Zombies Unleashed [Inactive]

Kharzin escaped the building with his weapons in tow and sat down across the street to check his weapons and the new weapon he had got, It was a pretty new assault with what to look like a homemade suppressor, so kharzin took it off and saw it could fit on his assault rifle and with luck it fit perfectly. Kharzin had a rifle and was able to kill silently, Kharzin heard another vehicle coming "s***, there's more this is just perfect, but then a SUV pulled up and it looked like 3 people came out of the vehicle and walked into the building, Khar decided to wait outside the building until the 3 came back, but instead khar sneaked into the building and saw the two guards at the end of the hallway. Khar knew his armor would protect him very well against the 9mm pistol rounds that he saw that most of the guards were carrying and he had a good amount of ammo, so he decided to finally put his military experience and have a little fun.

He shouted at the guards " hey boys, I'm back" and fired rounds into the 2 guards that were talking with each other and continued down the hallway and continue through. But about 5 guards shot at his armor but didn't do anything with their pistols. The men were massacred, but when he reached a door that looked liked it was shut, Khar decided to kick the door, but there was a man behind the door and he shot the double barrel shotgun through the door and hit kharzin in the chest. It knocked him back onto the ground and punctured his armor but it took most of the damage but left a few cuts and burn marks. the man saw this and tried to reload the gun but dropped the shells. Khar was able to fire all his rounds in the door causing the man to die. He screamed out in his native Ukrainian "Vy vsi pomrete" (you will all die)

Khar got up and checked his wound, there were a few pieces of metal that came off and scratched his skin where the metal used to be. He grabbed some cloth from his pack and cleaned the wound and wrapped some bandages on it. Khar could hear what sounded to be a walker behind him in a room that looked like it was used to hold people in. He saw a cut rope on the ground, and a walker on the ground that was somewhat still alive, so he grabbed his bat and smashed it against the walkers head a few times until the skull gave way and broke into many pieces. Khar continued to scavenge from the dead bodies and found a few clips to pistols and even a few rifle clips. He even grabbed the shotgun from the guy in the room, but when he walked in he saw a horrific site, a room with cut up bodies on tables and what looked like organs on the tables ready to be eaten. Khar grabbed the shotgun and ran out of the door. Every door was either destroyed or open except for one that was across from the holding room. Khar went over to check the door, he tried kicking it but it was locked tight, so he decided to yell through the door in his deep Ukrainian accent "you come out and I won't shoot you, but if you don't come out I'll come in there myself. don't want it your way I'll be sitting out here with my new friends that look like they had a good time. Hope you don't want to join them. I got all day." Khar sat in a chair that was covered in blood from one of the bandits behind a little barrier of sandbags that were used to keep walkers back during the infection. His gun was aimed at the door and khar had two guns when he ran out of ammo in his clip if the occupant(s) decided to shoot back
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James kicked open the door to where Kharzin was.

"It's you!" James said.

"We were picked up by one of the people with the group. He saved us. I hope you didn't shoot him." Dan said lowering his gun. "We need supplies. Our stuff was stolen."
"Well it's good to see you two, hope i didn't scare you too much with that sound. I saw your friend when you two walked in from the SUV. When I came in for some fun I saw him run somewhere, so I didn't shoot him because I knew he was with you two. Why did you come back. don't answer that. I'm just glad that you two are here, I am tired of getting shot and being by myself. If you want a weapon and some ammo, there are some weapons in my little area over there, but they are old weapons that look like they are old and could not work for much longer. Hope you are good shot because I won't rescue you if you get shot and if you get bitten I'll be the first one to blow your brains out, hope you understand. Now if you have to ask any questions I'll be looking through this little storage area for anything useful."

Khar looked through the storage area and actually found a priceless object that he hasn't seen since the infection, a rare 44. magnum that had 6 rounds left in it and some more bandages with some alcohol. there was a book in the corner so he took it and put in his pack to give him a nice reading material at night. He found some nice food on the rack and put that in his pack and some food to give to James and Dan. There was also a footlocker in the corner that was locked with a chain lock so he shot the chain and lock off. There was a cache full of ammo, he grabbed as much ammo as he could, a total of 5 assault rifle clips and 4 pistol clips with full clips. He heads to James and Dan and gives them half of the assault rifle clips and all of the pistol ammo "hope you enjoy the food and ammo for your "new" weapons."
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"Thanks." James said taking some food and weapons.

"Well are we done searching here? You never know when some freak show is going to come out and attack you." Dan said picking up a key. "Hey, I found a key." Dan opened a locked door and tried to sneak inside. "Holy crap! Look at this!" Dan picked up a crossbow from the box. "There are a bunch of weapons here!"

"Hey, there is a note." James said picking it up. "It says 'BNW920'. What could that mean?"

"Sounds like some sort of code." Dan said. A alarm then activated. "Oh shit what did we do."

Dan and James tried to run out but the door was locked.

"What the hell just happened!" James yelled.
"What the hell is going." Alarms were going off and a metal gate had covered all the doors and even the room that James and Dan were in. "Looks like I have to rescue their asses again. You two stay where you are and don't touch anything, I'll find a way to get you out of there and rescue you before more walkers come due to the noise." Khar got his rifle and shogun and went to find the power switch, HE ran outside to see if a fuse box was outside or on the roof but when he got out there was at least 7 walkers coming towards the building. Kharzin ran to find the fuse box but wen he reached the back of the building he could see even more walkers so he ran to the ladder that was a few feet away from him before they noticed him. He saw what looked like a fuse box and a dusty box that looked like it had a security system box but what shut tight from the rust. So he had to pull hard to get it unstuck, but when he opened the door, it looked like that someone had forced the switch to turn on the alarm.

Khar shut the power off and the alarm finally went off. The walkers had reached the inside of the building though, so khar knew he was going to have to get there fast. He ran to the ladder but saw the walkers coming so he had to shoot his rifle to the eight walkers and kill them. After the shooting he slid down the ladder but accidentally fell onto the bodies and got blood over himself. Khar got int the building to see the walkers clawing at the doors that James and Dan were in, so khar just shot all the walkers and made sure they were dead. "hope you two had a fun time in there."
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