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Zombie Survival: Last Stand

In a world were infection has long since turned most of the world into walkers, a small band of humans try to survive and revive the human race. The infection won't stop spreading and even other humans aren't on their side...
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(I've never been the 1st person to post in character before, this is an achievement)

Nia sat on top of a convince store, eating a freshly opened can of peaches. She dangled her legs over the side swinging them back and forth. She set down her can to pick up a rock and threw it at a zombie pinned underneath a car, the rock hit it's forehead. "10 points!" She said to herself throwing up her arms as if she just won the Olympics.

She smiled but it quickly dissapeared. It's no fun when no one else sees it. She had been alone for months. She took a couple more bites of peaches and just sat there, thinking of what to do next. If being alone was anything, it was definitely really, really, boring.
Greyson ran through the woods. He glanced at the sun and shivered. It was almost nightfall. Without any light he would be ready prey for the walkers. He hurried his pace. He sprinted until he finnaly reached a small road that led into a town. He stopped to catch his breath and walked towards a convince store. He smiled. Food! But then he saw an recently open can of peaches and a rock stuck in a zombies head...
Nia easily spotted the stranger, 1 he was making no attempt at stealth, and 2 she was on top of a building. She panicked and her desert, a cup of chocolate pudding, fell off the roof landing with a splat. It was her last one too. She quickly got off the edge and went prone, out of sight.

That said she pulled out her pistol, switching off the safety. Just in case this guy was hostile, and crawled over to the ladder. If this guy wants up here theres going to be a gun in his face.
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[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania]
Nia easily spotted the stranger, 1 he was making no attempt at stealth, and 2 she was on top of a building. She panicked and her desert, a cup of chocolate pudding, fell off the roof landing with a splat. It was her last one too. She quickly got off the edge and went prone, out of sight.
That said she pulled out her pistol, switching off the safety. Just in case this guy was hostile, and crawled over to the ladder. If this guy wants up here theres going to be a gun in his face.

Greyson heard a splat and quickly ducked behind an old car. He peeked around the corner to see a chocolate pudding mashed on the ground. His eyes scanned along the roof top until he saw the barrel of a pistil glinting in the fading sunlight. He stepped out from behind the car concealing his pistol behind him. "It would be great of you didn't kill me" he yelled up to the figure.
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TheRoleplayingMaster said:
Greyson heard a splat and quickly ducked behind an old car. He peeked around the corner to see a chocolate pudding mashed on the ground. His eyes scanned along the roof top until he saw the barrel of a pistil glinting in the fading sunlight. He stepped out from behind the car concealing his pistol behind him. "It would be great of you didn't kill me" he yelled up to the figure.
"If I wanted it I could've shot you already, Im just worried about myself here... Look, are you friendly or not. I'll give you some of my food if you promise NOT to shoot me. Although you owe me a pudding cup, that was my last one"
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania]"If I wanted it I could've shot you already, Im just worried about myself here... Look, are you friendly or not. I'll give you some of my food if you promise NOT to shoot me. Although you owe me a pudding cup, that was my last one"

Grayson didn't drop his gun but he let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks for not killing me", he said with a smile. He put his pistol back in his holster. "Well I guess we can go find a some more pudding because I'm starving. Why don't you come down and we can go look in the convince store together"
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TheRoleplayingMaster said:
Grayson didn't drop his gun but he let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks for not killing me", he said with a smile. He put his pistol back in his holster. "Well I guess we can go find a some more pudding because I'm starving. Why don't you come down and we can go look in the convince store together"
Nia got up, put away her pistol and spoke as she went down the ladder "yo, ive already looted the store. But I left some under the counter in a box to be used as a supply cash for later, its not a lot but still, help yourself." She slid down the rest of the way. Doing a 360 check, bow at the ready, in case of any people or zombies.
Mason watched as the two exchanged words. He sat there at the edge of the treeline waiting for... something to happen. Waiting for an attack, for them to leave, or for them to kill each other. His stomach gave a low rumble. Two days with no food does that to a guy. He was low on bullets and material for making traps, so he was hoping to scavenge something from this very store. Unfortunately these guys beat him to the punch, but he wasn't above thievery.
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania]Nia got up, put away her pistol and spoke as she went down the ladder "yo, ive already looted the store. But I left some under the counter in a box to be used as a supply cash for later, its not a lot but still, help yourself." She slid down the rest of the way. Doing a 360 check, bow at the ready, in case of any people or zombies.

" You got food? Sweet cause' I'm starving", Grayson said as heaproached her. Now that he was closer to her he saw that she was quite tall and looked strong. I wonder what she did before the outbreak he thought to himself. As they walked towards the store Grayson couldn't help but feel like someone was watching them. He quietly turned around saw a young man watching them. It didn't seem like he was going to attack, he was just observing them...
Mason ducked back behind the tree. "Fuck," he muttered under his breath. All he could do was still just wait. They would either leave him or they would yell at him to come out. He'd put these scenarios through his head a hundred times. He was prepared.
"Hey guy, did you see somthing. Zombie? Or person?" She said looking into the trees covering her face from the setting sun with her hand. She slowly moved forward making 1st contact should it be person "Anyone there... hello? Please dont try to shoot me and take my stuff."
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Mason didn't make a sound. They sounded nice and polite, but they always do. He wasn't going to walk into another trap, not like last time. The less they knew about him the better.
Nia turned towards the stranger behind her. "Well if anyone's there they obviously dont want to be bothered with. Lets get inside and start a small fire, it's getting dark. Just keep an eye out." Nia walked back to the store, looking behind her at whoever was surely watching, letting out a sigh. She understood loneliness all to well. She hated the thought of someone going through the same solitude. But if they want to be left alone, then she'll leave them alone.
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He watched as they left. He wished he could join them, but he simply couldn't trust them. For all he knew, they were would kill him at the first chance they got. But they could've confronted him right then and there. It was two against one, so why didn't they? Were they waiting to catch him off guard? He didn't have the answers, so he continued to wait and watch.
Kirko said:
He watched as they left. He wished he could join them, but he simply couldn't trust them. For all he knew, they were would kill him at the first chance they got. But they could've confronted him right then and there. It was two against one, so why didn't they? Were they waiting to catch him off guard? He didn't have the answers, so he continued to wait and watch.
Inside the convince store Grayson sat and watched the young man through the window. It was getting dark and he could see a gicantic horde of walkers start to approach. Grayson stepped outside and yelled across the street "Come on! If you stay there your dead! You have to trust us" Behind in the store Nia loaded her pistol.
Nia ran outside and grabbed Greyson by the arm. "Hey, kid! Shut the fuck up! Do you want it to know we're here?!" She released him "Nope, it already does, way to go dipshit." The horde was getting closer. "I'd love to sit here and chat but we should probably, oh I don't know... RUN. AWAY! Guy in the trees your with us or not but I want to live so choose fast!"
Grayson knew she was right. "Hey nia we need to get to the roof. He grabbed her hand and pulled her with him to the back of the store were there was steps leading up to the roof hatch. One problem... It was locked. "Shit, we can't go on the roof and if we stay well soon be trapped by the zombies", Grayson said. But it was too late zombie were entering the store, limping through the aisles. "Dammit we're trapped" he sad as he look at Nia hoping she had plan.
She grabbed her supply stash bag before saying "I hearby propose that we... RUN AWAY" she said as she ran out the store, stabbing a zed in the face as she got out the door. She ran till she reached an intersection. Right towards the open road or left into town. She looked left, zombies. She looked right, no zombies. Right it is.
Grayson sprinted behind nia dashing, stabbing and shooting any zombies that crossed his path. Nia seemed to be running down the street so grayson followed. "Shit. I lost my knife in a zombie and my guns out of ammo" grayson said. He saw Nia stop at an intersection,pause and start to run down the right road. Grayson glanced back at the tree were he had seen the stranger,paused, and then sprinted after Nia.

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