric hopes and prays that he won't get recognized here in Harbor Heights. He honestly just wants to be left alone. Please just leave him to his own devices, because he's tired. He should have been dead a long time ago, a member of the 27 Club, perhaps. But, for some reason, he's still here, looking for purpose and meaning to his rocky life.
Antiquing, blues music.
Classic literature, drive-in movies.
Exploring, fishing.
Graphic novels, handwritten letters.
Art, baking.
Coffee, diners.
Excessive noise, farmers' markets.
Greed, heatwaves.
tw: death in childbirth

Thirty-one years ago, a baby, Eric Benjamin Walsh, was born. Thirty-one years ago, Pamela Walsh, died after giving birth to Eric, alone in a gas station bathroom. She had gone into septic shock and couldn't get to anyone in time. This left the parenting up to Pamela's ex-boyfriend, Brian McCall, who really didn't want to have a child in the first place. But he manned up and decided to do it anyway - a poor attempt, in all actuality. That doesn't mean that Brian didn't try, however. He put in the effort, but as Eric grew up, the tension between father and son continued to grow. Eric blamed Brian for letting Pamela die. Brian felt horrible for not supporting her through the pregnancy (he dumped her when she revealed that he had gotten her pregnant). But neither the blame or the regret could bring her back. She was gone, and there was no way that they could ever get her back.

Eric dropped out of high school at 17. He didn't need it - he was going to make it as a rock star. And his determination paid off, somewhat - he was able to form a band, Corporate Whore, which caught the attention of a subsidiary of a major record label the next year. Their first album, Glamor Nightmare, did surprisingly well (though it didn't reach the level of success that a mainstream band would typically expect to receive), and Corporate Whore went on the road. Two years later, their sophomore album, Probation Vacation, pulled in similar numbers, and Eric was touring again. Two years passed, and so did their third album, Living in Analog. Guess what Eric did? Go back on the road, of course! The cycle repeated for their fourth, fifth, and sixth albums, Sample Size, Real Nice, and Lowdown.

Corporate Whore broke up after Lowdown failed to live up to expectations, leaving Eric to write more alternative rock songs with lyrical allegories referring back to his 'deadbeat' father and his late mother. He only dropped a five song EP before the label dropped him altogether. And so he went on the road, albeit solo this time. He's just now played his final show for this 'tour' of sorts. Wanting a break from the spotlight, he landed in Harbor Heights only a couple of weeks ago, and has been keeping a low profile ever since.
love language
Quality time
fun facts
Occupation: Unemployed
Ambitions: ...what ambitions?
Turn The Page - Bob Seger

coded by Stardust Galaxy

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