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Fantasy collectively unconscious (drop-in rp)


✨your local music therapist✨
Roleplay Availability
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When someone dies, their soul goes to an afterlife. When someone is hopping between spirit worlds, their souls tend to know where they’re going. But what about when a soul is disconnected against one’s own will?

When you come to, you’re alone. Mist shortens your visibility and you can feel an old cobbled pathway beneath your feet. It is neither warm, nor cold. It’s quiet. You see a figure through the fog in the distance and move to call out, but they vanish into their own cloud of mist and disappear. You wonder if you’ll be able to find anyone out here and figure out what’s going on, but you have a feeling that your problems are only about to get bigger.


Okie dokie so basically this is an open RP that is created with busy RPers in mind. The story happens in this almost purgatory kind of place where the characters’ minds affect the land uncontrollably—at least, until you’ve been here awhile. People arrive when they get disconnected from themselves (think about the lost souls in the movie Soul, that’s the best way I can describe the concept lol), then return to their reality as they reconnect or are otherwise refocused by something around them in their reality. This allows for RPers to pop in and out unpredictably. Monsters and obstacles may appear based on your character’s reason for being here, whether they are aware of the reason or not. The goal is to get out by controlling one’s mind. Some may choose to stay, but it is a difficult life with threats around each corner. Those who have been here longer or have visited multiple times will have more control of their environment if they have been working to strengthen their skills, such as self-control and positive self-talk.

Feel free to play any character here or even use this space to give a character from another RP a place to pass through if it fits with your story.

1. Obvs be respectful and appropriate.
2. Character sheets are not necessary; you may just jump in and play. If you’d like to, however, you may have a little bio that goes with your character’s posts.
3. Please do not pressure other people to respond quickly. Like previously stated, this RP was designed for RPers who are unable to respond consistently and may disappear for weeks or months at a time (myself included).
4. That being said, if you do not respond for over two weeks, the story will move on without you. Whoever is interacting with you may narrate the sudden disappearance of your character and you can have your character reappear when you are ready to return. There is no requirement for how often or how frequently you reply.
5. Feel free to play as a creature in the mist, if you’d like. Characters are really up in the air, as long as it makes sense with the plot!
6. You may play up to 2 characters and as many creatures as you’d like.

And that’s about it. Happy writing!
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When her view became misty, Yaretzi knew she was back. “The Mist” was what she called it. She didn’t know if this place really had a name, but if it did she probably wouldn’t use it out of disrespect. Yaretzi kicked a loose stone at her feet and listened as it tumbled down the cobbled street before her, echoing despite the thick fog. Things didn’t make sense here.

When the echo disappeared, Yaretzi began walking forward with her hands shoved in her pockets. At least here, she had a break. She pushed aside the thought that she was wasting time and continued walking, hoping she didn’t look as tense as she felt.

Formless, Lost, in a mist familiar, but what was familiar? For this shadowed husk finding himself in a land between... well everything he did not know anything of this place that he was only that it was and wasn't familiar to him. Much like walking into a house in which you used to live only to fin it occupied by other people entirely seeing how they changed the paint, décor, the feel, yet it was all so familiar he couldn't match a real feeling to it. In all fairness to his situation he couldn't do the same for himself, all he could remember was that he was someone, someone somewhere at sometime. Glancing down to get the measure of himself he found a shadow, he was fluid and shaped like a man, maybe shadow wasn't the way to put it? A dark smoke! That's what I am. Why? I know I am more, I'm something right? The thought shot through his brain, a monologue a thought, he was someone... who?

At the moment of confusion and realization he found no real answers only a face, and that face turned into a body, arms, a person emerging from the mist before him, a young woman, he knew now that it wasn't him as much as he would have hoped it would be. All he needed was answers, where he was, why he was, how he was, who he was... any thing was more than helpful and welcome. Seized by nothing but a combination of determination and unabashed curiosity this shadowed husk of a man reached out to the woman, not in a physical way, he strode up to her and with a mindset that he was smiling, doubtless his face was naught more than a shadowed smoke, asked plain and simply, "Who are you and where am I?"


As she walked, Yaretzi felt a voice behind her. Or was it to the side? She turned to see the figure of another being materializing from the mist. It addressed her as it spoke. The stones behind her feet loosened in the street and began to rumble slightly as she responded to it. “I don’t know who you are, but you’re in the mist,” she said flatly.

Yaretzi felt a small pang of sympathy for the being before her. Was this its—his—first time here? Probably. The rumbling stones behind her rocked in the street more softly. What innocence, she thought. The first time was never easy. But that wasn’t her fault. The rumbling picked up again. She looked the figure up and down, then turned to keep walking along the path. She had a strong feeling that he would follow her and she guessed she was okay with that as long as she could find the Open Space. She planned to make a mess of things there, for maybe that would get her centered. The rational part of her mind told her that would only make things worse but she forced that inner voice to quiet and pressed on, stones rumbling unevenly at her feet.

"Ezfada? Ezfada! Where are you?" A boy calls into the mist, receiving not even an echo of his own voice in return for his calls. Inside the mist, one will find what appears to be a small boy, no older than 15 in reference to age and physical appearance. They have mocha-colored skin and short messy green hair. His eyes were deep blue like the sea and freckles scattered on his face. One could have been easily identified them as a human boy if it weren't for their sharp pointed ears. He wears a tattered sleeveless shirt of brownish shade, thin poor quality brown gloves on his hands, a coat of sorts wrapped around his waist decorated with many different shades of green, a complete contrast to the wooden color of his clothes. Oakwood brown shorts and dark-colored boots finish the look.

"Ezfada! Hmph, can't even hear me in this cloudy place." He calls loudly again, no response. Walking for a few hours felt like days here, his face barely unfazed by his own surroundings which is unfamiliar to him, and yet he had no sense of urgency through this mist. He continued to walk down the foggy cobblestone path, appearing to not be straying from the path despite leading to nowhere. Another long round of silence and lonely walking on the road. The boy stopped in his tracks and quickly squinted into the mist to the sound of a cobblestone being moved and clacked against another stone. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Muttering to himself from the sound of clashing rocks into the mist. Now on alert, the boy drew out a well-made wooden bow from his back and proceeds to now in a sneaking position into the sound source nearby, even with elf-like ears he has a hard time tracking where the sound is coming from. He is yet to draw an arrow from his arrow-filled quiver on his back.

Mentioned: .silver. .silver. Locklaklazarii Locklaklazarii
When Erum had woken up that morning, she hadn't expected her room to be filled with fog.

Thick, gray fog clogged up Erum's room like a bad cough, obscuring her vision. It had seemingly rolled in overnight-incredibly strange, given that rooms did not, at least as far as Erum was aware, randomly fog up in the middle of the night. Nor did Erum live near the coast, where the fog rolled in with the tides at their every whim. Erum shifted her head to the side, attempting to pierce their gaze through the veil. Nothing, only a sea of grey as far as the eye could see.

There was a path she could faintly make out beneath her feet. It winded and curved through the unfamiliar landscape. Erum stood on her tip-toes and attempted to make out where it went, but nothing. The fog was too thick. If she wanted to figure out where it went, she'd have to follow it. Erum stood there for a moment, attempting to regain her bearings. Blinked her eyes, once, twice, thrice, wondering if this was some strange dream.

It was not, in fact, a strange dream.

Sighing, Erum embarked on the path, the fog-or, to be more accurate, the mist- parting to make way for each step she took. The ground was hard beneath her feet- she'd been sleeping before. I wonder just how wise it is to walk down a strange path in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere, she mused as she hoped over a fallen tree root. When Erum had been a school teacher, she'd always cautioned her first graders to stay put in one spot if they ever got lost. It'll make it easier to find you, she'd explained to a small group of fidgeting 5 year old's, eager to be done with her lecture and get to exploring the great big expanse of the circus. They'd probably be up in arms if they found out she'd disobeyed her own advice.
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Yaretzi grumbled as she heard another voice in the distance. For a place so infinitely large, it was beginning to feel pretty small. She ignored the second being for now, assuming that she’d just be followed by that one too. She could never be alone, could she? Part of her was secretly thankful for company, but the louder part of her mind wanted nothing more than a completely empty space where she could just scream or jump out of a tree or something that could make her feel something different. Heck, she’d be down to fight a big mist creature on her own right now!

Yaretzi’s gait slowed slightly. No, she thought. That was the mist talking. As self-destructive as she felt, she didn’t really want to have to fight anything at all. Her walking speed picked back up again, the stones still rumbling steadily at her feet. Then, much to her dismay, a third figure appeared before her in the foggy mist (or misty fog?) and seemed to be walking in her—their—direction. She was so close to the Open Space. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to do there anymore, but it was a direction to walk and the structure of destination provided some comfort. She’d figure out the next steps when she got there. She stopped walking, waiting for everyone to catch up and end up together. It was inevitable. Well, maybe not. She could just continue to the Open Space on her own, but she didn’t want to be rude. Well, she did want to be a little rude, but she knew it was better not to do that. She took a deep breath and sighed, standing in place in the middle of the road right next to a small portion of an old, decaying wooden fence. The fence appeared out of place, being only two horizontal planks of wood about four feet long held up by two shorter vertical planks of wood. The wood was slightly soggy from the mist and sported spots of moss growing on it. To Yaretzi, however, this sight was welcoming. One left turn here and she was headed to the Open Space.

Erum ran her fingers through her hair as she trekked through the mist, fingers curling around light brown waves. The texture was soft, yet slightly wet. She'd taken a shower right after coming back home from work and hadn't bothered to dry out her hair, instead electing to collapse directly into bed and on to dreamland. Erum mentally chastised her decision as she rubbed her wet arms. You'd think that after being stuck under her covers for a good 5 hours, Erum would at least be dry. But for some reason, appearing in the Mist had undone any of the effects. So now Erum was a chilly pile of white pajamas.

Mist is made up of condensed water vapor, thought Erum as she waved her hand through the Mist. It momentarily vanished in the gray expanse before reappearing in her line of vision. The Mist was probably the reason why Erum's clothes were damp, she reasoned as she continued her walk. It was quiet in the Mist, disturbingly so. The only sounds to be heard were the crunch-crunch-crunching of the grass underneath her feet and her soft breathing. Erum lifted her eyes to examine her surroundings again before something- or better yet, someone- caught her eye.

They stood a ways apart from Erum, leaning against something. At first glance, they appeared to be waiting. For me? thought Erum as she slowed her step and squinted. They were leaning against a fence, it seemed, and most certainly waiting for someone. "Hello?" she called out, waving a hand. "Who are you?"
Everett slouched at his desk, tiredly trying to finish his heap of school assignments. He had so much work to do, but he was exhausted. He felt awful, his body felt like lead and he couldn't think straight. I can't get anything done in this state, it wouldn't hurt to close my eyes for a moment. But once he opened them again, instead of being met with incomplete essays and the warmth of his dormitory; he found himself facing a foggy lake.

"What the hell?" Everett said aloud. Grey, grey, grey. Everything was grey, from the mist that blanketed everywhere he looked, to the sky above his head, to the ground he stood on. Everett shivered, then wrapped his arms around himself and blearily gazed at the mist covered lake. There was not a another soul in sight, no boats on the water, no cars passing by, no children playing in the water. No one besides himself. His surroundings didn't look the least bit familiar, the town he lived in was full of life unlike this place.

Had he slept walked? I must have, there's no other explanation. Everett thought trying to calm himself, although he didn't fully believe it. He slept walked before, yes, but never to wherever the hell this was, never farther then his front yard and not in many years. But that must be what happened, right? How else could he have gotten here?

I must have fell asleep longer than intended and wandered to the next town over in my sleep. Yes, that's is. But again, he didn't truly believe his own words and was merely trying to give himself some reassurance. Or maybe, I'm still dreaming. Maybe this all just a nightmare and I'm still in my dorm. Everett pondered jokingly, but he knew it wasn't, he never had dreams this vivid. This place wasn't natural, it gave off an almost surreal aura, with the mist that seemed to covered every corner, it did indeed appear to be something right out of a nightmare.

Calm down, think, be rational...Just find someone and ask them where this place is. Relax, relax. Everett tried to comfort himself to keep from fainting out of fear.

"Alright, I just need to find some help. Everything will be fine..."


Yaretzi sighed as the green-haired boy and the misted man slowly disappeared with the mist in front of her. Was it jealousy? Relief? How long might it be until they returned, if they did? How long would it be until she returned to reality? She guessed she felt happy for them. The longer she was here, the more prominently her stomach tried to get her attention. Sometimes existential thoughts made her insides churn. She suddenly felt very tired. Maybe she would just watch the Open Space today. Maybe there could be birds.

The young woman from before was still there, and another young man appeared before them. Must be close to finals, she thought, realizing they must be close in age. The young woman spoke to her.

“Doesn’t matter,” she responded, glancing at the lightly worn path beyond the fence. She recognized the importance of company when one is lost. “I’m going on a walk,” she continued. “Want to come?”

And that other guy will probably want to come too,
she thought, watching him out of the corner of her eye. She felt a pang of sympathy for him. It’s harder to be in the Mist when you’re panicking. The unfamiliarity can really pack a punch. Yaretzi fought to keep her inner therapist down and the vibrating stones at her feet slowed to a gentle rumble, now a more comforting sound to Yaretzi than a direct reflection of her frustration. This place knew her too well. She had gotten used to the connectedness. Was it helpful or detrimental? Or both? No matter. This was a place of self-discovery, if anything. Yaretzi inwardly gagged. She was right and it was annoying. It was a place of other things too, but for some people that was one of the only things that could get you out of the Mist. Yaretzi stood still as the young man seemed to make his way closer, waiting for a response from the woman in front of her.



Suddenly everyone was gone. With a twist of the Mist, Yaretzi was back again. She was a year older and appeared healthy except for the circles under her eyes. She blinked a couple of times, processing what had happened. She must have disappeared and then returned. It was like returning to a dream, and she had no memory of when she was awake. But she did know that she was back again, for some reason.

She stood there silently, this realization sinking in. The mist around her had dissipated and her immediate surroundings were completely devoid of sound. She dropped to her knees onto the soft earth beneath her, a cloud of black mist puffing up around her as if from the dirt. The dark mist settled and Yaretzi remained kneeling. The dark mist appeared on her chest and began to spread. Her chest felt heavy. Yaretzi took in a labored deep breath. Something told her that she returned to this place willingly. Why? Was the tug that irresistible?



Once again, she flickered into view. What was her name again? It started with a Y... She had a feeling it didn't fit her anymore. The girl looked out across the mist, out toward the invisible horizon. She felt her head tip back, but she didn't feel afraid. Her jaw fell open as her gaze met zenith. It was like she was going to throw up, but with no vomit. A single tear slid down her face as the only thought she could find was "I'm here again." With a single dry heave, a puff of mist exited her mouth and her body fell limp to the ground.


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