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Fandom (Glitch Techs Xpanded Universe) GTX: Gnu Fork

"Flanked by a Few Competitors", "Megamass Rocket Manager for Portals Millennium Edition" 3.2.2 New
  • "Yeah." the deliveryman said, and called up an AugReal VidWindow that displayed a login screen with a big ciurcle labelled PLACE HAND HERE TO LOGIN WITH YOUR HIVERSE ID.

    Once the package had been signed for, the deliveryman wheeled in a large cardboard box labelled "CAUTION: CONTAINS TELECOMMUTING DROID" and "THIS SIDE UP AT ALL TIMES" into the shared apartment which was now technically being rented out via BeeWork starting at the end of the month, the Hinobi Real Estate Branch that was actually a cover for the Contractor Techs that Hinobi now relied on in certain locations.

    "Fourth roommate. She's in Texas, you'll be working with her starting tomorrow via her telecommute." the deliveryman explained. "You have a closet or something? It needs to be plugged in to charge, some sort of custom rig built using practically ancient hardware components."
    Spiro placed his hand in the big circle, once his log-in was confirmed the deliveryman wheeled in the large cardboard box.

    (i'll get to work on the council post soon)
    "Flanked by a Few Competitors", 3.3.0 "Sphenux Red Hat"
  • Pentifer just rolled his eyes and looked out the windows. "OY! DO YOU LOT WANT ME TO JUST GIVE UP?" He shouted loudly at the glitch-techs, quietly starting to make his way to the back of the train while his larger friend clung to the top for dear life, cheering like a child.
    "...Jeez, Blix really does like flight." He grumbled.
    "Flanked by a Few Competitors", 3.3.1 "Newsboy Sphenux"
  • Pentifer just rolled his eyes and looked out the windows. "OY! DO YOU LOT WANT ME TO JUST GIVE UP?" He shouted loudly at the glitch-techs, quietly starting to make his way to the back of the train while his larger friend clung to the top for dear life, cheering like a child.
    "...Jeez, Blix really does like flight." He grumbled.
    "Eep." iQ said, white as a ghost.

    "What in the 9th circle of help desks?" DPortEd responded, looking up from his recording device which he was using to gather evidence for the proper authorities. Realizing how important this sudden reveal might be, he quickly scanned Pentifer as well. "That can't be right. You're not Bolypius but you're marked as a Lvl. 8 glitch? iQ, if he was hostile he'd have already attacked. Can you give this Glitch a Voight-Kampff Test?"

    iQ looked nervously over at Pentifer and the larger Glitch accompanying him, hoping to see a sign that Pentifer wasn't a danger in return for doing the same. "You, um... You do think and decide, then... right? M-most of the Glitches we encounter are actually mindless, but... um... none of the mindless ones are Level 8."

    "I think what he means is, Bolypius didn't face the same people in its long existence that you've encountered, and its been the only Glitch of its kind for decades. Whatever it believes, might have been true once but times change. If you're not a harm to anyone, we shouldn't and won't come after you for no reason." Hum explained.
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    "Flanked by a Few Competitors", 3.3.2 "Sphenux Umusa" - Error 416: Range Not Satisfiable
  • Pentifer quietly made a small turn around to look towards Bolypius, seemingly planning something. The Elextrixtr scooted into view on the scooter she commandeered. She was almost preparing to hop up.
    "Flanked by a Few Competitors", 3.3.2 "Sphenux Umusa" - GitHive Issue #4: "Error 416: Range Not Satisfiable"
  • Pentifer quietly made a small turn around to look towards Bolypius, seemingly planning something. The Elextrixtr scooted into view on the scooter she commandeered. She was almost preparing to hop up.
    (It already teleported away.)
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    "Flanked by a Few Competitors", 3.3.3 "Sphenux Umusa"
  • Elextrixtr looked around, hoping to utilise something to launch herself and the scooter she was on into the air.
    "Flanked by a Few Competitors", 3.3.5 "Sphenux Umusa"
  • She spotted a plank of wood that had been resting on two stacks of concrete blocks, one stack of which had collapsed to form a sizable makeshift ramp.
    Elextrixtr aimed exactly for it, even pulling off some sick tricks as she soared through the air from the speed and the ramp.
    "Flanked by a Few Competitors", 3.3.6 "Sphenux Umusa"
  • Elextrixtr aimed exactly for it, even pulling off some sick tricks as she soared through the air from the speed and the ramp.
    The scooter landed on the blue container's roof, loudly enough that Pentifer started paying attention and whirled around 180 to face the seeming interloper.

    Hum rolled his eyes and activated the Portalizer Ray that the player received from the final bosses in the Puzzle-Shooter franchise Window, Window 2 and Window XR: The Labs, three puzzle shooters that took place on the internet and involved an intricately-weaved plot about the RedCorp, BluTech and YelloBank mercenaries trying to kill off a target and the other team before being wiped themselves (each wipe was permanent and allowed the losers to immediately enter a new game while the remainder of the other two teams fought the match to completion on their own). His gauntlet, a virtual hat of a unit called "Father Time's Historical Rhyme", extended the fingers into tiny mechanical arms that created warping in the fabric of space... as little as possible after such disasters as The Isle at Three Mile (a PLixel Research & Development lab on Three Mile Island, still partly operational), the Ghost of Chernobyl (where such a lab is only spoken about in past tense due to being nothing more now than a radioactive crater), and the Aperture Research Facility at Fukushima (which turned the water nearby into boiling orange punch until it was cleaned up)... to create a wormhole to a destination.

    The visibility of PLixel Tech's dangers was more than most techs could be blamed for, even before the previous day Zoe and Gadg8eer were long aware from public sources of the contained but mysterious nature of the Central Korean Forbidden Zone, or of the Great Pacific Game Patch formed by the attempt to convert an oceanic plastic garbage patch the size of Texas into blocks of compressed trash (with dubiously-helpful results in practice). The various categories of b-Waste recyclables had indeed gone through a rise in supply with demand not outstripping it at any time, and the garbage patch had been a huge deal when it was discovered. Plixels, unfortunately, only made that worse; the official report from the investigation made it clear that a typical cleanup program, while slow, would have worked, and the use of PLixels pre-programmed to convert matter into other matter was used so recklessly that it was a wonder they hadn't eaten the whole damn planet. The "charity" known as the Grail Trust - a shell company for carrying out the will of rich puppetmasters - had teamed up with the famous hacker collectives MAC (short for "My Army of Clones") and OnEIRoI ("Online Electronic Independence Rollout Initiative") to "rehabilitate our image", but instead it caused the former group to dissolve entirely with the wealthy "benefactors" mysteriously absent from the world ever since.

    As for the hackers they hired to program the robots that were provided by the generic OEM "Buy 'n' Large", they were not the good guys just for taking down a bunch of rich assholes. The MAC were infamous because - path to immortality or not - nobody liked that each clone that thought similar to the original was allowed to vote (which they indeed always did vote the same). They were composed of an inner circle rumored to be restricted to the original "MyAutarchClone" who is the living brain that was cloned into the other 4 members of the Council of V ('Council of 5'), "MyAmazingChef", "MyAstoundingChaffeur", "MyAntagonisticCounterpart", and "MyAngryChancellor".

    The OnEIRoI were infamous because they had been revealed to have a controlling share in Merchantsoft, the recently-revived brand of a former Hinobi competitor of the late 90s who went bankrupt after Y2K put several people into a coma, until shortly before Y2K when they bought cheap shares in Merchantsoft and then sold them at pump-n-dumped prices before the Hypnospace Mindcrash of 2000 combined with reckless investments caused the value of the shares to plummet. They were likely the ones who screwed up or sabotaged the project, leaving an entire mysterious and strangely uncanny floating "ocean tower" of unknown - if any - purpose anchored to the ocean floor.

    That rat-king of a boondoggle is why there are no longer any attempts to travel through the central Pacific, both by plane and by boat, and why Hinobi's attitude had become more than that of a mere money-seeking corporation. Hinobi was, in many senses, a PMC with a very specialized skillset. Skills honed over a lifetime of playing video games. Skills that make them a nightmare to companies that don't take tech support and customer satisfaction seriously. (If you let my daughter go, you'll never hear from me again, but if you keep her, I will come for you. I will find you. And I will kill you.)

    Hinobi no longer needed to control the world to profit off of it. They'd become a combination publisher, trade school and investment firm to the entire tech industry, and letting the Techs test out new technologies like consumer PLixels while debugging that same kind of tech had barely cost anything even before accounting for the savings from franchising Glitch Tech services to small rural stores. As far as they were concerned, the only plausibly unethical part about the whole thing was that Hinobi paid minimum wage and emphasized the perks rather than make it a sustainable career. That had come back to bite them as gamers grew up and sought other employment or a way to climb the management hierarchy, and Hinobi wasn't capable of supporting a global-scale retirement pension for 15% of the world's population, which meant that, though they weren't willing to admit it just yet, Hinobi was in the process of decentralization; Distributed computing networks like ctOS, the AugReal and the Hiverse were absolutely capable of and intended to reduce hardware reliance on server farms, which were often built in hot open areas that were the worst possible place to build a huge heat-spewing supercomputer and required a vast unused and renewable supply of water to maintain.

    Hinobi had learned what no other tech company had; a business is nothing without the people who run, maintain and interact with it. They took that a little more seriously than even their own bottom line, knowing that to stop entirely would doom everyone.

    So in spite of the above needless prose, the need for quick transportation was great enough that HardModeWarez' gauntlet was extremely efficient. Most portals used about 1 XP per minute ((NOTE: This will manifest as 1 post subtracts 0.01 XP in meta)) with a minimum usage of 1 XP per <1 minute portal. In less than two seconds, he dropped through the gravel of the road and landed on top of the short train beside Elextrixtr, who was seemingly staring Pentifer down for some reason.
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    "Flanked by a Few Competitors", 3.3.7 "Sphenux Umusa"
  • Pentifer stared blankly at Elextrixtr, who was holding the scooter like a weapon.
    "... Are you mentally okay?" He asked her, raising an eyebrow before just backed off.
    "Flanked by a Few Competitors", 3.3.9 "Sphenux Umusa"
  • "I- yeah. Are... are you Pentifer?" she asked, a bit shaken.

    "Whoa, whoa, easy there," Hum said disarmingly, gesturing downward with his arms. "Come on, you're not gonna get anywhere trying to beat the crap out of him with a scooter. I don't know who you are, but I know you're a Tech, and if they gave you that gauntlet, that means there's someone who trusts you to use your head."

    He turned to look at Pentifer.

    "And right now, my head is telling me that the three of us need to talk. But not here. I have a feeling Grand Forks Short Line is going to have a few questions about their missing train, and I don't want to be here when they do. That..."

    He made his way to the front of the train and looked over the controls, then reached into one of his many pockets and pulled out an HCP. Ominous yellow sparks jumped forth from a long crack along its top as he held it between his fingers.

    "...and I'm not about to let tomorrow's headline be 'train crash, three die in fireball'."
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    "Flanked by a Few Competitors", 3.3.10 "Sphenux Umusa"
  • "Whoa, whoa, easy there," Hum said disarmingly, gesturing downward with his arms. "Come on, you're not gonna get anywhere trying to beat the crap out of him with a scooter. I don't know who you are, but I know you're a Tech, and if they gave you that gauntlet, that means there's someone who trusts you to use your head."

    He turned to look at Pentifer.

    "And right now, my head is telling me that the three of us need to talk. But not here. I have a feeling Grand Forks Short Line is going to have a few questions about their missing train, and I don't want to be here when they do. That..."

    He made his way to the front of the train and looked over the controls, then reached into one of his many pockets and pulled out an HCP. Ominous yellow sparks jumped forth from a long crack along its top as he held it between his fingers.

    "...and I'm not about to let tomorrow's headline be 'train crash, three die in fireball'."
    Pentifer gave a gentle nod to Elextrixtr before quietly attempting to grab the nearest pole to try and stop the train from going any further by fashioning together some sort of makeshift anchor.
    "Flanked by a Few Competitors", 3.3.11 "Sphenux Umusa"
  • Pentifer gave a gentle nod to Elextrixtr before quietly attempting to grab the nearest pole to try and stop the train from going any further by fashioning together some sort of makeshift anchor.
    The pole was just the guard rail on the external walkway of the locomotive, but it certainly wasn't designed for the digital - if surprisingly empathetic - demon's superhuman strength, bending and breaking off surprisingly easy. Unfortunately, this wasn't the kind of cartoon where nuclear material routinely ended up stuck to a balding man's back for half the intro, so after Pentifer shoved the bar deep into the ground as a form of anchor, it simply pulled him clean off the train entirely, leaving the two techs onboard, possibly face-palming if they understood the intent.
    "Flanked by a Few Competitors", 3.3.12 "Sphenux Umusa" New
  • The pole was just the guard rail on the external walkway of the locomotive, but it certainly wasn't designed for the digital - if surprisingly empathetic - demon's superhuman strength, bending and breaking off surprisingly easy. Unfortunately, this wasn't the kind of cartoon where nuclear material routinely ended up stuck to a balding man's back for half the intro, so after Pentifer shoved the bar deep into the ground as a form of anchor, it simply pulled him clean off the train entirely, leaving the two techs onboard, possibly face-palming if they understood the intent.
    Pentifer let out a loud annoyed yell.
    "AW CMON! I WAS HOPING THAT WOULD WORK!" His complains faded into the distance as he slid down.
    Elextrixtr almost died laughing.
    "Did he think this was some cartoon or something?!" She tried to say between laughs. After a few seconds she calmed down and planned something. "I'll try and find a way to slow the train down to non-life-threatening levels. Try and see if you can figure out a way to get Pentifer back on here. He may be a glitch or demon or whatever but he's pretty cool." She instructed calmly before quietly looking around for a way to slow the train down.
    "Flanked by a Few Competitors", 3.3.1 "Ink OS System 3 for the Quill Citrus 810"
  • “You probably expected more from me IRL. And maybe you would’ve gotten it, but being told to my face that a core part of my personality won’t be satisfied no matter how hard I work because the ‘human body can’t take it’ is, shockingly, not the best method to put someone who’s known for shouting at video games in a good mood.”Zoe says, one hand in her pocket and the other dragging her bat. She then leaned on the side of the bridges railing.

    “I’m indifferent to whether you’re still a fan. I’m not the type to get on my knees and beg or apologize if you’re dissatisfied. You’ve watched my streams, and I never claim to be any less pissy in real life than I am when I’m on stream.” Zoe adds, eyes on her bat as she tossed it up and flipped it several times, catching it each time.

    “I kept up saving up my money and building my life as a streamer, and I get told on my first day of my first real job from a source that isn’t programmed to lie that my efforts are following an unattainable goal..”

    “I’ll never meet her cold digital embrace. Not in any way that matters.” When Zoe talked like this, she was talking about one person only, or rather than one person, a character, one from a game she had spent 25,000 dollars on crowdfunding.
    "Those scammers at GotSee really did hurt you, then." Tobi recognized, remembering the tale of how ZoeIRL spent $25,000 to back the indie dev GotSee Games' then-new project, Skullchicks. For reasons apparently related to practicality and obligation, when the company needed $25000 more than they thought to make the game itself they essentially took it and made the game without even trying to fulfill the promise of making a character in the game based on the $25k pledge Zoe had contributed.

    "Eh?" Juan said, confused and clueless.

    "I don't want to be insensitive, so... what am I missing here? I don't watch games, I play them." Gadg8eer pointed out, "I didn't realize there's a thing you're still dealing with, I'm sorry. If you want to rant, I'm willing to listen, I get this isn't turning out as well as we hoped."

    Net: Thursday, 12028-06-29 @313 and Local: Wednesday, 2028-06-28 @ 11:30 PM PST flashed in the corner of Gadg8eer's HUD as he said this, since XR devices could detect if a conversation was occurring and give a silent notification to avoid interrupting anyone.
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    "Flanked by a Few Competitors", 3.3.2 "Ink OS System 3 for the Quill Citrus 810"
  • "I don't want to be insensitive, so... what am I missing here? I don't watch games, I play them." Gadg8eer pointed out, "I didn't realize there's a thing you're still dealing with, I'm sorry. If you want to rant, I'm willing to listen, I get this isn't turning out as well as we hoped."
    "First, I have to explain, if I haven't already, that I have whats called a Bardiel complex. it was defined officially in the late 2010's by Dr. Heinz Vulcasson, named after the subject he studied who was only referred to by their legal username 'BardielOfNine'. It's a term for people who have an unusual obsession with merging themselves with technology, via brain-uploading or brain jarring. It's derivative of a similar type of physiological dysphoria that people who are transgender feel, albeit it's wholly artificial and created by circumstances of modern society. It's derivative of being raised in such an advanced culture. The human brain hasn't evolved on the level that technology has. So some people are born with the predisposition to become enamored with VR and AR equipment, likely as an unintentional elastic reaction of the human genome." She begins. "Basically, whether it be through mind uploading or literally merging my body into a wetware CPU, I don't like that I'm human and I want to get out of my skin."

    "But Hinobi, the great and powerful company that it is, told us going forwards that the brain uploading project got canned. You remember that part of the tutorial right? Their fucking mascot told me that everything I've been wanting is a total fantasy..."

    "It's not just being told that 2 years of your life were erased from your memory, it's being told that what you've been working towards for 15 fucking years ever since you first jacked into a VR device is entirely meaningless."
    "Those scammers at GotSee really did hurt you, then." Tobi recognized, remembering the tale of how ZoeIRL spent $25,000 to back the indie dev GotSee Games' then-new project, Skullchicks. For reasons apparently related to practicality and obligation, when the company needed $25000 more than they thought to make the game itself they essentially took it and made the game without even trying to fulfill the promise of making a character in the game based on the $25k pledge Zoe had contributed.
    "As for Skullchicks, you're misinformed. The situation is a lot different than just not fulfilling their promise." She begins. "My 25,000 dollars were the maximum tier for support in the kickstarter. They raised 825,000 dollars, but 25,000 of those were mine. My fans know it, and I know it, that I'm enamored with the game, I play it once every week sometimes for hours at a time... And that's the problem, because they made the game, and they were going to fulfill the promise made to me, to put my character in the game as the narrative love interest of the final boss... But... How do I say this..."

    "GotSee stole the game from it's creators. It was a raging politically-fueled takeover that involved framing an innocent autistic man for sexual harassment and forcing the departure of an artist with leagues of talent beyond anyone else working on the project."

    "I defended Reggie T. as I should've, so the art featuring the character that Antonio Admus made for me, is no longer in the game, nor is any mention of her in the game's backstory. She was written out entirely. They only kept Charlotte because she's the final boss and is core to the plot."

    "If I could've uploaded my mind, I could leave you all alone and go and spend time in cyberspace with the only girl I've ever loved, a girl who's not even real."

    "And I can't have that. So I guess the best case scenario is that a copy of the game glitches and I run away with her. Though I assume Hinobi bugged a killswitch into this fake body of mine after the tutorial. Even if they're working towards the greater good, they're still corpo bastards so I have very little reason to trust them."

    "So there's the reason why I'm inclined to kill every glitch I see. Animal or not, someone has to suffer for my pain, and it's not gonna be me or anyone who has the legal grounds to stop me."
    "Flanked by a Few Competitors", 3.3.3 "Ink OS System 3 for the Quill Citrus 810"
  • "First, I have to explain, if I haven't already, that I have whats called a Bardiel complex. it was defined officially in the late 2010's by Dr. Heinz Vulcasson, named after the subject he studied who was only referred to by their legal username 'BardielOfNine'. It's a term for people who have an unusual obsession with merging themselves with technology, via brain-uploading or brain jarring. It's derivative of a similar type of physiological dysphoria that people who are transgender feel, albeit it's wholly artificial and created by circumstances of modern society. It's derivative of being raised in such an advanced culture. The human brain hasn't evolved on the level that technology has. So some people are born with the predisposition to become enamored with VR and AR equipment, likely as an unintentional elastic reaction of the human genome." She begins. "Basically, whether it be through mind uploading or literally merging my body into a wetware CPU, I don't like that I'm human and I want to get out of my skin."

    "But Hinobi, the great and powerful company that it is, told us going forwards that the brain uploading project got canned. You remember that part of the tutorial right? Their fucking mascot told me that everything I've been wanting is a total fantasy..."

    "It's not just being told that 2 years of your life were erased from your memory, it's being told that what you've been working towards for 15 fucking years ever since you first jacked into a VR device is entirely meaningless."
    "Wait, aren't VR headsets wireless? Or is that a New 20s slang term?" he stated. Each and every decade had it's own style, from the Gay (18)90s and the Interbellum 20s, to the Dirty 30s of the Great Depression, to the Americana and Futurism of the 50s and 60s, to the grim past of the smog-choked and crime-ridden 1970s (often depicted with lots of explosions and partial nudity), to the extensive pop-culture of the 1980s and 1990s, to aborted decades like the Y2K era, to the gold-plated 2000s, and finally the yellow-magenta-cyan of the 2010s and 2020s.

    You'd think that implied the 2020s were just a continuation of the 2010s, but in reality the two were very different. In 2008, a point-and-click adventure game by Andy Hushrew called Skyscrapped was released, a F2P game funded by cosmetics and merch that defined much of the 2010s with slang like "...ALL the X. All of them." and "Sylladex" and "What pumpkin?". A spiritual sequel called Othertale, made by Tony Weasley, came out in 2015. The decade of the 2010s had also been dramatically determined by the Novel Comics' Cinematic Universe, the reboot of the 80s toy-merch cartoon Optimares: The Matrix of Teamwork, games such as Courtknight and IMPOSTER, and by the election of a certain individual who will go unnamed into an important public office.

    Meanwhile, the 2020s were mostly informed by the ONLY significant game release of the co.vid period, Gridrunner 2020 (a cyberpunk game based off the 1980s tabletop RPG Gridrunner 2007). Seemingly from nowhere, the only traces of the Neo Cyberpunk subculture of the 2020s that predated Gridrunner 2020 were the use of yellow, cyan and magenta in Dreampunk album covers of the 2010s (such as that of Coffee Shoppe by "ゼノブ内 mona frank inkwell 413") and the original cyberpunk genre of the 1980s and early 1990s, but many expensive electronic devices made now (aside from retro transparent or colored plastic, used in devices made in the Y2K era or in the "Y2Kei" style that were also popular) used the industrial future technology theme popularized by it and by the controversial but successful space MMO Star Captain. It seemed both major tech geeks Zoe knew best - Dee and Gadg8eer - were into the latter, while Zoe herself had bought into the former. Much like "whiggers" in the 2000s acted towards Rap and Hip-Hop, the Neo Cyberpunk subculture liked to fancy itself a "poor man's revolution" by using heavy urban slang inspired by the Gridrunners setting like "Choom" and "Jack in".

    Indeed, it was as Gadg8eer expected; though VR headsets worked via EEG (electroencephalography) and PLixel tech, the words "Jack in" were often used in reference to logging into the Hiverse, usually with either unashamedly selfish or anti-establishment intent.

    "As for Skullchicks, you're misinformed. The situation is a lot different than just not fulfilling their promise." She begins. "My 25,000 dollars were the maximum tier for support in the kickstarter. They raised 825,000 dollars, but 25,000 of those were mine. My fans know it, and I know it, that I'm enamored with the game, I play it once every week sometimes for hours at a time... And that's the problem, because they made the game, and they were going to fulfill the promise made to me, to put my character in the game as the narrative love interest of the final boss... But... How do I say this..."

    "GotSee stole the game from it's creators. It was a raging politically-fueled takeover that involved framing an innocent autistic man for sexual harassment and forcing the departure of an artist with leagues of talent beyond anyone else working on the project."

    "I defended Reggie T./I] as I should've, so the art featuring the character that Antonio Admus made for me, is no longer in the game, nor is any mention of her in the game's backstory. She was written out entirely. They only kept Charlotte because she's the final boss and is core to the plot."

    "If I could've uploaded my mind, I could leave you all alone and go and spend time in cyberspace with the only girl I've ever loved, a girl who's not even real."

    "And I can't have that. So I guess the best case scenario is that a copy of the game glitches and I run away with her. Though I assume Hinobi bugged a killswitch into this fake body of mine after the tutorial. Even if they're working towards the greater good, they're still corpo bastards so I have very little reason to trust them."

    "So there's the reason why I'm inclined to kill every glitch I see. Animal or not, someone has to suffer for my pain, and it's not gonna be me or anyone who has the legal grounds to stop me."
    "Zoe." Gadg8eer said with a serious look in his eyes. "I get why that's awful. I'm satisfied by what I got because the only person I was aiming to please with a PLixelf was me, but getting a PLixelf won't fix an unfulfilled heart, that much I understand about love even though I'm asexual because stories have it all the time and my parents had an honestly near-ideal marriage, so I see the anger and the logic behind your actions. Since it's that important to you, I can get behind revenge on GotSee Studios. Attacking a group though? You can't just say all glitches are bad and always attack them because then it's out of spite. You shouldn't hate a group for individual actions any more than GotSee should have been able to punish you for speaking against them, that's not how revenge works."

    At that moment, the bridge was finally repaired. Net: Thursday, 12028-06-29 @324 and Local: Wednesday, 2028-06-28 @ 11:46 PM PST flashed in the corner of Gadg8eer's HUD. As the other bridge on Central Avenue was already repaired, they now had an open route back to Grand Forks proper.

    "GotSee?" Juan asked as they got into their vans, "The company that ripped me off by never releasing AntSim after I backed it? The company that ruined Fantastar VIII by pissing off their concept artist who still owned all the copyrights? Sure, good luck. Those goddamn bats are such prolific shovelware producers that Hinobi keeps letting them get away with things as long as its not on Hinobi devices, and because its an American company we have no jurisdiction."

    At that moment, Gadg8eer got an idea. "Van, are their any local glitches from GotSee Studios games?"

    "Filtering by criteria... Publisher: GotSee Studios... One result found. Would you like to add it as a waypoint?"

    "No. OPERATOR, phone HardModeWarez."

    "Eep." iQ said, white as a ghost.

    "What in the 9th circle of help desks?" DPortEd responded, looking up from his recording device which he was using to gather evidence for the proper authorities. Realizing how important this sudden reveal might be, he quickly scanned Pentifer as well. "That can't be right. You're not Bolypius but you're marked as a Lvl. 8 glitch? iQ, if he was hostile he'd have already attacked. Can you give this Glitch a Voight-Kampff Test?"

    iQ looked nervously over at Pentifer and the larger Glitch accompanying him, hoping to see a sign that Pentifer wasn't a danger in return for doing the same. "You, um... You do think and decide, then... right? M-most of the Glitches we encounter are actually mindless, but... um... none of the mindless ones are Level 8."

    "I think what he means is, Bolypius didn't face the same people in its long existence that you've encountered, and its been the only Glitch of its kind for decades. Whatever it believes, might have been true once but times change. If you're not a harm to anyone, we shouldn't and won't come after you for no reason." Hum explained.
    "Wait, is the train still moving?" Dave noticed as it started to pick up more speed, clearly the throttle had been set very low.

    At that moment, Hum got a call. "Hello? You want me to what?! Why?!" he responded through his wireless BeePods. "Interesting. I'll tell you what. We'd lose our jobs if we just did it, BUT we might be able to convince Corporate to tell us we should. Let me make a call tomorrow and see what I can do. Bye."

    "Who was that?" DPortEd asked, preparing to chase after the train again by running towards his van and motioning to iQ and Hum to follow.
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    "Flanked by a Few Competitors", 3.3.4 "Ink OS System 3 for the Quill Citrus 810"
  • “Attacking a group though? You can't just say all glitches are bad and always attack them because then it's out of spite. You shouldn't hate a group for individual actions any more than GotSee should have been able to punish you for speaking against them, that's not how revenge works."
    "Why can’t I? Who’s gonna stop me? You? We both know you don’t have the resolve nor the guts to do that. Frankly, I'll hate whoever the hell I want. Ethics of scapegoating be damned. The harder I swing the bat, the better.” Zoe crossed her arms. “My revenge works however the hell i want it to work, because I’m not gonna be happy any other way. I’ll show you. By the time we next meet them, I’ll bash open that level 8 secret Superboss Bolypius fucker’s head alone. Because I’m committed to liberating my personal hell.”

    “Just because you think I shouldn’t, doesn’t mean I won’t. I think GotSee shouldn’tve been a bunch of backstabbing bastards who converted my home terf game and financial labor of love and support to its creators, into a mobile game after the original creators left. But here we are. 7 years and a whole lot of emptiness later. And I still don’t have what I wanted.”
    "Flanked by a Few Competitors", 3.3.5 "Ink OS System 3 for the Quill Citrus 810"
  • "Why can’t I? Who’s gonna stop me? You? We both know you don’t have the resolve nor the guts to do that. Frankly, I'll hate whoever the hell I want. Ethics of scapegoating be damned. The harder I swing the bat, the better.” Zoe crossed her arms. “My revenge works however the hell i want it to work, because I’m not gonna be happy any other way. I’ll show you. By the time we next meet them, I’ll bash open that level 8 secret Superboss Bolypius fucker’s head alone. Because I’m committed to liberating my personal hell.”

    “Just because you think I shouldn’t, doesn’t mean I won’t. I think GotSee shouldn’tve been a bunch of backstabbing bastards who converted my home terf game and financial labor of love and support to its creators, into a mobile game after the original creators left. But here we are. 7 years and a whole lot of emptiness later. And I still don’t have what I wanted.”
    At that moment, Gadg8eer received the first call he'd ever gotten on his relatively new SpyWear XR goggles. He tended to use a device that didn't attach to his face for voice chat, as before becoming part of his PLixelf the device was bulky and unwieldy compared to newer models. This time, since he was the recipient, he extended his thumb and pinkie in a "phone" gesture to answer. "Yeah?"

    "Okay, I notified corporate, they gave the go-ahead." Hum explained, unheard by Zoe. "But for both your sakes I hope you know what you're doing. I don't know Zoe's videos that well but even her dodoFarms thread points out she's the victim here, even if her fans can also be abrasive - Tobi notwithstanding - and I wouldn't want her or you to do anything rash."

    "I'll do my best." Gadg8eer told him, and ended the call. "Van, refresh last scan."

    "Filtering by criteria... Publisher: GotSee Studios... No results found. Would you like to broaden your search area?" the AI responded.

    "Yeah." he told it.

    "Range: Kootenay-Boundary Area. No results. Range: British Columbia. No results. Range: Canada. No Results. Range: North America. No results. Range: The Americas. No Results. Range: Western Hemisphere. No results. Range: Global. No results. 404: Glitch not found. Please refresh the page. If that doesn't work, please try again later." the van explained.

    "Remove the GotSee Studios filter and refresh."

    "Range provided too many results. Please narrow your search area."

    "Scan our jurisdiction."

    "27 results found."

    "Reapply GotSee Studios filter."

    "No results."

    "Now, considering GotSee is a second party developer that has a licence to make games for Hinobi platforms using the Sisyphus Engine, and that clearly Hinobi isn't worried about legal retaliation, what do you think that means?" Gadg8eer asked, giving a playful smirk to let her know he wasn't trying to aggro her.
    Last edited:
    "Flanked by a Few Competitors", 3.3.6 "Ink OS System 3 for the Quill Citrus 810"
  • At that moment, Gadg8eer received the first call he'd ever gotten on his relatively new SpyWear XR goggles. He tended to use a device that didn't attach to his face for voice chat, as before becoming part of his PLixelf the device was bulky and unwieldy compared to newer models. This time, since he was the recipient, he extended his thumb and pinkie in a "phone" gesture to answer. "Yeah?"

    "Okay, I notified corporate, they gave the go-ahead." Arco explained, unheard by Zoe. "But for both your sakes I hope you know what you're doing. I don't know Zoe's videos that well but even her dodoFarms thread points out she's the victim here, even if her fans can also be abrasive - Tobi notwithstanding - and I wouldn't want her or you to do anything rash."

    "I'll do my best." Gadg8eer told him, and ended the call. "Van, refresh last scan."

    "Filtering by criteria... Publisher: GotSee Studios... No results found. Would you like to broaden your search area?" the AI responded.

    "Yeah." he told it.

    "Range: Kootenay-Boundary Area. No results. Range: British Columbia. No results. Range: Canada. No Results. Range: North America. No results. Range: The Americas. No Results. Range: Western Hemisphere. No results. Range: Global. No results. 404: Glitch not found. Please refresh the page. If that doesn't work, please try again later." the van explained.

    "Remove the GotSee Studios filter and refresh."

    "Range provided too many results. Please narrow your search area."

    "Scan our jurisdiction."

    "27 results found."

    "Reapply GotSee Studios filter."

    "No results."

    "Now, considering GotSee is a second party developer that has a licence to make games for Hinobi platforms using the Sisyphus Engine, and that clearly Hinobi isn't worried about legal retaliation, what do you think that means?" Gadg8eer asked, giving a playful smirk to let her know he wasn't trying to aggro her.
    “That I have no end goals left.” She says. “If GotSee is already hurting I’ve got no overarching opponent. Other than bashing the head of that glitch king or whatever it was straight in.”

    “A deep sadness and inadequateness can’t be cured like that. I’d need a personal outlet.”

    “It doesn’t help that every five or six minutes after I say anything I’m getting corrected by one of you absolute nerds…”

    “Jesus fuck… I think I might just go back to streaming… I do not have the patience for this.”
    "Flanked by a Few Competitors", 3.4.0 "Ink OS 4"
  • “That I have no end goals left.” She says. “If GotSee is already hurting I’ve got no overarching opponent. Other than bashing the head of that glitch king or whatever it was straight in.”

    “A deep sadness and inadequateness can’t be cured like that. I’d need a personal outlet.”

    “It doesn’t help that every five or six minutes after I say anything I’m getting corrected by one of you absolute nerds…”

    “Jesus fuck… I think I might just go back to streaming… I do not have the patience for this.”
    Gadg8eer immediately looked sad, because he was. "...I'm sorry. I just... I thought that..." he stopped, and sighed. "Thank you for all the help tonight. I'll be sure to remember you saved my hometown, and... I think I'll miss you. You've been a good friend today, and I didn't think I'd say that when we first met."

    The van stopped at a set of traffic lights on Central Avenue, just east of 2nd Street, to wait for the light color to change. Gadg8eer got an SMS back from HardModeWarez to explain the situation.

    "So, just FYI, it is kind of scary that Hinobi's HGPS can be tampered with at will, but there are apparently moderation logs so it's not like this can just be covered up. The real damage is that the government cares, and that Hinobi's Glitch Positioning System can refuse service to companies like GotSee Studios as a way of saying that Hinobi condemns their actions enough to risk public safety by leaving Glitch containment squarely in the hands of the Intelligence community... the Canadian Secret Intelligence Service and the Central Intelligence Agency in your country... and that's not taken lightly. We're talking Military Intel 64: Agent of Chaos levels of espionage, and yes, the movies are based on actual high-risk black ops even if they never mention the dealing with Glitches part of the job. I get that it doesn't make you feel better about yourself, I just wanted you to know that nobody got hurt that wasn't already risking their reputation by being greedy, and that in a sense you've been avenged. That, and it's still valid for you to stick around as the girl who beats the crap out of glitches that are too stupid to realize this is the real world."

    The light finally turned green and Zoe began driving again. At that moment, Gadg8eer's AI assistant, the Operator, finally spoke up. "The current internetwork time is @333 on Thursday, June 29 in the year 12028 HE. The local time is Midnight PST, on Thursday, June 29 in the year 2028 Anno-Domini-slash-Common-Era. Your Countdown To App countdown for the smartgrid has completed."

    Aside from the possibility of receiving a prize for his Hi-Texpo entry, he had been waiting all day for the chance to see the smartgrid in action, but losing Zoe as a coworker took the wind out of the day's sails.

    But it was the dawn of a new day, and strange things were about to be afoot...
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    "Flanked by a Few Competitors", 3.5.0 "Ink OS 5"
  • Gadg8eer immediately looked sad, because he was. "...I'm sorry. I just... I thought that..." he stopped, and sighed. "Thank you for all the help tonight. I'll be sure to remember you saved my hometown, and... I think I'll miss you. You've been a good friend today, and I didn't think I'd say that when we first met."

    The van stopped at a set of traffic lights on Central Avenue, just east of 2nd Street, to wait for the light color to change. Gadg8eer got an SMS back from HardModeWarez to explain the situation.

    "So, just FYI, it is kind of scary that Hinobi's HGPS can be tampered with at will, but there are apparently moderation logs so it's not like this can just be covered up. The real damage is that the government cares, and that Hinobi's Glitch Positioning System can refuse service to companies like GotSee Studios as a way of saying that Hinobi condemns their actions enough to risk public safety by leaving Glitch containment squarely in the hands of the Intelligence community... the Canadian Secret Intelligence Service and the Central Intelligence Agency in your country... and that's not taken lightly. We're talking Military Intel 64: Agent of Chaos levels of espionage, and yes, the movies are based on actual high-risk black ops even if they never mention the dealing with Glitches part of the job. I get that it doesn't make you feel better about yourself, I just wanted you to know that nobody got hurt that wasn't already risking their reputation by being greedy, and that in a sense you've been avenged. That, and it's still valid for you to stick around as the girl who beats the crap out of glitches that are too stupid to realize this is the real world."

    The light finally turned green and Zoe began driving again. At that moment, Gadg8eer's AI assistant, the Operator, finally spoke up. "The current internetwork time is @333 on Thursday, June 29 in the year 12028 HE. The local time is Midnight PST, on Thursday, June 29 in the year 2028 Anno-Domini-slash-Common-Era. Your Countdown To App countdown for the smartgrid has completed."

    Aside from the possibility of receiving a prize for his Hi-Texpo entry, he had been waiting all day for the chance to see the smartgrid in action, but losing Zoe as a coworker took the wind out of the day's sails.

    But it was the dawn of a new day, and strange things were about to be afoot...
    The Perfectly Electric Vehicle arrived at a shared building at 876 72nd Avenue, labelled as Abbeyfield Communal Home on the sign in front. "Thanks, again. For saving my hometown and helping me get used to this job. And for the lift home." Gadg8eer let her know, and reached for the door handle on his side.

    "Um, Gadge, before you go..." Zoe began to say. ((I'll let you take it from here, Moldoma, I just figured one of these scenes was inevitable.))
    "Flanked by a Few Competitors", 3.5.1 "Ink OS 5" New
  • "I'm gonna... Take inventory of how I act as a person. If my goals are already achieved, and my enemies are already suffering, I don't really have so much to be mad about anymore." Zoe says. "I think I have a lot to sort out, so if it means I start treating you and everyone else differently, treating you better, then I hope you aren't caught off-guard by it." Zoe explains to Gadg8eer.

    In truth, a lot of the revelations tonight had given her reason to act differently, and to look over what she'd been doing ever since she started streaming. The rage was authentic, but maybe it didn't have to be, and more importantly, she had better things to look towards now.