Zombie Apocalypse Survivors!

[MENTION=3682]SuperChocoMilk[/MENTION] Great post :) and really wow. thanks.. so you kinda know whats going on with the group..oh and let us know when you get back on skype so we can add you to the group chat.
NAME: Christopher John Riley


AGE: 21


View attachment 9106 one in the middle . 6'3'', brown eyes, athletic, a small scar from a cut on his left eyebrow.

PERSONALITY: Independent and tends to only believe in his own abilities. He can be irritable.

BACKGROUND: His family always moved around alot due to his dad's work. He didn't have a lot of friends in school and had a problem relating with people. His only

friends were his elder brother and younger sister. Things started to take a small turn when his family settled in one city during his high-school years and

he received an athletic scholarship. He thought everything was starting to turn out right for their family. His parents then died in a car accident, leaving his

brother who was then a cop to care for them. He graduated high-school but had to do different jobs to help. He became a mechanic, factory worker, singer,

sales clerk. Though they lived a hard life, they were contented and happy that they were still together.

FAMILY: Parents are dead long before the outbreak. Elder brother got infected and he had to kill him recently. Younger sister still lost.


OCCUPATION- PRE APOCALYPSE: Mechanic, factory worker, singer, sales clerk, and a lot of different jobs.




wears a black beanie, a navy blue hoodie, white shirt and denim jeans. he's wearing fake LeBrons

GUN: Two Glocs(One was his brother's). He still has 5 clips

MELEE: Steel bat

SKILLS: Have a lot of different skills due to his jobs. He's a good mechanic. He's a decent shot since his brother

taught him just in case something happened. He can climb and is a fast runner. He can move quietly and has

good observational skills. He's also good with fighting and can defend himself. He can clean guns and wounds(had to do

it on several occasions for his brother). He's good at throwing since he was a baseball pitcher back in high-school. He can sing.

sadly, I can't use mine. I use it for work. I'll try to make a new one for personal use but for now you can pm me here. :)
I'm gonna be leaving tomorrow and won't be back till Monday for Thanksgiving. Just do whatever you guys want to do with my guy, other than killing him. Oh, and don't make him a jerk either.
[MENTION=70]Red[/MENTION] Right now in the rp its's raining cats and dogs and we are 2 seconds away from getting trapped in a flood. When we finally make it out how would you like for us to come across CJ do you have any ideas? Is CJ wondering around and fighting for survival or is he sheltered?

We have a current plot in play. The dam has just collapsed, and like San said, its been pouring, so its flooding and they are hauling ass to get out of the city they are it. Soon after they are going to spot a helicopter explode (maybe hit by lightning bolt, who knows) and fall out of he sky. They head towards the site where they meet some dying military guy. I forget what the gist of the conversation was going to be, but something along the lines of pointing them to some refuge camp/taken over military base something. Our group goes there and they are attempts on their life to kill them. I can't remember exactly... Point I'm getting at, perhaps your character is one of the soldiers at said base, sees the corrupted government, and wants to escape with the group and ends up helping them out.
[MENTION=70]Red[/MENTION] and [MENTION=822]MagicPocket[/MENTION]

Sorry Pocket, you come up with great ideas, but this one I'm going to knock the idea of CJ being a solider, i think Red should just leave him as is.. Which is a mechanic with tons of other skills and work history..
NAME: Geoff Vanheis

NICK NAME: Geoff (Jeff)

AGE: 37

APPEARANCE: 6'1, Blue eyes, Brown Hair. (had blonde hair when he was a kid)

View attachment 8845

PERSONALITY: He is kind and gentle around those he loves. Almost loyal to a fault. Defends the ones he loves at all costs. He is a provider and a protector, family-oriented. He is selfless, all he wants is a safe stable future for his daughter.

BACKGROUND: Grew up in Boston. Before the apocalypse, he lived a very laid back and active lifestyle. He took his family camping at least once a month in the nice weathered months. He'd take them traveling. They would hike, bicycle, kayak, run, just about anything. When he was young in high school and college he would run marathons and go out of city limits to parks and such to run cross-country trails. He attended Princeton as he is an educated man. He met Rebecca, the love of his life, there. They fell instantly in love. He loves with a passion that would belongs to no other. The only other person in the world he loves more is his lovely daughter.

He and his love married and settled down in Baltimore and had their first and only child, Violet. Geoff has always been dedicated to his daughter whole-heartedly. He doesn't care about what happens to himself, as long as his little girl is safe, that is the only thing that matters to him as a parent and as a father.

He and his small family, Rebecca and Violet, have been traveling around New England doing anything they can do to survive. Which right now means they are hunkered down in a Walmart. In the beginning they thought it was a good idea, but they didn't know the full extent. As they got to know the people in the ran shamble little refugee camp inside the mega store, the more and more they realized those people were absolutely loosing their minds. The refused to kill them but insisted they stay, thinking them almost as a threat. They are treated somewhat as captives, held against their will. Geoff knows they would be safer if they got out of the place and left the red-neck zombie-crazed fiends behind them, though, while they would live in fear of being attacked, Geoff thinks they would be better off taking their chances out on their own or finding another refugee camp rather than weigh their lives with these unstable lunatics.

FAMILY: His wife, and his 8-year-old daughter.

MARTIAL STATUS: Happily married to the love of his life.



CLOTHES AND ACCESSORIES: Old tee-shirt advertising for a marathon event that he has long since completed. Heavy outdoors jacket (wind, water-proof), high grade hiking boots, worn blue jeans, and his wedding band on his hand. When traveling he has a heavy duty backpack generally used for camping and outdoors activities. He has an assortment of basic supplies.

GUN: He doesn't know much about guns. If it has a trigger, it has bullets, and it can drop the dead, then he'll use it. No point in wasting away over technicalities, right?


SKILLS: As he lead a very healthy, active lifestyle he is aware of his body and takes care of it, being very earth friendly and organic, he does the same with his family. He eats a hunter-gatherer diet, going on camping trips and being out in nature a lot in his life, he knows much about wild life and the food that grows there. He also has a very athletic body, can run long distances.

NAME: Violet Vanheis


AGE: 8

APPEARANCE: Ah, normal height for this age? Bright intelligent blue eyes, light blonde hair.

View attachment 8842

PERSONALITY: She was a very bubbly, optimistic girl before the apocalypse. Because she is young does not mean she is naive, quite the opposite, Violet is a very bright girl. After seeing the destruction and dying state of their world she is able to recognize this will not turn out very good with a snap of the fingers. Bad things happen. Slowly she is being to accept that there might not be a happily ever after for her and her family, though deep down she is hopeful. But as their family tries and tries again, their efforts seem futile Violet grows more reserved and quiet, and she begins to believe that no matter what, nothing will ever be good or happy again. She can see it in her parents eyes.

FAMILY: Her mother and father with whom, no matter what, she loves more than anything.



CLOTHES AND ACCESSORIES: Blue jeans, children's hiking boots, red and white base-ball-style-long-sleeve-tee-shirt. Heavy gray and orange outdoors jacket. Baltimore base-ball cap. She has a small hiking back pack that her father makes her carry around when traveling, that way if they get separated somehow, that she has supplies and can fend for herself if she ever finds herself in that situation.

GUN: (I don't know if I should give a gun to a kid .-.)

MELEE: She has a long dagger. (Don't know about that either, but hey, she needs somethin)

SKILLS: Violet has always gone out camping with her parents. Her father taught her everything she needed to know even at a young age. Violet loves spending time outdoors, but nowadays it feels like cruel punishment, the outdoors being dangerous now. She knows how to start fires, and all kinds of stuff. LIke her dad she also loves to run, she is fast in a nimble/agile way.
I was thinking he'd still be wandering around aimlessly in despair after he just killed his elder brother but...

I'm at a loss now. xDD
[MENTION=70]Red[/MENTION] Ok, sounds good. We shall come across you.

[MENTION=822]MagicPocket[/MENTION] LOVE it

Name: Rebecca Vanheis

Nickname: Becky


Appearance:5'6, blue eyes.

View attachment 8839

Personality: Rebecca is an all around mom and house wife and she enjoys it. She is fun, loving, and nurturer. She is loyal, and always put her Husband and Daughter first.Since the outbreak Becky is haviing a hard time staying positive, but she has Geoff, who is always there to cheer her up and remind her that he and Violet are still with her.

Family: He husband Geoff and daughter Violet, her parents passed away before the outbreak.

Pre Apocalypse: Stay at home mom, and had her own small business making clothes for babies and jewelry.

Clothes/Accessories: light denim jeans, boots, and button down white shirt, her wedding ring on her left hand.


Gun: A shotgun, she doesn't know how to use it and hopes she never does,

Melee: Kitchen Knives

Skills: She was a Nurse when she was in her twenties, so she knows how to aide people if needed.
NAME: Isabella Marie Bianchi


AGE: 22

APPEARANCE: 5'0", brown eyes, dark hair. Signs are given of once being heavy-set.

PERSONALITY: Has a sense of "street smarts;" her father has taught her not to trust anyone, and she is not hesitant to put up solid walls. Very sassy, stubborn, expressive, and pompous; always wants her way with anything. Has a tendency to associate others as "Buddy." Is however affectionate and protective of anyone in her "family."

BACKGROUND: Isabella was a mob child, whose father was the leader in a notorious Italian mafia in Southern Florida. Isabella's life had been a hearty one, overall; she had been raised in a family that loved her. Since her mother died around her birth, Isabella grew up an only child, with a long term nanny, Francine, who became a surrogate mother to her. In her childhood she had met her best friend, Michael, who had been a blood member of a neutral clan on the other side of the city. As their friendship progressed into adolescence, it had been decided to arrange a marriage for them, for the result of their business to grow, along with their reputation.After the outbreak, it felt as if her whole world turned inside out. Michael and her father were nowhere to be found; it was later discovered that he was killed in cold blood, giving the excuse of infection as a leeway for the killer. At this point, Isabella and Francine fled and survived with the basics for a couple of weeks, until Francine contracted an illness and died soon after. Isabella has been survining on her own for the past three days.

FAMILY: Julius-Father; Murdered. Maureen-Mother; Died due to birth complications. Michael-Fiance; disappeared during outbreak. Status unknown. Francine-Child nanny; Died of illness




CLOTHES AND ACCESSORIES: tunic, burgundy jeans, suede boots, pea coat, 1 ct. diamond ring (not worn on finger,) mink coat.

GUN: .30 cal. Desert EagleMELEE: Switchblade, hidden razors in hair implanted a few years back

SKILLS: self defense combat, basket weaving, singing, playing violin
NAME: Unknown

NICK NAME: Snow or Nobody

AGE: Unknown


APPEARANCE: (dark evergreen eyes, about 6'4 with a muscled frame, bronze hair with natural steaks of blond and a scar on his forehead along with a tattoo of the words 'Time is an illusion' on his back.

PERSONALITY: Snow is emotionally detached from the world, due to his lack of social skills and patience. He is a fighter and prefers to express himself through action rather than words. With his tall frame and straight face, he tends to come off as intimidating, also the fact that he never smiles doesn't particularly make him look friendly either. He is extremely blunt and speaks in a deep yet monotonous tone of voice that seems to carry a rather wise and enlightening air about it. His face is like stone: unmoving and giving nothing away. He is a rather intelligent man, but has a tendency to express his thoughts through dry monotonous sarcasm that people usual find either brilliantly funny or utterly offensive. He is also oblivious to other people's emotions since he barely feels them himself. Described as heartless and cold as Snow, he is a walking blank canvas.

BACKGROUND: Waking up in the middle of nowhere with a busted lip and a bleeding forehead, Snow found himself in the center of hell. He has no memory of who he is, where he is and how this started. All he knows is that he is lucky to be alive and he must survive at all cost. After searching in his pockets for any form of identification, all he found was an old movie ticket for 'Avengers' and a Swiss army knife. He's been managing to survive on his own every since. Due to his cold and hard persona, he adopted the nickname Snow by a elderly man that he met during his travels.

FAMILY: Unknown


OCCUPATION- PRE APOCALYPSE: Unknown (though he suspects that he worked with his hands at one point in time)



CLOTHES AND ACCESSORIES: Dirty holy jeans, black fitting t-shirt, black duster (looted it from department store), combat boots

GUN: Twin Pistols that he name Rocky and Bullwinkle (looted)

MELEE: Swiss army knife

SKILLS: He can fight extremely well (believes that he had formal training in the past), Sharp shooter, and stealthy
[MENTION=4504]peace_of_mind7[/MENTION] - Accepted. We are trying to revive the rp at the moment. Do you have a skype, we can catch you up and let you in on our plot ideas, etc.

The group is currently infiltrating a Walmart (which is currently occupied by a group of uncivilized hicks. I have two character (above) who are inside who have been living and struggling there that will escape with the group. Our group has no idea that the building is populated.
NAME: Genna


AGE: 14

APPEARANCE: View attachment 12219 Hispanic Skin Tone, Brown Eyes, Shoulder Length Hazel Hair, A Scar on her Right Ankle, A small thin body with bruises almost everywhere, a little mole under her right eye.

PERSONALITY: She`s lost almost all her family, either by the virus or by thugs and sickness. Her bruises are evidence of how she has been living barley having enough food on hand to last for a day and is wary and seclusive, rarely saying anything than needed. She tends to stay to the shadows and Will steal supplies from any group, be it thugs or other survivors. She doesn't know anything about teamwork and fears about being alone forever in the dark zombie world.

BACKGROUND: She grew up with a family of 6 on a small farm on the countryside, a few miles from Bellchester. She had 2 older siblings, a 7-year-old brother, and they were all taught by their father *retired veteran* how to survive using various techniques. From their mother they were taught the basic medical procedures for a variety of injury's. This was when the first few zombies appeared and started to attack non infected people. Genna was only 9 when her father killed their neighbor who had been infected by the virus. Gennas family went for 3 years surviving until a group of thugs raided her home and attempted to kill the entire family. They shot everywhere shooting at her father and mother who managed to escaped via the backdoor with everyone but Genna. Genna was separated as a a bullet was shot at her right ankle, barley crawling in time to the cellar. The thugs burned the house after making off with her family's supplies. Genna barley survived with massive burns on the backs of her body. Ever since then she has taken it to her self to rely only on herself.

FAMILY: Lost, Either dead or alive. Most likely infected.


OCCUPATION- PRE APOCALYPSE: Middle-Schooler, on the town baseball team.

CLOTHES AND ACCESSORIES: A yellow raincoat with a hood, A large old brown
satchel that holds whatever few supplies she has, Worn out sneakers, Torn Jeans, a worn-out Green shirt and a small hairband.

GUN: View attachment 12220 Rapid fire pistol that she stole from a thug. Very old and tends to jam from time to time.

MELEE: View attachment 12221Metal Bat that she keeps at hand all the time. It has been covered in blood stains and has dents here and there. The handle is wrapped in cloth for better grip.

SKILLS: She majors in explosives, Molotov's being her top option and has knowledge of varois types of explosives. She cant run or jump that well but she can climb heights and hold on for extended periods of time. She has a good aim with her bat, knows how to steal from heavily guarded areas, how to hide in areas too small for adults like crawl spaces or vents. She is very resourceful and cunning.
[MENTION=4516]Berace[/MENTION] - Accepted, the baseball thing is a nice touch, but I'm getting a serious L4D2 vibe with the bat and the molotovs. I'm having a bit of a concern with the gun, but okay.

Do you have a Skype?
MagicPocket said:
[MENTION=4516]Berace[/MENTION] - Accepted, the baseball thing is a nice touch, but I'm getting a serious L4D2 vibe with the bat and the molotovs. I'm having a bit of a concern with the gun, but okay.
Do you have a Skype?
It's bera2ace.
I am really interested in joining! Currently have two character ideas and if the required post length is three sentences I know I can keep up with two characters.

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