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Realistic or Modern Zombie Outbreak : Day Zero


New Member
So I've never done a role play on here before so I don't really know how to post on here. So I apologize if I did this all kinds of wrong.

Setting and background info : As a safety measure the US government has sent the military to round up any and all civilians and bring them to a concentrated area for their own safety. Safety from what was not yet known. The military chose the local stadium as it F.O.B (forward operating base) all the gates were shut off except the northern gate where check in was conducted and quick look over by a group of medical personnel from a special branch of the government. The stadium was converted into some sort of tent city to house the masses and 50 caliber machine guns and MARK 19 grenade launchers where placed at the roof of the stadium per presidential order. The buildings around the stadium were quickly searched for civilians by the military and then left abandoned. Small patrols of soldiers are currently paroling the outskirts of the city and small outposts have been established in the school buildings and check points were set up at every road leading into the city. All this was set up with in the first few hours of the order being given. Reserve units and national guard units are on call and on there way to reinforce the check points and outposts.

This is a constant changing RP where one thing may effect something else as it progresses.

The rules are basically the same as most RP's
  1. Don't single people out
  2. No bulling
  3. have fun
I'm pretty sure I nailed them all if I didn't I analogize i'm a little distracted ( I'm watching the Hobbit movies) if I did miss any let me know and well add them. If there are any questions and or consernse about the RP please message me I'm pretty easy going and am open to changes. I would like this to be a group role play no more then 5 or 10 that way its not too crowded we can do character descriptions as we get everyone like I said at the beginning I'm not familiar with this site so if anyone is and would like to join the RP please help me out.

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