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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Hello people I just posted a character sheet. If I get accepted, I have few questions:

First: I'm not good with online RP(I'm new) I played on table most of time.

Second: Can someone give me a summary of the game?

Third: Where to start? :D I mean how? I just need a little help...
pripyatranger said:
Hello people I just posted a character sheet. If I get accepted, I have few questions:
First: I'm not good with online RP(I'm new) I played on table most of time.

Second: Can someone give me a summary of the game?

Third: Where to start? :D I mean how? I just need a little help...
First: What is your question? xD

Second: Well. Alot happened. Right now, the characters controlled by the players are in alot of places, but everyone is in the same city. Right now my character is at a casino with other one, but the casion is closed and my character would never let your character enter (Because of the guns. He is easily scared). Some are at a church, I dont know if there are some in a bar, and the others idk. Ask for them in main thread to see if anyone answers.

Third: Do what I told you to do in the second question and when people answer, you make your character find them :D
JPTheWarrior said:
First: What is your question? xD
Second: Well. Alot happened. Right now, the characters controlled by the players are in alot of places, but everyone is in the same city. Right now my character is at a casino with other one, but the casion is closed and my character would never let your character enter (Because of the guns. He is easily scared). Some are at a church, I dont know if there are some in a bar, and the others idk. Ask for them in main thread to see if anyone answers.

Third: Do what I told you to do in the second question and when people answer, you make your character find them :D
Well thank you bro ^.^
Quarantine said:



Valerie Camila Perez













(I think if I don't find someone soon, I'll have my characters be with each other ;- ;)




This is probably the only remarkable personality trait she has. She'll do it to the grave, and probably find a way to do it some more. She's smart, but can only ever really show it in her comebacks and... flirting. You'll either love or despise her confident attitude. Besides this, Valerie is witty, slightly hyper, happy, fearless, and sometimes unfaithful, though she has morals.

In conclusion, she's... there's actually no word to describe her.


Pierced Septum

Pierced Ears






Shoe Blade

Kitchen Knife

Leader of some sort of group:






Having Fun




Confidence in Others








(Relatively normal, but the significant parts will be said IRP)


Spanish-Speaks It, Looks It, Has an Accent, the Whole Shabang

A Little Rough on English


@Libra259 Am I accepted?
Hey! I've recently come back to the site, and hoped to get into something simple as a refresher for my writings. These apocalypse-esque type genres always had a keen interest in my heart so of course, this peaked my interest. Just wondering a few things before I sink too far into this, if someone doesn't mind helping me out. How big is the current community here? And by that I don't mean in the game, but how may roleplayers does this thread currently have? And a follow-up, how often does the group get activity? Last question, when and how do I start?
Ah well, I'll just leave a character in the thread, and wait for either the acceptance or denial. Looking at a few recent posts, looks like the group went into slumber. Great news for me, its about my timezone. Bad news, no RP for the night! Looking forward to the group, if you would have me!
AceOfSpades0210 said:
Hey! I've recently come back to the site, and hoped to get into something simple as a refresher for my writings. These apocalypse-esque type genres always had a keen interest in my heart so of course, this peaked my interest. Just wondering a few things before I sink too far into this, if someone doesn't mind helping me out. How big is the current community here? And by that I don't mean in the game, but how may roleplayers does this thread currently have? And a follow-up, how often does the group get activity? Last question, when and how do I start?
Well I dont know how many but surely we are about 10 or more. People usually come and go. This rp gets alot of activity during the day and night. To me? It doesnt get any activity in the morning. You can start whenever you want since your character got accepted. How? Well there are multiple people seperated in groups so just join one of them. If you want to rp alot. Then choose a group that replies alot :)
JPTheWarrior said:
No problem :) Btw was the crush for what character of yours?
I'm sorry, could you rephrase that? (My first language isn't English, so it's hard to understand at times :P )
Quarantine said:
I'm sorry, could you rephrase that? (My first language isn't English, so it's hard to understand at times :P )
Sure. What is the character that will have that crush? The new or old one? And btw can you answer on zombie?
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If I join, do I start off alone, or is everyone here together right now? And I just start off by walking to the group and talking?
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CERBERUS177 said:
If I join, do I start off alone, or is everyone here together right now? And I just start off by walking to the group and talking?
JUst find a group of people. It's easier :)
CERBERUS177 said:
I'll help, just need to finish my CS, and, I think I have to wait...?
yeah once you are accepted then simply post and see how to meet ;)
CERBERUS177 said:
You'll know see my post, probably starting with a radio transmission...
yeah mah character is in a shed atm tho xD
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