Zombies Unleashed [Inactive]


Cody submitted a new role play:

Zombies Unleashed - Zombies have taken over the world. One group tries to survive in the woods. They face many obstacles

It's been one week since the outbreak happened. The World is now over run by these deadly flesh eating creatures called zombies. A group of survivors meet up and try to survive. As they survive each day and each night, they have to find as much supplies as they can get. They will go from place to place. Some will die. Some will survive. One bite and you are dead. Always stick together with your team. If you need to go somewhere to get something, always take some people with you. If its a big...
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Kharzin was sitting at his campfire, tending to his gun. He's been alone for about a week know since the strange and unexplained virus broke out through the world. He was just sitting on his bunk when his friends and comrades came back from a training exercise. One of them got bitten by what to seem look like a squirrel. The unfortunate thing is they didn't know about the virus because all their communication equipment was malfunctioning and they didn't get news of the virus until it was too late.

Kharzin heard screaming from the other end of the barrack. He ran to see what was happening and he saw a private hunched over the body of a captain with blood dripping from the privates mouth, when he saw this kharzin knew he was trouble so he grabbed an old rifle that one of the privates found while on a training exercise and kept it for himself. He loaded the mag and fired it at the private when he came wailing to him. After some rounds were fired, the private went down and was bleeding. Every body else ran from the barrack, when khar left the building he saw everyone getting attacked and eaten. He left the base without being detected and got out of there.

Two weeks later he is sitting at the campfire with homemade armor that was made of various metal sheets and cloth that could protect him from the heavy gun rounds and a combat helment he grabed, it just protected his skull from one or two rounds but that was it. He also carried the old assualt rifle the he had grabbed. He also had a few boxes of ammo, but the gun was fixed andrefixed with makeshift parts and repairs and was on it last legs, but it still worked and he had a baseball bat that he cleaverly put spikes in due to all the moies he watched as a kid. Nkw he was just sitting there at his campfire until he heard a noise and grabbed his rifle and waited to see who was making that noise.
James ran out of his house when the infected flooded in from the back door. He quickly grabbed a pistol on the ground outside his doorstep and ran to his car. They were there too. Having no where to go he ran to the nearest building to hide out in. The nearest building where the doors weren't locked. He ran into a store. He got his phone out and tried to call 911. They wouldn't answer. James put his phone back and looked behind him. There was more of the infected there. They ran after him but he was quickly saved by his long time friend Dan. Dan had a pistol and shot the zombies in the head.

"Interesting to see you here." He said to James.

"You too." He replied.

"Take this." Said Dan as he threw him a gun.

James caught it and they both ran out of the store. They got in Dan's van. Dan started it up and drove away with James sitting in the back.

"Were you bit?" Dan asked.

"No." He answered. "But I do got a scratch."
Kharzin could hear what sounded like a car starting, he saw what looked like two older boys running to the car and driving off, he saw a good group of 10 walkers over the hill on the road the two boys were traveling, if hid didn't kill the walkers fast, the boys would get stuck in the field of abadoned cars, and be surrounded by walkers.

Kharzin grabbed his armor and put it on as fast as he could ad his bat. He ran down the hill to the wreckage and started to kill the walkers with a few shots to the upper body, 7 of them went down before they figured out what happened. The rest heard what the sound was and rushed kharzin but he wasn't able to fire his gun because it jammed, so he grabbed his bat and started swinging for the fences at their brains. They went down but he could hear the van coming from the road and saw it just when the last walker came at him but he almost got bitten but was lucky due to himhaving more strength to push the walker off and whack him with the bat. He got his gun ready when he saw the van coming.
The van traveled down the rocky road and was traveling towards the figure they saw up ahead. The zombies were walking towards the van trying to get inside. James started to go for the pistol he had, but Dan stopped him.

"Don't shoot that pistol" Dan said strictly. "If you shoot it, walkers will come from far distances. We can't take the risk."

"Fine." James said, still eager to take the gun.

Walkers jumped at the van. One jumped on the front of the van and scratched at the window. Dan made a right turn and got out of the van.

"Now we shoot." Dan said as he got his pistol out. James got his out too.

They both shot zombies in the head left and right. They thought the area was pretty secure for now, so they made their way to the stranger. They were ready to attack any threat.
"Don't you dare come any closer, I swear I'll blow your brains all over the street. What do you want, if you guys are looking for supplies, don't ask me I got some water and food but only enough for me. Tell me your names and what you want, and I'll think if I will put my weapon down."
James and Dan got their guns up.

"We don't want any trouble. We just want to know where the safest area around here is. We will make our way from there." Dan said. "We already have guns, and I stole a bunch of things from the store we just came out of. Just tell us where we could go."
"This area isn't safe now due to the loud noises, I know of an old building past those two hills that could be a safe place for know. Be careful there is word that there might be a bandit group down the way who robs folks like you. They aren't if I could say, Nice as I was and will kill you for just looking at them the wrong way. Hope I could be of some help. We might see each other some time soon." When kharzin got back to campfire he saw two gentlemen sitting at his campfire he saw them there and yelled " what the f*** are you two do sitting at my campfire." The two men ran off when they heard him, Kharzin shot his rifle and got one of the men in the leg but the other got away, he grabbed the other man and pulled him up and asked "what the hell are you doing here. The man didn't say anything, Kharzin looked up and the other man was there with a wood plank and knocked kharzin out.
Dan got in the car with James and drove off towards the two hills, trusting the stranger. They finally got over the hills and saw the old building he was talking about. They saw two men guarding the area. They crawled under a bush hoping not to be seen.

"They are probably protecting the building from the walkers." Dan said.

"Walkers?" James questioned.

"That is what they call those creatures. Walkers. Now we got to figure out how to approach these guys."

They got up closer and hid behind everything they could find along the way. When they finally reached the bush that was the closest to the men, they got up and showed themselves.

"Look!" James said fast. "We don't want any trouble! We just need a place to stay."

The men both looked at each other and nodded.

"Sure, we will let you stay." One man said. "Come in."

"That was easy." James said walking in the building.
Kharzin woke up from his knocked out state 10 minutes later in an old building. A man walked up and said " well well lokks like we have a the butcher of 15 of our men last week, why so nice to have this guest in a our presence. We see the two young ones that came to our front door, we saw you chatting with those two and ttelling them about our hideout and the goods we had here. We'll treat them to a nice to them. Boys go show our guest to the visitor room, we have something in store for them. You are just going to sit here for a while and enjoy the treat we have for you. "

It was a few minutes and kharzin was able to break from the horrible jib they did of tiyng his hands together and was able to grab his knife and gun they left right to next him. He opened the door slowlty to see if there was anyone in the front. There was lonely guard and he stabbed him right in the neck and watchefd the blood gurgle over his hand and grabbed the guys weapon which was and old assault rifle and just a few rounds but may come in use later. He reach the so called vistors center and heard some voices and got ready for what was on the other side.
James and Dan had their weapons stolen from them. They were tied up in the room.

"So maybe they did rob us. But whatever." James said. "Someone will come for us..."

"Well they had to leave a zombie in here!" Dan yelled.

"They want us to get eaten. But stay calm. We are going to figure out a way to get out of here." James said as he tried to reach for the right pocket of his jeans.

"What are you trying to do?" Dan asked.

"I am getting the knife I kept. If I get it I can untie us."

The zombie broke free of the chains and jumped at James. James kicked the zombie and tried to push him off. Suddenly the door opened.
Tyler heard of his group taking prisoners, he didn't like it..he thought it was inhumaine. So he went against his group and searched for the prisoners. After questioning the group he found out where they were and so he opened the door to see a two tied up men fighting a zombie off. Tyler acted quickly and pulled out his Makarov he only had 2 bullets, he mainly used it just to intimidate people. He pointed his gun at the zombie and pulled the trigger hitting his right shoukder which just staggered him a bit but Tyler got it's attention and now it wanted to eat Tyler. Tyler aimed again 'cmon you can do this' Tyler said knowing he only had one bullet and was a terrible shot but he pulled the trigger piercing its skull and making it fall to the ground...dead. "Alright no time to talk we gotta get you guys out of here..they probably heard the gun shots"
James got the knife and untied himself. He then untied Dan. They got their knives ready to attack.

"Why did you save us? I thought you wanted us dead." James said.
"Look ill explain everything to you later we need to leave..NOW" Tyler ran out of the room, to one of the crew's SUV and started it
Dan and James looked at each other than ran to the SUV.

"Are you sure we can trust this guy?" Dan asked James.

"We have to take our chances!" James said.

Dan ran into the SUV and sat in the passengers seat. Zombies starting hoarding on the SUV. James jumped into the backseat, almost getting his foot caught by a walker. James sat up and closed the door.

"Go! go! go!" James yelled.
"Yeah. Still, why didn't you leave us for dead like them? What makes you so special." James said curiously.
"Well.. the group I was with were..very bad people. I didn't realize it until yesterday they would kidnap people..kill them and then eat them. So I heard of new prisoners which gave me the opening I needed to leave. I wasen't going to leave alone so I decided I would break out some prisoners and leave. So..your welcome."
"Okay then. Some stranger told us to come here. He said it could be safe. He warned us about the bandit group. He just didn't tell us they were inside that building. But the thing is, they took our pistols. Now all we have is a knife. One knife. We need to get our weapons back or get some more. He said he wasn't going to help us with supplies." James said.
"Well if we go back and fight we could be risking alot especially since they have weapons and we dont.. but downtown is not that far from where we are and there is a shooting range downtown.. but the only problem is downtown is packed with walkers.. The choice is yours"
"How are we going to get through this with no weapons." James sighed. "We have to get the stranger to give us the weapons. But we have to find him. It is going to be our only hope. He is in the visitors center of the place where we just were. From what I know he is in the military. I can stab the guards while you distract them. I can go inside and find him. He untied himself, so we can just get him in the SUV. We will take their guns and leave."
"Okay well it's nice to meet you guys." About two minutes later they arrived at the building. "Alright.. you guys remember the plan..I'm gonna distract the guards meanwhile you guys stab them from behind" Tyler left the SUV and walked into the front doors. Nobody gave him weird looks because they didn't know that he had left. He approached the guards to the other cell. "Joe.. Frank.. How are you guys? What's going on here?" Tyler asked them.
James and Dan slowly walked in the building looking for the stranger they had saw earlier.

"He doesn't seem to be here anymore." James whispered to Dan.

"He might have ran away. He did untie himself." Dan said.

James found a table with supplies on it. "Come here."

Dan silently walked over to James. "Here is the pistol!" Dan said as he grabbed it. He took the clip that was on the table and reloaded the gun. "Alright good. They left the room where we were tied up open." James said as crawled silently to the door, trying not to be seen. He heard two people talking. James motioned to go back and they both hid in a room which was across the way.

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