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Fandom Colliding Timelines 2 ( A HP Multi-timeline RP)


September 1st!

A start to another year at Hogwarts!

A new start to school for some and the last Hurrah for others. A time of new beginnings and an end to some. Well it would normally be that way. But with the news of a convict escaping Azkaban For the first time ever, everyone was a little on edge.

King’s Cross station was full of life as always. The hustle and bustle of that famed train station in London. Where Platform 9 ¾ stood unbeknownst to the muggles also in the station. Which is where the train to Hogwarts always stood on that date.

The train had already departed. Students having said goodbye to their families and everyone riding the train had already gotten settled into their compartments and the long journey to Hogwarts had begun. Hushed voices were talking in the compartments as the train chugged along the tracks. The trolley witch with her sweet carts had also started making the long rounds through the compartments.

But far off at Hogwarts, a book had been opened in the restricted section, one that had been long forgotten to the test of time. It had fallen off the shelf and fallen open releasing the very old very untested time magic that had been trapped Inside…………unbeknownst to the students and staff at the school. The chaos about to be unleashed admidst the chaos and concern of what was already going on in wizarding society was not known just yet.

Lady Lyrei







  • home (filler tab)

Jo Dee Messina

I'm Alright

Ebony strands gleamed as mercury-dipped silver blue orbs slowly opened as Celaena Lyrei, the Lady of the Lyrei lineage, opened her eyes slowly. The Slytherin sixth-year slowly sat up from the downed position she was in, her fingertips brushing her temples slightly as she shook off the remaining vestiges of dizziness. Her head pounded dangerously as she slowly stood up. Her hands shifted to her neck, where the noticeable weight of her familiar weighed around her collarbones.
"Arryn? Are you alright?"
The soft, drawn-out S sounds from her parsel ability seemed to flow effortlessly through her lips as the elegant female shifted her weight, her wand falling into her fingers carefully. The red-tinted wood gleamed with her focus gemstones as the pureblood student casually drew her gaze around. Bruises decorated her tanned skin, while scratches bled slightly. Her left wrist ached fiercely, and her body hurt something fierce.

A quiet hoot caught her attention and the girl felt a decent weight fall upon her shoulder and her delicate fingers shifted to stroke te gorgeous plumage of her beloved owl; Lithoniel. The snowy owl had piercing amber eyes, almost as stunning and opposite as her witch's eyes. The duo shared a fond glance before Arryn responded to her bonded witch carefully.
"I am alright Misstresss. Are you alright?"
Arryn responded to the worried inquiry as she lifted her head, forked tongue flicking across the tanned skin gently.

Celaena had her school robes on, but ebony strands brushed her thighs elegantly in soft waves of inky tresses. A green scarf designated her Slytherin house and her cool demeanor also seemed to indicate her house (well ... that and the big, venomous snake around her very neck mind you). The female was the very epitome of pureblood in every way - elegant, composed, and calm. However, on the inside, the girl was freaking out slightly. Everything was definitely not normal, there were students she didn't know and then some. The Australian witch carefully stepped into the shadows, allowing her back to be covered as she leaned against the bench in the shadows. She only had her wand and her bonded friends... everything else was supposed to be at the school. She was supposed to head back to her home in Madagascar. No...she was back at King's Cross?! What was going on?

Her wand rested against her hip carefully, the soft power thrumming through her veins as she tried to keep her guard up. Whatever had happened before the entire ... whatever this whole thing was...she could only remember bits and pieces. Her trunk being packed up and her wands sliding into the holster... then everything went black. She was fairly certain that the entire thing wasn't just a coincidence. She hoped that others were there.
"Misstressss, you are bleeding - again."
The viper hissed softly from her perch, tightening her coils to remain put as she studied the witch she called a friend and bonded carefully.

"It will ssstop Arryn, don't worry."
Cel soothed softly. Her eyes closed as she rested her head back against the bench carefully. She really wanted her head to stop throbbing. It was like the one time she got a concussion (courtesy of her oh-so-dear, darling father). And she definitely was familiar with the feeling a little too well. Her floral printed skirt accented her tanned skin in light pink, turquoise green, and ebony black with the white short-sleeved shirt. Her braided hair was coming loose, and the strands fell across her exhausted face softly.

♡coded by uxie♡
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fable dupont
platform nine and three quarters
Open to anyone

interactions come here
It was an exciting year for Fable! Her final year at Hogwarts! No more having no having to ride on a long train ride stuck bored the entire train ride in a compartment. Like don’t get her wrong! She absolutely loved and adored the ride to Hogwarts but 9 hours in a small space on a train was the worst! Especially for Fable who could not sit still for long periods of times. It was simply impossible for her! She was super hyped to play Quidditch one last time for school too! She was one of the beaters for Hufflepuff. Looking at her one first glance. You wouldn’t be able to tell how much power and muscle she truly backed! But that was the one thing about being a metamorphmagus! You never truly knew what Fable was gonna look like! And Fable liked it like that! She loved being an enigma.

She truly found joy in that! But she had heard stories from when her Mother was a student as well and That is what made her look up to her more. Her mom used to be so cool! Her mom was a former seeker! Fable must have gotten her love for Quidditch from her mom. Who was off to be tutoring some former students for a career in Magical History…..Fable did not care much for that subject. As she found lecture based classes really boring! She preferred the classes where she could get into the action! Yeah! The action!

Even though she was sad that this was going to be her final year.She was also just so excited to see her friends again! That was gonna be the best! Maybe make for friends too! Heh! She’d like that very much. If you couldn’t tell! Fable, is someone who is fully of energy and maybe a little bit scatterbrained at time. But Fable is also a total sweetheart! So the pros out way the cons!

Fable had walked into King’s Cross Station with both of her parents in tow. Her mother a curly haired blonde lady who tended to look a lot younger than she was. Metamorphmagus things, Fable guessed? Her father a man, stern looking with wavy dark hair. Both of her parents polar opposites and vary in heights. Fable being right smack in the middle of them. One parent blonde and the other dark haired but Today though, Fable was sporting a lighter pink and red colored hair with kinda a flippy layered out vibe to it with bangs. Fabe liked it! She though that she looked really cool! She did!

The trio had stopped to do a quick family unit chat before the two gals walked through the barrier onto the Platform. Fable never truly understood why her mom had insisted on seeing her off…..She was more mature now! She was gonna be fiiinnnneee! She was sure of it! Totally fine here! Fable wouldn’t do anything Fable knew would hurt someone else on purpose! That wouldn’t be good! She would hate to accidentally have harmed someone else. But enough of Fable’s inner dialogue! Family conversation now!

“ I’m gonna miss you Pa” Fable replied warmly hugging her dad happily. The dark haired man just chuckled and ruffled her hair lightly. “ My child…..You will be hearing from me often…..Plus the holiday break will be here before you know it Kiddo!” He reminded as She nodded. He laughed a bit before hugging both of the two ladies with a warm smile. “ I do have to catch a train myself but good luck kiddo!” He replied with a quick salute before heading off to go catch his own train. The guy had plenty of things to do as working as an aurora had many tasks to do and many adventures that Fable surely would hear of.

Fable grabbed her bags and pulled them next to her before glancing over her Mum giving a raise of a brow with the woman tearing up trying not to cry. “ Ma! Please! You will gets lots of letters from me I promise“ She groaned rolling her eyes for a moment but she still smiled warmly. The blonde just smiled hugging her daughter close with a sniffle. “ My baby has grown up too fast!” She whispered softly holding her in a tight hug trying not to tear up. She had promised herself to not get emotional over this! Fable was her only kid after all! Once her mother had calmed down and let go of the hugs. The two of them walked through the boundary to the platform.

Dragging her bags along next to them. “ Ah! I am so ready to play Quidditch again!” She quirped to her mother as she turned around to walk backwards. At these point the platform was seemingly less crowded so Fable could do her thing. And backwards She walked as she blabbed away with her mother without a care in the world about Quidditch. Something that Fable could talk for hours about!

Fable wasn’t exactly paying attention anyways! Nope not one bit! Her back still turned away as she conversed with her mom. A happy conversation for Fable. Honestly it was Fable doing all the talking anyhow. She wasn’t exactly looking behind her as She walked backwards. Way too engrossed into the conversation about Quidditch with her mother. Not noticing a darn thing around her.

“ Fae! Watch where your going!” Her mother called out!

Fable had heard that a little tooooo late as She stumbled backwards into someone. Instantly turning around to apologize but when she turned. " For merlin's sake - I am so so sorry!" She apologized profusely
coded by natasha.
(coding to come wolfstar wolfstar )

The Weasleys - accompanied by Harry and Hermione - had gotten to the train station a little later than they'd intended, as per their usual. Fred and George had already loaded their trunks into an empty compartment near the back of the train, joking and laughing as they did so. They'd come back out to say goodbye to their parents, returning their hugs and accepting sandwiches from their mother. But then they'd both wandered off along the platform together, aware that they didn't have much time but hoping that they might find Lee. George was grateful that they were both so tall for their age as he attempted to peer over the heads around them for his best friend. Well, excluding Fred, that is. Unfortunately, his distraction also meant he wasn't fully looking where he was going. He did see someone walking backwards right at him but not until it was too late. So, there was little to do except plant his feet so that he wouldn't be knocked over.

Fred burst out laughing as Fable smacked right into George, who reached out to put his hands on her shoulders to help steady her after the collision. After all, unlike him, she hadn't been braced for it since she hadn't realized she was about to run into them, and George didn't want her to topple over. George joined his brother in his laughter as Fable apologized, amused both that she'd run smack into him because she hadn't been looking where she was going on the extremely crowded platform, and that she seemed surprised by it. Plus, he found the profusive apology itself kind of funny since he hadn't actually been hurt in any way. He was used to experimenting, to running into trouble head first, and to chasing after bludgers - it took more than bumping into him to hurt him.

"Honestly, Fable," Fred joked with a wide grin on his face, recognizing his friend now that she'd turned to face them. It was rather hard to recognize someone from the back of their head when their hair could change instantly on a whim. "How on earth can you be such a good flier when you can't even walk without crashing into things?" he teased. He wasn't about to say that Fable was as good a beater as him or George, but that didn't mean he didn't recognize that she was also very good in her own right. And, unlike most of their adversaries, he couldn't help but actually like Fable.

George chuckled, thoroughly amused by the whole thing, but he did at least check as he let go of Fable's shoulders, "You alright?" He didn't sound too sincere with the amusement still evident in his tone. But he did actually care, even if he didn't sound it. He, too, liked Fable and he didn't want to hurt her - though it was more her fault than his, really.
MOOD: Who is ready for the final year?!

OUTFIT: school uniform

LOCATION: Platform 9 3/4
INTERACTIONS: fellow mauraders of course

MENTIONS: fellow mauraders cause too lazy to tag lmao
fairyfawn fairyfawn
Sirius Black
A chill in the air , a cold gloomy morning……

But it was the first day back at Hogwarts! So no matter how gloomy the sky was……..It was going to be a grand day! First day back always was! Who knows what surprises or even pranks may unfold.

Reuniting with friends and so much more! The hustle and bustle of King’s Cross station was the norm but even more so on September 1st when it was the time where students were heading to platform 9 ¾, lots of excitement as parents were saying goodbye to their family and joining up with their friends. But for others, it was almost a bittersweet moment being either their first year , scared to say goodbye to their families for the first time or their seventh year, where it was their final time to make memories and leave a lasting legacy at Hogwarts!

And honestly it was the game plan as always for the Mauraders it seemed!

The last few days of summer was all about having fun before another term at the wizarding school was to begin. Making final memories before going out into the wizarding world not under the umbrella of Hogwarts. It was surely to be a final year of fun memories and fun things especially with these boys! That was for sure! The self proclaimed marauders seemed to have a natural knack for getting into trouble after all, Much to their head of house’s dismay, But now was the time to head to the train station and get their butts on the train to head to Hogwarts after all! The final journey to Hogwarts of course for the four but hey! It was going to be full of fond memories with this group that was for certain. 7th year was certainly going to be full of surprises and more than likely- okay, well absolutely certain there was going to be many various pranks through the school year.


Dragging along a packed trunk, filled to the brim with stuff dragging along through the station, a feather-light charm used on the trunk to make it easier to carry as it was dragged through the station heading straight for the unassuming entrance to the platform. Quite blatantly ignoring certain folks as He dragged the suitcase past with an eye roll. “ Not dealing with that today” Sirius mumbled to himself as He continued to drag his trunk down to the entrance to the platform. James’s family had been absolutely a blessing letting him to stay with them since him family had practically well disowned him due to not being what they wanted in an heir. Now that was Regulus’s job, he deep down felt insanely guilty for leaving his younger brother in that house but he wasn’t able to do anything about that yet.

But enough sad musing right?! It was Hogwarts time and time to see people that mattered most to him. Yep! Now was the time to focus on seein those who He deeply cared about and quickly made his way through the barrier running at the wall and made his way through the hidden barrier to the platform where the Hogwarts Express was waiting. Now He felt a bit of relief not seeing anyone He didn’t want to deal with yet. Thankfully! A breath leaving his lips as He set the trunk down for the moment. Adjusting his clothes and fixing his hair making sure, his wand holding the half bun in his hair was still sitting just so. Gotta look his best you know! Looking around for any of the fellow marauders, James would be here shortly, He was right behind him the last time, He had checked anyhow. He had looked around for a few minutes at this point, when He spotted one of the people , He had been looking for anyhow just a short distance away. The trunk would be alright for a moment, He was sure of that. “ Moony!” He shouted having spotted Remus. Running over to give the taller boy a tight hug. “ How have you been?!” I asked with a big grin looking up at him. “ I swear I think you somehow got taller…..” He teased a bit.

what is life without a little risk
~ Padfoot
code by valen t.
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ERA: Golden Trio

HOUSE: Ravenclaw

YEAR: Sixth

LOCATION: Platform 9 ¾


--------don't type anything after this comment--------

TL;DR After a flashback detailing how the professors seemed surprised he was sorted into Ravenclaw because of his behaviour and grades at his old school Ilvermorny, new transfer student Lucas runs through the wall for the first time and arrives on Platform 9 ¾, about to board the train.
lucas saunders
Ravenclaw's Rebel.
Lucas Saunders had never been to Platform 9 ¾ before, only having transferred from Ilvermorny to Hogwarts this academic year. Though he only stepped foot in England for the first time two months ago along with his mother and younger sister—both Muggles—he had already attended a meeting with Dumbledore and a few heads of houses a month before this very day to get sorted into his house ahead of time and fill out some boring paperwork.

He saw the subtle glances some of the professors exchanged with each other when the sorting hat finally called out "Ravenclaw" after four whole minutes of deciding. It meant that they had either heard all about him from his old professors, or seen what his grades were like and already formed an opinion of him in their heads, which he’d fully been expecting anyway. It was a mistake to assume that Lucas wasn’t intelligent like most people seemed to do so easily, taking one look at the rebel and seeing nothing more than a problem child.

The sorting hat, on the other hand, saw right through him—through all the skipped classes and flunked exams and Friday night detentions, right to the misunderstood boy that would rather use his intelligence to learn about something that actually meant something to him. School unfortunately wasn’t very high on that list anymore, the education system being one of the things that Lucas didn’t want to waste his time trying to fit into after being failed by it time and time again.

He saw no point in trying to prove himself when his very existence had been unconventional for years. He knew exactly what most parents and professors thought of him, and even those he’d never spoken to before sometimes gave him ‘that look’ that told him his name had come up in conversation before, no doubt something regarding his behaviour.

A small part of him wondered if Hogwarts was going to be any better for him than Ilvermorny and the public Muggle schools he attended before that, but the thought soon dwindled when he recognised that same familiar ‘look’ on Filius Flitwick’s face after his house had been announced. Lucas was still a Ravenclaw, despite all—individuality, open-mindedness, creativity and wit being just four of his traits among others that the sorting hat just simply could not ignore.

The tall teen now stood in Kings Cross Station, his dark-brown eyes staring at a very notorious brick wall that was a few metres in front of him. Was this the one? He’d heard about Platform 9 ¾ many times before—all Ilvermorny students had—but he was as new to the station as he was to the country, so this would be his first time running through the famous wall too. Back in the United States, most students would get to school by meeting up in different locations across the country and using portkeys to teleport to the bottom of Mount Greylock.

The brown-haired American hadn’t been joined by any of his family members that morning. His mother was the epitome of a workaholic, far too busy with her new career to see her son off that morning, instead saying goodbye at home and letting him be on his way. Lucille, his six-year-old sister, was spending her second Monday at a Muggle school no matter how much she wanted to come along with her big brother that day. Lucas’ father hadn’t been in the picture for some years now, but even if he were, he wouldn’t have wanted anything to do with “this whole magic thing”, as he would always call it.

Eyes still firmly locked onto the brick wall up ahead, a small smirk formed on the corner of Lucas’ lips as he tightened his grip on the trolley, anticipating what was about to happen.

With a deep breath, he broke into a quick stride, pushing the trolley he held onto with speed. As he neared the wall, he closed his eyes just for a moment, instinctively bracing himself for impact in case he had got the wrong wall. Then, with a rush of adrenaline, he barrelled through the magical barrier…And emerged on the other side, suddenly on a bustling platform filled with students boarding the Hogwarts Express as their families bid them farewell.

Lucas looked around and raised his eyebrows as he took in his new surroundings, satisfied at the outcome. “Huh. Not bad.” he remarked, momentarily glancing back at the wall he had just passed through before walking further onto Platform 9 ¾ and finally laying eyes on the Hogwarts Express.
code by valen t.
(coding to come. For now: wolfstar wolfstar fairyfawn fairyfawn )

Peter had convinced his mother not to come onto Platform 9 3/4 to see him off. He loved his mother to death but that didn't mean it wouldn't be embarrassing for her to hold his hand as he went through the barrier and wave goodbye from the platform as the train left. He was an adult now, after all! He'd conceded to at least let his mum drive him to King's Cross (his grandmother was a muggle, so his mother knew how to drive a muggle car). They'd said goodbye in the parking lot, Peter giving his mum a hug before standing on his tip-toes to give her a kiss on the cheek. Then he'd pushed his trolley into King's Cross and through to Platform 9 3/4.

Peter was often a little disorganized but he'd managed to get to the platform a little early, given his excitement for his final year at Hogwarts. He was most excited to see his three best friends again after a long summer apart. So without even bothering to put his trunk in the train, he started wheeling it around the platform instead, searching for them. He occasionally responded to calls of greeting from other students. Even after all these years, Peter was still getting used to being popular, something he'd never been in primary school (his mum had insisted that he attend muggle school throughout his childhood). It still felt odd but also so nice. Still, Peter didn't stop for more than a few minutes to talk to any of them, really just wanting to find Sirius and James or Remus. So he continued weaving his way through the crowd, wishing he was a little taller so he could see better.

Finally, the crowd parted in such a way that Peter caught a glimpse of Sirius running towards Remus. Peter beamed and completely abandoned his trolley, taking off and clumsily dodging between people to make his own way over. He nearly fell down twice in his hurry but managed to stay on his feet until he all but tripped into Sirius and Remus. But he just rolled with it, throwing an arm around both of them and joining in their hug. "You're finally here!" Peter said in a voice trembling with excitement. Which made it utterly unnecessary to add, "I'm so excited. Seventh year!"

Peter seemed completely oblivious to the fact that Sirius and Remus might not have wanted him to join their hug. He wasn't really used to them dating yet, just to them all being close friends. So in his mind, of course he would be welcome.
somnus prince
platform 9 3/4
in post

Something in the air was different…..Something that very few seemed to be able to pinpoint at the mere moment. A trio of a wizarding family had made their way into the station. Glances of disgust and sheer horror as a Pureblood family made their way into the mostly muggle occupied station. Well the looks mostly from the adult man and woman. “ This place is an abomination to the wizarding kind” The woman hissed in horror to her husband and child. The husband remained silent and just walked through the station heading straight for the unassuming entrance to Platform 9 ¾ , quickly the trio made their way through the fake wall to the bustling platform. Students and their parents alike buzz around before the train is ready for students to board. The trio had whisked away off to the side to stay away from the unrespectable families that also went to the prestigious school! The two adults glancing over their shoulders with looks of pure admonishment about being in such a place. They were of a family of the sacred 28, a pureblood family, so of course, they may have been a bit more snobby and a bit too proud of their more pure heritage. But that is besides the point, they weren’t the most loveliest family by any means.

Once the trio had found a quiet spot. A hushed conversation ensued. “ Do you have your books and everything?” The man asked quietly, looking at the youngest member of the trio. “ Yes Father” A very monotone response was received from the boy. The woman just frowning in disgust of having to be mixed in with non pureblood families. Both of the adults stuck out like a sore thumb, dressed in their finery, both dark haired, in posh hairstyles, dark jeweled tones or just pure black from the males. But just because they looked very stunning and well put together, didn’t mean things were always what they seemed, especially behind the scenes. The youngest of the trio. Looked very similar to the parents, dressed in all black, expect for a hint of emerald green in the pattern on his shirt, bright blue eyes, and darked haired as well. Though His hair was black and his parents were dark brown almost black. A typical trait of the Prince family is that they are always very dark haired.

“ I don’t wish to keep you here much longer, Mother and Father. I can handle getting on the train myself “ Somnus mumbled to his parents honestly wanting to avoid having to be exhausted dealing with their blatant overaction to those around them, plus He knew that He did not need them to see him off. He was a 6th year this year and He didn’t want to be seen as needing comfort around his fellow Slytherins. He was not about to be judged possibly by the other Slytherins. Nope! No thanks! Well….He knew not all of them would. But quite a fair few would. And He had not time nor energy to deal with such foolish accusations. He just wanted to focus on getting through the year without any demerits on his character or anything. He didn’t quite have a repetition among his house and He honestly wanted to keep it that way. It was honestly weird enough being distantly related to his head of house. His family had always spoken ill of him. But he had a silent, very silent sliver of respect for him. But he’d never shown it. He had to keep up with his family’s reputation after all. Without much opposition from the two parents, they gave a nod and a simply pat on the bad and a few harsh warning abouts keeping up with the family reputation before finally leaving. He honestly could help but give the biggest sigh of relief. When they finally walked away, He bent down to pick up his trunk and to smooth out his clothing. Luckily his hair was always well behaved, never seeming to have a hair out of place. The only good family gene, He got from his mother’s side fortunately. He stopped for a moment, He could have sworn everything had gone dark for a second. He stood back up glancing around. Nothing of note quite yet, that He could pinpoint at the moment. Now it was time to look for anyone familiar or tolerable so He could try to sit with people on the train that wouldn’t drive him absolutely bonkers.

He honestly couldn’t shake the feeling that something was amiss. But He brushed that aside for the moment. As He pulled the trunk alongside as He walked to go find a way to get on the train as quickly as possible. Sooner the train went on the way to the wizarding school. The better in his humble opinion. Well maybe not so humble, but definitely was His opinion. But that though was short lived, when He spotted Celaena sitting on a bench alone. Ah! Perfect! Yes. A friend whom He knew He could tolerate on the whole train ride. For a wizarding school, why did the train ride to Hogwarts have to be 8 hours anyways. It was a bit overly long. Couldn’t they use magic to get the train to go faster or something? He wasn’t exactly sure but with how many things magic could do….Why couldn’t it do that?

He moved to leave his trunk off to the side, out of the way. Moving to slip his wand out for a moment to cast a spell to protect his trunk from being taken or someone trying to rifle through his belongings. Yeah that was not happening. He wanted to keep some semblance of privacy; please and thank you! Once He was satisfied with how protected his trunk was, He went over to approach her and quietly sat down beside her on the bench. Glancing over at her for a moment. Silently trying to figure out what to say. But He decided to keep it simple and fairly considerate for the moment. He could ask about the train in a bit. “ Hello…Are you alright?” He asked quietly.
coded by natasha.

Lady Lyrei







  • home (filler tab)

Jo Dee Messina

I'm Alright

Celaena had closed her eyes, her head leaning back as she tried to gather her wits about her. The entire situation was just plain out weird... and she wasn't exactly fond of not knowing what was happening around her.
The soft, Australian-accented voice was a bit disbelieving and held a soft hint of relief buried within it. Mercury-dipped silver blue orbs opened as the familiar voice washed over her. The red-tinted wood gleamed alongside her focus gemstones as the unusual pureblood allowed her wand to rest against her hip. The bruises decorating her skin throbbed as she shifted and her familiar turned her attention to the male Slytherin student.

"At least you aren't alone now."
Arryn responded to the slight relief she could feel from her bonded witch. Sunset-colored scales shifting as the viper allowed her forked tongue to flick out and taste the air. Her witch shifted and allowed Lithoniel to shift her weight across her shoulder. Her owl gazing at Somnus carefully, before focusing back to her job and ran her beak through the ebony tresses.

Cel's school robes were a bit ruffled, but her ebony strands brushed her thighs elegantly.
"Did you find a compartment yet?"
The Slytherin sixth-year asked softly, carefully standing up and hiding a wince as she could feel her body protest the movement. She had not landed exactly elegantly when she had awoken within whatever had happened. Thank goddesses that her father held no authority over her given the female was emancipated. The female gave her viper a fond glance as the snake hissed her annoyance with her witch.

"I will be fine Arryn, but if it pleassess you I will ask Sssomnuss for help."
Celaena reassured softly. She glanced at Somnus through lowered eyelashes as she leaned against the bench she had been sitting on before her fellow Slytherin had approached her.
" Would you be able to help me onto the train - not sure what happened, but my landing here wasn't exactly... elegant if you know what I mean."
The 'Ice Queen' of Slytherin rarely asked for help, but out of everyone else she could handle...Somnus was one of the few she could deal with. He didn't shy away from her cold, distant side - and if she was being perfectly honest she was actually closer to Somnus than anyone else in her year.

As she reached a hand up to stroke the scales of her friend around her neck, she could hear the whispers of other students as she exited the shadows, head held high. The epitome of a pureblood in any way. Her posture was perfect and her wand was slipped into her holster around her wrist. Ebony hair gleamed blue like ink as the light hit the strands and almond-shaped glacier orbs scanned the station, falling on the engine fondly. Her outfit was composed as she straightened the ruffled look, floral skirt swirling around her legs as boots clicked delicately across the station. Arryn lay across her shoulders; sunset scales of purple, orange, and yellow a stark contrast against her solid-colored blouse and tanned skin. The snowy owl with stunning amber eyes also provided a stunning contrast as the trio looked at Somnus.
Her ladyship and heiress rings gleamed across her fingers - and if one looked closely they wouldn't recognize the crest she adorned.

The Lyrei rings were white gold with the ladyship ring having a lotus flower design and in the center of that flower a stone of Amazonite gleamed a deep turquoise tone, her heiress ring was almost similar but instead, it was a lily flower with three deep alexandrite stones that made up the flower. Her rings were adorning her left hand, her ladyship ring on her middle finger with her heiress ring on her pointer finger. Whatever had happened... at least Somnus was there and she wasn't alone... They would take everything with grace, as all Slytherins tended to do. A new adventure may be starting... but at least they had each other.

♡coded by uxie♡
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somnus prince
platform 9 3/4
in post

It had only been several moments of silence, Before He heard her speak and gave a quick but purposeful nod. “ Yes, I am here” He replied softly yet reassuringly. Every movement and tone of voice, precise and calculated for most part, just typical things expected of those of supposed noble pureblood heritage. Though He had always been a bit skeptical about that assumption due to lack of knowledge on his own family history, due to his parents passing things only orally instead of letting him view the books. He would only be able to view them himself when they deem him ready. But who knows if and when…..Most likely when He is the head of the family himself. It didn’t bother him too much, for the moment. He still had two years left of Hogwarts after all.

Even if He was a bit uncertain of what had taken place moments prior, His main focus at the moment was getting onto the train. Where things hopefully still had some normalcy. Maybe the professors at school had knowledge of what had transpired or maybe it simply was a figment of his imagination. He wasn’t quite certain yet….But he wanted to figure it out either way. Release himself of that particular burden.He had noticed the bright glare of the owl, blinking slowly. His own owl sitting comfortably in his cage on top of his baggage. Normally, He would have let Sherb out by now….But with the uncertainly in the air and how easily spooked his owl was, He figured Sherb was safer in his cage. He had opened his mouth to speak again before He heard her speak.

“ No, I haven't found a compartment yet. I was going to ask if you wanted to join me in finding one away from the more……vibrant crowd” He replied calmly. Knowing that she would know what He meant by that. It was a bit interesting at times to see how different students acted based on their family background. Some more poised like them and others a bit less than strategic or even just plain annoying in his opinion. But he wouldn’t dare say such a thing outloud. He gave a very slight glance towards the bustling platform before turning his attention back to her.

Somnus didn’t understand parseltongue in the slightest so for the moment He just kind of sat there in silence. His family didn’t really have any special abilities to note that He was aware of but that was alright with him. He’d let his natural magical prowess do the talking instead. But when She spoke again, He nodded softly. “ Of course” He replied simply not wanting to pry but He had an understanding as well. Not many people, He would take the time out to help in such close proximity. Helping housemates study was one thing but this kind of helping wasn’t something He’d normally do. But He was well aware that He could trust this friend and knew that He could help her in any capacity and not worry about anything being said. “ Shall we go then?” He poke as He rose to his feet and offered out his arm politely. Not sure if She needed it or not but it was a polite gesture none the less.

As they both exited the shadows of the bench. He glanced over at the students who were whispering and grimanced for a brief second before glancing over back at her with a tiniest hint of a grin and glimmer in his blue eyes. “ Looks like people can’t seem to mind their own business hmm? Looks like a good langlock might remind them?” He joked lightly but in the most serious tone of voice. But He did mean it in good humour. It was quite a sight anyway, two pureblood with perfect posture and not very warm demeanors walking together. Almost a chilly sight. He awaited for her to take his arm if she wanted. “ Let’s ignore those unsavory people and get a decent compartment yeah?” He suggested moving his head gently in the direct of the train. Using his free hand to tuck some of his own hair behind his ear. As the pair walked towards the train.

Taking a deep breath, as He turned his head to look back over at her with a nod. Both graceful in nature and would take what comes with poise and competence as always. “ This may sound a bit absurd….but did you feel some sort of shift earlier?” He asked quietly moving to search her gaze with any semblance of understanding. He was hopeful that maybe He wasn’t the only one who noticed such a shift. He could still sense a bit of it hanging in the air and it was going to bother him if he didn’t say something now. He normally wouldn’t ask such things without full proof, But he felt He could trust her with such a question. Ignoring the whispers and conversations around them as the pair made their way to the train. One more colorfully dressed and the other very dark and monotone dressing but both still dressed to the nines and impeccable dressed. Who knows what was in store this year…..but it was going to be a mystery they could hopefully figure out together.

coded by natasha.

Lady Lyrei







  • home (filler tab)

Jo Dee Messina

I'm Alright

Cel's lips twitched just barely as she shook her head fondly
"I would love to share a compartment."
The Slytherin smiled shyly as she took the offered arm, wincing as she moved the wrong way and had to fight back a groan of discomfort as the duo boarded the train quickly - Celaena more than wanted to be away from the prying stares and whispers.

"I ... Thank you Somnus."
Celaena murmured as she carefully walked up the steps. Her unease grew as they carefully navigated to an empty compartment on the train. Her eyes closed against the pain she felt with every step.

Cel's school robes were a bit ruffled, but her ebony strands brushed her thighs elegantly.
"I did feel something happen ... one minute I was getting ready to get on the train and th next thing I know I am on the ground. "
The Slytherin sixth-year murmured softly, her eyes dancing across the many scrapes and bruises which adorned her skin.

Celaena's eyes grew distant at the memory of whatever the heck had happened to have her end up in the situation they currently found themselves.
"I wish my landing had been smoother...Did something similar happen to you?"
She joked lightly before she asked the question, her body carefully falling into a seat as she rested her pounding head against the cool glass while waiting for the train to move.

♡coded by uxie♡
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HOUSE: Slytherin

OUTFIT: Mostly black

LOCATION: A carriage on the Hogwarts Express
wolfstar wolfstar (Golden Trio era Sirius)

Interactions open (two available seats in carriage)
TL;DR While waiting in a carriage for the train to depart, Sebastian is asked by his pureblood friends what he thinks of his uncle escaping Azkaban. Sebastian dismissively calls Sirius too mad to predict and truthfully admits that he doesn't remember him, doing well to hide his internal trouble saying this. He suspects that his parents have been withholding information about his uncles, but he knows it's not wise to question them about family matters.
Sebastian Black
How many centuries deep is your wound?
The raven-haired male sat by the window in one of the carriages, accompanied that morning by three other students from pureblood families. His dark green eyes peered through the window back at the platform as he awaited the departure of the Hogwarts Express. He was almost completely lost in thought that morning, something in particular weighing on his mind. “I bet he’s out for blood and coming to Hogwarts next. Probably wants to finish off the last Potter. He’s your uncle, Sebwhat do you think?” Maximus asked, speaking of the prisoner who was rumoured to have recently escaped from Azkaban. What he really meant to ask was why hadn’t Sebastian contributed to the conversation yet, despite that much not being hard to guess.

The Blacks were a well-known pureblood family who, depending on who you asked, were either greatly feared or greatly revered—naturally, a lot of their family history was no secret to British wizarding society including those that Sebastian went to school with. He didn’t much like the company he kept at Hogwarts, finding a number of his exclusively-pureblood friends annoying at best. Rather than what he thought of them, what mattered was the fact that they had his parents’ approval because families of the Sacred Twenty-Eight tended to hold similar... opinions. Sebastian diverted his attention towards those that he called his friends for the first time since boarding the train.

“Sirius Black is hardly an uncle to me. Besides, there’s nothing to think—he’s mad.” Sebastian deflected, his demeanour doing exceptionally well to hide the part of him that didn't want to believe the words that came out his mouth. Most fortunately, he had a knack for hiding his true thoughts and feelings in moments of interest—it was a skill he developed in his early childhood but had almost mastered in recent years. “I don’t remember the man anyway.” he added, this time his words holding genuinity. Sebastian was only four when his uncle was sent off to Azkaban and his father, Darius Black, avoided speaking about him like the plague. Aside from hearing a multitude of unverifiable rumours from outsiders to the family, all Sebastian knew of Sirius was whatever vague morsels of information his father decided he was allowed to know.

Whenever Sebastian was curious about his uncles, his father would simply state, with his usual stoic and unimpressed face; “We don’t waste time thinking about blood-traitors”. No matter how much information his parents selectively withheld from him, people in the halls of Hogwarts always talked and, being an intelligent young man, Sebastian began to wonder how and why it was that a blood-traitor ended up murdering as many Muggles as they said he did.

Maybe he really was just a madman, but wondering was of no use anyway: Darius wasn't a very amicable man, and Sebastian knew better than to provoke him with sensitive topics or to question any of his contradictory words. It was hard not to notice other relatives' portraits being erased from the family tree like they were never even there to begin with, but he wasn’t going to let himself meet whatever fate that they did just for the sake of finding out. As long as he was his parents’ son, he felt as though he had no other choice.
code by valen t.
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somnus prince
platform 9 3/4
in post

Somnus gave a quick nod as the pair boarded the train. “ Wonderful!” He replied quietly not wanting to draw more attention to the both of them. As it was no one else's business what they were discussing or doing after all. He was more than eager to not have to deal with foolish stares and whispers from students who needed to be paying more attention to their studies instead of the pair of them. He glanced over at her apologetically. He knew it was always more than a nuisance to deal with that type of unnessacary attention from those sorts of folks.

“ No problem at all” He reassured softly as they carefully walked up the stairs of the train and got through the long hallways to an empty compartment. Giving a glare to anyone who even glance their way. He wasn't about to deal with silly remarks and anything for other students at the moment. It was rather unbecoming how nosy other students tended to be.

Letting out a breath of relief once they walked inside an empty compartment and shutting the partition closed. His gaze returned to her and He frowned a bit as She spoke shifting a bit before sitting in one of the benches adjusting his robe as He sat with a breath. He was a bit worried that she had more than just an inkling of whatever happened…..What in merlin's name was going on?!

He shook his head watching as she sat down and Let out a sigh. “ I can't say that I have any similar experience but I could have sworn…..I sensed some powerful magic at work and my mother acted strange for a brief moment….she was pleasant towards me…..and that doesn't ever happen “ He replied softly to her resting his hands in his legs. “ But I intent To figure out what is happening….I can't just sit idly by…….”
coded by natasha.
(Coding to come Zombie. Zombie. )

Levi hated to leave home every school year. Well, no, that was a lie - Levi rejoiced in leaving home. It was leaving his sister that he so despised. When he was home, at least he could do something to protect her. At school, all he could do was behave himself to spare her further punishments but knowing he couldn't protect her entirely. Not that he was behaving himself so well anymore... He had one well-kept secret that he knew would earn his sister and him both the punishment of a lifetime. So no-one had better find out.

Levi hadn't seen the said secret all of break, though they'd exchanged letters. He trusted Hugin, his brilliant owl, to know when to bring letters and when to stay well away. Levi had seen his one other real friend, Sebastian, a few times. But mostly Levi had spent the summer with his sister, knowing the holidays were the only time he would get with her until he graduated from Hogwarts - which was now on the horizon. And, of course, continuing the project he'd been working on for the last few years - trying to track down his mother. He'd long since stopped believing she was dead, and while he resented her for not saving them - or at least Loralie - she was the best option for getting his little sister somewhere safe.

Much as Levi didn't want to leave his sister, he couldn't help but be a little excited to see Alexei again. Still, he knew that reunion would have to wait for somewhere more private than the Hogwarts Express. Perhaps he could slip him a note and arrange to meet up later that evening. But for the ride to school he would have to sit with people his grandparents would approve of. But he could at least find Sebastian - there might as well be one person he didn't want to curse in the compartment. Which was how he wound up sitting with Sebastian and two other Pureblood students.

Levi had been watching Sebastian curiously as the other boy stared out the window. He was concerned but knew he wouldn't get a real answer in front of the others - if at all. But his gaze turned to the boy who had asked Sebastian about his uncle and scoffed. Still, he waited for Sebastian to answer before he asked the first boy scathingly, "You think he broke out of Azkaban and is going to waste his freedom on some petty revenge?" Well, maybe, Levi supposed. Maybe Sebastian was right and the man was simply insane and there was no predicting his actions. But if he had any sense, he'd have a better plan than that. Which was what truly gave Levi chills.

Levi immediately regretted buying into the conversation. He had no desire to share his own thoughts, and he'd been wondering a moment prior if he should change the subject for Sebastian's sake. He imagined the coming weeks - or however long it took to catch Sirius - would be hard on his friend. So Levi shook his head and reasoned with a shrug, "Doesn't matter much for us, though, does it?" Sirius was supposed to have been right in with you-know-who. Levi doubted that, even if he was out for blood, that he would be going after purebloods. He was hoping he could get the others to lose interest and drop it but he had his doubts that it would work. The whole wizarding world had been abuzz with gossip since Sirius' break out little over a month ago. No-one seemed keen on dropping the subject any time soon.

Lady Lyrei







  • home (filler tab)

Jo Dee Messina

I'm Alright

Cel's lips pursed for a hot moment before she sighed.
"I agree 100%."
The Slytherin girl murmured, her eyes closing as she huffed a bit. She really wanted to figure out what had happened. Out of all people she knew (which wasn't many and given their situation... she wasn't sure who else had been pulled into this farce of a mess)... but Somnus knew her history. He knew her reality and the whole thing - including the fact she no longer lived with her father per say.

"Wake me up when we get to Hogsmade please"
Celaena asked, fighting back a yawn before allowing her head to rest against the shoulder of Somnus. Her eyes closing as Rani nestled her scaled body against her clavicle protectively. Her sunset-colored scales were a bit obvious against the dark robes and obvious dark skin of the girl.

Ebony strands fell across Celaena's face as she dozed, her long strands gently falling across the shoulder of Somnus.
"Get some resssst Rani"
The Slytherin sixth-year hissed softly, just before her eyes closed. Exhaustion weighing down on her body as she felt herself finally relax enough to be able to rest. Somnus would protect her. That much she knew.

♡coded by uxie♡
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fable dupont
platform nine and three quarters
Open to anyone

interactions come here

“ Hey! I am a darn good flier and you know that! But yeah I am alright! Sorry about that. Probably should have listened to my mother” Fable couldn’t help but laugh looking over at her mother with a sheepish embarrassed smile. “ I warned you” The older woman warned giving her daughter one last hug. “ I will see you during the break” She replied quickly before finally leaving the three of them alone. Fable quickly brushed herself off and just shrugged it off. Grabbing her things once more and hoisted her broom back up over her shoulder. “ You guys ready to have your butts kicked at Quidditch “ She teased lightly sticking out her tongue in a teasing manner with a laugh.

She quickly had forgotten her major flub up as She stood their just having a normal playful conversation about Quidditch again. “ But anyways……. You lions better watch out this year ....cause us Badgers shouldn’t be underestimated” She replied with a gentle pat on the back to both of the boys and a quick ruffle of their heads. She may have been a bit older than them but she was easy to get along with just about everyone.

“ Anywho! Sorry to cut things short but I better get on the train. So. I will see you too around and on the field as always” She replied with a grin. Her hair easily flicked between a few colors before settling on the one that she had before. She was a lot stronger than she looked and was often underestimated on the field. But hey being a metamorphmagus had it’s perks of course! “ Toodles!” She replied with a quick wave. Before making sure She had all of her bags and gear and ran for the train to find an compartment. Walking along the isles nodding towards a few of her housemates and easily finding an empty compartment towards the middle of the train and hoisted her bags up before settling down in the compartment.

This was going to be an interesting year that was for sure!
coded by natasha.
somnus prince
platform 9 3/4
in post

“ Hopefully it shouldn't be too difficult too do so” He mumbled quietly glancing outside through the window of the compartment to try and see if any other family faces were on the train. The more familiar faces the better in Somnus’ humble opinion. He hoped that perhaps this was just some sort of fluke , a one time thing or something nothing crazy. He just wanted to get through his second to last year of Hogwarts without too much trouble. Dealing with people are rough. “ Hopefully it isn't anything hard to fix”

“ Of course. Not a problem” He replied with a nod. If it had been anyone else, He wouldn't have been so willing to let anyone lean against his shoulder but He always had a soft spot when it came to Celaena so He didn't truly mind. His eyes fluttered shut for a moment just to take a deep breath leaning back into the seat before He opened them again. Trying his best to just relax for a moment while simultaneously trying to fight off the flush creeping across his face.

As She dozed off. Somnus decided to focus for the moment and just watching the last bit of folks trailing onto the train before the train would pull off from the station to start the long journey to Hogwarts. He was rearing to go, as He was determined to figure out what happened one way or another. Reaching into his pocket and pulling out his wand just in case. Holding the obsidian and gold handle carefully. He could handle anything that would be thrown their way, he certainly thought.

coded by natasha.
HOUSE: Gryffindor

ERA: Golden Trio

LOCATION: Platform 9 ¾ then The Hogwarts Express (aisle)
Hermione and Ron

TLDR: Mr. Weasley tries to discreetly warn him about Sirius Black at the station, but he'd already overheard the conversation about it at the Leaky Cauldron the night before. After saying goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Harry realises he has lost sight of Ron and Hermione in the moving crowd. With the impatient conductor blowing his whistle, Harry decides to get on the train and hopes to find his friends soon so they can get a carriage together.
harry potter
The Boy Who Lived.
Harry was overjoyed that the summer holidays were over. It was bad enough having to lockpick the closet underneath the stairs and 'steal' back his own school books just to be able to do his homework, but worst of all, he really missed his friends. Though his Uncle Vernon had been policing the phone all summer since Ron Weasley had made an honest attempt at calling him, two very well-received birthday letters from Ron and Hermione had asked him to meet them at the Leaky Cauldron in London if he could, right before that very day.

The journey down there had been absolutely mad. The black, rather vicious looking dog he had seen in the shadows of Magnolia Crescent had almost completely slipped his mind after getting on the hectic 'Knight Bus' enroute to London, but he'd been lucky that the bus arrived when it did. During his time at the Leaky Cauldron with the Weasleys and Hermione, he had overheard a heated conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Weasley in which they talked in hushed but frantic tones of the escaped prisoner he'd seen on the front of The Daily Prophet. The only thing was, they weren't just worried that he'd escaped—what Harry Potter had overheard that night had made it very obvious that Sirius Black, a raving supporter of 'You Know Who', was very likely planning to come after him next—and not for good reason.

He hadn't gotten the chance to tell his friends about it yet, barely getting a second of privacy at the inn and even being driven to King's Cross Station by some Ministry workers that morning. It was obvious that each adult was trying to protect him as if Sirius Black would step out of the shadows and whisk him away at any given moment, but oddly enough, Harry didn't feel as scared as he probably should have. He was honestly more annoyed that it meant he'd likely be made to stay put at Hogwarts in the name of safety as if he wasn't already safe enough. He'd already managed to escape Voldemort a few times and he had Albus Dumbledore on his side, not to mention these 'Azkaban guards' that everyone kept whispering about, who sounded like they really meant business.

Anyone that tried to harm him with all that protection would have to be seriously mad, but then again, Sirius Black didn't exactly sound sane. With that last thought, Harry's mind flashed back to the large dog he saw by the bus stop the other night, frowning slightly as he relived the strange encounter for a moment. "Harry?" he heard, Mr. Weasley's voice reminding him that he was still standing on Platform 9 ¾ and was supposed to be saying his final goodbyes. "I'll make it quick," he added, speaking in a hushed tone and looking around to see if anyone was listening in before he continued. "There's something I think you should know," he began, looking Harry directly in the eyes with a serious expression, his concern evident.

"I appreciate it, Mr. Weasley, but I already know." Harry responded honestly.

"You- Wait, you know?" Mr. Weasley repeated back to him, sounding slightly panicked despite still trying to be quiet.

"I overheard you and Mrs. Weasley talking last night at the Leaky Cauldron. Sorry about that. But I'm not scared—honestly."

"I'm sorry you had to find out like that, Harry, but really-"
just as Mr. Weasley spoke, the train's horn blared loudly across the platform, signalling that it was going to be leaving very shortly. "Blasted time," Mr. Weasley complained, wishing that the conversation didn't have to be cut so short. "Just promise me, Harry, that you won't go looking for Sirius Black. No matter what you hear," the man pleaded. Harry thought the request was odd, but after a short pause, he nodded in agreement. "I promise," Harry responded. Seeking out serial killers certainly wasn't on his to-do list, even if he did feel relatively safe for the circumstances.

Mr. Weasley ruffled Harry's hair and smiled, pleased that Harry at least agreed not to go looking for trouble. "Arthur, Harry, what are you doing? The train's about to leave," Mrs. Weasley called from further up the platform as she looked around to see if all of the children in her care had made it onto the train. After saying goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Harry's ocean-blue eyes scanned the platform one last time in search of his friends. The mass of students trying to get on the train before it left moved too fast for him to make out either of their faces in the crowd, despite having remembered to put his contact lenses in that morning.

With the conductor blowing his whistle impatiently to urge the last wave of students to get on while they still could, Harry decided to go ahead and get on the train before it left him behind altogether. He planned on reuniting with Hermione and Ron soon after, desperately wanting to tell the pair what he now knew about Sirius Black. As luck would have it, Harry managed to board the Hogwarts Express seemingly just in time, which meant all he had to do next was catch up with the others so that they could find a place to sit together. He couldn't bare the thought of being stuck in a carriage without them for the whole ride.
code by valen t.
jesper sparks
Gryffindor - werewolf

September 1st……The first day back at Hogwarts…..7th year…..The last year of Wizarding school! Jesper was one of the few people who probably did not think too much about it! A man of few words in general and someone who usually kept to himself and tried to avoid people as much as possible. Not because He didn’t want to be around people……well sometimes He didn’t really want to be around others, especially near the full moons. But that was beside the point! He mostly kept to himself due to his lycanthropy, a very closely guarded secret that only a very select few staff even knew.

But sometimes being alone had its perks. He got to read and study as much as He wanted and was easily able to avoid any awkward conversations with other students. But being Labeled a loner had just as many cons as pros unfortunately and He was certain that many thought He was a little odd. But that was alright. He was mostly unbothered by comments about it and He had made it 6 Years of school without anyone finding out his secret. Which was a mighty accomplishment in his books.

He and his Folks had arrived early at the station and said their goodbyes. “ I'll be alright ma and pa “ He replied softly without hiding the southern drawl in his voice. He has never hidden the fact that He was not British at all. His southern american roots kept him grounded actually! And after the long goodbyes, He had gotten onto the train earlier enough to avoid small talk with other students. Settling down in a compartment before putting his trunk and other items away. Keeping a small satchel of items at his side as He enjoyed the peaceful silence cause He knew it was going to be short lived.

Taking out a book from his satchel, He leaned back to continue to read the pages of the books and secretly hoped for one to disturb him reading as fleeting as that request might be. It was an earnest one.
coded by natasha.
( wolfstar wolfstar )

Remus had tried to tell his mum that he didn't need her to come with him to King's Cross. He was old enough to apparate, after all. But he could see how much it meant to her to see him off one last time, so he had relented. Remus and his mum had shown up to Platform 9 3/4 early but Remus had spent the last half hour trying to comfort his mom, who insisted she was crying happy tears. While Remus didn't doubt this was at least partly true, he suspected there was some grief and fear in there as well. So he'd spent the last half hour giving her lots of hugs and promises that he'd write a lot and that even once he'd graduated he'd still visit home all the time.

Remus' father, on the other hand, was nowhere to be seen. He never did come to see Remus off to school - he was always too busy at work. But Remus had never been entirely sure if it wasn't more that his dad wasn't just terrified that Remus was going to school, even after all these years, and found it easier not to face it at all. After what had happened last year - and what had almost happened... Remus couldn't blame him. But Remus refused to dwell on that. He'd promised himself he wouldn't. Because whenever he did, it threw his whole world spinning. Was he wrong to be at Hogwarts, where he might hurt someone? Were his friends really his friends? Would Snape eventually get pissed off enough to tell people? Was it a grievous mistake to be dating Sirius?

When Remus didn't think about the 'Prank' last year, all seemed right. Of course he belonged at Hogwarts with his three best friends. There was nowhere he'd ever belonged more than the school where he'd felt like a king of the castle long before he'd reached his seventh year, amongst the best and most loyal people he'd ever known. And of course Remus belonged with Sirius, who he'd been steadily falling in love with for years. It all felt right, so long as he didn't think. So... he tried not to, for once in his life. Because the idea of losing any of those things, especially right now when he felt he had it all - the boyfriend of his dreams, the best friends in the world, his last year at an amazing school - was completely and utterly devastating.

Remus' mother had finally started calming herself by the time Sirius came onto the platform. She was wiping away the last of her tears and sniffling, "I'm sorry, Remus, Sweetie, I'm being silly."

"You're not being silly, Mum. But I promise -" Remus started before cutting off when he heard the sound of his nickname being shouted by an all too familiar voice. He grinned broadly as he turned to face Sirius as he came running over. He returned the tight embrace and teased right back, "Only by a few inches." Sirius was right, though, he had grown again. But only by one inch, not a few. Remus gave a rather awkward laugh when Peter went ahead and joined their group hug. Mostly he found it endearing, really. It was nice that Peter had so much affection for them. But also, he wouldn't have minded a few minutes alone with his boyfriend.

Remus carefully detangled himself from the embrace.

"Hello, Dears," Hope greeted Peter and Sirius with a smile. She gave Remus one more kiss on the cheek and then told him, "You have a good year. I'll see you at Christmas."

"Love you, Mum," Remus said, giving her a quick hug before she wandered off to give Remus space with his friends.

Turning back to Sirius and Peter, Remus asked with a grin, "Ready to go?" They should probably get on the train - it was getting late. They could catch up once they'd found a compartment. Besides, Remus was rather excited for this last year.
(Code to come. Zombie. Zombie. )

Hermione said goodbye to Mrs. Weasley alongside Harry and the Weasley children, accepting a hug from her and thanking her for her everything from the previous day. She knew her parents wouldn't have let her stay at the Leaky Cauldron with Harry and Ron if Mrs. Weasley hadn't been looking after her, so she appreciated it. She'd missed her friends over the summer and greatly worried over Harry, so she had been glad for the chance to reunite with them a day early. Hermione watched as Mr. Weasley pulled Harry away, her eyes following them with evident curiosity. Somehow, she doubted Mr. Weasley was asking after the function of a rubber duck this time, if only because he would have pulled her aside as well. No, it seemed like something genuinely important and she couldn't help but worry. She was sure she'd find out whatever it was soon enough, though, and they didn't have much time. So Hermione mounted the Hogwarts Express alongside Ron.

They talked, mostly arguing as per usual, as they walked along the corridor looking for an empty compartment. They didn't have much luck - it seemed that most were full. Finally, they came across a compartment that was empty save one person - a person that made her do a double take because it wasn't a student at all. But no adults were ever on the Hogwarts Express, save the person who managed the trolley and the conductor. She frowned, taking him and his suitcase in. "Well, this will do," she decided. It was the best they were likely to find, having arrived so late. And at least the man appeared to be out cold - he wouldn't be bothering them. So Hermione pulled her trunk in, her cat carrier tucked under an arm. Once she'd gotten both items situated she went back into the corridor to wait for Harry, standing just outside the compartment she'd found. A few minutes later she spotted him boarding the train and waved with a smile. "Harry," she called, "Over here."
James f potter
mauraders era- Gryffindor- prongs
Another year of the most magickal place in England! Wow! James was always so excited for school, to see his friends, cause some mischief, play quidditch and so much more! He had woken up super early on September 1st, He stretched bit before hopping out of bed to get a headstart on hygiene and then to throw on some comfy but nice clothes for the train. Always had to look his best after all! And He and his folks were on the way to the Kings Cross Train Station to get on the much beloved Hogwarts Express to Hogwarts.

Once they had finally arrived at the train station. He eagerly gave both of his parents a quick hug.“ Thank you Mama and Papa……We should be fine from here!” He told his parents who pulled him into a hug before leaving once He headed into the train station! Fleamont and Euphemia Potter were the absolute best parents after all! Really they are! He quickly made a run for the Platform entrance before blinking slowly as He heard his friends as He placed the bags down softly.. " Heyyyy! Wait for me!!!!!" He chuckled a bit, smoothing back out his clothes and fixing his glasses. His hair was already pretty messy anyhow. He could worry about that later.

Sliding into the spot his friends were at with a big grin. “ How was everyone’s summer?” He asked nodding to them to continue heading towards the train, as He shuffled with his bags to make sure He didn’t forget anything. It was all kinds of exciting to be on the final year at Hogwarts and trying to see how things would continue on from here. Besides one more final year of Quidditch and one final year of fun memories to be made! “ And don’t you all worry…….I am certain we will sweep with floor with Slytherin during the Quidditch season this year…….The snakes won’t know what hit them ” He joked.

coded by natasha.

Lady Lyrei







  • home (filler tab)

Beth Crowley

I'll Find A Way

The dark haired girl slept soundly, her breathing soft as she rested against the one person she could trust. Her memories playing in her mind as she dozed. Ebony strands gently fell over the shoulder of Somnus as she curled up. Somnus was safe, he would protect her and make sure she was awake enough when they arrived at Hogwarts. Besides... they still had to figure out what to do when they got to the school. Obviously something wasn't right. And by right she meant something was off.

A sleepy murmur of parseltongue came from the half-asleep witch as she felt the shifting of the scaled body against her clavicle.
"Go back to sssleep Misstress, I will return."
The viper hissed back reassuringly, her tongue flicking across the tanned face gently as she slithered off of her witch and headed for the door. The viperess slipped out of the car and into the hall, mischief clear in her eyes.

A few startled first-years had to leap out of the way of the venomous reptile. Her sunset-colored scales of orange and purple caught a decent amount of eyes before she smirked. Her body winded through the hallways and made a decent few firsties scream from her large and eye-catching size and colors. A soft laugh came from the snake as she enjoyed the chaos she was causing. Her body quickly avoided stomping feet before she turned around and began to head back to the compartment. Her slim body entered the car and casually made her way back up to her mistress's neck and set herself on the neck comfortably. A soft hiss of pleasure came from her mouth as a delicate hand reached up in an almost instinctual manner to stroke down her scales.

Celaena had tensed in her sleep when she felt the loss of her snake, her anxiety rising. The witch was so ready to be back in her home on Madagasar. For sure. When the feeling of Rani returned to her skin, she relaxed almost immediately. Gentle fingers rose to stroke down the scaled body fondly, subconsciously realizing Rani was safe.

♡coded by uxie♡
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(coding to come)

Regulus looked the perfect upright pureblood as he arrived at the station by side-along apparition with his mother. She didn't like bringing him to the station and having to mingle with people who were less than her. But how else was Regulus to arrive? Flu powder would leave him looking a mess, broomstick would get him arrested, anything resembling muggle transportation was out (Knight Bus included, though that had its own problems of making him seem poor), and Regulus was too young to apparate himself. So side-along it was, and they appeared in a whirl of black and emerald cloaks. Regulus' was black but with the delicate silver embroidery of stars - enchanted to paint an accurate picture of the constellations of the night sky for the coming night. His mother's was green with the family crest on a shoulder, as if she was scared someone would forget who she was. Both of their robes were perfectly pressed and without a single wrinkle, and both stood perfectly straight-backed and proud, chins (and noses) up. Regulus was still short, despite his perfect posture, which he knew would be more of a source of irritation for his parents if it didn't also help him on the Quidditch field. It seemed all wizards respected Quidditch, even his parents. Both Blacks were perfectly groomed, not a hair out of order which combined with natural good looks to make for striking figures.

Regulus' mother was giving him his yearly reminders which he didn't need (do well in your classes, be careful who you talk to, present yourself well, and so on), but Regulus was only pretending to listen as his eyes scanned the platform. It wasn't long before he spotted the person he was searching for, though he hadn't admitted to himself that was what he was doing. By pure chance they'd landed not far from Regulus' estranged brother, just one year older. He was rather more handsome, rather more social and popular, and rather more dead to the family. Walburga saw where his eyes were and her features took on a look of pure disgust. Well, maybe not pure - there was definitely some rage boiling just beneath the surface. "Just ignore him, Dear," she said, all but spitting in anger despite the term of endearment.

When Regulus was young, he used to run after Sirius. He adored and admired his older brother, always wanting to play with him and get into all kinds of trouble - and fun. But, unlike Sirius, Regulus had learned. He'd learned what actions resulted in pain and what resulted in praise. By now he knew how to be the perfect son that his parents wanted and they were almost... sweet to him. But he'd never forgotten the feel of the curses on his back, never forgotten the sight of his brother crying despite his stubborn determination not to. And he'd never forgiven, either.

Regulus wasn't sure if Sirius was far stupider than his teachers gave him credit for or if he was far braver. But he was one or the other, because while Regulus learned to conform, Sirius acted out more and more as the years passed. The brothers, so close in age and appearance and once so close in spirit, grew apart. Regulus couldn't be the perfect son if he was close to the black sheep of the family. The distance didn't mean it didn't hurt. It didn't mean that Sirius leaving wasn't an act of abandonment and betrayal. An act that said that Regulus was a Black now and Sirius was not, an act that said that Sirius was the one worth protecting and Regulus was not, an act that said that Regulus was worthless - not worth sticking around for, not worth bringing along, not worth telling, not worth warning. So there was no longing in Regulus' eyes, only anger. Which was probably the only reason his mother hadn't taken her anger at Sirius out on him - she thought they were on the same side, united in their fury at her middle child.

Except... there was longing, even if it didn't show. Longing for what Sirius had - real friends, real love, real freedom; longing to be with him, at home or at James' or literally anywhere else; longing for what they'd once had. But he tried not to acknowledge it because none of that could be. Regulus had things to do, people to see. Namely a certain headmaster. So he tried to cover it up with his anger. Anger at Sirius but more than that at his horrible friends, gathered around him now. Dopey, falsely-innocent Peter Pettigrew; scarred, weak Remus Lupin; and worst of all, handsome, talented, bullying, conniving James Potter - thieves all. Thieves of the most valuable commodity in Regulus' life - love. They'd stolen what little he'd had from the only source he'd had it. Thieves. And James most of all, who'd stolen his brother all together this past summer, never to be returned.

Regulus forced himself to look away from the smiles on their faces before his mother got mad at him for staring at someone who no longer existed to them. He hated how damned happy they all looked, like nothing was wrong in the world, like they were fucking happy to see each other, happy to go to school. Regulus tried to remember the last time he'd been genuinely happy and he truly wasn't sure when it had been, if ever. Regulus gave his mother a smile, perfectly natural as if there was nothing wrong in his world either. No cousins telling him it was time, that he was talented enough not to need to wait until he graduated; no parents telling him he should be trying to find a wife; no brother who had abandoned him. It wasn't like the smile he'd seen on Sirius' face, it wasn't happy. But it wasn't sad either. Simply a polite acknowledgement of his mother's words, an indication of some respect and affection. Though, in truth, Regulus wasn't sure his family knew the meaning of either word. "Of course, mother. I'll see you in a few months," Regulus said. Then he tightened his hand on his trunk and started onto the train, walking down the corridor and looking for an empty compartment. He hoped he could just read on this ride and wouldn't have to spend the time talking to so-called friends.
ERA: Golden Trio

HOUSE: Ravenclaw

LOCATION: The Hogwarts Express
Rani, Jesper

TLDR: Lucas gets on the train and lets Celaena's snake pass by him before entering Jesper's compartment and sitting down without saying anything.
lucas saunders
Ravenclaw's Rebel.
After boarding the train, Lucas strode through the aisles of the Hogwarts Express, his tall frame cutting a distinguished figure amidst the carriages. His chocolate-brown eyes scanned his surroundings in search of an empty compartment among the multitude of full ones, walking past sliding doors and hearing snippets of various conversations that echoed through the wooden interior. Some conversations belonged to nervous first years excitedly discussing the sorting ceremony whilst others belonged to older students catching up about the holidays—a third topic, however, seemed to be trumping both categories.

‘Sirius Black’ was a name that Lucas had never heard before coming to England, yet that morning, he had already heard it being murmured countless times in passing. The American had little interest in gossip so it went unnoticed for a while as he went about his morning, but after hearing the name four times in the space of ten minutes, he started to get the feeling that this Sirius guy meant something to a lot of people, be it a good something or a bad something. Judging by the tone of some of the whispers, he figured that it was probably bad.

"Yeah, no thanks," he thought to himself, more interested in finding a quiet place to sit for the journey. He wasn’t really expecting to make any friends on the train, but he did hope there were at least some cool people at Hogwarts to distract him from the fact that, if Hogwarts turned out to be anything like Ilvermorny, he'll most definitely end up hating the place. Surely there won't be as many crazy obnoxious purebloods in England as there are in the US, right? A smaller school should mean less professors breathing down his neck for not fitting into the system perfectly, too, so he at least had that to look forward to. It might even be easier to break the curfew.

Lucas heard some screams erupting from behind him which made him turn to see what all the commotion was about. When he saw nothing, he followed some people’s eyes to the floor and finally saw the culprit at large. A rather majestic looking snake with sunset-coloured scales just so happened to be slithering towards him, much to the horror of some of the other students who reacted as though the snake was the notorious Sirius Black everyone had been whispering so anxiously about. As the viper approached where he was standing, Lucas stepped to the side to let the creature pass, watching her curiously as she moved.

He wondered if the creature was an Animagus trying to find a place to sit or just someone’s companion stretching its ‘legs’ and causing a bit of mischief, but soon enough, the snake had turned around to head back in the direction it originally came from. Once again, Lucas stepped to the side as she passed by, this time laughing at the scene as comedically timed screams followed the orange and purple scaled reptile. Soon forgetting about the snake and resuming his search for a compartment, Lucas eventually made it to an area the chatter hadn’t seemed to have reached as much. He peered through the window of the sliding door and saw someone sitting alone reading a book.

"Well, you don’t look like an asshole," he muttered to himself quietly, noting that the brown-haired male in the compartment seemed to be lost in his book and therefore less likely to talk his ear off and point out his accent. Someone seemed to bring it up in every new conversation he had—it was totally fine two months ago when he first moved to the country, but after about a week of hearing the same thing it became far too predictable and repetitive for his liking. The young wizard put his luggage away before entering the compartment and sitting down, trying not to disturb the male who was reading his book.
code by valen t.

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