Zombie Apocalypse Survivors!


walking dead.. zombie attack.
but yea they moan and groan an run. but not very fast. they are out in the day and night
NAME: Angela Martin.

: 20 years old.


View attachment 8208

PERSONALITY: Angela used to be a kind, and generous girl. But ever since the infection began, she became cold and untrustworthy. All the blood shed and killing made her forget who she used to be. She now takes pleasure in killing the undead, since they were the ones that took her family away from her. She plans to get revenge, and destroy every last one of them. The once sweet girl, is now an ambitious, heartless girl who wants nothing but this all to end.

BACKGROUND: Angela grew up in Arizona, where pretty much her entire family lived at the time. She was a professional gymnast, and had won up to five gold medals. She had a good life. She had a boyfriend, a perfect house, and her family. But little did she know that was all about to end. The infection was unexpected, and came like wildfire. She was having a family reunion, and practically her whole family was there. The undead flooded into her house, killing and eating everyone in there path. And the only reason why Angela escaped, was because the undead were to busy eating her family.

FAMILY: All of them are deceased now.

MARTIAL STATUS: Is now single.



View attachment 8212 (But has multiple blood stains on the edge of her dress, and even a few tears. There is a lot of blood splattered on her green jacket.)

Sniper Rifle:

View attachment 8210


View attachment 8211

SKILLS: Since Angela is a professional Gymnast, she is extremely flexible and quick on her feet. She can dodge multiple attacks from a zombie and is also incredibly strong. She has good accuracy with her sniper rifle, and used to practice using it daily when she was 16.
@lost_in_Paradise Idk if you saw but i said you can only have one pistol or shotgun.. or neither.. So the sniper will have to go, until your character comes across one.. if you dont mind that then you are approved :)
Personal File

NAME: Kaleo

NICK NAME: Close friends call her Kal

AGE: 18

APPEARANCE: View attachment 8271 Kaleo is 5' 8" she is slim her eyes are red and she has a skull bat tattoo on her right wrist

PERSONALITY: Kaleo is layed back but very cocky. she gets pissed off easy and can be a downer at times.

BACKGROUND: Kaleo is from a small town in texas. she grew up with no mother but she had a father and 2 brothers. being in a house full of men she learned how to hunt quickly and as a great shot.

FAMILY: Mother (Leah):Dead from Kaleos birth Father(James):Dead by virus Brothers(Lane and Damon):Dead by virus

MARTIAL STATUS: Single... Very Single




CLOTHES AND ACCESSORIES: Kaleos attire is Black combat boots black skinny jeans white shirt and a black leather jacket. her hair is wore down or up. around her neck hangs a small globe from a long chain.

GUN:AK-47MView attachment 8270

MELEE:A simple LongswordView attachment 8272

SKILLS: She's a good shot. she knows how to hunt and cure meat. she can climb exceptionally well. she protects the ones who help her. she has a big pain tolerance.

Hi [MENTION=3601]Kaleo[/MENTION] Your girl sounds awesome. But you cant start off with an AK. I mentioned in the Character Sheet-YOU CAN HAVE 1 GUN, PISTOL OR SHOTGUN OR NEITHER. AND ONE MELEE WEAPON

And why are her eyes red? in the RP, we are all just normal humans.. and Red eyes dont seem normal but supernatural.. So if you can pick a new eye color and change your gun, that would be great. :)
kay it will be a tokarav pistol(its russian) and her eyes are red becaues he has contacts her normal eyes are blue
[MENTION=3601]Kaleo[/MENTION] alrighty. :) and the post you made.. has to go. We can all discuss how we meet up with you and all that, but you cant just jump in like that. We are all trying to have this RP as organized as possible when it comes to posting and what's going to go down. I hope i didn't just come off all bossy and mean :)

and do you have skype?
[MENTION=3601]Kaleo[/MENTION] Well we all get on skype so we can all stay in sync with each other and know when someone is posting so that we dont end up posting all at the same time, and to talk about new things we want to happen along the way


I'm a new guy to the forum, I was wondering if you're okay with me joining this. Although the link says accepting, I have come in contact with those who want to see that person in action before they can even apply to a RP. I'm checking to make sure what this thread's tastes are.

Also, I see that you all keep in touch with Skype, so here's my screen name:

NAME: Jakal

Q / Animal


h t t p : / / i m a g e s . w i k i a . c o m / a s s a s s i n s c r e e d f a n o n / i m a g e s / c / c 0 / A s s a s s i n ' s _ C r e e d _ M o d e r n _ 2 . j p g

(Cant post links yet. So just take out the spaces.)

This man has been enjoying himself during the apocalypse. No guns, no cops, no laws, nothing. If it wasn't for the fact that the zombies fought back, he could get used to this lifestyle. This man weighs around a hundred and eighty pounds and stands a solid 6'2 in height. His eyes are icy blue, however, this is not the strangest thing about them. They seem to always be constricted, like little pinpricks of black surrounded by a sheet of ice. That means his pupils are very small. He has long dark black hair, which blends in with his hood in a way. Despite his powerful build, he can move with almost inhuman speed, nothing OP dont worry, he can run pretty fast, sure, but what I mean by move is his reflexes. He wears a very peculiar necklace (See Weapons), and a silver wring in the shape of a dragon on his middle finger. He has tribal tattoos on his forearms, and has a large and jagged scar running from his shoulder to his waist. He's a very fit and muscular person, not overly so, but more like a combination between cardiovascular and weights.

PERSONALITY: Jakal is the kind of person that will kill you without a second thought and then move onto the next guy. Silent, efficient, deadly. However, he is more of a "In the shadows" specialist. He works in the dark, and strikes when the target is at it's weakest. Unless you have something to pay him with, he wont give a flying flip about what you want, and if he doesn't like you... Watch your back. However, he is an... Okay friend to have, which is why he had a lot of people that considered him one. He's not someone that you want on your bad side. He emanates a darker aura and is a very intimidating person, putting off men that would normally try and pick a fight with him. He isn't one to talk, and mind's his own business until someone disturbs him from his peace.

BACKGROUND: His childhood was a very troubled one, raised by an alcoholic mother, and an abusive father. His mother finally filed a divorcee and his father's crime became apparent. His father, blaming it on him, slashed his back with a steak knife. The father was sent to jail soon after, and his mother to rehab. He was sent to the hospital. At this time, he was eight years old, and no longer spoke a word. When he recovered, he learned his mother had committed suicide, and his father was still in the law's custody. He was put up for adoption. Until he was twelve, he was sent from foster family to foster family, and began to grow darker and darker. Never doing drugs or drinking, but he became a feared person, his foster families wouldn't dare talk to him. By the age of fourteen, he was gone. He became a hitman, killing others for money, and using the earnings to keep up rent in an apartment. Soon, however, a rival group attacked him. It was five on one, and he took out three before going down. The ring leader of the group was impressed, and took him in. For the next ten years, he was trained, and became one of the most feared people in the US, making the top ten most wanted list with a record of three hundred and twenty one accounted murders, and numerous missing men and women before the apocalypse. This man has mastered training in several martial arts: Jiu Jitsu, Krav Magna, and Tai Chi (For focusing the mind). In this ten years of time he learnt to run, fight, fall, counter, hiding, survival, and parkour. His education was continued after his training was complete, as he had gained his high school education at the age of twenty, and got the equivalent of a bachelors degree, majoring in History, but has no piece of paper to prove it, as he never went to a real college.

FAMILY: None he knows or cares about. He was taken from his family as a child, and had to grow up without a childhood.



OCCUPATION- PRE APOCALYPSE: Wanted Assassin/hitman. This could make for some interesting character development later on, because is anyone who was a marine (Which 3/7 of you are) would most likely know a most wanted person when they see his/her face, and this revelation to some of the previous civilians would most likely either:

A) Fear him.

B) Want him dead.

C) Want him to help considering he knows how to kill people.

It just kinda depends on what you're character's personality is like.

He was known as "The Night" before the apocalypse, because nobody knew who he really was.



His hood is dark black, and pointed a the front, serving to hide most of his face, he has a small MP3 player attacked to his belt(Most likely to be discarded soon), and has dark grey/blue jeans. He has good running shoes, and fingerless gloves, His shirt, when shown, is tight fitting, and his hood is usually very close to his body. This change he made himself, trying to keep his identity safe, while also reducing the risk of having the article of clothing being grabbed hold of by a zombie. Underneath his shirt and coat he wears a kevlar vest, and in the tactical strap on his shirt (See picture), he hold various first aid equipment. Nothing that will stop you from becoming a zombie, but bandaids and other equipment for taking care of cuts and scratches. His belt has a flashlight and some batteries in it, along with his Ballista's clips. He had a little box of "Bang Snaps" (Those tiny fire works that you throw, and when they hit the ground explode with a popping sound) that he picked up while scavenging a store.

GUN: (He shall later find an) FN Ballista (A sniper) with a foldable stock and a 10x scope.

MELEE: He has a hidden blade-like weapon attacked to his forearms. This weapon slides in and out with the flick of a wrist, and has a locking and trigger device (Meaning it stays in place when in use, but goes back to it's hidden position when the wrist is flicked again). They hay the ability to be taken off once it is unsheathed (Like the new AC3) and can be used as a large knife. These weapons are very useful, and although a stap in the chest wont stop a zombie, a well placed blade in the templed will, and making the zombie unable to move will work, as cutting/breaking the spinal cord will serve to make the zombie unable to control it's body. I dont know if this is unacceptable or not but... His necklace has a small knife as it's pendant.

SKILLS: Mixed martial arts specialist, intimidating, good free runner, great at parkour, a decent shot, Incredible at climbing, running, jumping and fighting, however, what he has in physical prowess he looses in social skills and the ability to speak, he also likes sharp objects. One final thing, he is very... lets say imaginative when it comes to finding new ways of killing zombies.

I am willing to make any needed changes to my sheet if necessary.

Also, can someone sum up where everyone is in the RP so I can have Jakal 'stumble' into them?

Andreas wanted me to let you know you are accepted. However, as a rule, you cannot have a sniper or any automatic weapon. Please pick another. We will be visiting a weapon store soon in the rp, so its not like you can never have one, you just can't start with one.

What is your Skype? I will add you to the Skype group chat and we shall catch you up. :)
That seems fair. I hope to meet up with the group before they visit the gun store. I will add that to the first post so maybe your characters can come to mine (It will probably consist of gunfire.) But for now, I will go with no gun.

Anyway, my skype name is the same as my username:

WanderingTyrant. I am in Somewhere, Skyrim. :>
NAME:Matthew William Hugh


AGE: 16

APPEARANCE: (Sorry, can't find a good picture) 6'4, Hazel eyes, blonde shaggy hair, scrawny

PERSONALITY: Was very optimistic, but his inability to be serious made him unpopular.

BACKGROUND: Matthew is from the city, and lived in an apartment with his parents.

FAMILY: Mom and Dad, has no idea where they are or if they are alive.



EQUIPMENT, ACCESORIES, WEPONARY AND SKILLS: He has an old kitchen knife and some grilled cheese sandwichs. He also is a very fast runner and very skilled at driving for 16.


CLOTHES AND ACCESSORIES: A blue hoodie, and jeans. Wear's and old SixFlags baseball hat.


MELEE: Kitchen knife.

SKILLS: Running, driving

[MENTION=3682]SuperChocoMilk[/MENTION] accepted. Do you have skype? We all group chat with skype so we are all in sync with the story and post, and talk about new ideas n stuff.
Well yeah I do but I can't really use it right now because of grounding from Skype. That's not a big thing to me, but I probably can't use it until 2 weeks. Sorry, it's fine if I can't join the story.
[MENTION=3682]SuperChocoMilk[/MENTION] so, i hope you dont mind but we are all going to act like you never wrote those post and it would be awesome if you started over :)

So this is what i had in mind..

You're in your room on the second floor. As we are raiding out the rooms on the second floor, you hear us and you can either do....

1. Leave your room and try to take us all on , or whatever you have in mind.


2. Stay in your room. We get to it, and see that it's locked and Reyna doesn't have the key. So one of the men burst it down.

Let me know asap. :)

View attachment 8598this is the Motel btw

p.s- room 43 is on the first floor.

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