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Fandom Latchkey Kids - Character Sheets



The Purple Soul
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Full Name
  • You can choose between a full middle name, or just a middle initial.
  • The surname for this character must be Locke.

  • I would prefer a written description, with the mandatory inclusion of height, weight, hair and eye color. You can include reference images, but they shouldn't be A.I.
  • This is just a one-sentence highlight of the character's personality, since I'd like personalities to shine through the story.
Likes & Dislikes
Hobbies & Habits
Strengths & Weaknesses

  • You can go into the past of the character as much as you want, but make sure to include details of why this particular Locke's family chose the inheritance choice.
Immediate Family Members
  • For each immediate family member, please include a brief full name, age, appearance, personality, and the relationship with the actual player character.

Chellise B. Locke



NAME Chellise B. Locke


AGE 15

Tall and lanky this girl is a pot hole on a paved road measuring a great height of 5"9" at only 15, her weight hardly hitting 120LB she is a string bean of opinions and teen angst. Her skin tanned to a golden brown covered in freckles from head to toe; she tends to appear dressed in loose fitting t-shirts and any variation of legging, basketball shorts or boyfriend jeans. Her hair has been cropped in a short unkempt mane of deep chocolate brown that from the angles and lack of symmetry looks like it may have been unwillingly sheered..? On her neck she sports a work of art, displaying a circular wall that has begun to crumble under the strangling grip of a vine that in its depiction would put the strength of Jack's bean stock to shame. Her frame is hardly revealing that of her gender as she had taken more of her father boyish frame as opposed to her mother ample silhouette. Her build as a result from a rough start in life, thin and muscular from working, and running either with or from people. Her ears boast enough metal in them to build a rickety shack if you tried hard enough, accompanied by her bull tamer as her grandmother would put it and her glasses that are basically the size of window panes that practically never leave her face casting her dusty grey eyes lined in thick short lashes in a haze from the scratches that they have accumulated over time.


Traviesa. A pot stirrer that will push people to the point of disgust only to step down and diffuse the issues she created- Usually before any irreparable damage can come of it.

Grandmother: Welo Tempst Locke, 66 years young her thin frame a towering 6'0" each inch seeming to be the center of sophistication and full of contempt for those who do not learn from their actions. Her hair is a long white thinning wreath pinned in a old 1950's bun. If pride and sophistication could be turned to cash this woman would be a millionaire.

Father: Xavier Duke Locke. Aging a ripe 42, unlike his mother he is fairly shorter sporting an androgynous look of his own, coming up to 5'7" he only differs from his child by 2 inches and about 75LB of muscle. His hair a deep brown nearly seeming red in some light he is a man of silence not much is known as he only shows himself at dinner and morning coffee before work.

Mother: Alexis Prim Locke. Aged a youthful 30 Alexis is a moment of weakness that Xavier had dealt with the repercussions for for the past 16 years. A tiny woman in stature never growing past 5'1" boasts a dramatically curvy frame of a housewife that is only really depicted in men-flicks. Every particle on this woman seems to ooze rage as she is a fighter physical and verbal. Not a day goes by where she is not screaming or breaking something in a fit of rage over something she would not remember once she had taken some "medical assistance"


Chellise is an outcome of a moment of weakness and lack of foresight her father had when her mother was young. Chellise has spent her days in chilly Chicago being told by her mother and grandmother she is a mistake that should have been unwound before she had been born. Her father a faithful man since that night has had no ill will to his child, not to say he protected her from her own family, but the effort of him not hating her very existence made him a oasis of comfort in a desert of disgust. When she was a child she lived with her father and grandmother. As for her mother, she would come and go for years demanding money or stealing it, before coming to join the home and be a housewife after being told she would not get a dime more. "The debt had been repaid.", which tragically it could never truly be repaid in what she lost of her future. All the while her grandmother and father worked to the bone; their only finish line being a death certificate. After finding the invitation Chellise ran, leaving everyone and everything behind hoping to find what she is looking for outside of the toxic grasp of her childhood home in the slums.

LIKES Long conversations, Chicken pasta, quiet nights with no streetlights
DISLIKES Needles (ironic), Fish, Crowded cities, open ended arguments.
FEARS Deep water
HOBBIES/HABBITS Thumbs are always thumping on something, desk, leg, book. She enjoys sitting in silence watching the world go by and imagining people lives as they pass giving them their own stories she made up on a whim.
STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES Strength: Physical stamina for days. Her comeback speed could use some work for sure.


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