Zombie Apocalypse Survivors!


Junior Member

The year 2013 everything seemed normal, everyone was doing what they usually do in the world, but one day there was a power outage. When an hour turned into 2 people started to head outside asking neighbors and friends and strangers what was going on and if they heard anything. Everyone was clueless as to why the whole city was black. It wasn't raining there wasn't a thunder storm to mess with the power cables or electricity it was actually hot and humid on this summer night. 3 hours now have passed, people who were out started to head home and the ones who were home headed back in the house. When everyone woke up in the morning the power was back on.

2months later people began to get sick with an unknown virus.

Signs that you have caught virus and how it works.

  • Cough with blood tinted flem
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Vomiting blood
  • Bleeding from Nose, ears and eyes. (In that order)
  • Death
After the first 100 deaths people began to panic, the virus was impossible to cure. People quarantined themselves in their homes and wearing face mask and gloves when they stepped out do their shopping or run errands. But somehow people sill caught it, maybe by not washing their hands as soon as they got home.
A month and a half after the first death, a woman noticed a strange person with rotting grey skin. She approached the person, ready to tell the man that he should head to the hospital but the man just grunted and moaned and slowly walked to the woman. When she was in arms reach the man grabbed the woman with exceptional strength and bit into her shoulder tearing her flesh off. The women screamed. The few people around looked where they heard the scream and ran away in panic.

A few weeks after the first Zombie attack people noticed that the ones with the virus were the ones who would turn to Zombie's when they died from the sickness, and if you get bit or exchange blood with the walking dead then you are now infected with the virus.

The world went haywire after the news they had learned.

A year after the first Zombie attack the city of Bellchester is dead with only a few survivors left.

(The layout of this city is pretty much looks the same as the movie Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead. If you haven't seen the movie's just google pictures of it.)


  1. Standard RP rules apply
  3. There are no supernatural powers in this RP, you are a regular human. But you can have skills
  4. Since you are a human that means you CAN get bitten if not careful, so be CAREFUL
  5. There can be romance in this RP. Thugs get lonely too.. (lol)
  6. No one liners at least 3 sentences if you can.. And try to be as detailed as you can when writing.

This Is the Character Creation Sheet, Please Use this format while posting characters. You may have two characters. If there are any problems with your character(s), I will PM you.

Personal File
















Personal File

NAME: Giselle Rolan




View attachment 81585'7, Grey eyes, slender, but toned stomach and toned legs.

PERSONALITY: Loyal and hot headed

Giselle goes to the Columbia University. She got there on a scholarship for Soccer, which is her main passion. She is they only child. She is a daddy's girl so she grew up learning how to handle a gun and how to be able to defend herself if needed. Her father was a Marine, and her mother was passionate cooker and stay at home mom. When she isn't playing soccer she's most likely in her dorm room playing a first person shooter game with her best friend and roomie Monica, or visiting her parents.

FAMILY: Mother and father both dead. Mother got infected and father killed himself after he killed her Zombie mother.


Full time student



CLOTHES AND ACCESSORIES: Dark denim short shorts a Black t shirt with a Black leather jacket with a red zip up hoodie underneath and black combat boots with black socks. She has a gun holster on her right upper thigh, and a brown satchel that is holding her bottle of water a flash light and a box of band aides.

GUN: Five-Seven. She's on her last clip

MELEE: A throwing knife that she also keeps tucked in her holster next to her pistol

SKILLS: Giselle is a fast runner and has one hell of a kick from all her years of playing Soccer. She has a few hand to hand moves, but would never try them on Zombie's for the fear of getting bit or scratched. She has a great aim with a pistol but thats it, since her father only showed her how to fire the Five-Seven, which belonged to him.
NAME: Vincent Bennett

NICK NAME: Vinny, Vince

AGE: 21

6'3, with a tribal like tattoo going up his left arm to his shoulder blade. he has minor scars running along his right side to his abdominal.

PERSONALITY: Cool and collected but can be very violent when provoked. Serious 99% of the time. Cold and reserved but determined to make it out alive. Strong and protective, even if he doesn
t like you as much, but he wont admit it.

BACKGROUND: He grew up in a small town in the states, always at school or helping out his family. Vincent was always very family oriented which only showed why he wanted to follow his fathers steps in the military after his father had died in action. Before he was deployed fresh out of high school, his mother had died of an unexplained illness, leaving his family to be watched after his eldest sister and her husband. It was a grief filled time but he was determined to follow out on his plan. Excited to see his family again in his return, Vincent hadnt expected to find them gone. Later in the day of his return, he found a familiar looking figure in the backyard of his family home. He went outside, only to find his younger brother but something seemed a bit off. Instead of a welcome hug, he tried to attack Vincent, who soon found out his brother was transformed into a zombie. Vincent had no choice but to shoot him dead. After that encounter, he felt as if he had no reason to stay much longer and packed as much supplies as he could carry in his truck. Months later, he started to see changes in the people remaining. It was then that he decided to forget about what happened and fend for himself while he had the chance.

FAMILY: Mother died of illness, father in the military years before. He was forced to kill his brother. Unsure of the rest but hes got a clue.

MARTIAL STATUS: Single...now

OCCUPATION- Former Marine

s wearing a light grey thin cloth v-neck that is stained with a bit of blood on his side and black non-baggy Levis that are fading a bit. He wears a thin black hunter's jacket and completely black timberland boots and an axe at hand. His shotgun is strapped along his shoulder.

Beretta A400 XPLOR (Shotgun) with strap.


SKILLS: Vincent is great on almost anything physical but his best being climbing and running. His fast thinking also helps with his escapes and attack techniques. Due to his time spent in the military, his hand-on-hand combat and shooting skills are remarkable though close contact will only be on last choice terms.
Accepted! We can start now if you want..

Anyone else who wants to join, we will just discover you, or run into you once you're accepted. :)
I want to join this! Been talking hypothetical zombie apocolypse with my family and friends recently and am really pumped to rp out some ideas!!!
NAME: Joshua M. Squire


AGE: 20

APPEARANCE: View attachment 81666' 1", Blue eyed, Well toned build (primarily from boxing, pre-apocalypse), and a noticeable scar embedded just beneath his left eye

PERSONALITY: Coy, softly-spoken, to the point. He hates unnecessary conversation or actions. Most likely why he has survived past the first day.

BACKGROUND: Born and raised on a farm, Joshua has known nothing but how to gather the food that he eats with his sisters and father. Multiple neighbors would come and boast their large amounts of wealth from their much larger, much more extravagant farms. Many nights were spent with his sister Lyla and their father arguing about expanding their land. Lyla saw much possibility in expansion, but their father enjoyed more humble surroundings. Joshua spent his time in high-school, hitting the books and learning how to box. He enjoyed it a lot, although much of his time was really spent at his cousin's house playing multiple zombie based video games. When he was 18, he decided to save his money to invest in college, which he wanted to go to when he became 20. Sadly, his plans were changed.

FAMILY: His father was one of the first to go, along with the majority of his sisters. Lyla is the only one that may be still alive. If she were, she would most likely live somewhere just North of the Alabama border.

MARTIAL STATUS: Currently single.




CLOTHES AND ACCESSORIES: Dusty jeans with a small hole directly behind his left knee. A green shirt, splattered with a few drips of blood, remains mostly clean by the dark grey jacket which covers it. Leather hiking boots are tied tightly to his feet, covering the wool socks which he wears underneath. Using one of his spare belts as a bandoleer, he has his double-barrel shotgun strapped to his back, along with his trusty hatchet.

GUN: Custom made shotgun. It retains much wear, even though it used to be a fine Olympia weapon.

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MELEE: A faithful friend, Joshua has had it longer than anything else he can remember. He makes sure that it always remains sharp, for close encounters.

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SKILLS: Trained in some basic boxing forms, his fists are covered with calluses. Even better, when his axe is unsheathed, his punches will sting even more. Although his build and muscles do not portray his strength, he can do much of the required heavy lifting. He's known for protecting others and making sure that they're safe rather than defending his own hide. The shotgun, which was previously his fathers, he took to defend himself on the long road ahead. Although this type of weapon can use basically any generic shotgun shell to dispose of his enemies, he is running dangerously low. But, no matter. His axe does not need​ bullets.

Point to make to
CarterR; I don't think that it is physically possible for a 21 year old to be a lieutenant general, especially of the marines. That's 9, count them, 9 ranks that you have to bypass before you can become a lieutenant general of the marine core. The youngest man to ever become a Lieutenant General was Delos Carleton Emmons, who was 27 years old. The only reason he became the Lieutenant was because he was one of the only individuals capable of doing so over a hundred years ago. He fought and died a Lieutenant General because it's quite difficult to even reach that title. Don't mean to be a buzz kill, just stating a fact...
Name: Zane (No last name – After the outbreak he dropped it)

age: 22

Nickname: Zane

Weapons: S&W model 500 Revolver with scope and silencer, .500 Magnums, Carbon-Fiber Parang Machete, (
http://i45.tinypic.com/28pob6.jpg ) ( http://www.c1k.com/images/condor/CTK412-17HC.jpg)

Clothing: White gauges. White shirt, Leather jacket with Leather gloves, White Gause underneath, black loose fit army pants with a few pockets. And some Black chucks. A Shoulder strap

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Bio: Zane was part of the United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group(Also known as the NSWDG), Better known as the SEAL Team Six(ST6) He was part of the United States secretive counter-terrorist and special missions Unit (SMUs). During a mission in Afghanistan there was a huge shoot out between opposing forces, killing 4 of his team mates in front of him, One of whom was his older brother – Charles. As he returned home he was diagnosed with (PTSD), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. After a few months of mandatory meetings with his Spychiatrist he was cleared for work. Wrong move. Once returning to the field he was on a classified mission to retrieve special schematics for weapon development from a hostile camp in Afghanistan. Upon arriving in the country of Afghanistan him and his 3 man team infiltrated the compound to retried said schematics receiving a warm welcome from the Afghan forces. He had been in a situation were he wasn't in his right mind, all the pressure and violence over the years of the course of his career were too much. After the death of his brother he was left with a mental Devastation only he knew. Once put into a situation, wrongfully diagnosed by a sphyciatrist, he snapped. In his mind what he saw were all Insurgents, people who needed to be eradicated. He ran from the facility in a dazed of confusion, The blood of his team and the enemy on his hands and clothes. He reached a town where he murdered innocent children and their families. The only thing that stopped him was running out of bullets and the Afghan took him under custody. They shipped him back to the united states after leaving him for 3 months in a hole with little food and water, battling for his sanity. Once arriving at the states he was stripped of his rights and proffession, to be tossed in one of the worst prisons in the United states of America; ADX florence Facility, In Florence, Colorado where he spent the rest of his time until the outbreak.

He was raised in Sacramento California, He was raised mostly by his mother because his father was a military man who was rarely seen. He had 3 siblings, 2 brothers and one sister. Him and his brother Charles had joined special forces together after being recruited specifically for their over achieving in military conduct and specialties. His other brother James was a in-and-out career criminal. He was the bad seed of the family, But he was loved none the less. His sister Myra studied to become a doctor, she was only 21 when the virus hit. His family didn't survive. Upon escaping from the bathroom suage system of a now, zombie infested, colorado jail he traveled on whatever he could find fighting off the growing infection towards his destroyed home, in Sacramento California. When he reached his home he found his Mother and father shot, dead, but it was apparent that they were already infect. Someone had already taken care of the job. There were no traces of his Sister Myra and Brother James. At this point he had gathered supplies and raided his secret compartment under the floorboards, Grabbing his S&W revolver and his Carbon-fiber Machete. He packed up a few things and said his goodbyes to his parents and wrote out a note, Leaving it on the door as he exited;
'If you return, you know where to find me!'Being in the family of an army man they always had emergency plans for this type of situations. He knew that if his sister and brother were still alive, they would know where to go. Fort Benning Georgia. In Fort Benning Georgia there was a Military base were his father had ordered to go in case of a National Catastrophy. There were military men and security at that point where Military families could go for protection. That was were he was heading, hoping that they were safe, or just alive if anything else.

Personality: Quit, reserved, Batling his own demons. Patient, Sneaky and very alert. He never opens up about anything, Unless he gets close to someone. Depends.

Nationality: Native American and Caucasian.

Residency: Was in Jail in Colorado. But Family Lived in California. He is in California, with plans to head towards Georgia

Gear: Everest Deluxe Large Camo Army Military Backpack. In It he carried a bottle of Tequila Half empty, 2 army knives, a packet of raisings, 2 cans of Vienna sausages, 2 bottles of water, a loaf of bread, a compass, a road map, a watch, a pair of army boots, A home maid shank from prison made with a melted plastic cup and a sharpened metal Nail (He only kept it for keep sakes), a crumpled worn out picture of his family – with his father dressed as a military man , 2 pack of cigarrettes, a bottle of lighter fluid, a box of 100 matches, And 4 boxes of 24 .500 magnum bullets.

Relationship/Family: James (Brother 27)- Location Unknown to him, Myra(sister 21)- Location Unknown to him, Charles (Brother 25)- Diseased-KIA, Winston(Father 52) – Infected and shot, Marrianne(Mother 46)-Infected shot. No girlfriend.
NAME: Ariyna Darkin


AGE: 15


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Blue eyes, somwat good build, a scar along her right leg


A vary rude and somwhat arrogent girl, comonly dosnt accept new things, and is generaly hatefull twords anything or anybody to anyone that has ever done anything bad to her

BACKGROUND: Air grew up in California when the virus hit, she grew up knowing how to con people out of things, generaly money, sense it was the only way she could get it in the state. Her family moved around constantly and warever they went she was always able to get a good wad of cash. She never really connected with her parents dispite how hard they tried to talk to her. She regreted not talking to them because now she's lonlier than ever, as if she longed for the constant nagging that she needed to spend time with her family. She was an only child and when the virus spread bad enough he had to kill the two people that only wanted to spend more time with her. She was glad her father took her hunting every week sense she was 11 so she has basic knoladge of weaponry and is a fairly good shot.

FAMILY: Mother: Dead Father: Dead





CLOTHES AND ACCESSORIES: Long shirt and sweatshirt, long jeans and boots she would go hunting in. No accessories.


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Spaz 12 Shotgun


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Good shot with shotgun (by that i mean is controlled when uses one, handles recoil well), perswasive conartist, vary intelegent when it comes to street smarts and hiding in the wild
NAME: Reyna Mercer


AGE: 21

APPEARANCE: 5' 10", 132 lbs, Muscular in a lean way, Severe sage green eyes, Vertical--slightly diagonal--long narrow scar running from just below the hairline directly over her eye, across the eyebrow, down to her cheekbone a quarter of an inch from the corner of her eye.

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BACKGROUND & PERSONALITY: She did not grow up in Bellchester but in Fulton, a medium suburban town little over half of the state away. Back then she was quite amiable and outgoing. When she was fourteen her family got in a car accident, hit by a drunk driver, she was left virtually unharmed with a long gash across her forehead, her younger sister had several broken bones on her right side but came out okay otherwise, however both of her parents were killed on impact. She was left physically and emotionally scarred, she became increasingly dejected and introverted. After she and her sister were discharged from the hospital they were sent to live with her mother's sister and husband who lived a couple miles away out in the country. Her aunt and uncle taught them how to hunt using a gun as well as a bow, they also taught them how to fish; however she found hunting to be a much better outlet for her aggression towards her parent's sudden death.

Hunting helped take the pain away, it took a while but timed helped heal her wounds. Eventually she returned to her normal self she began to make friends, even join her high school track team as well as several leadership positions in the school, and had developed an unusual interest in biology, though she had a more serious perspective on life and started growing increasingly more independent. Once after graduating high school with high honors and exceptionally high grades in advanced science and math classes, she struggled with the next big question 'what was she going to do, where was she going to go with her life?' Of course she had always had her interest in the sciences, with her grades she could've gotten into any school she liked anywhere in the country. But that didn't satisfy her.

After one day receiving a pamphlet in the mail about the advance career options of the Marine Corp, she decided to look into it. At eighteen years of age she was on merry way to the nearest Marine base in the state where she found herself a resident of Bellchester. She progressed quickly through even the toughest of the Marine's Biology courses and science courses in general, while also quickly ascending through the ranks, showing exponential leadership skills, being head-strong and a open-thinker. Throughout her experience in the Marines she became increasingly stronger and focused physical fitness and wellness. She is currently a student in molecular biology-physiology, where, for the past months working nonstop on researching on the unknown virus, working along-side some of the most brilliant minds in the country trying to find a cure.

((is it maybe okay if she and one of the other brilliant scientist were working one day when the lab was invaded and just before the door was broken down by the zombies the scientist injected her with the antidote right before the door burst open and he sacrificed himself so she could grab a weapon and was able to flee? Having to leave the rest of the antidote behind with no way to make it, the lab partially destroyed. And have her still want to work on finding a antidote for the survivors in the meantime before trying to find the cure? Maybe?))

FAMILY: Her parents are dead. She hasn't heard from her aunt and uncle in eight months but it is assumed they are dead. Her younger sister moved with her to Bellchester once she had graduated back in Fulton, she moved in; her sister became infected with the virus. Once she began coughing up blood she knew she was a goner and volunteered--sacrificed--herself as a human test subject in her older sister's lab help find a cure for the ungodly virus. Her older sister worked tirelessly, but there was no hope, in a desperate effort to save her last living relative she finally succumbed to death. Shortly thereafter she reawoke as a zombie and started the infection that overran the lab.


OCCUPATION- PRE APOCALYPSE: Marine Corps Lieutenant-Colonel Molecular Biologist.

CLOTHES AND ACCESSORIES: Black tee-shirt, black armored tactical vest with neck armor, black assault gloves, tactical belt, camou pants tucked into black combat boots. Small backpack for necessities. Gun holster on her right hip, scabbard attached to her left. Survival knife strapped to her leg inside her boot.

In black: http://www.airsoftpark.com/images/SDU Body Armor Vest Multicam.JPG


In black: http://images39.fotki.com/v1228/photos/1/1301170/6404295/20080628_LA5B7824-vi.jpg

GUN: Marine Corp issued handgun.

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MELEE: Marine Corp issued cavalry sword.

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SKILLS: In physical skills she has high endurance for running, and second best for jumping, climbing/scaling. She is decent at close combat, has excellent marksmanship with pin-point accuracy and various proficiency with a bow. All from either/both previous experience and from MC training. She knows about basic survival nutrition.

((Watched I Am Legend the other day, I am so psyched to do this xD ))
Omg... I love you ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Cant wait! Your character seems awesome O_O we shall be besties, yes?
Herm, that's what I thought, I suppose that would be too easy anyways, 'swhy I went with the handgun. :)

That movie was boss. It pulled on my heartstrings and made me cringe into the very crevasses of my couch all in the same movie.
[MENTION=3292]dististik[/MENTION] you're in :)

[MENTION=3310]Rioko-Neko[/MENTION] The age of your character and hight . I see you kinda remixed my character sheet there.

[MENTION=822]MagicPocket[/MENTION] SOOOOOO the antidote that she is injected with makes her immune to the virus?
Yes, but only for a time before it clears out of her system. But only so that she can use her blood with the antidote to maybe start to make a solid antidote that they can give to everyone. That or maybe they can have a quest to the lab to get the research the one dude had...

Or maybe the shots will only make them immune to the virus when its transported through the air, but they are perfectly susceptible to bites?
[MENTION=3575]SanAndreas[/MENTION] Sorry? :S his height is in the first post i made in the RP and his age has been edited into the Char. Sheet
[MENTION=822]MagicPocket[/MENTION] I dont want anyone immune to the virus yet, but i don't mind you having knowledge on how to create an antidote for when a lab is discovered. If you don't mind that then you're in.

[MENTION=3310]Rioko-Neko[/MENTION] Alright, you're in.

Btw its nighttime in the RP. So be careful! :)
Okay, did you see my second note? I added it later, but essentially its that when we do get around the an immunity that they would only be immune to the viruses trasferance through the air, though they are totally susceptable to bits etc. Other than that I will have to post tomorrow, because I gotta get to sleep!
[MENTION=822]MagicPocket[/MENTION]s eh..i think that will take away the fun from fighting Zombies. when fighting zombies you have to be extremely carful trying not to get bit or scratched .But if you're immune to the Zombie's then there's not much to worry about .. just the air...We can talk more about this if you want, but PM me.
[MENTION=3575]SanAndreas[/MENTION] Are these zombies going to be the ones like in I Am Legend, you know, susceptible to UV light, fevers, fast breathing, bald, all that jazz?
@MagicPocket no this rp isn't like that movie these Zombies are more original like the zombies in shaun of the dead zombieland and and the walking dead. If you haven't seen any of those movies or the show you should google it. So you have an idea.
I haven't seen either, google just showed me pictures of the movie posters etc. I'll try to watch zombieland somewhere soon though. In the meantime, what do you mean by original, like groaning zombies that come out in whatever time of day? I hope I'm not getting on your nerves or anything by asking all these questions and stuff.

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